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? for PETER K. (Page 28)
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Topic: ? for PETER K.
Hector J. Guzman
Thanks Chris!I hate NBC's way of looking at other countries as if they were inferior to the United States, specially the way they handled the (case of Marion Jones' husband)C.J. Hunter doping thing, and the way, almost uncaring, of Andreea Raducan's case. And when the swimmer from the Netherlands won, all the undirect comments he said, almost supporting Amy Van Something's unsportsmanship behavior.
Sorry for this off-topic post, I'm really pissed with these people. But I like the music from the coverage.NP. Olympic Spirit(Williams)
[Message edited by Hector J. Guzman on 09-29-2000]
posted 09-29-2000 01:03 PM PT (US) scoreman
posted 09-29-2000 01:12 PM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
No, you're not!If you were, Schumacher would've tried to highlight your nipples by now....
posted 09-29-2000 02:14 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
...not to mention hard plastic buns!Hector, I find nearly EVERYTHING about NBC's Olympics coverage to be really annoying! I heard yesterday that the ratings are terrible, and if that's true I believe it's because NBC is doing such an awful job.
posted 09-29-2000 02:21 PM PT (US) DjC
That, and the plain fact that the olympics are BORING AS HELL! The only good thing about the Olympics are the Hockey games, wait that was in Winter...damn
posted 09-29-2000 06:13 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Oh, I don't know, DjC. I find many of the events very exciting to watch, in spite of NBC cutting and pasting everything together, and flashing their logo on the screen between every single shot. GRRRRRRRR!
posted 09-29-2000 07:40 PM PT (US) scoreguy15
I haven't watched any of the Olympics yet this year.Clay G.
NP Gone In 60 Seconds (Trevor Rabin)
posted 09-29-2000 07:52 PM PT (US) DjC
They could make make things more interesting. Take the Gymnastic portion, all they have to do is surround the mat with electrically charged barbed wire cages, and have flame throwers burst every minute or so during the act at the person..hence why that person has to use gymnastics to dodge the traps, much like Indy. and the Last Crusade, when he dodges the blades. Now that would be very very very watchable. Hell, throw in some aligators too, if the person falls, they land in a moat with fire breathing crocidiles.
posted 09-29-2000 08:45 PM PT (US) scoreguy15
Hey ya, then they could have like one of those invisable bars to do tricks on that's connects two mountains that's EXTREMELY high up. And also have them have to jump on the squars and keep their balance. Now that would be entertaining!Clay G.
NP Gone In 60 Seconds (Trevor Rabin)
posted 09-29-2000 08:51 PM PT (US) Observer
In that case, how about we just make Rollerball an official Olympic sport?
posted 09-29-2000 10:06 PM PT (US) DjC
Only prob is that Rollerball is cheasy. For no death or injury is apparent. I would say make the Olympics like Mad Max in the thunderdome, only with fire breathing aligators.
posted 09-29-2000 10:50 PM PT (US) Observer
Speaking of Rollerball's cheesiness, I wonder how the McTiernan remake will fare?
NW: Prospero's Books by Peter Greenaway. Big Willie Shakespeare on LSD, I swear. The Michael Nyman score is pretty good, however.posted 09-29-2000 11:14 PM PT (US) joan hue
Has anyone seen MWRuger post lately? Where is that gracious guy?NP Untouchables
posted 09-30-2000 01:54 PM PT (US) John Dunham
So, a real question for Peter K (assuming you're still following this mess):
WHAT happened on page 27?NP: Hornerisms: The Film Music Of James Horner
posted 09-30-2000 02:25 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Mom: I saw Mr. Ruger post just a day or two ago ... and earlier, we even exchanged e-mails about where to buy used CDs in this part of Florida (he used to live in the same neighborhood) ... so I imagine he's around ... one certainly hopes so, anyway ...
posted 09-30-2000 04:56 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Statistics have proven that this thread loses steam unless there's some sort of controversy to keep it ignited. I understand that here on the other side of 1000 posts, perhaps that milestone was seen by many as the peak, but I maintain that if chains are jerked, the posts will come flying in.Controversy, anyone?
I say that the US Government has the cure for cancer, but will not release it until April 5, 2003!
I say that Lee Harvey Oswald DID NOT kill JFK!
I say that Hangar 18 EXISTS!
I say that Alan Silvestri WAS the original choice to score Patton!
I say that the ONLY reason that Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Blanchett starred in Titanic is because both Bob Hope and Phyllis Diller REFUSED unless they received $1 Million each!
Hopefully at least ONE of these will work...
posted 09-30-2000 08:46 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Christopher, you know damn well that Paul Simon was the original choice to score PATTON -- they wanted sort of a "soundscape" concept, with lyrics underscoring Patton's most secret emotions, but Simon thought the character was fascistic and refused to do it. And it was Kate Winslet, not Cate Blanchett, that finally appeared in TITANIC -- although it was NOT Phyllis Diller that she was replacing, but Diana Ross. Ross was actually game, but she wanted more money than Bob Hope, and Hope insisted on his own "favored nations" contract clause, i.e. anything one star gets, the other gets. Negotiations went on for SOME time, even past the point where filming began: Cameron decided to go ahead with the younger actors, shooting everything he could, and imagining that he could digitally replace DiCaprio and Winslet with Hope and Ross later. Ross even recorded the original version of "My Heart Will Go On" -- now that's a bootleg rarity! They actually wound up paying her off MORE money NOT to release her version, or perform it live EVER, than she would have made for acting in the film! What a weird-ass business this is. (I understand that James Horner actually hoped Cameron would replace Ross with Celine Dion, but by the time all the deals had fallen apart, the movie was already so far over budget that Cameron decided to stick with his existing cast. I believe he also toyed with the idea of digitally replacing Kathy Bates with Shelley Winters as well, but decided TITANIC was a bit too much like POSEIDON ADVENTURE already as it was ...)NP: THE DAY THE ANIMALS CAUGHT FIRE (rejected Maurice Jarre score for Italian disaster film starring Roger Moore, John Huston and Karen Valentine -- final version was scored by Tangerine Dream)
posted 10-01-2000 05:37 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by Chris Kinsinger:
[b]I say that the US Government has the cure for cancer, but will not release it until April 5, 2003!I say the US government is so screwed up that if they DID have a cure for cancer, one-third of them wouldn't realize it, one-third would would think it was bad for you, and the remaining third wouldn't care!
NP: Hornerisms: The Film Music Of James Horner
[Message edited by John Dunham on 10-01-2000]
posted 10-01-2000 06:38 AM PT (US) John Dunham
ANOTHER question for Peter K: How come you can't edit a message without messing up the quotes?NP: Hornerisms: The Film Music Of James Horner
posted 10-01-2000 06:43 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
This thread is doing really well at the moment.
posted 10-01-2000 01:12 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
"Why", you ask?
posted 10-01-2000 01:13 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Because we're already 10 per cent on our way to the next message millennium!NP: The Secret of N.I.M.H. (Jerry Goldsmith)
posted 10-01-2000 01:14 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
(and once again, I forgot to count the initial post.)
posted 10-01-2000 01:16 PM PT (US) Justin
Whew, this is really getting on up there, eh? What were we aiming for again?NP - Metal Gear Solid
posted 10-01-2000 01:30 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by Justin:
Whew, this is really getting on up there, eh? What were we aiming for again?
NP - Metal Gear Solid"The longest message board thread EVER."
I guess that means, we'll talk until we've said everything and then talk some more."Many things aren't worth repeating because most things aren't worth saying to begin with."--Me
posted 10-01-2000 01:52 PM PT (US) JJH
Okay, John's using quotes. So shall I.this is what would appear in my signature, if that function was enabled:
"God is dead" -- Nietzsche
"So is Nietzsche" -- God
NP -- Images, Williams; bootleg, as such, it needs on official release of some kindposted 10-01-2000 02:26 PM PT (US) DjC
I edited my long post on page 27 and it is fixed now, that was really weird, i believe I found a prob. Anyhoo I think the rollerball film will be interesting to see.N.P. Radiohead Kid A. Idioteque
Love this CD
posted 10-01-2000 03:00 PM PT (US) Observer
Will the signiture function ever be turned on?I'm sort of stuck between two quotes:
"If it wasn't for my horse, then I wouldn't have spent that year in college." -Lady at an IHOP as overheard by Louis Black
"The last time somebody said, `I find I can write much better with a
word processor.', I replied, `They used to say the same thing about
drugs.' - Roy Blount, Jr.
There's an idea to keep this thread alive, everyone's favorite quotes.posted 10-01-2000 06:32 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
"I say the US government is so screwed up that if they DID have a cure for cancer, one-third of them wouldn't realize it, one-third would would think it was bad for you, and the remaining third wouldn't care!"That's just IT, John!
They don't even know they have it!Rocco, thanks once again for the fascinating behind-the-scenes insider stuff about Patton and Titanic. I recall a rumor about Paul Simon scoring Patton and the rumor had it that he left in a huff after George C. Scott went ballistic while listening to him sing "I Slap You". Simon wanted the song to play in the background in the hospital scene, increasing in volume as Patton slaps the cowardly private. I never thought it was true, though.
Man, I would've LOVED Titanic even more with Hope & Ross as the leads. Cameron certainly did OK, but I believe the Hope & Ross chemistry would've added an even greater demographic to the already astronomical B.O. take!
By the way, you would certainly be the one who would know the answer to this one: I found a very old copy of Variety in a closet, and thought it would be fun to look it over. Under the heading of "Scoring Assignments" there was this one: Vic Mizzy to score Fox's comedy Planet Of The Apes, starring Jack Lemmon and Paul Lynde. What dy'a make of that?posted 10-01-2000 07:12 PM PT (US) Bozman
Just thought I'd add my post to boost the overall number.
posted 10-02-2000 10:40 AM PT (US) Kris Koon
DANIEL2's posts are much more interesting when an ebonics filter is applied. Check it out:
http://www.degraeve.com/scripts/babel2/babel.cgi?d=ebonics& url=http://www.moviemusic.com/mb/Forum1/HTML/003564.html[Message edited by Kris Koon on 10-02-2000]
posted 10-02-2000 10:57 AM PT (US) H Rocco
I laughed out loud just at the idea of this ... the reality is even better ... (of course the WHOLE thread becomes Ebonicized, which somehow is even funnier ...)NP: Psychedelic Furs "We Love You" (title song being among the most sarcastic of all time, splendid background for this particular thread-mutation)
posted 10-02-2000 12:08 PM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Originally posted by DjC:
That, and the plain fact that the olympics are BORING AS HELL! The only good thing about the Olympics are the Hockey games, wait that was in Winter...damn
I love the Olympics. Is a chance of being in contact with the world, I think. The Games unite the world.The NBC coverage sucked, even though I like NBC. It's a good thing I live on the border, I get the [almost]complete and live coverage from the Mexico stations, and the NBC coverage. The thing NBC knows how to do are those montages with film music.
posted 10-02-2000 02:02 PM PT (US) Al
They could make make things more interesting. Take the Gymnastic portion, all they have to do is surround the mat with electrically charged barbed wire cages, and have flame throwers burst every minute or so during the act at the person..hence why that person has to use gymnastics to dodge the traps, much like Indy. and the Last Crusade, when he dodges the blades. Now that would be very very very watchable. Hell, throw in some aligators too, if the person falls, they land in a moat with fire breathing crocidiles.And the effect?
People stop becoming Olympians.
NP: Fenton's "Shadowlands"
posted 10-02-2000 02:58 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Rocco, I borrowed that Japanese Orchestral Music album I mentioned. Ballata Sinfonica sounds VERY good indeed. Interestingly, although the back cover says this work was composed in 1943, this 1990 recording by the Malmö Symphony Orchestra under Jun'ichi Hirokami is listed as the World Premiere Recording.NP: Anton Bruckner: Symphony #2 (Berlin Philharmonic, Herbert von Karajan)
posted 10-02-2000 04:01 PM PT (US) John Dunham
We need something to get this thread moving again!Anybody privy to a controversy?
Anybody else like Nelson Demille's writing? I read The General's Daughter as an introduction to it, and borrowed everything my library had by him. (Haven't read it all yet; just By The Rivers Of Babylon, Plum Island, The Lion's Game, and The General's Daughter. All were excellent, though, and I'm forging on ahead.)
NP: Thin Red Line, Zimmer
posted 10-02-2000 04:13 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
It's difficult for me to believe that... here we are in a Presidential election year, just FIVE WEEKS AWAY from what may well be the tightest race in ages, and WE CAN'T EVEN GET A GOOD DEBATE GOING ON HERE!!!"Dubya" or "Gore"?
posted 10-02-2000 08:22 PM PT (US) PeterK
Uh, I don't know what to say other than one bit of advice. If you like this thread, it would be wise to cancel any and all vacations you have planned for the future.I've been away for a mere 9 days and it's taken me almost an hour to catch up on this single thread.
I must admit, I really wished I had a good score playing when I was reading up to the 1,000th post. I was quite held in suspense, not unlike my first viewings of most Hitchcock films. It was quite amazing!
I am happy to see this thread is alive and well, and as off topic as ever. I enjoyed everyone's favorites/worsts lists.
posted 10-02-2000 08:49 PM PT (US) ActionGuy
wait wait wait!!!! back up!! Patton? It was Hans Zimmer of course, he was the original one that was supposed to score it. He used most of his themes for his score to the rock that he was going to use for patton!ActionGuy
NP - Patton - the unreleased MV scoreposted 10-02-2000 08:50 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
FORGET IT, ActionGuy!ZIMMER wasn't even a glimmer in his father's eye when Patton was released.
posted 10-02-2000 09:02 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB