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Weird Dreams... (Page 2)
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Topic: Weird Dreams...
Oscar® Winner
Man... yeah, but hey - if there were lots of incredible scores, wouldn't you sacrifice being naked just get to your hands on some of 'em? heheJeron
posted 02-17-2000 05:41 PM PT (US) Scott
Oscar® Winner
I had a dream once where I found myself on a messsageboard where people where getting killed, hunted, going naked for scores and getting counseling....oh wait...this is actually happening. Scary!
ScottNP:Children's Games (Georges Bizet)
posted 02-18-2000 09:20 AM PT (US) Pete M
Oscar® Winner
I had a dream recently, where I was watching I Know What You Did Last Summer at the cinema, & Marco Beltrami was sitting next to me on my left, & John Debney was on my right, while Jennifer Love Hewitt was sitting directly in front of me. And then, at some point Beltrami suddenly transformed into John Frizzell, which was strange.
np True Womenposted 02-21-2000 05:13 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
Just a few hours ago, I awoke from a dream in which I was visiting Akira Ifukube. Something I've done any number of times, but in this one instance, no one else was present. He spoke English to me the whole time (his real-life English isn't bad at all, he's just shy about it), and at the end of it he patted me on the cheek and told me what a good boy I was. Then it was time to leave. I woke up feeling pretty damned validated for a second, and then disappointed that it hadn't actually happened. (I have a buddy who believes that the things we dream about ARE experiences -- even if they're neither probable nor tangible -- and I tend to agree with him. Some of my very most emotional, honest and realistic -- the way we'd want realism to be realistic -- moments have been in dreams.)
posted 02-21-2000 01:18 PM PT (US) Thor
Oscar® Winner
Just wanted to put this thread back on top. Anyone had any score-related dreams lately?
posted 06-07-2000 07:04 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
No, I just dreamt that the cashier at the supermarket wanted much more money than normal, and when I told her there's something wrong, she pointed a gun at me...
posted 06-07-2000 07:37 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
My turn to put this back up. One of my all-time favorite threads, during my short period on this Board. It's done more than many of the other threads to help me remember who you all are and what you're all like. Come on people, you must have been having some interesting dreams. I've had QUITE a few, but none score-related, as such. Maybe later tonight though! (It's almost bedtime now.)NP: RAISE THE TITANIC (Barry can be erratic, but this is one of my favorites -- thank you, Mark)
posted 07-26-2000 02:34 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB