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? for PETER K. (Page 40)
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Topic: ? for PETER K.
posted 12-09-2000 09:57 PM PT (US) Probable
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!This post is now officially Over The Hill. Break out the middle-age jokes! Happy 40!
posted 12-09-2000 09:59 PM PT (US) Probable
Remember, 40 isn't old if you're a tree.
posted 12-09-2000 10:01 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Well, if this thread is a tree, Moviemusic is a forest! (Does that make NO sense, or what?)
NP: Dinosaur, JNH *****
posted 12-10-2000 05:31 AM PT (US) JJH
anyone else notice that DjC edited his original post?
NP -- What Planet Are You From?, Burwellposted 12-10-2000 08:04 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Originally posted by JJH:
anyone else notice that DjC edited his original post?
NP -- [b]What Planet Are You From?, Burwell[/B]Yeah... too bad.
But, fortunately, I had direct-quoted his post on one of the twenty-something pages, or maybe 30, and I was able to requote from that quote when some guy asked about it on 39. DjC may be gone, but his thread will live on!NP: Just Cause, JNH ***½
posted 12-10-2000 12:59 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
I wonder if he changed his e-mail address. Otherwise, he's still getting notification mails for this thread.
posted 12-10-2000 03:11 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
DjC posted a hissy-fitty bit of nonsense about being an unhappy camper, and then after around thirty-seven curtain calls, finally seems to have disappeared.
And just to be certain that he'd never be remembered, he deleted some of his old posts.However...there's nothing he could do to stop this!
posted 12-10-2000 08:27 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Nosy person that I am, I went and E-mailed DjC to see if he still recieved notification E-mails from "? for Peter K." He informed me that he hasn't gotten any in quite a while.
Ah, well.
posted 12-11-2000 03:42 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Moving along with an unrelated question: my sister mentioned to me today--we were discussing Dungeons And Dragons, which neither of us has seen, but which has been reported bad--that there aren't enough Dragon movies. She said they should make movies out of Patricia C. Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicals. I have to say I agree with her; the books are funny and well written, and would provide good movie material. Anybody here read the books and have an opinion on the subject?NP: Thirteen Days, Trevor Jones
posted 12-12-2000 03:59 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Never heard of those books, but there's a (baby) dragon in Harry Potter. I'm not sure though that they include this part of the story in the movie.NP: Total Recall Deluxe (Jerry Goldsmith)
posted 12-12-2000 05:51 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Dragonslayer is a great film, but for some reason it did poorly at the boxoffice, or we might have had more.
posted 12-12-2000 07:52 PM PT (US) John Dunham
And there's always Dragonheart, too.
Maybe after the Lord Of The Rings becomes a hit, they can make The Hobbit.NP: Thirteen Days, Trevor Jones
posted 12-13-2000 03:34 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Hobbit would be wonderful. I also keep imagining a documentary-styled Silmarillion movie...NP: Timmer's Bond Compilation
posted 12-13-2000 07:12 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.NP: Moby Dick (Christopher Gordon) - Thanks, Timmer!
posted 12-13-2000 08:58 AM PT (US) Pete M
Well, quite Marian.(smile & nod)
And don't forget Pete's Dragon too!!!
posted 12-13-2000 09:03 AM PT (US) H Rocco
I adore DRAGONSLAYER.You know who referred Alex North to that film? None other than Steven Spielberg, who played the album of SPARTACUS, I believe, to convince the filmmakers that he would be a GREAT choice. As he was!
I still remember LIBERACE playing the DRAGONSLAYER theme at the Oscars! (It was nominated, lost to Vangelis, CHARIOTS OF FIRE.)
posted 12-14-2000 02:51 PM PT (US) PeterK
H ROCCO, how many times do I have to tell you this thread is not about movie music? Would you lay off the composer chit chat and interesting memories of movie music happenings at the Academy Awards? :::: two slaps on the wrist! ::::
posted 12-14-2000 03:08 PM PT (US) PeterK
I should be more polite, lest I be knighted "SCROOGE." Apologies. Hell, if you want to talk about film music in the official non-film music thread, go ahead. It's Christmas time.... baa...humm.... ::: whistling :::
posted 12-14-2000 03:13 PM PT (US) H Rocco
I'm a baaaaad boy ...I forgot to mention that much of North's score for DRAGONSLAYER was recut and retracked. North believed this was the work of the great film and sound editor Walter Murch, but I can't believe he could be that tone-deaf (on his one film as a director, he encouraged the great RETURN TO OZ score from David Shire, after all).
North said that his score included a slightly waltz-like idea for the dragon Vermithrax Pejorative, because he wanted to hint at the outset that *maybe* this wasn't "a bad dragon" after all. It was perhaps an overly conceptual approach to the film (a wonderfully old-fashioned adventure, at heart), but I can't imagine that Murch would have hated it enough to cut it. I prefer to think the villains were others. (No, Murch isn't a friend of mine, although I'd be fascinated to interview him.)
NP: air conditioner (yes! my phone line is back up! awrrrrriiiiiight!)
P.S. to the K: I promise never ever to mention film music in this thread again. I know I was bad and I apologize and I will NEVER do it again. I am preparing an essay now about plate tectonics. Can you wait? You will have to.
posted 12-14-2000 05:04 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
As usual, I AM the "Problem Child" of PeterK's nightmares.I was, after all, the one who sent H ROCCO into a rhapsody of love about Dragonslayer.
What a wonderful, fabulous movie.
Thank God that Alex North composed that incredible score.And, yes...I also recall Liberace's Oscar night tribute to North.
At the time is was fall-down-laughing hysterically funny.But with the passage of time, and the fact that now both Walter and Alex have passed away, it seems most appropriate.
OK...now I shall put on my clown nose and clown shoes and clown wig...
That's appropriately Off-Topic.
posted 12-14-2000 08:39 PM PT (US) Kross
I am still amazed by the Unbreakable score which I am now listening to because I just bought it! YEA! I FINALLY bought a score! The last time I bought a score was around 5 months ago! And Unbreakable is a dandy! I consider it to be the best of the year but I must say I am very very excited about a film coming out next year called ENEMY AT THE GATE with Harris and Jude Law, it is based upon a true story of a top Russian sniper who killed over 400 people, and the Nazi got sick of em, so they sent their top sniper to kill him, Jude Law is the Russian, Harris is the Nazi, I am very excited about this film. The true story is amazing.
posted 12-14-2000 09:08 PM PT (US) James
heh[Message edited by James on 12-15-2000]
posted 12-15-2000 10:15 PM PT (US) James
What on earth possessed Robert Zemeckis to do a remake of Castaway? That was such a wonderful film! The chemistry between Oliver Reed and Amanda Donohoe was amazing. And those close-ups they showed of their stomachs halfway into the movie where the actors would such in to make it look like they were starving even though they were normal in every other shot were brilliantly executed. This was, without a doubt one of the best films of the 80's. I don't care how much talent they pump into the remake, it'll never come close to the original. Tom Hanks is good, but Oliver Reed brought acting brilliance to this film (too bad the Academy snubbed him that year, giving the Oscar instead to Michael Douglas for his horrid performance in Wall Street). Alan Silvestri's done some decent stuff, but how can he compose anything more beautiful than Stanley Myers's heart-piercingly lovely score? This is the worst idea for a remake I've heard since the shot-for-shot redo of Psycho, and I bet that'll be a masterpiece compared to this new Castaway. Word has it Helen Hunt isn't even on the island with Hanks... how stupid is that? The relationship between Reed and Donohoe was the most important part of the entire film, and Zemeckis just threw all that out the window!I scoff at this film. Why not remake films that were actually flawed in the first place? You can't improve on a masterpiece of cinema like 1987's Castaway. You just can't.
NP - I Know What You Did Last Summerposted 12-15-2000 10:17 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
If you're a fan of Star Wars and/or LEGO, you have to check this out:posted 12-16-2000 02:03 PM PT (US) Observer
Speaking of Star Wars, if you've ever had the inclination to wonder, "Hey, what if Star Wars was completely animated in ASCII characters?" Here's the place to go:posted 12-16-2000 11:35 PM PT (US) jonathan_little
*Listens to the crickets chirp*The random idiotic patent fight of today:
BT sues Prodigy over hyperlink claimNP: Police Story
posted 12-18-2000 04:09 PM PT (US) Observer
Ahh! The thread's dying!CLEAR!!
posted 12-21-2000 05:56 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Since this portion of the thread seems to be the "post a URL" section, here's a website that I designed for a local restaurant. This thread won't die as long as we feed it well!
posted 12-21-2000 06:12 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
No, it isn't dying. It's just RESTING!NP: Little Saint Nick (The Muppets)
posted 12-22-2000 11:12 AM PT (US) John Dunham
More food!
Jaws.comNP: Vertical Limit, JNH ***½
posted 12-22-2000 11:41 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Pointless post.
I guess the thread can be allowed to rest a little, since evryone is busy with their families on Christmas and has no time for irrelevant nonsense.Next week: New Millenium!
posted 12-23-2000 12:53 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Are you aware that jaws.com does exist? Although it doesn't have anything to do with food or sea carnivores.And I don't consider nonsense irrelevant!
NP: The Shadow (Jerry Goldsmith)
posted 12-23-2000 05:31 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
"A little NONSENSE now and then is cherished by the WISEST men!"-Willy Wonka
posted 12-23-2000 09:11 PM PT (US) Kross
My Hair hurt. They call my name. I wake up sometimes without hair and the next with. They call my name.P.S.
Call the oysters to the room, a boarding pass is being presented.
posted 12-24-2000 01:57 AM PT (US) John Dunham
Yes, of course I know it exists! What, you think I'd link a site I hadn't been to? Oh, and if you go to the bottow of JAWS.com, you will find a link to a site about a giant, man-eating fish.If you want a site that doesn't exist, though, go here.
posted 12-24-2000 06:27 AM PT (US) John Dunham
There was supposed to be a wink on that last post, but I went and forgot it. I'm making up for that here:
NP: Thirteen Days, Trevor Jones
posted 12-24-2000 08:20 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
LOL! But John - your last link doesn't work...NP: What Lies Beneath (Alan Silvestri)
posted 12-24-2000 03:13 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Well, as I said, it's a site that doesn't exist.
THIS one does, though.
So does this one.NP: Merlin, Trevor Jones
posted 12-24-2000 05:20 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Oh, and look at this, too.NP: Merlin, Trevor Jones
posted 12-24-2000 05:36 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB