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Movie Soundtracks
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Maybe our young film students could produce a film on the follies of "Chevy Paxxon".Then again who would believe it.
posted 08-03-2000 06:25 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
On to page 11!!!!!!! Actually Chris I did watch the Republican National Convention.
posted 08-03-2000 09:03 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Me too, Mark!posted 08-03-2000 09:11 PM PT (US) Boris
Fellas...I didn't watch the GOP Convention on TV...I'M HERE AT THE CONVENTION RIGHT NOW!WHAT A BLAST!
posted 08-03-2000 09:25 PM PT (US) H Rocco
'ey, Ruger, I don't think I previously noticed you too have been a student of Japanese! How bout that! The interest-in-history part I obviously noticed, but not the language part.Call me Hank, it would be deeply pretentious of me to demand a "sama" from you. (Great filmmakers and their wives chide me if I even refer to them as "sensei," so the less accomplished Rocco would look ridiculous ordering people to call me by a title.) If we were speaking and thinking in Japanese, we might well have come up with different nicknames by now (I like to find nicknames for everybody I pay attention to; my use of "Mr." is sometimes a nickname in itself, since I don't know most of you guys face to face, and it makes it look like I'm being polite, which I'm usually NOT in person, just ask Mr. Hatfield, aka Tigger.)
(that is pronounced Tiggaaahh by the Japanese -- yes, I am deliberately emphasizing the long A which they would use)
posted 08-03-2000 10:41 PM PT (US) John Dunham
I'm posting two more messages...
posted 08-04-2000 11:04 AM PT (US) John Dunham
...just so I can post message #400!Heh.
posted 08-04-2000 11:05 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Ooohh, I see I got the first post on page eleven as well!
posted 08-04-2000 11:06 AM PT (US) H Rocco
(sniff) I coulda done this if I wanted to -- (choke in the throat) I just didn't WANNA! (full blown sobbing) oh God, oh God, oh GOD!
posted 08-04-2000 11:21 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Originally posted by John Dunham:
Ooohh, I see I got the first post on page eleven as well!I TOLD you that every page has 40 messages. 40 (messages) x 10 (pages) = 400 (messages in total).
Why oh why does nobody believe me?
posted 08-04-2000 03:03 PM PT (US) Luscious Lazlo
"I have nothing to say and I am saying it." [John Cage]
posted 08-04-2000 03:11 PM PT (US) W. C. Fields
Hasn't posted much
Ah yes, Ah yes, My little chickadee.
posted 08-04-2000 03:29 PM PT (US) H Rocco
I believe ya NOW, Marian ... I was just too lazy to go back and count all of them for sure.NP: CHICKEN RUN (Elmer Bernstein) (I mean John Powell and Harry Gregson-Williams, but they're wittily capturing the Bernstein style very well -- not a typical Media Ventures score, this one, and composed by the two most talented, I think, of the MV boys, after Zimmer -- but WHY does it seem to require a minimum of two different people to score a movie these days? They even have separate conductors!)
posted 08-04-2000 03:51 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Hey, I tried to reply to a message, and it says I'm not "authorized"? What the heck does that mean?I suddenly realized that this message actually falls under the heading of "? for PETER K".
I'm on topic.
After eleven pages, that is SO wierd.
[This message has been edited by John Dunham (edited 04 August 2000).]
posted 08-04-2000 04:00 PM PT (US) Todd Reifinger
Speaking of scientology...Has anyone here ever made it--or even tried to make it--through L. Ron Hubbard's "Mission Earth" dekology? I read the first one a while ago and really enjoyed it, but I just can't make the commitment necessary to get through ten books that are each thicker than my arm.
posted 08-04-2000 04:08 PM PT (US) MWRuger
Yeah, I sheepishly admit that I read all ten. It took me a week to get through them and my main memory is that for a satire, there seemed to be very little humor. The good guys are so one dimensional that you kinda root for the bad guys because they are the only ones doing anything interesting.His whole point about a literal interpretation of earth institutions making them ludicrous is made early on beat to death. I can't recommend unless you have nothing else to read.
posted 08-04-2000 04:52 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
L. Ron Hubbard was a mediocre sci-fi author who enjoyed his greatest success by creating his very own sci-fi religion!
In an interview with George Lucas about 20 years ago, George mentioned that after the incredible success of Star Wars, Francis Coppola suggested to him that he start his own religion: The Church of The Force! George agreed that it would be very lucrative, but declined.
posted 08-04-2000 06:21 PM PT (US) Todd Reifinger
Certainly the humor in "Mission Earth"--at least in "The Invaders Plan," which is the only book in the series that I've read--is on the dark side, since the character telling the story is a mean-spirited officer who delights in beating money out of his airbus driver, among other things. I have the audio drama of "The Invaders Plan," released by Sound Editions, and it's actually VERY well done.[This message has been edited by Todd Reifinger (edited 04 August 2000).]
posted 08-04-2000 07:28 PM PT (US) Blurch Tellman
Hasn't posted much
Dudes I got SOOOOO wasted last night!!!!!!!
Party Harty dudes!
posted 08-04-2000 08:49 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
My, my, my!W. C. Fields AND Blurch Tellman BOTH in one day!
My, my, my!
posted 08-04-2000 09:34 PM PT (US) Blurch Tellman
Hasn't posted much
Do you, by any chance, know if the music being used in the current Blockbuster ads (for "The Talented Mr. Ripley") is from "Bicentennial Man"?
Don't be a bunch of gaper-boys about this, dudes!!!! do NOT kill my buzz!!!!!!
PAAARRRRRRRTY HARRRRRRRRRDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 08-04-2000 10:22 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
How interesting that you are the second person to ask that question here at the message board, Blurch!Let's see now...who was that other person...
NP: Saturday Night Live (RE-run)
posted 08-05-2000 08:39 PM PT (US) Boris
Blurch, old chum...didn't we meet at the Yanni concert in Atlanta last September?posted 08-05-2000 08:48 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Oh boy, I think page 12 needs to get here.
posted 08-05-2000 10:02 PM PT (US) Blurch Tellman
Hasn't posted much
CHUM??? You better step away fool!
Listen up everyone!!! Boris is no chum of mine!!!! He is in fact a narc!!! A big-time buzzkill!!!
Well Too Bad For Him Dudes, Cuz I Already Know It!!!! And I'm Spilling ALL Them Beans like a steaming-hot, Chunky-Style Zima Hurl!!!
Your Cover is SOOOO Blown, Dude!!! And not just here!!!!
You got a problem with that?? Huh? HUH BOY!! Then bring it on bud!!! It's GO TIME!!! Time to Walk that Big Boy Talk!
You like Yawn-E?? I'LL GIVE YOU SOME YAWN-E!!!!! Even Your Buddies crankin' Patriot Games Full BLAST won't be able to wake you from The nap I'll give you!!!!
You came after the Wrong rude dog, gaper-boy! You're in some real purdy shid now!! Game Over man, Game Over!!! (Bill Paxton, ALIENS; score by James HORNDOG!!!!!)
Hey W.C.! Quit bogarting that gin!!!!
posted 08-05-2000 11:02 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Well... you certainly have a way with words. :/
posted 08-06-2000 06:03 AM PT (US) John Dunham
On to page twelve!
posted 08-06-2000 07:52 AM PT (US) John Dunham
...and here it's... not.[This message has been edited by John Dunham (edited 06 August 2000).]
posted 08-06-2000 07:53 AM PT (US) Jack
It's been a long time since my last math class, but shouldn't post 441 start page 12.Of course, I've always been a rebel since I prefer cottage fries.
posted 08-06-2000 08:28 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by Jack:
It's been a long time since my last math class, but shouldn't post 441 start page 12.Of course, I've always been a rebel since I prefer cottage fries.
Darn! You're right, it does. I was thinking there were 20 posts to a page, and It wouldn't show me the updated version of the thread, so I thought...
Ah, well.
Everybody post another 20 or so messages!posted 08-06-2000 10:01 AM PT (US) Jack
John-Have you posted to any other topics, or are you going to become the first person to go to member status on a single topic?
NP- Animal Farm
posted 08-06-2000 10:13 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by Jack:
Have you posted to any other topics, or are you going to become the first person to go to member status on a single topic?Um.. sure I posted in other topics! The best Goldmsith scores, which score would you want for free, and a couple others.
I just like this topic more.
posted 08-06-2000 12:13 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
I'm back from vacation--Kyp
NP: Chrono Cross OST Disk 1
posted 08-06-2000 01:03 PM PT (US) joan hue
INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW: WHERE IS SENATOR MARK HATFIELD? After almost a week of wondering where he had disappeared to, I received a call from him today, via Lovely Laura's cell phone. His phone, DSL, web access, etc. were destroyed in his building by some Godzilla cloned driver. He is STILL waiting for the phone company to fix the smashed box. He said to say hi to all of you and to let you know that he hopes he can communicate soon. Look forward to seeing you back on the Board, Senator.NP Rio Conchos
posted 08-06-2000 01:18 PM PT (US) Jack
And still no mention of Tater Tots.......
posted 08-06-2000 01:32 PM PT (US) PeterK
OK, the question that will take this thread to 1,000 posts within two weeks:WHAT DOES CREAM CHEESE NOT GO WITH, THAT ISN'T ALREADY DISGUSTING?
Cream cheese just about goes with everything that isn't already disgusting. This is a theory that's been tested again and again, and no one can debunk it. The closest answer has been "cereal" (the kind milk is added to), but cream cheese on cereal just may be tolerable.
So, what do you think?
NP - "The Last Run" by Goldsmith
posted 08-06-2000 01:36 PM PT (US) Todd Reifinger
Hmmm...cream cheese on french fries...
posted 08-06-2000 01:57 PM PT (US) JJH
creamed corn perhaps...
NP -- Doc Hollywood, you know, I bought this used today, and there is some lovely music on it (and some horrendously hokey pop stuff -- shame on you Burwell!). Too bad most of the CD is comrised of 30 second cuts.posted 08-06-2000 03:24 PM PT (US) JJH
gimme a "T" !
posted 08-06-2000 03:26 PM PT (US) JJH
gimme a "W" !
posted 08-06-2000 03:27 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB