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The Cream Cheese Revoluntary Force prevented forum access, demanding only positive cream cheese posts.
posted 08-08-2000 06:49 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
To "The Greek" (Wedge, right?):Please, oh PLEASE let me have that Mousaka recipe! I love the stuff!
posted 08-08-2000 07:01 PM PT (US) Wilford 'Pat' Monroe
Hasn't posted much
posted 08-08-2000 07:51 PM PT (US) THE GREEK
To my friend Chris Kinsinger!!(and to anyone who likes Greek cusine)THE MUSAKA RECIPE!!!
otatoes, aubergines, about 500kilograms of minced meat(prferably beaf), 4 glasses of milk, 4 spoonfulls of flour, 1 egg, 2 spoonfulls of butter.
You peal the potatoes and slice them into flat and slim pieces(like chips).Then you cut the aubergines into the same shape as the potatoes.You put some olive oil into a saucepan and you fry the potatoes and the aubergines separatelly but dont overdo them.
Then you take the minced meat and cook it in a little cattle putting some olive oil, and some onions(2)choped in tiny pieces.(You first fry the onions in the oil for about 2 minutes).After the mince meat is done, the difficult part begins...
You must make the special musaka cream!!
First of all, you take 1 glass of milk, the flour and the egg and mix them together.When you have them a thick mixture you take the rest of the milk and let it boil.When it starts boiling, you add the butter and the mixture you have made and start blending them until you see them make a thick mixture.
Then you have your cream ready by adding salt and nutmeg(a special spice that must be added grinded in a tiny portion so as to give the cream its special taste).After you´ve done all these, you take a medium sized baking-pan and first put the aubergines in an intact and uniform way.Then you add the potatoes in the same way...intact.Then put the minced meat and spread it carefully.On the top of the minced meat you pure the cream carefully and pure some grinded cheese.
You put the baking-pan in a pre-heated oven(200 degrees)and after almost one hour you have your masterpiece!!!
Make sure that your testament is ready and start eating!!!posted 08-09-2000 01:28 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by THE GREEK:
To my friend Chris Kinsinger!!(and to anyone who likes Greek cusine)
THE MUSAKA RECIPE!!!This sounds tasty. I'll have to try it.
I wonder what it would be like with cream cheese?
NP: Secret Of NIMH, by Jerold
posted 08-09-2000 10:27 AM PT (US) John Dunham
this is a pointless post to get us to page 13
posted 08-09-2000 10:32 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Assuming my math skills have improved since last time, this ought to be the first post on page 13.
posted 08-09-2000 10:33 AM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Very good, Mr. Dunham.
Greek baby, that Mousaka recipe sounds difficult to me...but I'll try it anyway. It couldn't turn out any worse than my Beef Stroganoff or Clams Casino, and both of those disappeared in spite of the fact that they were failures.
(The Clams Casino filling makes an incredibly tasty spread for crackers!)
posted 08-09-2000 01:47 PM PT (US) Howard L
Just happened to be passing through and right now I feel like the guy who ended up in the KING OF HEARTS town.
posted 08-09-2000 05:29 PM PT (US) Boris
Oh, stop behaving like a Tampa fishwife.
There are a few of us who have never seen that movie.
posted 08-09-2000 07:20 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Hey now, we can't let this one die without at least cracking 500.
posted 08-10-2000 02:37 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Heck, I wanna go all the way to 1000!posted 08-10-2000 03:53 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Don't worry, Mr. Rocco - we'll reach 500 before you're finished moving!
posted 08-10-2000 05:25 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Work quickly, people, I'm gone at 6 AM sharp.
posted 08-10-2000 05:36 PM PT (US) joan hue
H'ness, how long before you'll be back on line?Enjoy the Sunshine State.
posted 08-10-2000 05:40 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Mama Joan!WHERE have YOU been???
ROCCO! WHEN will you be back at the message board?
posted 08-10-2000 08:38 PM PT (US) H Rocco
I'm flattered by the number of people asking this ... I don't think I'll be off for more than two weeks, and that's a very liberal estimate. Probably just one week or less. Depends on how the week goes. Buying my new machine (this one is technically Mom's -- I have an older one of my own, but it's not Nettable and I don't want to box it up anyway, although it DOES have some story files in it that I'll need someday) will be among my first chores. (Has roomie laid in telephone service yet, though? THAT'S the part that I don't know! Will roomie even meet me at the airport as promised? THAT'S the part that REALLY WORRIES ME! Believe it or not, I don't even know the complete address of where I'm moving to!)(aah, he'll show up, he'll just be two hours late like last time in Chicago.)
(sorry I didn't get to pass through, Howard, but I'm sure we'll run into each other.)
posted 08-10-2000 09:04 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
ROCCO! We need to hear from you, man!Keep us posted, OK?
You can get internet access at any Public Library!
posted 08-10-2000 09:12 PM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Hello!Glad to be back. Reconnection only occurred at 5:17pm this very day.....I am NOT amused.
For the record, 'twas not Godzilla that slew my phone junction box.
Twas "Dex".
posted 08-10-2000 09:28 PM PT (US) Greg Bryant
Post #493
posted 08-11-2000 06:20 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
Post #494
posted 08-11-2000 06:21 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
Post #495
posted 08-11-2000 06:22 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
Post #496
posted 08-11-2000 06:23 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
Post #497
posted 08-11-2000 06:24 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
Post #498
posted 08-11-2000 06:25 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
Post #499
posted 08-11-2000 06:26 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
With a small fanfare (perhaps the opening theme from Star Wars (Episode IV, A New Hope), I have the privilege of posting the 500th post to this thread.Yippee!!
posted 08-11-2000 06:27 AM PT (US) Greg Bryant
What, the heck, I'll make post #501 too.
posted 08-11-2000 06:29 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by Greg Bryant:
With a small fanfare (perhaps the opening theme from Star Wars (Episode IV, A New Hope), I have the privilege of posting the 500th post to this thread.
Yippee!!How about "Aurthur's Fanfare" from Jerry's First Knight?
NP: The Goldmsith marathon enters it's third day as I attempt to listen to every one of my Goldsmith Scores before sunday. This is not an easy task, considering I have so many. Some 45-55 hours of music, I think, and it's not like I can play them ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, because, unfortunately, I have to work.
Anyway, I'm currently on "The Burbs" and will be moving to "Bad Girls" after that. (I'm not listening in any particular order, BTW)posted 08-11-2000 10:53 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by Chris Kinsinger:
Heck, I wanna go all the way to 1000!
Somebody better get posting, then. The thread's losing steam, and we're only half way there!
I'll contribute, if I can think of anything to say.NP: The Goldsmith Marathon, day three. Currently on The Edge.
posted 08-11-2000 05:20 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by John Dunham:
How about "Aurthur's Fanfare" from Jerry's First Knight?
NP: The Goldmsith marathon enters it's third day as I attempt to listen to every one of my Goldsmith Scores before sunday. This is not an easy task, considering I have so many. Some 45-55 hours of music, I think, and it's not like I can play them ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, because, unfortunately, I have to work.
Anyway, I'm currently on "The Burbs" and will be moving to "Bad Girls" after that. (I'm not listening in any particular order, BTW)It seems my marathon will not be completed before sunday. I've got sixteen scores to go, making up some twenty hours more of music. I'll be done by monday, though!
NP: Goldsmith Marathon day three. Still on The Edge.
posted 08-11-2000 05:40 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
It's 4:25 AM... I'm going to bed. Good night!
posted 08-11-2000 07:17 PM PT (US) James
The was an Old Person of Chili,
Whose conduct was painful and silly,
He sate on the stairs, eating apples and pears,
That imprudent Old Person of Chili.
posted 08-11-2000 09:40 PM PT (US) James
There was an Old Man in a tree,
Who was horribly bored by a Bee;
When they said, "Does it buzz?" he replied, "Yes, it does!"
"It's a regular brute of a Bee!"
posted 08-11-2000 09:41 PM PT (US) James
There was an Old Person of Hurst,
Who drank when he was not athirst;
When they said, "You'll grow fatter," he answered "What matter?"
That globular Person of Hurst.
posted 08-11-2000 09:43 PM PT (US) James
There was an old Person whose habits,
Induced him to feed upon Rabbits;
When he'd eaten eighteen, he turned perfectly green,
Upon which he relinquished those habits.
posted 08-11-2000 09:45 PM PT (US) James
There was an Old Man of Nepaul,
From his horse had a terrible fall;
But, though split quite in two, by some very strange glue,
They mended that Man of Nepaul.
posted 08-11-2000 09:47 PM PT (US) James
There was an Old Person of Cromer,
Who stood on one leg to read Homer;
When he found he grew stiff, he jumped over the cliff,
Which concluded that Person of Cromer.
posted 08-11-2000 09:48 PM PT (US) James
There was an Old Man of Leghorn,
The smallest as ever was born;
but quickly snapt up he, was once by a puppy,
Who devoured that Old Man of Leghorn.
posted 08-11-2000 09:49 PM PT (US) Jeron
Those are great, James... so VERY relative to our topic!My favorite has to be... hmmm... the one about the old man in a tree.
posted 08-11-2000 10:17 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB