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Topic: Goldsmith & FSM -- What's the deal?
Nicolai P. Zwar
Oscar® Winner
Jeron, you can read all about Andre beating up on little girls coming up soon in the next issue of your local paper. Here's the preliminary article exclusively for moviemusic.com visitors:BRAZILIAN JOURNALIST RUTHLESSLY ASSAULTS LITTLE GIRLS FOR SPORT
Prominent film score collector Andre Lux has just denied fellony battery charges publicly on Moviemusic.com. So far Mr. Lux downplays the evidence against him and shows no signs of remorse. Evidently he feels secure, and sources have confirmed that possible witnesses may be either bribed with sausages or bullied into silence. Rumors that he even scared his grandmother into covering up for him could not be confirmed. When pressed, Mr. Lux finally admitted that she already died of a poisened sausage quite some time ago.
posted 05-22-2000 09:52 AM PT (US) Andre Lux
SEE? This is what happens when people start to believe on gossip magazines such as Sausage Score Monthly...
What a sad world we are living! One cannot even cook his sausages in peace anylonger...
posted 05-22-2000 01:33 PM PT (US) Howard L
Oscar® Winner
Please stop this, I've got 2 beautiful sausages on tap tonight for my George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine & you guys have me envisioning the opening to Prime Cut....with a side order of Soylent Green. Yeeeeesh.
posted 05-22-2000 03:13 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Oscar® Winner
Tuesday, May 23, 2000***FINAL***
A Tampa man has been imprisoned on charges of cannibalism.
Howard L was grilling sausages yesterday when local police broke into his apartment.
"He wouldn't answer the doorbell, so we had to break down the door," reported Officer James Davison of the Tampa Police. "Neighbors had alerted us to the trail of human body parts leading to Howard L's residence."
Mr. L refused to comment.
His "George Foreman LEAN, MEAN GRILLING MACHINE" was taken into custody as court evidence.
The TPD expect that their phorensics department will have no trouble identifying criminal motives.
Mr. L awaits his arraignment in the county lockup.[This message has been edited by Chris Kinsinger (edited 22 May 2000).]
posted 05-22-2000 09:36 PM PT (US) Andre Lux
Hei!! Don't look at me!It wasn't any of my sausages, I can assure you.
posted 05-24-2000 06:58 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
We must be a hungry hungry bunch, but at heart, a bunch of cannibals, evidently. We started with the innocent "I want something to eat" thread, and have moved to "Composers you would eat" and now this COMPLETELY UNRELATED Goldsmith/FSM thread has turned into FURTHER musings on the same subject. Jerry better have HEAVY security in Detroit next week, is all I suspect. (shudder ... any news from London? I hope he's safe.)Now, obviously, must come the Favorite Cannibals thread, to be succeeded by Cannibals I'd Like to Have Eat Me, followed in turn by Cannibals I'd Like to Eat. It's the only natural progression. If any of us are left who haven't been consumed. (What IS Detroit going to be like???)
I'll post at all of those threads, of course.
NP: GODZILLA VS. MECHAGODZILLA (1974, Masaru Sato) (this is the cue when Mechagodzilla, disguised as Godzilla, snaps the jaw of poor brave Angilas, but does not eat him, being, as a robot, uninterested in food. The original Godzilla got him good in the neck in the 1955 movie, though, and obviously relished sucking up the blood. Angilas takes a LOT of damage in all four of his film appearances to date, but he's definitely the kind of monstrous pal you'd want in your corner.)
posted 05-24-2000 07:28 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Oscar® Winner
I'm beginning a NEW THREAD entitled:"If Film Score Lovers AREN'T Cannibals, Who Is That Chewing On My Foot?"
And he asked ME to pass HIM the salt!
posted 05-24-2000 07:52 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
Hey, there wasn't ENOUGH!Oh, like you didn't bellow "Pile on the curry!"
NP: SON OF GODZILLA (I'm on a Masaru Sato kick) (in this one the poor little son of Godzilla -- illegitimate, I think, but they recognize one another as of the same kind -- is nearly eaten by a HOST of crawlies, ranging from a quartet of giant praying mantises to a really mammoth spider -- which dares to spit a wad of webbing in Godzilla's eye! You can bet it paid big for that one.)
posted 05-24-2000 08:02 PM PT (US) jonathan_little
Oscar® Winner
I'm sorry I asked the question... I really am
posted 05-24-2000 08:17 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
Your H'ness, I FORBID you to eat only the tiniest bit of maestro Goldsmith until I have at least once seen him in concert!
posted 05-25-2000 02:44 PM PT (US) Nicolai P. Zwar
Oscar® Winner
My lovely long time live in girl friend has just prohibited me from playing any longer with any starving-saliva-from-the-mouth-dripping-composer-devouring cannibals. Gee! She means it could be bad company and influence me in a negative way. So I ask you: are any of you starving-saliva-from-the-mouth-dripping-composer-devouring cannibals?
PS: Say no, so I may continue to post here.[This message has been edited by Nicolai P. Zwar (edited 25 May 2000).]
posted 05-25-2000 05:16 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oscar® Winner
like we would TELL you ...
posted 05-25-2000 05:19 PM PT (US) Nicolai P. Zwar
Oscar® Winner
Rats! Is there a Disney version of this message board I could use as a front?
posted 05-25-2000 05:40 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB