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? for PETER K. (Page 38)
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Topic: ? for PETER K.
Tippecanoe and Timmer Too?! COOL!!...No worries about me being a naturalised American JJ, as Mommy Joan has adopted meTimmer is an honorary American...Wooaahhh!!
Chris K, Chedder,Feta,Brie,Swiss??....You mean that you can actually get PROPER cheese that isn't orange in colour in the good ol'USA?
Me as Prez? mmmmmmm I don't think 'any score you ever wanted and expanded with unused tracks you never knew existed' will wash with the masses
posted 11-18-2000 07:39 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
TIMMER! We have cheese of ALL COLORS here in the USA!ROCCO! Thank God you're back! I was set to issue an APB!!!
Now...as to your "poltergeist" situation, you said:
"the oven keeps turning itself on"
This chills my blood, Roc.
In 1973, I lived in an apartment where a group of Satanists had stayed prior to my arrival. I was totally ignorant of that fact, and experienced numerous unreal, supernatural incidents, including disappearing items, violently loud screams in the night (from the 81 year old woman on the lower floor who claimed that she never made a sound!), and finally...the gas oven very nearly killed my roomate & I when it somehow turned on in the middle of the night. I awoke to see my roomate reaching for his cigarette lighter, simultaneously detecting the odor of gas in the air.
I FLEW across the room and stopped him from lighting that cigarette!
The two of us walked to the kitchen, BATHED in the odor of propane gas, and turned the oven OFF.Poltergeist activity is NOT benign.
Rocco...it's out to kill you.
I know this.posted 11-18-2000 09:27 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
OH! And by the way...
WELCOME TO PAGE 38!posted 11-18-2000 09:32 PM PT (US) joan hue
Timmer, since you are now a person of dual citizenship, you need to send in an absentee ballot to Florida. We need all the help we can get.NP Yor, Hunter of the Future
posted 11-18-2000 10:01 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Hey, it worked!Always good to see you back, Your H'ness.
I find Gargantuas very Herrmann-esque, which does in fact make it quite monotonous on album. But for the same reason, I never doubted that it works great as a film score. That march is great, too. Even though it gets repeated countless times, I can't stop whistling along.
I assumed that Mark got the disc from you; I think he or you once mentioned about you giving him some Ifukube CDs. What I've been wondering since I got the CD: What's that Japanese talking at the beginning of the first track?
Regarding your hounted house, I guess you can consider yourself lucky as long as it keeps the spiders away.
I've got a spider at the toilet, it's been there for one or two weeks now. I keep wondering if I should let Jerry in to kill it, but as long as it stays in it's corner, I can live with it.
posted 11-19-2000 08:41 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Spiders... hmm. I've got two spider problems:
First, there are these big brown and grey house spiders that like to run around downstairs. They're about two inches in diameter, but they're prttey harmless.
Second, there are these Black Widows that like to dig in around the foundation of the house. Somehow or another, they keep getting into the walls, and since the downstairs area here isn't finished, there's nothing keeping them from playing around in the house.NP: Alive, JNH. Solid work. I should have picked it up sooner.
posted 11-19-2000 09:19 AM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Actually if it's the march I think Marian is referring to, it also makes an appearance in Godzilla vs Mothra (1992) and Godzilla vs Destroyer. It is one of my favorite Ifukube military marches, although the G-Force march from Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla (1993) has to be my favorite one. You're welcome Lou. I've been going through the ones you sent and really enjoy the Ifukube ones especially.
posted 11-19-2000 09:42 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
posted 11-19-2000 05:10 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Yeah.. beats what we had in the other house. Those babies were almost FIVE inches across!
(I'm counting the whole spider here, not just the body; that's edge-to-edge.)
I have no idea what kind of spiders they were; I didn't know anything other than a tarantula could even get that big.NP: Works: I, Hisaishi
[Message edited by John Dunham on 11-19-2000]
posted 11-19-2000 05:19 PM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Although a number of armed & hostile people have fired at me, and Morton Thyokol's nastily-manufactured munition cost me some parts (and over a year in the hospital), I managed to avoid death. NOTHING scares me as much as Evil Incarnate: spiders. Those other dangers merely marked me. I am quite sure that friggin' spiders that are FIVE INCHES ACROSS would surely be the end of me. Guhhh. (shudder)I have a water pistol loaded with a bleach/water mixture on hand for just this type of crisis! No direct touching of the little monsters in THIS house, no sirree.
posted 11-19-2000 05:31 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
FIVE? FIVE F** INCHES? ROCCO? THOR?(sound of chair tipping over)
BTW, Mark, I don't remember YOU mentioning being afraid of spiders before. Welcome to the club!
Cats offer a bit of protection, fortunately.
posted 11-19-2000 06:03 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Spiders...Before I was married, I lived in a small house (3 rooms!) surrounded by wheat fields.
When I moved in, I noticed several living things scurrying into corners to escape my sight.
I knew that I was not alone.
At the time, I was reading Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast Of Champions. One night while I was reading, I had this eerie feeling that I was being watched. For no other reason, I peered over the floor of the house, and I saw the largest spider that my eyes have ever seen!
He was HUGE!
I was petrified!
I slowly reached to the floor and picked up one of my shoes. I leaped out of bed and slammed that spider with my shoe! I could feel AND hear the CRUNCH as he was flattened!Heheheh...
Got 'im.
NEXT: THE MOUSE!!!posted 11-19-2000 09:00 PM PT (US) James
And the spider committed no other crime but being in the room with you...Seriously, guys, spiders frighten me somewhat, but I feel very guilty killing a creature whose only crime is having a misunderstood reputation. I always catch them and put them outside... of course I'm sure the scurry back inside as soon as they can, but I don't like to kill them.
But flies... flies are a different story... they are more dangerous than bees and spiders combined, and all they contribute to the world are diseases and more flies... flies I do not hesitate to swat and destroy.
That's another reason I don't like killing spiders: when it comes to the war against flies, spiders and humans are on the same side.
One time when I was in my basement, I was trying to enjoy George Fenton's lovely score to Ever After, but my enjoyment was being threatened severely by the constant hovering of a virus-infested fly whose unremitting buzzing about my head and eerie ability to evade my fly swatter were irritating me immensely. But then it flew into the window where a spider web was waiting... it got caught, and despite its struggle could not break free... and then the spider came and killed the fly, making sure that the little buzzer would annoy me no more.
Spiders (except the highly poisonous ones) are our friends... it is the disease-carrying flies that must be destroyed!!
NP - Ever Afterposted 11-19-2000 10:19 PM PT (US) Timmer
I think most of you know my views on Spiders?!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
posted 11-20-2000 04:46 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Marian: Sixteen cats in this house! Lots of protection!James: I agree that flies are more dangerous than spiders, but I don't relish the idea of being bitten by a Black Widow, so they get squished.
As for the two-inchers... no spider has any buisness being that big unless there are golf-ball-sized flies around. Helpful or not, I'm not having those things crawling around it the house. Just imagine if one decided to crawl down your shirt while you were sleeping, or worse, imagine awaking to find a two-inch spider staring you in the face!Uh-uh, no way.
NP: Nothing at the moment. Trying to decide what to put in.
posted 11-20-2000 06:40 AM PT (US) H Rocco
caution, the following all in lower case, as explained below.no spiders in the house that i´ve seen, i´d agree with the captain that there´s no reason to kill them just because of what they are. flies are indeed maddening though, never more so than the ones in west africa, you can hardly go outside without being swarmed. at the sight of a single palmetto bug, aka mammoth cockroach, last week, roomie worried we were doomed to an invasion, but they have not rematerialized. roomie has chosen to elevate his formerly floor'based mattress, however, which is amusingly squeamish behavior for a guy who´s fond of fondling arachnids. we have the occasional geckoe, but they´re fun, and if they weren´t wild, might make good playmates. our cat is such a cowardly beast that i doubt he could face down an ant, much less a goliath spider of the kind described above.
christopher, the oven in our place is electric, so it can´t kill us that way. so far the ghosts appear merely interested in asserting their presence.
although since i posted this message, the very following morning in fact, i was amazed to wake up and discover the front door not only unlocked, but slightly ajar. actually, as i was sitting down to read the paper, there was a small blast of wind that alerted me to this fact, it was not obviously open before that moment. roomie was not responsible for this, and neither was i. it wasn´t burglars, because they would´ve kyped my big fancy new computer now, wouldn´t they.
the lower case writing is due to the fact that the only computer i can have at the library right now is actually geared to the spanish language, and their concept of capitalization is apparently different from ours. it´s too much of a chore to pound on the key in question just to make a capital letter, and i am both lazy and short of time.
posted 11-20-2000 04:36 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
In Celebration Of The Centipede!The benign and Most Godly Creature known as The Centipede is a harmless inhabitant of every home.
He loves to eat all of the insects that SPIDERS eat...AND HE LOVES TO EAT SPIDERS AS WELL!The Centipede is WONDERFUL!
posted 11-20-2000 09:59 PM PT (US) John Dunham
But don't centipedes have a habit of biting people? And aren't there a few similar creatures which carry poison?(I recall hearing this somewhere, but I don't feel like looking it up at the moment.)
NP: Works: I, Hisaishi
posted 11-21-2000 03:43 AM PT (US) Probable
Down with Centipedes! Death to millipedes! Long live Spiders!NP - Batman:MOTP (****1/2/*****)
posted 11-21-2000 09:01 AM PT (US) H Rocco
In his memoir PAPILLON (subsequently grossly fictionalized as a Steve McQueen movie, Henri Charriere recalled being shut up in solitary confinement for two years with the things (actually nearly four years, counting his second sentence there). Their bite was sufficiently horrendous that he had to train himself to live with them peacefully, even to the extent of "allowing them to crawl all over my naked body."Bleaaaaaah!
I believe the 'chanter has an unpleasant centipede story or two from his adventures in Thailand.
posted 11-21-2000 02:23 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
IN DEFENSE OF THE CENTIPEDE!We await the Prosecution's case.
Our evidence is compleat.
posted 11-21-2000 09:54 PM PT (US) Wedge
Oops! Posted twice. As you can see below, Chris is right and wrong at the same time! Most spiders are VERY beneficial, and poor li'l millipedes never hurt anyone! For shame![Message edited by Wedge on 11-21-2000]
posted 11-21-2000 09:58 PM PT (US) Wedge
Chris is speaking of the HOUSE centipede: a hideously ugly, if benign, creature, clear-gray and yellow in color, it can be several inches long and has VERY long legs like a garden spider. This little friend would never hurt you, and keeps your house pest-free. But be warned: it closely resembles the most hideous hellspawn. It looks like a giant mutant spider with too many legs. Your instinct will be to run screaming from the room. My advice: try NOT to see them. It'll be easier on you in the long run.The GARDEN centipede, on the other hand, is another matter entirely! This pestilent beast preys on several beneficial species. It is also poisonous, and can cause certain people to develop nasty rashes. Usually less than two inches long, this fellow has shorter legs, larger segments, and is the coppery-red color which most people are familiar with. To be squished at the earliest opportunity! But be careful! They're flat, so they bounce back! And they're FAST! Reactions to garden-centipede bite may vary. I got localized hives. You may not be so lucky.
posted 11-21-2000 09:59 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
You know as many years as I've lived in Texas I've never seen a Tarantula or Scorpion with the exception of a pet shop. The only ones I've seen in the wild are Black Widows and Wolf Spiders.
posted 11-23-2000 08:24 PM PT (US) Probable
Advice for the day: Ugly centipedes GOOD. Less ugly centipedes BAD.That is all.
posted 11-26-2000 10:02 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
In my home, insects abide by the rules, or they're history.
The rules are simple.
Spiders: If I see you, you're dead. So if you want to live to a ripe old age, I'd better never see you.
Wasps, Hornets, Bees and Houseflies: You may play in my yard, but don't come in the house, or you're dead.
Ladybugs and Lightening Bugs: I love you all, and you may come into my house whenever you like. I will play with you affectionately and then set you free in the yard.
Centipedes: You're welcome to stay in the house as long as you keep the Spider population in check. If I sense that you're falling down on the job, you're history. Oh, and please stay out of the bathroom & kitchen sinks, OK? If I find you there, I'll be glad to save your little neck, but often I'm not paying attention and you get washed down the drain. Be careful.
posted 11-27-2000 01:24 PM PT (US) Wedge
*sigh*Christopher, I love you as a brother, and I know you're quite in tune with the Spirit, but in this case I'm afraid you've simply got your signals crossed.
Spiders are our friends, Chris! They keep your house pest-free! They don't make much of a mess in strategic locations, and it's okay to keep them under control. But the fact is, you will never EVER be more than twelve feet from a spider! Never! Well ... perhaps in free-fall. And did you know that you INHALE or SWALLOW an average of three spiders per year?
Centipedes, on the other hand, of the rusty red variety, are a bane to humanity. You would do well to stop giving them succor! They kill the spiders that kill mosquitoes, flies, gnats and other harmful insects.
I'm sure if you'd just take the time you'd see that the spider is a beautiful, Godly arthropod who was designed for cobeneficial existence by our mutual creator.
}8{[Message edited by Wedge on 11-27-2000]
posted 11-27-2000 05:11 PM PT (US) James
I don't know about the rest of the country, but the Chicago area was recently invaded by armies of some kind of Asian Ladybugs. Now, these Asian Ladybugs are EVERYWHERE, but they are not the kind you play with... they BITE! And unless you get close it is very difficult to tell them apart from the kind we know and love.I'm hoping the winter will kill them off for good, but it's not likely.
posted 11-27-2000 07:12 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Bruthah Wedge.
I love you right back.
Now please take your bleeding heart for spiders to somebody else's house, OK?My beautiful, Godly WIFE can't stand the little suckers, and it's MY job to protect her!
Every time I see one, I tell it The Rule: "I see you again, you're DEAD!" Fair warning. I happen to know for a fact that many of the little critters have heeded that warning and headed for the cellar, far from my sight.When you get a wife, Wedgie...you may feel differently about those precious spiders.
posted 11-27-2000 07:57 PM PT (US) Observer
Radioactive Spiders: Gives you super powers.
posted 11-27-2000 08:46 PM PT (US) Wedge
Ah-HA! So the truth comes out, Chris!Should my future wife have a problem with spiders, I will be glad to transplant them to the outdoors, garage, and my private study.
As a conscionable fellow, don't you think it's about time you did what was best for Bonita AND God's arachnid pals, and helped her cure her debilitating neurosis?
For example:
1) Watch "Charlotte's Web." An animation classic (that really needs a soundtrack release, BTW!!!)
2) Let a spider crawl around your arm to show her how harmless and gentle they are.
3) Find a spider web and show her all the mummified mosquitoes that otherwise would have REALLY been sucking her blood!
4) Buy her a pet tarantula for Christmas! These funny, furry friends love to eat crickets and other garden pests! An affordable pet that's chock full of personality! Easy to handle! Easy to love!
posted 11-27-2000 09:07 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
With all due respect, Dear Bruthah Wedge...You really do not understand women.
I can help you with that particular deficiency, just as soon as you are able to recognize it within yourself.
I have nearly 30 years of experience with this one exclusive woman. I have tried every one of your suggestions (well, I didn't buy a tarantula), and had exhausted all of them before we had been married for one year.
When you come to the end of yourself in any area of endeavor, you must finally ask: "What Is Essential?"
By asking that question, I realized that the PEACE OF MIND of my partner in life was essential. Insects shall DIE to preserve that peace!
NP: The Swarm[Message edited by Chris Kinsinger on 11-28-2000]
posted 11-27-2000 09:27 PM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Bleach and water, in the proper proportions; and a decent water pistol....
posted 11-27-2000 11:13 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
1) Watch "Charlotte's Web." An animation classic (that really needs a soundtrack release, BTW!!!)(Can't comment, haven't seen the film)
2) Let a spider crawl around your arm to show her how harmless and gentle they are.
Won't work. Might not do any harm to Bonita, though, as long as Chris keeps a certain distance.
3) Find a spider web and show her all the mummified mosquitoes that otherwise would have REALLY been sucking her blood!
Won't work. Might not do any harm to Bonita, unless the spider is at home.
4) Buy her a pet tarantula for Christmas! These funny, furry friends love to eat crickets and other garden pests! An affordable pet that's chock full of personality! Easy to handle! Easy to love!
Won't work. Might kill her.
NP: The Phantom Menace, 2CD version (John Williams)
posted 11-28-2000 11:02 AM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Are we getting near another Posting Milestone, or something? Surely there is still plenty of Nothing At All to talk about!I'll start:
My loving brother Daniel once took great care in wrapping a petrified dog turd in order to present it to me for Christmas (1990). Used a ton of tape & a coffee can.
We still talk sometimes.
posted 11-30-2000 09:40 AM PT (US) Orpheus
Hasn't posted much
Is there an entry in the Guiness Book of World Records for the longest post thread?All I can say is: wow.
posted 11-30-2000 03:53 PM PT (US) joan hue
Just received this from one of my daughters. Thought a few of
you may enjoy it. (Cheez, now who can imagine a daughter of MINE
sending this?)
“A Thought for Christmas:
Do you know what would have happened if it had been Three Wise Women
instead of Three Wise Men?They would have ASKED FOR DIRECTIONS,
arrived on time,
helped deliver the Baby,
cleaned the stable,
made a casserole,
brought practical gifts and
there would be Peace on Earth.”My addition....or lots of cat fights.
NP I can guarantee it will be John Williams, Mark. Ahh, here comes
Dracula.posted 11-30-2000 04:02 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Well Mark, this could go either of two ways:
Prank gifts or interesting things to do with animal feces.
As always the morally elevated one here, I prefer to take the latter trail.
Your dog turd experience reminded me of when I was ten years old. We spent two weeks in Ontario, Canada every summer, living in a rustic cabin on the lake. Half a mile away was a dairy farm. One day the cows broke the fence and surrounded our cabin. By the time they were returned to their pasture, they had left many ripe deposits all over the yard.
The following week, my brother & I were playing a game of baseball with dad, grandpa, and a few others. My grandpa was the pitcher. I was at bat and had already struck twice. He grinned at me and said, "Just a minute. I gotta tie my shoe." He turned away from me, and my dad diverted my attention while grandpa slipped on a pair of work gloves, and formed a cow patty into the shape of a baseball.Wouldn't you know... it was a slammer.
I was pulling that stuff out of my hair for the rest of the day.I never saw grandpa laugh so hard!
posted 11-30-2000 06:42 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Yummy!NP: Ultimate Edition (John Williams)
posted 12-01-2000 09:48 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Alas, I have no tales as interesting as those already posted. I must lead a very dull life by comparison.NP: Laputa Symphony Album, Hisaishi
posted 12-01-2000 12:13 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB