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Terry Gilliam probably has the worst luck of any filmmaker:http://www.observer.co.uk/review/story/0,6903,432993,00.html
Looks like we won't be seeing "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" for a long while.
posted 02-04-2001 02:23 PM PT (US) Wedge
Not incapable, Danny Boy. I just have the good sense to know when I'm wasting my time. See, I don't know how it happened, but I've deluded myself into the crazy, speculative, unfounded, inadmissible and generally baseless opinion that speaking to you is rather like flushing a clogged toilet: the only response I'm likely to get is a massive backwash of ... well, you get the picture. Having lived among garbage all your life it was bound to happen sooner or later.And Daniel2 ... please don't try to justify plagiarism. Bad form.
posted 02-04-2001 02:24 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
18 posts away......
posted 02-04-2001 02:32 PM PT (US) H Rocco
1982: a spectacular year for film music. John Williams wrote E.T. Jerry Goldsmith came out with POLTERGEIST, THE CHALLENGE, THE SECRET OF NIMH, FIRST BLOOD, NIGHT CROSSING and INCHON (the latter two actually scored before 1982). Wendy ("the former Walter") Carlos amazed with TRON. James Horner burst onto the scene big-time with his thrilling score to STAR TREK II. And Basil Poledouris finished his great and immortal fantasy score, CONAN THE BARBARIAN.And it's all been downhill ever since! (kidding
posted 02-04-2001 02:52 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Feb. 4th, 2001 5:06pm central time, L.A. Lakers 100 Sacramento Kings 94. Lakers were without Shaquille O'Neal. My weekend is now complete.
posted 02-04-2001 03:05 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
"Small wonder that the people of our modern and enlightened societies are turning away from religion in droves."Not so. The Christian church is growing like no time since Jesus ministered in Israel 2000 years ago! If you have a television, Daniel, you may want to check out Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar (he's going to be ministering in London this month!), and a few others. These Bible teachers have huge international ministeries that are growing daily, because they are teaching the full Gospel and people are being set free from sickness & disease, as well as bondages of all kinds!
Your statement could not be more wrong. The Christian body of believers is in the midst of the great end-time harvest of souls, and the growth is phenomenal! At the end of last year, Dutch evangelist Reinhard Bonnke brought over SIX MILLION people in South Africa to the Lord Jesus Christ! Even here in my area, the churches that are teaching the FULL GOSPEL (I'm not speaking of the main-line denominations here, because many of them ARE drying up!) are growing like never before. It's happening throughout the world, in fulfillment of prophecy.”Bob had powder burns all over his uniform, and the five bullets were retrieved from the back of the police vehicle seat.”
It’s a shame that God couldn’t have prevented those powder burns from ruining his uniform as well. And then there’s the punctured upholstery of the police vehicle’s seat. Wouldn’t it have been easier (and less messy) for God to have simply prevented the gun from firing in the first place?"
I know you're pulling my leg. The story is completely factual exactly as I related it to you. Newspapers in Atlanta, Georgia documented the incident in anal-retentive detail.
However, in a pragmatic sense you do make a point. God could easily have made the entire incident much cleaner by simply jamming the gun. But then nobody would've SEEN THE HAND OF GOD simply because a gun jammed. Bob led many fellow police officers to the Lord because of this - they NEEDED evidence - just like YOU need evidence, Daniel. God is always delighted to provide evidence. Ruining a police uniform and automobile upholstery is a small price to pay for a uniquely supernatural display of divine protection.[Message edited by Chris Kinsinger on 02-04-2001]
posted 02-04-2001 03:50 PM PT (US) joan hue
I want to know how this thread will die? I mean that I hope PeterK practices merciful
euthanasia. Does it just vanish? Poison, a shot?Will it be all alone when it ceases to be? Sob. It is like losing a friend.
NP Gladiator's Am I Not Merciful?
posted 02-04-2001 04:04 PM PT (US) John Dunham
With any luck, Peter will just close it. That way, it won't be gone, just unable to grow.
posted 02-04-2001 05:38 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Originally posted by Observer:
Terry Gilliam probably has the worst luck of any filmmakerDammit.
NP: Henry V (Patrick Doyle)
posted 02-04-2001 06:14 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
We're nearly there...
posted 02-04-2001 06:31 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
In 1989, Kenneth Branagh directed his first movie, and Patrick Doyle wrote his first film score: Henry V.
posted 02-04-2001 06:32 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
In the first reply to this thread, H Rocco said:Within ten days, THIS will be the longest thread-response of ALL time
In reply #19, after Mark Hatfield announced that he won't "contribute to this silliness", H Rocco said:
Me neither. I don't know WHAT I was thinking.
Say, Your H'ness, what do you think now?
[Message edited by Marian Schedenig on 02-04-2001]
posted 02-04-2001 06:36 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
posted 02-04-2001 06:43 PM PT (US) Observer
I say we re-inact the ending of "Dr. Strangelove" in the last 9 posts.Who ever ends it sings "So Long and Farewell" and links to "Another ? For Peter K".
Anyone for it?
posted 02-04-2001 06:43 PM PT (US) Observer
Oh Bugger!I double posted!
That's seven!
PeterK, I bet, has a doomsday device, doesn't he? He'll set it off on the thread when it's over?
[Message edited by Observer on 02-04-2001]
posted 02-04-2001 06:46 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
posted 02-04-2001 07:16 PM PT (US) Wedge
"We'll meet again ..."
posted 02-04-2001 07:20 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
(My best Slim Pickins impression)
WOOOOOOOOO HEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAH![Message edited by Chris Kinsinger on 02-04-2001]
posted 02-04-2001 07:54 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Farewell and adeiu to you fare spanish lady...farewell and adeiu to you ladies of Spain......
posted 02-04-2001 07:57 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Farewell and adeiu to you fare spanish lady...farewell and adeiu to you ladies of Spain......
posted 02-04-2001 07:58 PM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
I TOLD you that I refused to add to this silliness!I was joking then. I'm being serious now when I say that I'll miss this thread, despite the arguments and boring lectures from Historians.
posted 02-04-2001 08:34 PM PT (US) Wedge
Sunday, February 4th, 2001
The thread remains the same:
posted 02-04-2001 08:49 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
THE ENDok...
posted 02-04-2001 08:54 PM PT (US) Wedge
Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be a message-board-shattering kaboom!
posted 02-04-2001 08:56 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Huh, I go away for a couple hours, and #2000 is already past.As Wedge observed many hundreds of messages ago, and Marian implicitly just mentioned, I DID kind of goose this thread into being the monster it is -- but I repeat what I said a while ago: I HAD NO IDEA IT WOULD GO THIS FAR!
So blame it all on me if you must, but we've had more fun than not. And apparently are continuing to have it, since the thread persists.
posted 02-04-2001 09:22 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Oh no...this is IT...I'm going through the tunnel...the looooong dark tunnel...I can see the white light at the end of the tunnel...can anybody hear me? THIS TUNNEL IS SOOOOO COOOOL! I LOOOOOVE THE TUNNEL! I HOPE THE TUNNEL NEVER ENDS! YEEEEE HAAAAAAAH!posted 02-04-2001 09:22 PM PT (US) Wedge
Come now, Chris! SURELY you have figured out that it's just Daniel2 with a flashlight!DANIEL2! Stop scaring Chris with your mystical mumbo-jumbo, right this very second!
Kids these days ...
posted 02-04-2001 09:42 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Wedge...we made it, man! WE'RE ON THE OTHER SIDE, BRUTHAH!YEAH!
uh...did you say Daniel2 is here?
posted 02-04-2001 09:51 PM PT (US) Wedge
Well ... not YET. When 20,000 people disappear off the face of the Earth in The Rapture, Daniel2 will chalk it up to unusual tornado activity and go back to sleep.By the way, Chris, this is one of the three weeks in the year during which there is NO FASTING! No fasting WHATSOEVER in observance of the upcoming Sunday of Orthodoxy ... an ancient Christian celebration. You can eat lots of juicy meat on Wednesday! FRIDAY even! So all you Christians out there ... CELEBRATE!!!
posted 02-04-2001 10:00 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
20,000 people disappear in the rapture?Wedgie, BABY! I believe your figures are just a bit askew...
Four months ago Reinhard Bonnke lead over SIX MILLION people to Jesus in South Africa!
Please re-adjust your statistics...
posted 02-04-2001 10:11 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
...and if you want to see some really JUICY MEAT Wedge, please visit my website at:
www.bjsribs.comIT'S DELICIOUS!
posted 02-04-2001 10:15 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
posted 02-04-2001 10:23 PM PT (US) Jeron
THE THREAD IS NOT DEAD! Hey, that rhymes!
posted 02-04-2001 10:33 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
I guess it's living on borrowed time.
posted 02-05-2001 03:32 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Maybe Peter decided not to dispose of it after all...
Or maybe he forgot. Can we post another two pages before he realizes it's still going?
posted 02-05-2001 03:39 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Of course we can!
posted 02-05-2001 03:48 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Can we?NP: Once Upon a Time in the West (Ennio Morricone)
posted 02-05-2001 06:41 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
So?NP: A Fistful of Dollars (Ennio Morricone) (it's Spaghetti Western day
posted 02-05-2001 07:18 AM PT (US) Pete M
I don't know if we can.posted 02-05-2001 08:21 AM PT (US) Pete M
Maybe, if we try really hard...
posted 02-05-2001 08:27 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB