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? for PETER K. (Page 33)
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Topic: ? for PETER K.
John Dunham
heh.NP: Chicken Run Suite
posted 10-16-2000 03:23 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Welcome to page 33!!NP: Balto - Heritage Of The Wolf, Horner (I LOVE this track! It gives me goose bumps every time I hear it!)
posted 10-16-2000 03:29 PM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Go Mets!!!NP. Bernsteinīs Symphony No.1 "Jeremiah"(New York Philharmonic; Jennie Tourel, mezzo-soprano)
[Message edited by Hector J. Guzman on 10-18-2000]
posted 10-16-2000 03:39 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Originally posted by Hector J. Guzman:
NP. Bernsteinīs Symphony No.1 "Jeremiah"I only recently got this myself (Isarel Philharmonic, Christa Ludwig, Bernstein). The "Profanation" movement is awesome!
NP: Glassworks (Philip Glass)
posted 10-16-2000 03:48 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Really, Marian...awesome?
It's just so overused.posted 10-16-2000 04:43 PM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Marian,I bought this one about a year ago, I love it. I was reading messages since the last time I was here and saw that you were listening to this one at that time, so I decided to hear it again. That particular movement, Profanation, was somewhat, the reason for buying this album, which also contains Symphonies Nos.2&3, The Chichester Psalms(very cool), Strings Serenade and a swing piece(sort of like "Cool" from West Side Story).
PS. Go Mets!!!
[Message edited by Hector J. Guzman on 10-18-2000]
posted 10-16-2000 05:23 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Hey, my disc also contains Symphonies #1 & 2 and the Chichester Psalms, which were MY reason to get the disc, after I had heard a short excerpt on a TV feature about Bernstein. Great stuff!NP: The Dark Half (Christopher Young)
posted 10-16-2000 05:32 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oh, and by the way...
posted 10-16-2000 05:33 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
This is my TWO THOUSANDTH post here at MovieMusic! Love you all!
posted 10-16-2000 05:34 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
HAPPY 2000th POST TO YOOOOOOOOU!posted 10-16-2000 06:04 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
You're WAY ahead of me, Marian!
posted 10-16-2000 06:09 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Yeah, but it's quality that matters, not quantity.And for a real high number of posts, check Rocco's profile - the proof that quantity and quality can go hand in hand.
posted 10-17-2000 05:10 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
What's up? I don't think this thread has been so long without a reply since it was created!NP: Damien Omen II (Jerry Goldsmith)
posted 10-18-2000 06:02 PM PT (US) Observer
Sooooooo....Did any of you know that Stephen Hawking is not just a scientist, but a gangsta rapper too?
posted 10-18-2000 07:23 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Marian, you said:"Yeah, but it's quality that matters, not quantity."
How then, do you honestly describe YOUR 2000 posts against my (less than) 1500?
I couldn't resist.posted 10-18-2000 10:06 PM PT (US) meegle
[From the "who r u voting 4?" thread]
Someone on NPR the other day said, "Are these 2 men REALLY the best our society has to offer up as leaders?"
I couldn't agree more.Thankfully Frontline on PBS had a special on both candidates and really opened my eyes to Bush's background. What most impressed me is his relationship with a Texas politician named Bullock (I think that's his name). Bush was able to oust a VERY popular governor out of office. So....he can at least talk the talk.
I dont (necessarily) believe him to be the overpriviledged sap that I once thought. I think his potential is actually greater than his father's. (I still cant get over his father referring to his own mixed marriage grandchildren as "the little brown ones". What an obtuse fool.)
I think George W could be a good President but I think he's just not ripe enough yet. Leave him on the tree a little longer and we'll see in another 4 years.
Gore's probably the anti-Christ but at least he's got more experience under his belt. He's my candidate....even though from the debates he came off as the kid who always had their hand raised with the answer in class. You know the one. The one that the teacher would overlook trying desparately to get another student a chance.
It's a shame that the people here in Texas are assuming that Bush will naturally win this state.
Its possible. There are enough inbred bumpkins here that'll think they're voting for Johnny Carson.Gore's my man even though I really did like McCain.
posted 10-18-2000 11:13 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Originally posted by Observer:
Did any of you know that Stephen Hawking is not just a scientist, but a gangsta rapper too?ROFLMAO!!
NP: Damien Omen II - A Black Mass (Jerry Goldsmith)
posted 10-19-2000 05:25 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Originally posted by Chris Kinsinger:
How then, do you honestly describe YOUR 2000 posts against my (less than) 1500?Well, my posts are the best of all anyway.
But seriously, I think I often post short messages, while you elaborate more in your posts, so you'll have to take several of my average posts to match one of yours.
posted 10-19-2000 05:41 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Heh, I'm closing in on *3000* posts ... even more, if you believe my Internet Stalker who keeps accusing me of being DANIEL2 (come on now, between my posts and his, NO ONE has THAT much free time.)This thread is nearly at 1300 now ... unlucky number 13 ... just in time for Halloween ... coooooool ...
posted 10-19-2000 10:21 AM PT (US) Scott
Since PeterK did not give me enough time to respond to the "voting" thread (been very busy lately), I will offer my vote her.
Scottposted 10-19-2000 11:24 AM PT (US) JJH
huh huh...you said "bush."
posted 10-19-2000 12:53 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Oh my God -- I am the 1300th poster!I am doomed ...
posted 10-19-2000 12:55 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
My birthday is on a 13th - I'm always happy when it's a friday.
posted 10-19-2000 01:51 PM PT (US) John Dunham
I didn't use to believe in Friday the 13th. Until last week. What a horrible day that was. >shudder<NP: Nothing, really
posted 10-19-2000 02:55 PM PT (US) JJH
beware! Friday the 20th is coming up fast!
NP -- The Simpsons are about to start. The world stops for The Simpsonsposted 10-19-2000 03:20 PM PT (US) jonathan_little
Friday the 20th?! *gasp*NP: King Solomon's Mines, trying to drown out the crappy music blasted by others on the floor. (I hate dorms.)
posted 10-19-2000 03:57 PM PT (US) Probable
I can't believe this thread is still going. Maybe it will never die? I can just picture coming to these boards 5 years from now and this thread is still going. I hereby vow to be the first person to post on page 1000.NP: Last Of The Mohicans(Jones/Edelman) *****/*****
posted 10-19-2000 06:24 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
It's 4 o'clock in the morning here, I'm still working for the upcoming deadline tomorrow (well, today to be exact), and browsing the board to stay awake. So don't be surprised if you see me posting here again in 2 or 3 hours, for it looks like I still won't be going to be for a while.I HATE DEADLINES!
NP: The OMD Singles
posted 10-19-2000 06:50 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
I have a theory that the term "deadline" originally didn't refer to the time when a project has to be finished, but to the moment when the person working on the project collapsed. The current meaning of the term "deadline" is just due to the fact that both usually happen at the same time.
posted 10-19-2000 07:00 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Not any time soon, with luck: I have one at 11:59:59 PM Sunday, and another on November 15. Well, if either of them kills me, at least I won't have to care anymore.
posted 10-19-2000 07:14 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
I know exactly what you mean.*yawn*
NP: The OMD Singles
posted 10-19-2000 07:23 PM PT (US) JJH
wake up Marian!{...sound of JJ reaching thru cyberspace to slap Marian...}
NP -- Suns Dance, Colin Mathewsposted 10-19-2000 08:05 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Who? What? Is it already Saturday?NP: Rambo First Blood Pt. 2, preventing me from sleeping
posted 10-19-2000 08:16 PM PT (US) James
Actually, Marian, the original meaning of "deadline" referred to a line in a military prison beyond which a prisoner could go only at the risk of being shot by a guard.I must say, however, that you're theory is very intriguing.
By the way, everyone, I feel partially responsible for the the end of your political discussion, and for that I apologize.Actually, we're lucky my very presence on this thread hasn't completely destroyed it, as my presence at any given thread usually does.
NP - Braveheart (*****)posted 10-19-2000 09:12 PM PT (US) James
I'd like to take this moment to brag and tell all of you that today I saw Braveheart on an IMAX screen.
posted 10-19-2000 09:13 PM PT (US) PeterK
James, nothing can destroy this thread. You didn't destroy any other ones. I had to stick to principles. No religion. No politics.Except here, of course.
posted 10-19-2000 09:56 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
...and of course, then there is ME!
ALL RELIGION! ALL POLITICS! ALL THE TIME!posted 10-19-2000 10:12 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
James, I'm quite glad that our last political discussion is over. It was clear that nothing we were saying would change anything.Seeing Braveheart in IMAX format must be great. Does anyone know what became of that IMAX Trek movie that was planned?
posted 10-20-2000 02:33 AM PT (US) jonathan_little
I just thought I'd drop in to say "hi" since it seems that my idea for a new forum has been dropped.NP: Robin Hood (Korngold)
posted 10-20-2000 09:55 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Has it? That's news to me. (Of course, I haven't gotten to that thread yet, so I may not have seen the post yet.)NP: What Dreams May Come Rejected, Morricone Note: This CD has been playing pretty much constantly since I got it. It's great!
posted 10-20-2000 12:01 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB