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Weird Dreams... (Page 1)
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Topic: Weird Dreams...
Oscar® Winner
Ever had a dream where either the music from a movie or a composer was involved? This is kind of a goofy post, but heck - I just woke up after having dreamt that Marco Beltrami wrote the music that is James Horner's Bicentennial Man. Meaning... Beltrami sounded like Horner while I was asleep. I dunno. Talk about weird. Don't even ask why... cause I haven't the faintest.Jeron
[Message edited by Jeron on 10-03-2001]
posted 01-28-2000 08:48 AM PT (US) Audacity
Oscar® Winner
I sleep with my stereo playing scores at night and sometimes I can hear the score in my dream. Unfortunately its always a dream of me listening to or watching Star Wars instead of actually flying between the asteroids myself.Audacity
posted 01-28-2000 08:51 AM PT (US) Pliskinn
Oscar® Winner
I have woken up a few times at work when I should have stayed awake, and found composers laughing at me for snoring over their music! (it was about 7am! & I had worked all night!)Mostly because of the hours I do, they are mostly nightmares not dreams, and it means I've got a long day tomorrow.
Rather cool nughtmares though!
[This message has been edited by Pliskinn (edited 31 January 2000).]
posted 01-28-2000 08:52 AM PT (US) TimT
Oscar® Winner
Once I dreamt that everyone in the wholt world had the Red Violin soundtrack.
I haven't even heard that score before.
posted 01-28-2000 09:57 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
I've dreamed of finding Goldsmith albums that I didn't know existed -- including, sometimes, for scores that don't exist in real life, but look awfully promising! It's always a bit depressing to wake up from one of those.In a similar vein, I dreamed once of being at a party and running into Oliver Stone and Werner Herzog, who were chatting. Stone seemed uncommittedly friendly, but Herzog gave me a deeply cynical "Who the hell ya think YOU are" kind of look before peeling off with Stone in tow.
And once, I dreamed of being at the Japanese world premiere for the 1980 Akira Kurosawa movie KAGEMUSHA. I was introduced to the actor Akihiko Hirata (he played Dr. Serizawa, he of the eyepatch, in the original GODZILLA). But because I know this is 1980, I also know he's going to be dead of lung cancer inside four years, and I remind myself "Better not slip and TELL him that!"
posted 01-28-2000 11:51 AM PT (US) James
Oscar® Winner
My dreams all have epic, full-orchestral, ORIGINAL scores. And I must say that my subconcious is a genius! If I only had the know-how and the competence to write it all down...I remember the first time a dream of mine ever had original score music was for a "scene" in which I was at the bottom of a vast canyon and suddenly tons and tons of water came gushing in. With the water came Goldsmithian swirling strings backing up an odd brass theme that sounded more like Carter Burwell. It fit the mood perfectly! (But, its a dream, so that would only be suspected...)
posted 01-28-2000 01:19 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
I have the same problem: I'll dream up some pretty amazing stuff -- sometimes even songs, which I've never attempted in life (I've attempted some small-scale things for percussion ensembles or keyboards -- nothing anybody ever heard or would want to hear). I remember a couple of times where I'd lie half-awake trying to keep the particular tune in my head, and then drift away again -- or wake up, and then the noise and detritus that comprises so much of any given day just drowns out what I was thinking. This happens too rarely for me to bother carrying a tape recorder around, but maybe I should reteach myself to handwrite music. You can capture a tune on a cocktail napkin if you just know how.
posted 01-28-2000 03:30 PM PT (US) Scott
Oscar® Winner
Boy oh boy,
do I wish I was a psychiatrist.You guys are weired.
ScottBTW: I would tell you guys my dreams, but with the possibilty of professional mind doctors being on this board, I rather not. Can't give up my secret identity.
posted 01-28-2000 03:45 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
Scott,Would you EVER freak if I told you what I dreamed LAST night ...
posted 01-29-2000 11:46 AM PT (US) Scott
Oscar® Winner
H Rocco,
okay, you got my attention. I wanna know, I wanna know.Scott
posted 01-29-2000 11:09 PM PT (US) dantoris
Oscar® Winner
I had a cool dream just lastnight, in fact. Horner was fired from a picture (and I'm an occasional fan of his), and Goldsmith was chosen to write a new score. But suddenly he forgot all of his ideas. I lived next door to him (right away I knew it was a dream), so he called and asked me to meet him down at the studio. We worked all day and all night, and finished the score about five in the morning. We both conducted, and the movie was released soon afterwards. (Apparently, the film had two hours to get the score into it before he opened world-wide!!) Anyway, the film (a JAWS/MUMMY/ALIEN/detective story combo - go figure!!) bombed, but the score was a HUGE success, and we became the most sought-after composers in the world.Then I woke up to the family dog licking my face. What a world, hu?
posted 01-29-2000 11:28 PM PT (US) Lou Goldberg
Oscar® Winner
NP: Dreamscape
posted 01-30-2000 02:35 AM PT (US) Cole
Oscar® Winner
One time I dreamt that Elliot Goldenthal was trying to kill me. It was a while ago so I dont remeber everything. I was at this party and I saw him from across the room and it freaked me out because he had allready told me he was going to kill me. I couldnt do anything about it - like run or scream - because this was such a high class party - models and movie star type thing - so I just had to mingle and watch him give me these crazy looks from across the room.
If there are any head doctors around please tell me what you think of that because it still kinda scares me.
posted 01-30-2000 04:50 AM PT (US) AaronR1074
Oscar® Winner
I had a dream once where I was at work and everybody was laughing at me because I wasn't wearing any...oh oops. Ummm, this is kinda off topic
posted 01-30-2000 05:26 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
Cole,I'm more of an armchair head doctor than a proper one, but here we go anyway.
Our first question has to be: Why Elliot Goldenthal? Is it because the scores to ALIEN 3 and suchlike scare you? (ALIEN 3 scared the hell out of me, and that's tough to do.)
Second question: Do you actually know what Elliot Goldenthal LOOKS like, or were you just sure, in that dreamlike sense, it was him?
Answer those and I'll have some followups. I'm serious.
I'm reluctant to tell you the WHOLE dream because it's likely to form the basis of one of my upcoming stories (no, not to be posted here). I'll tell you this much: it opened with a room full of middle-aged-to-old men, all blind, yet all tapping away at computer keyboards which they can feel only by braille marks -- and they have no comprehension as to what it is they're typing.
That in itself might not make you freak (well, the fact that they're also all of them castrated might do it) -- but the payoff might. But that I keep to myself for now ...
posted 01-30-2000 12:12 PM PT (US) Scott
Oscar® Winner
now I know why your occupation is survival.Scott
Interesting dream though.
posted 01-30-2000 01:35 PM PT (US) dantoris
Oscar® Winner
Another dream I had from a while back - it was in the future, when most of the older composers have long since been gone. Newer composers like Zimmer and Arnold were still alive and kicking. Then suddenly, Goldsmith, Hermman, Mancini, Waxman, and Steiner returned from the grave to hunt down and kill all the newer composers because they had shut out orchestras altogether and gone with completely-synthesized music. All I really remember was Waxman stabbing some young, nameless synth composer to death with his conducting baton.Man. I must have ate something bad that night.
posted 01-30-2000 02:00 PM PT (US) Thor
Oscar® Winner
Last november, while I was preparing for my exam in Theatre Studies, I dreamt I got an examination paper that went:"Give an extensive analysis of Danny Elfman's scores."
I remember being jubilant at the time. You figure out the link to theatre, though...
I also remember a dream, in which I was back in my high school days, practising with the local teen choir. Then suddenly, out of nowhere came Jerry Goldsmith and started conducting. His facial expression was kind of wild, and as he eventually stepped up on the scene, he started lashing out atonal harmonies on the keyboard, while simultaneously banging his ponytailed hair and waving his arms ferociously. Sort of a maniac version of Jean Michel Jarre.
Later I found out that he had locked his wife into a closet on the first floor, and as the poor woman was helped out, she stuttered:
- "Oh, that's ok. He does that all the time!"
Weird indeed.
[This message has been edited by Thor (edited 31 January 2000).]
posted 01-31-2000 09:44 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
Thor, that is just so GORGEOUSLY bizarre ... ! I've had a couple of dreams about Akira Ifukube, but that doesn't count since I actually know the man.NP: THE BIRTH OF JAPAN (Akira Ifukube, 1959 -- this score is something like two hours long!)
posted 01-31-2000 11:08 AM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Oscar® Winner
Okay, talk about your basic child-like dream as wish-fulfillment:I have at many times over the years dreamed of meeting a composer (Goldsmith, Williams, Barry, and on one notable occassion JOHN CARPENTER!?). In the dreams, we speak about their work, most of the time with me as the kind of falling-down, hysterical teeny-bopper fan that I just could never be.....
Anyway, in many of these dreams the composer in question somehow comes to realize that THIS GUY TRULY LOVES MUSIC. At that point I am directed to read a book/take a college course/begin a journey that WILL UNLOCK THE BRILLIANT INNER COMPOSER THAT DWELLS WITHIN ALL OF US. One time, the eminence in question simply touched my head with the palm of his/her hand and "conferred" the Great Gift upon me!
You guys are problably never going to speak to me again. I really am NOT on medication (should I be?). I've never really gone "digging" into these dreams -- I've just always assumed that they represented a quiet resolution to my frustration over having received absolutely NO gift of music, nor alliance w/Muse of same.....NP: THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING 4/5*
posted 01-31-2000 11:35 AM PT (US) Jeron
Oscar® Winner
Haha! Thor, that's great!!! I'm still laughing! As Rocco put it, "GORGEOUSLY bizarre!"Jeron
posted 01-31-2000 11:36 AM PT (US) Vladimir
Oscar® Winner
OO man great topic I know what you guys mean.I have my cd player in my living room and some times in the summer or the weekend I sleep on thr floor with all the lights out at night and listen to scores and eventually fall asleep.I never had a weird dream but I know I probibly will eventually. Some of the scores that I love listening to at night are1.Conspericy Theory
2. Star wars
3. The Rock
4. Batman
5. James Bondposted 01-31-2000 01:49 PM PT (US) Cole
Oscar® Winner
H Rocco
Well, here are some answers to your questions. (and this is going to make it even weirder) I have had that dream twice! One time I didnt know what Goldenthal looked like so he became Tommy hillfiger (I dont know why). that was a short dream. the time I had it where I was really scared and the dream lasted for a while I did know what he looked like (he kind of looks creepy with long black hair and this evil look in his dark eyes). I dont know why I dreamt he was going to kill me but I am completely fascinated by him and his music. He is just so weird and his music is so bizarre. His music does scare me. but (here's the weird part) did you see my post under "the date" topic? I talk about how I put on Interview with a Vampire when I was involved in a "passionate" moment with someone.
allright, please let me know. Dont hold anything back b/c I am pretty interested.
NP Working Classical (McCartney)[This message has been edited by Cole (edited 31 January 2000).]
posted 01-31-2000 05:21 PM PT (US) Rang
Oscar® Winner
I've had two film music dreams that are eerily similar, with one now apparently becoming a reality...DREAM #1
Browsing through Tower Records and finding the complete score to THE TEMPLE OF DOOM.DREAM #2
Browsing through Tower Records and finding the complete score to JAWS.All I remember is that both of these dreams happened some two-to-three years ago, and that they didn't occur closely together. Besides that, the details are rather vague other than browsing and finding each score.
posted 01-31-2000 06:17 PM PT (US) James
Oscar® Winner
Okay, LISTEN UP everyone... I had a session with my therapist (don't ask) this evening and at the end of the hour I asked her if she could take a few moments to give a quick overview of a few of these dreams. Hope you don't mind, but since you posted them on the internet, I figured confidentiality was no longer that important...After she finished reading them, she warned me "Okay, just remember that this is just off the top of my head, I don't know anything about these people."
"It seems like he's in a bad situation with someone and he feels paralyzed, that he can't make a difference."Dantoris (second dream)-
"Hm... it's interesting that the old is coming back and destroying the new... I wondering if he's feeling some stifled creativity."Thor-
"Okay, I have no idea."Mark Hatfield-
"This guy needs to listen! He needs to read the book, take the course, begin the journey, he needs to do what this dream is telling him to do!"Just thought you all might be interested in the *professional* opinion. Just keep in mind (like she told me to), she doesn't know any of you as well as she would know a regular patient, so it is easily possible for her interpretations to be completely false.
NP - Wilde (*****)posted 01-31-2000 06:51 PM PT (US) Cole
Oscar® Winner
this is weird
posted 02-01-2000 01:31 AM PT (US) Thor
Oscar® Winner
Hey, thanks James!!Man, I never expected to get my dreams analyzed on a film music messageboard by a professional therapist! That's a new one!
For the record, that Goldsmith dream is nowhere near the weirdness and quirkiness of most of my dreams (I won't go into detail, though; I might scare you - or loose you...)
posted 02-01-2000 07:47 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
What, I don't rate analysis?? I gave you at least three dreams there!Oh, this is a WONDERFUL thread. I've gone to the trouble to save it on my "Favorite Places." That way, short of a serious crash, I'll be able to refer to it again. Also helps me sort you guys out (I'm still a newbie here, after all).
Anyway ... Mark Hatfield (hiya buddy), I know intimately what that last dream is about. I have that one all the time, although it's usually directors in my case, and they're usually scorning me. (I mentioned Werner Herzog above, and as well, there was the one where Quentin Tarantino insisted I not sit on the white leather couch. And I don't even like Quentin that much!) I consider myself a writer (well I AM published) and find myself often telling one or two of my better friends that there's no magic to it -- it's just a skill like anything else, and they could do it as well. Not EVERYONE can, or even should (Robert Ludlum, anyone?), but half of getting there is WANTING it. Not being great at it the first time, or even the second, but WANTING it. In my not-so-long life (I'm 31, a relative geezer as this board goes), I've so often seen people who didn't WANT something enough ... so many people with so much potential who never even imagined the brass ring could be theirs, as well. There's a lot of brass rings in the world, after all. Mark, I know almost nothing about you, but I'm curious as to your real ambitions, and hope you get it up to follow them.
Cole ... I'm glad you followed up, and sorry to say that I don't really get it. Not all dreams have cosmic meanings, and, again, knowing virtually nothing about you personally (putting INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE on at a date isn't that weird to me -- ALIEN 3 would be weird, but not INTERVIEW, especially with all these Goth Anne-Rice-worshipping-flower-sniffing-vampires one keeps running into ... and hey, the CD closes with that nice long cover of "Sympathy for the Devil"! Hwoo-Hwooooo!
Well, like the professional therapist cited above, I don't know any of you well enough to offer more than an offhanded theory. Nature of the web, I guess.
NP: CABOBLANCO (Goldsmith)
posted 02-01-2000 10:30 AM PT (US) Cole
Oscar® Winner
I guess I am doomed to never knowing the meaning of my dream. Apparently the dream about Goldenthal trying to murder me will simply remain "My Beast within"
NP Titus (Goldenthal - coincidence?)
posted 02-01-2000 04:41 PM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Oscar® Winner
Hey, guys!
This has been a GREAT thread! Wow.James -- thanks for offering that up to your counselor. An interesting note for ya: I kinda figured this out some time ago.....can't say it was all that hard for me, even given limited higher brain functioning. She was dead on. I was badly injured a few years ago while I was in the Army (faulty ammunition cost me some hearing, eyesight, and the loss of my dominant left hand). I spent YEARS convincing myself that I needed to be "gainfully employed" & a productive member of society to be a worthwhile person. I thus spent several years working for a non-profit organization, hoping to give back and work at SAVING lives for a while. Long story short (too late!!!).....I recently resigned & have elected to take up the VA on their offer to send me to school under Vocational Rehabilitation - pays for tuition, books, classroom materials, tutoring, the whole nine yards. I am starting FILM SCHOOL in the summer! Don't know if I'll ever make it; finally decided that while I have done much worthy of regret, I was no longer prepared to regret that which I had NOT done. So, here it goes. During the days lately I have been working on a screenplay, 'natch.
H Rocco -- Hey, buddy! Having stated most of my response to you above I'll try to keep it brief (sound of crowd cheering). Geezer, hell! I'll be 37 in July. Thank god I finally gave myself permission to get out and try following the dream! Would that I had the muse and aptitude for music, though. I'm afraid some folks just can't/shouldn't dive into some waters. You were dead on (as usual) about that. Can I get your e-mail to correspond with you outside of these threads? I'd love to pick your brain & not irritate the good folks at this board that have to scroll past responses like this one! One last thing: in perhaps the ultimate cliche of all time.....what I'd really like to do is Direct.
Apologies to all of you kind people that didn't need The Autobiography of M. I've said it before on other boards & posts -- I love getting to commune with you guys and value the ability to more than you can possibly know. Thanks.NP: THE BLUE MAX 5/5*
posted 02-02-2000 10:05 PM PT (US) Cole
Oscar® Winner
I am touched by your post.
Thank you for letting us know more about you.
I know I speak for myself and hopefully for others around here when I say that there are no apologies allowed after a post that lets us know more about you.
NP Tomorrow Never Dies (expanded)
posted 02-02-2000 10:55 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
Mark said,"All I want to do is direct."
I reply,
"Hey, you too?"
Now we must scuffle in the arena to see who gets to go first ... grrrr ... (actually I'm getting closer and CLO-ser ... this time next year ... well, it's a jinx to say so ... too late, I just did it ... )
Sorry about your injury, buddy, but sometimes God hurts us for very specific reasons. (I speak largely metaphorically. I'm not sure I even believe in God.)
(Oh NOW I've done it ... !)
(Actually that's partly what that script is ABOUT ... )
( ... )
(I didn't feel there were enough ellipses in the existing message so I had to add one, just because)
posted 02-03-2000 12:19 PM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Oscar® Winner
Oh, and occassionally I dream of endless dunes of chocolate.....
Thank You so very much for the kind words, Cole. In truth (if you've read H Rocco's assertion about God & accidents), I am in many ways a better and happier person now than I was pre-blast. Weird, but it seems to me now that even as I was losing Pieces I was becoming more Whole.Of course, all of that philosophical breadth comes from a guy who VEHEMENTLY argued with the doctors and commander of the military hospital (where he spent 18 months, surgery & rehab) that he should be allowed to keep his amputated left middle finger! I thought that it would be cute to put into a block of Lucite or something, with a little plaque that said "THIS is what I think of your idea". Then I got incensed when they wouldn't let me keep it; I HAD fed & trained the stupid thing, right? It WAS mine, right?
Turned out it wasn't.
Thank YOU, Cole, and the others out there who might stumble into this thread. My own experience has shown me that life is precious & fragile. Sharing this mutual passion for film scores and the movies they adorn helps me to LIVE.
NP: THE FURY (Williams) 5/5*
posted 02-03-2000 05:10 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
I said above I was keeping this thread, and here is the proof: I've reaccessed it and am putting it back up. Come on, people! Spill your guts! I've rarely had such fun with such a thread.I've had some doozies lately. In one, I'm at a Nathan's Famous in Manhattan (a branch that actually doesn't quite exist), and a very Brooklyn Italian type character (who keeps going on about how he's actually from Bosnia -- yeah, right -- he looks like a smaller-scale version of James Gandolfini from THE SOPRANOS) strikes up a conversation with me. Meanwhile, the waitress (played by Dedee Pfeiffer) is sauteeing french fries in ketchup on the grill (how does that work?) and keeps bringing me orders of the same, while stealing them away from me before I get a chance to touch them. I get bored and go out to buy a newspaper. Once I get back, the guy reappears seconds later, ramming the back of a 1976 Pontiac Firebird through the side of the restaurant and into the kitchen; then he peels away. The manager catches my eye, looking stricken: "If he didn't like the food," he sobs, "why didn't he just SAY so?"
posted 02-17-2000 01:55 AM PT (US) Thor
Oscar® Winner
Hey, Rocco, now it's MY turn to say "gorgeously bizzare"!Not so weird actually, but a few nights ago I had one of my music dreams (the ones that still have a certain amount of sanity), in which I lied on the floor of my grandparents' house (don't know why) and all this fantastic music came flowing to me - a coupling of Williams, Elfman, Zimmer and the "Dies Irae"!! A majestic symphonic odyssey with choral accompaniment. The cool thing was that the players performed exactly what I thought, so that for every time I decided to turn the music from e.g. a bombastic crescendo to a subtle woodwind theme, the music followed. Now, that's rapid composing!
These are the times I wish I could write music and get it all down on paper in real life. Oh, well, as the music faded out on a SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE-like conclusion, things turned bizarre again - I was on the phone talking to my grandmother (who was only in the next room), and then suddenly I was jettisoned to a cabin cruiser, desperately trying to fight off the pirates from Terry Gilliam's TIME BANDITS... etc. etc.
posted 02-17-2000 04:43 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
Great thread! I'm still laughing about some of those weird dreams!And thanks to Mark for telling us (and sorry for your injury, of course). It's always fine to learn more about the other persons on the board. In fact, we did have occassional posts back at the FSM board for exactly that purpose. Thanks to Thor, who started most of them.
Unfortunately, I didn't have dreams that can match the above ones. I once composed the greatest piece of music I ever heard in a dream, but I couldn't remember it when I woke up. I don't even know if it was really that good, or if I only thought so in the dream.
I think I can also remember dreaming of a new soundtrack CD which I bought, and that it was absolutely gorgeous. When I woke up, I was very disappointed that it doesn't exist at all.posted 02-17-2000 04:54 AM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Oscar® Winner
Thanks, Marian.BTW, I was stationed in Germany for about 6 years (I HATED leaving Europe!) and had occassion to visit your fine, fine country on numerous occassions while on pass or leave. One of the truly wonderful experiences of my life - I mean, absolute epiphany - was being present for a performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony in Wien. Such power! I cried and laughed & have never forgotten it, or the tremendous courtesy & affabilty accorded me by Austrians in my visits there. Wonderful country, pal. I wish that I could remember the conductor, but I DO remember reading in a paper during that visit that the Russian Premier, Chernenko, had passed away....so it was sometime in 1985, if memory serves.
Honestly, that concert and my great good fortune at getting to see the "Passion Play" in Oberammergau, Germany, are two of the finest things that I have ever been witness to. While my military career may have ended in trauma, I have ZERO regrets. I was exposed to a great deal more, culturally and otherwise, than any little Southern California brat had any right to expect.Cribbing from Thor & from a tangent we got into on a Horror movie thread a while back, I am going to start a new "bio" thread here just as soon as I hit "Submit Reply" on this one. Go there, won't ya?
Back to dreams.....
While the only composer-oriented film music dream that I have had is listed above, I CAN tell you that almost all of my dreams are "scored". Not much of it is recognizable (although "O Fortuna!" showed up once - sorry, H Rocco!
), but it is all of a "type". Bombastic, chorale-driven, and probably indicative of some subconscious delusions of grandeur!
posted 02-17-2000 10:58 AM PT (US) mlw
Oscar® Winner
I dreamed I was arguing with Al Pacino over who was going to pick up the tab.Actually going back to the Stone/Herzog thing, I met Michael Horse from Twin Peaks and he had just been on the set of NBK to hang out with Downey Jr., and Sizemore-- he was introduced to Stone who kind of distractedly shook his hand with this weird "what the f'k are you doing on my set" look.
I once met Jerry "Shogun" London on some tv movie location. He was at the roach coach getting a hot dog and didn't seem too eager to socialise but I went up to him anyway and said, "hey man, you did Rent-a-Cop! I bought the soundtrack!" "I didn't know there was a soundtrack for that... Jerry Goldsmith. We shot that in Chicago, and Rome." Then he walked off. On that same location I talked to Rodney Grant (who tried to mack on a female friend of mine) from Dances with Wolves and asked him what it was like shooting a Walter Hill movie (Geronimo)-- he made this screwed up face and said "Walter HILL? ... Walter HILL? Why would you want to know about him? EEww. He should quit doing westerns. Did you see 48hrs? He should go back to those."
Anthony Zerbe did that scene from Papillon for me after a lecture two years ago. Surprised anyone my age could remember movies that old. Told me to go make a movie.
[This message has been edited by mlw (edited 17 February 2000).]
posted 02-17-2000 12:41 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
Go make a movie, Mike.Director Jun Fukuda (SON OF GODZILLA, THE WEED OF CRIME, PLAYING WITH FIRE, chief AD on RODAN and Inagaki's SAMURAI TRILOGY) was once amazed that I even knew who his cinematographers had been. We were chatting in special effects guy Koichi Kawakita's former office; Kawakita was all dressed up to go to a wedding. Fukuda waved at him and pointed at me and said "Hey! You oughtta talk to THIS guy!" (pointing at me!) Kawakita stared at us with that rabbit-in-the-headlights expression that is the principal face that he wears, then ducked out. Strange to see him with his hair combed.
GODZILLA MILLENNIUM is all the better movie for the obvious LACK of Kawakita's greasy hateful thumbprints. And it proves that Takao Okawara is a genius waiting for a chance to really show it. He should quit waiting and just do it: the industry as it exists in Japan isn't going to encourage him.
So along the same lines: Mr. Zerbe had the right idea: go make a movie, Mike. I'll race ya.
posted 02-17-2000 12:51 PM PT (US) Andre Lux
I had some very strange dreams about movies and movie scores...1) I had this just after seing Alien 3: I was on a mental institution (but I was ok) where everydoby were baldhead. The Alien was there and I had a whater(???) pistol to defend myself... Oh, man what a nightmare!
2) Another time I dreamed I was driving my Jeep(???) and stoped at Goldsmith's house. I was with a friend and Jerry invited us to come in. We talked while eating donuts and drinking milk with coffe...
3) This was weird... I had about 18 years old. It was the last night before my trip to USA with my basketball team. I dreamed I was on a CD shop, with hundreds of incredible score albums... I had the money and the enthusiasm, but... when I looked down I discovered I was completely naked!!! Man, it was embarrasing to wake...
Freud could explain, I presume...
posted 02-17-2000 02:20 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB