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Chris Kinsinger
In my never-to-be-humble opinion, Al Gore is potentially the greater of the two "evils". (Who's really to say, though? We know so very little about George W., and that is indeed bothersome.)
But Gore has already established that he will say ANYTHING. He is an established liar. He personally collected money by the bagful at that Muslim temple, and he later lied about it. He was engaged in illegal fund-raising activities in his office, and he later lied about that, as well.
His environmental proposals are out-and-out frightening (to me).
His health care vision mirrors Hillary's monumental 1995 failure, which would be economically disastrous, not to mention that it would dramatically reduce the quality of existing health care. Socialized medicine has failed in every single nation that has tried it, and it won't be any different in the USA.
His highly-touted budget, which he released last week, promises The Farm to every American, and is 900 trillion in the red, according to recent analysis.
I don't know much of ANYTHING about George W., but I do know that I will not vote for Mr. Gore.
He needs to be sent home.
It is a sad commentary, but as I go to the polls in November, I won't be voting FOR anyone.
I will be voting AGAINST Al Gore.
NP: Mary, Queen Of Scots Barry[Message edited by Chris Kinsinger on 09-13-2000]
posted 09-13-2000 08:17 PM PT (US) DjC
I look at it like this, Gore's Plans = Bigger government, Bush's Plans=Less Gov. the less Gov. the better.
posted 09-13-2000 08:27 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
DjC, I couldn't agree more. Our government needs to be reduced in size, not enlarged.
posted 09-13-2000 08:32 PM PT (US) Observer
Chris: Doesn't Canada have a kinda-sorta socialist health care?It looks like we're going to have 4 Gore years, Bush is slipping in the polls, no doubt from the recent backlash from his negative adds (which shows him backing out on his promise to make it a clean campaign).
posted 09-13-2000 09:22 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Observer, the difference between you & me is that you BELIEVE what the press is telling you about the "polls", and I do not.
The only poll that counts will occur this November.
I happen to believe that George W. has a much better chance of winning than you might think.
STOP AND THINK: Why is the U.S. media concentrating on covering and criticizing the TV ADS that George Bush is using? Can't they find anything of real SUBSTANCE to criticize?
What are the real issues, and why isn't the press asking questions about them?
I'll tell you why...
The liberal media in the U.S. is terrified that George W. actually might win the election!
Gore is vulnerable on a number of fronts (and George W. will wait until the debates to attack those points, which is why Gore has been dodging the debate issue), but the media doesn't have any dirty George W. laundry to expose.
So instead of any REAL issues, they are concentrating on the total NON-ISSUE of George W.'s TV ads.I mean...COME ON! When was the last time a presidential election was judged on the basis of ADVERTISING???
This is one of the reasons I'm having so much fun with this campaign!
It is totally exposing the press for the jackasses that they really ARE!posted 09-13-2000 09:39 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Observer, sorry I forgot...yes, you are correct about Canada.
Their socialized medical program has many Canadians jumping over the border to get treatment in the USA.
What I find hilariously funny (as well as tragic) is that ABC-TV News anchorman Peter Jennings strongly supports Gore and his healthcare initiatives. Jennings is a Canadian citizen (he's NOT from the USA), who happens to enjoy the best of US health care. He hasn't a CLUE about the problems in Canada since he's an ABC-TV executive with privilege. He'll do everything he can to see to it that Gore is elected, because either way he wins!
That's what our media is all about.
posted 09-13-2000 09:47 PM PT (US) joan hue
Well, Chris, Canada does have its medical problems, but don't forget to tell Observer about all the senior citizens from the USA who GO TO Canada because if they pay U.S. prices for their survival drugs, they can't EAT! Both Bush and Gore need to address the profits of USA drug companies and the flight of our senior citizens to Canada and Mexico in order to pay for mandatory prescriptions.NP El Cid
posted 09-13-2000 10:32 PM PT (US) DjC
Observer, it is a DEAD HEAT, for the populas vote does not mean much, same for polls, for the electorial college has them in a dead heat, and I believe that Bush is up by a few, not sure, anyhoo, it is practically tiednow, screw the polls. All that matters is who wins the official vote from the E. College.
posted 09-13-2000 11:00 PM PT (US) DjC
Did anyone watch that brutal pi$$ fight tonight in New York? I believe that Rick gave Hilly a wapping. I dug it, it was so entertaining seeing them snicker. I wonder when Hill. will say what she is going to do for new york, as in specifics, instead she just says " I like people, I am PRO CHILDREN." Lol, hey I am on the other side of the US, why do I care about New York? Well I don't care, I just care if CLinton I mean Hillary is elected. My theory is that Hillary is Satan minus the redish skin and horns.
posted 09-13-2000 11:05 PM PT (US) Observer
Chris: Bush has also been critcised for his privitization of Social Security plan. If the market crashes, then we're pretty much screwed.
The reason they're attacking Bush's ads is because he promised he was going to have a clean campaign, yet his ads comes out as the first negative ad of the fall.
As for the debates, why does Dubya keep insisting that its held on cable? Why does he keep refusing to take up Gore's offer and have a debate on prime-time on network stations? He'd reach more voters if he went Gore's way unless he's worried about losing it to Gore.
I'm a bit wary of the willingness of the liberal media to go all out against Gore and not Bush; I believe they went against Gore about the Illeagal Buddist Fund Raising. Plus with the recent swipe at the Entertainment Industry from Gore (which strikes me as just another way for him to garner votes, especially since the Democratic Party gets donations from Hollywood anyway), I don't know if Gore will have much support (remember Tipper Gore was the one who pushed to get the Offensive Language Warning Labels on music CDs).
The media is terrifiesd that Bush will win because of three things : 1.)He comes across as an airhead riding the coattails of his father, 2.)His shotgun approach towards captial punishment. 3.)"There ought to be limits to freedom" Remember that line?The only positive thing I see from this election is that now third parties are getting more attention and that offers a more varied choice for citizens.
posted 09-13-2000 11:07 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Is it just me, if is this thread a little long?--Kyp
Writer/AVID Editorposted 09-13-2000 11:11 PM PT (US) Observer
Hmmm, I hadn't noticed.posted 09-13-2000 11:13 PM PT (US) John Dunham
It'll get longer.
It's done movie quotes, pointless posts, film scores, poetry, nonesense, limmericks, assorted other stuff, and now politics.NP: Robocop, Poledouris
posted 09-14-2000 03:46 AM PT (US) Jack
Gore told the FBI he didn't know that they were hard money fundraisers because he had downed too much iced tea and had to leave the room frequently. Only Janet "See No Evil" Reno is buying that one.The first negative ads were run by Gore and intentionally misled as to Bush's enviromental record. The "negative" ad the press is complaining about simply uses Gore news footage to show his flip flops. So a truthful Bush ad is bad, but a false Gore ad is ok.
Pop Quiz: according to the FBI inventory, what was the unibomber's most read book?
posted 09-14-2000 05:27 AM PT (US) PeterK
Can't wait to get past the politics.... interested in seeing where this goes NEXT.PeterK
posted 09-14-2000 07:55 AM PT (US) joan hue
O.K., PeterK, I’ll lead us back to film music and away from
politics. (Doubt if this will work, but I’ll try.) I just received
the CD Epic Film Music of Miklos Rozsa. I long for a little better
orchestration, but the music is lovely. It has been years since I’ve
seen King of Kings, but I always loved the main theme. Discovered
on this CD Rozsa’s version of The Lord’s Prayer. Very different
melody from the standard version of this prayer heard in churches.
I don’t remember this used in the movie, but I guess it was. (?) Anyone
who hasn’t heard this version is missing a bone melting melody.NP RVW’s Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. This is lovely and
sounds like filmscore music.Oops, now Barber's Adagio for Strings just came on. I watched Platoon last week, and this music as well as the tragedy of the film lead to a box of kleenex...again!
posted 09-14-2000 09:14 AM PT (US) PeterK
Joan, thanks! Isn't this thread about everything BUT movie music?! You are bold.Be prepared for some more Silva repackagings... the label is releasing the "Essential" album for Miklos Rozsa at the end of the month. I haven't looked at it close enough to see if there is anything new or if it's all been released before on other comps...
posted 09-14-2000 09:50 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Tough little thread.
posted 09-14-2000 10:42 AM PT (US) jonathan_little
Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
Tough little thread.The little thread that could!
posted 09-14-2000 11:40 AM PT (US) John Dunham
posted 09-14-2000 12:14 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
posted 09-14-2000 02:50 PM PT (US) Pete M
"[b]"Is this working?"[\b]"
posted 02-15-2001 09:00 AM PT (US) DANIEL2
JamesYou said – ”I'm glad I was late getting here. I was almost going to get myself drawn into the conversation.”
Yes, we’re all disappointed that we missed your ‘pearls of wisdom’.
posted 01-31-2001 11:55 AM PT (US) DANIEL2
Joan HueYou said – ”If the woman only punctures a womb and lives, daddy has one testicle removed in the SAME manner. If she and fetus bleed to death, he must have both testicles identically removed and bleed to death.”
….and – ”Men always get a little nervous when the “family jewels” are at risk.”
These comments sound like the ludicrously old-fashioned utterances of the bearded dykes (not that you are) of thirty years ago, who set back the cause of sexual equality for fifty years by alienating the reasonable and moderate majority of society.
Thankfully, today’s society has reached a point where, by and large, men and women have the same opportunities – now that the playing field is more level, a woman’s destiny is largely in her own hands.
But it won’t stay like that if you continue to preach such bitter and twisted lunacy.
posted 01-31-2001 11:57 AM PT (US) DANIEL2
Chris KinsingerYou said – ”I spoke to the river in the Name of Jesus, and commanded it to return into its banks immediately…..since that time I have re-routed other damaging storms away from my area….”
And what about the poor bastards who bore the brunt of the storm that you magically deflected away from your neighbourhood?
Perhaps we should refer to you now as Chris “Moses” Kinsinger, following your storm-deflecting feat. You know, it’s quite funny really, because outside of the bible, there is practically no evidence to support the idea that Moses ever existed. Indeed, there’s very little physical archaeological evidence that the Exodus ever took place, which does tend to somewhat invalidate what the bible has to say – if it’s wrong about the Exodus, why should anyone believe the rest of its fanciful fiction?
The whole story of the Hebrews’ time in Egypt (about 1200 years before Christ) is fraught with ambiguity – it is not certain that they were ever there to begin with.
However, let’s suspend disbelief for a brief moment, and assume they were. The bible talks about the ten plagues that God inflicted upon pharaoh, and then the Hebrews’ exit from Egypt with Moses parting the Red Sea and then the waves crashing down on pharaoh’s pursuing charioteers.
Let us now explode each one of these myths. At about the time of the ‘plagues’ there was an enormous volcanic eruption that virtually destroyed a Greek island 800 kilometres to the north-west of Egypt. This volcanic activity spewed enormous amounts of dust into the atmosphere, the skies darkened for three days. The rest of the ‘plagues’ are explained by the various effects that the volcanic eruption had on the behaviour of the weather and the animal kingdom.
When Moses finally upped sticks, he didn’t arrive at the Red Sea – that was a misinterpretation that the translators of the bible made. No, it wasn’t the Red Sea, it was a ‘sea of reeds’, an area of water (long since dried up) to the east of the Nile delta. This shallow and silted area of water would still have been awkward to cross – but was like a puddle compared to the expanse of the Red Sea. Anyway, owing to further volcanic activity at the time, an enormous tidal wave was caused (much like the one that will destroy the eastern seaboard of the United States at some time in the future, owing to the imminent collapse of an island off the north-west coast of Africa). As the tidal wave approached Egypt, much of the coastal waters would have rapidly receded as the tidal wave sucked in everything before it. This would have provided ample time for the fleeing Hebrews to cross the temporarily dried-up ‘sea of reeds’. Of course, by the time the pursuing Egyptians had begun their crossing, the fifty foot tidal wave had arrived.
As far the communication of the ten commandments is concerned, a natural phenomena can also explain that – mankind’s imagination.
I’m not sure I like your idea of religion, Chris – it sounds more like witchcraft to me.
And anyway, I bet you weren’t the only one praying to his God to avert the impending storm – or do you have the monopoly on God’s attention?
What about Charlie Smith, the guy who lives a couple miles to the east of your home who also prayed for the storm to pass by his home? Okay, so with the weight of yours and Charlie’s prayers, perhaps the storm would move westward onto the home of someone else.
But what about Alfie Jones, who lives a couple of miles to the west of your home who also prayed for the storm to pass by his home? Okay, so with the weight of yours, Charlie’s and Alfie’s prayers, perhaps the storm would move northward onto the home of someone else.
But what about Teddy Brown, who lives a couple of miles to the north of your home who also prayed for the storm to pass by his home? Okay, so with the weight of yours, Charlie’s, Alfie’s and Teddy’s prayers, perhaps the storm would move southward onto the home of someone else.
But what about Johnny Edwards, who lives a couple of miles to the south of your home who also prayed for the storm to pass by his home?
Where does the storm go now? Does it just disappear in the blink of an eye thanks to God’s intervention? Of course, such a meteorological event has never been recorded….and is never likely to be.
What about all of the animals who are incapable of prayer you have condemned to a watery grave by deflecting the storm past your house? What have they done to upset your Master?
This faith of yours sounds like a weapon of mass destruction.
posted 01-31-2001 11:58 AM PT (US) PeterK
Daniel2, YOU are a weapon of mass destruction! Shazaaam! Take that!!!
posted 01-31-2001 12:30 PM PT (US) PeterK
Before you attack, I do recognize that I am a lowly FishChip, only eaten by the best.
posted 01-31-2001 12:31 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Daniel2: [content removed so that you may not post another one of your ludicris responses]
posted 01-31-2001 02:17 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Very bad form sneering at James, Mr. 2 -- I don't think the Captain was even addressing you directly.
posted 01-31-2001 03:02 PM PT (US) Timmer
The Island of Palma in The Canarys is the one that'll create the huge Tsunami Danny 2, then you have the super volcano also known as Yellowstone Park, looks like America's really going to get it soon...Big Time!!NP : Haunted Summer - Young
posted 01-31-2001 03:23 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Then D2 is wrong. Because a Tsunami is not a TIDAL wave, but a SEISMIC wave.NP: Amistad (John Williams)
posted 01-31-2001 04:15 PM PT (US) Probable
ludicrous indeed...!sdrawkcab gniklat yrt s'tel :aedi na evah I
posted 01-31-2001 07:27 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Originally posted by Pete M:
You keep away with your Fish Chips you, or I'll .. I'll ... I'll set Britney Spears on you!!!He he he.
Set her on me, PLEASE!!!!! Damn I agree with Chris, what happened to the Sex talk?????
posted 01-31-2001 07:34 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Well Mark, we could begin again. I have some remarkably unsavory stories about Southeast Asia I could share with you all (and so apparently could the 'chanter, I bet!)NP: CHICKEN RUN (wonderful score) (no, my charming anecdotes do NOT INVOLVE CHICKENS!)
posted 01-31-2001 07:54 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
"This faith of yours sounds like a weapon of mass destruction."Only in your mind, Daniel.
I am well aware that there are numerous like-minded believers in my area. I know that I am not alone, and that Charlie & I, along with many others...moved that storm. We successfully caused it to do no harm. Period.
My faith does indeed move the hand of God. That is not an arrogant statement. It is the realization of true humility. All I do is obey His Word. He provides the power, and He does the impossible. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US is born with "a measure of faith". If we choose to exercise it, we can achieve Arnold Swartzenegger status...if not...(?).
I pray for sick people, and my God heals themALL!
Please explain how that can be defined as "mass destruction", won't you?Your "education" may have excited your mind, but it has also darkened your eyes, shrouded your soul, and blinded your spirit, Daniel. I am praying for the light of resurrection power to come upon you. That your spirit, as dead as Lazarus in the tomb after four days is brought to life!
[Message edited by Chris Kinsinger on 01-31-2001]
posted 01-31-2001 08:22 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
MARK!Keep it zipped, man!
I've been praying for that PERFECT mate-for-life to arrive SOON...so don't mess things up, OK?SHE'S ON THE WAY, MAN!!!
Please don't let her catch you with your trousers off...
posted 01-31-2001 08:25 PM PT (US) joan hue
"Please don't let her catch you with your trousers off." Awww, come on, Chris, don't be a killjoy.And,Mark, avoid those "bearded dykes" alluded to by Daniel2.
I too have faith the right lady will come along. I can tell from your posts, Mark, that you are a KEEPER!
Best snack? M&M's ALWAYS!
NP Sense and Sensibility
posted 01-31-2001 10:07 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
!aedi doog a ylbaborp si sdrawkcab gniklaT
posted 02-01-2001 07:48 AM PT (US) Pete M
Originally posted by Mark Olivarez:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Pete M:
[b]You keep away with your Fish Chips you, or I'll .. I'll ... I'll set Britney Spears on you!!!He he he.
<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Set her on me, PLEASE!!!!! Damn I agree with Chris, what happened to the Sex talk?????
oN. yM niarb struh. I tonnac kniht sdrawkcab hguone. Keeeeee.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm eseehC.PN ievoM ehT : enoZ thgiliwT
posted 02-01-2001 08:15 AM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Originally posted by H Rocco:
Well Mark, we could begin again. I have some remarkably unsavory stories about Southeast Asia I could share with you all (and so apparently could the 'chanter, I bet!)NP: CHICKEN RUN (wonderful score) (no, my charming anecdotes do NOT INVOLVE CHICKENS!)
Actually Rocco I was stationed in Korea for a year when I was in the Army so I'm sure I could come up with a few stories and experiences myself.posted 02-01-2001 09:35 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB