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Movie Soundtracks
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Triumph's voice, tone, and attitude are so much like Seņor Sock's it sickens me.
posted 07-29-2000 09:41 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Come on page 8!!!!!!!
posted 07-29-2000 09:42 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Akira Ifukube! Akira Ifukube! AKIRA IFUKUBE!Akira! Akira! Akira! Ifukube! Ifukube! Ifukube!
IFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKUBEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Repeat twelve times and maybe THAT will get us to page eight.)
P.S. Shunsuke Kikuchi!
posted 07-29-2000 09:45 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Well that didn't work.
posted 07-29-2000 09:45 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Ok:Akira Ifukube!!!!
posted 07-29-2000 09:48 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Akira Ifukube!!!!!!
posted 07-29-2000 09:50 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Well should I try 10 more times??
posted 07-29-2000 09:53 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Well hot damn!!!!!!!
posted 07-29-2000 09:55 PM PT (US) Jack
The Dog Show was in some backwater place called Harrisburg,PA. Conan's dog is tied up in litigation with Pets.com sock dog and is not competing.NW-CSPAN cause theres no good movies on.
posted 07-30-2000 04:52 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Hey, I know it's elderberry. But could you have resisted?36 more posts to go until we reach page #8...
posted 07-30-2000 06:40 AM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
Hey, I know it's elderberry. But could you have resisted?36 more posts to go until we reach page #8...
Don't you mean page 9?
posted 07-30-2000 09:55 AM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
some backwater place called Harrisburg,PA.Oh, so one punch wasn't enuf ta' keep yer TRAP SHUT, eh?
...backwater place...grrrrrrr....
Stop hidin' behind that chair, Rocco!
Come out and fight like a Ifukube!
posted 07-30-2000 02:49 PM PT (US) PeterK
Ok, so I have a question for all of you... (no more ? for PeterK!!!)Are you all spoiled brats?
Ford A. Thaxton seems to think that every one here, including me, is a spoiled brat.
He's not been very nice in his emails over the past month. I've asked him why this is so again and again, but he refuses to give me an answer.
Recently, I edited one of his posts to remove some unnecessary "I am better than all of you" attitiude and he wigged out. Hell, I think I've edited everybody here at one point or another. You all seemed to take it well. Ford didn't, unfortunately, and decided to butt heads with me in the "GTE Internet & Napster" thread. It's a fun read.
Anyway, after posting, he then sent me a couple of personal emails (unsolicited). Here are his words:
"I think most of the folk (Including you) are a bunch of spoiled brats who haven't a clue about the rather serious issues at hand."
So, I want to know if Ford's right. Is everyone here a bunch of spoiled brats???
Of course, this is all very much off topic for the message boards and web site as a whole, so I decided to post this in the official off-topic forum known as "? for PETER K."
Feel free to stay on topic... or not. I'd love to hear what you think of what Ford thinks of you.
posted 07-30-2000 03:06 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Well heck us yokells from Texas don't reckon to know what y'all mean PeterK. We done thought we were smart, not spoiled, jest because we from down south don't mean we dumb. Spoiled? I guess cause pa done sold them chickens and cows we got some money so we spoiled now. I guess I'd best tell ma and pa to take my internet away cause I'm a spoiled brat who don't know anythin 'bout that fangled film music.
posted 07-30-2000 07:32 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Ok so the above is stupid, the way this thread is going it seemed right at the time. No PeterK I do not believe we are spoiled brats who do not understand. The majority of us are people from every walk of life who happen to love film music. I'm not a music expert nor do I pretend to be. I have my favorites and I have those who I don't care for. I'm not too sure exactly what Ford means. If it refers to the Napster issue, scores being issued on cd, composers ripping off each other or what. I will say that if I can get a score, whether it be a legit release or bootleg or any other form I will try to obtain it. CD's are priced to high for my taste. yes I know stores have to pay rent, fees and have to consider competition. I know there are re-use fees for scores and labels like Varese do their best to issue scores even if it means 30 min versions. I know record companies will isssue albums that sell. So the song album will be issued before a score album cause they sell. I know composers are influenced and borrow from earlier composers and they may even re-use an idea of their own. But I do know James Horner does rip himself and others off more because I can hear it. I can hear it in other composers but not as blatant as Horner. No I'm not spoiled. I don't get everything I want when it comes to scores. I'm still waiting for numerous scores that probably won't see a release in the near future. That doesn't mean I don't have a right to come hear and voice my opinion. I don't see the problem in coming to this site to post our wants, opinions, what we would like to be released, why scores are good and awful or any other thing that applies to movie scores. So what if we don't work in the industry. I would like to think the majority of us are pretty damned intelligent. That much is obvious in reading a majority of this message board. We love film music and we want it. Just like we would want and complain about anything we enjoy in life. We complain and criticize our favorite sports teams, politicians, movies and anything else we see fit. Are we all experts? No, but we see enough to form a opinion. Is it always right? No, but it is our right to do so. Sometimes we are right, sometimes we are wrong. There is always someone who feels he/she is above everyone and I've learned to look at that person for who they are and just go on with my business.[This message has been edited by Mark Olivarez (edited 30 July 2000).]
posted 07-30-2000 07:51 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Ford has always treated me with kindness and respect, so this little hissy fit may be out of the ordinary...I hardly know the man, so who's to say?
However, you may have simply hit his HOT BUTTON by editing one of his posts.
Personally, I feel that was a mistake, because if Ford REALLY WAS flying into an "I'm better than all of you" tirade, I believe that would be information of value to all of us here at the message board!My advice to PeterK & Ford:
Patch things up right away.
Say "I'm sorry!" and erase the grudge tally.
Give each other the benefit of the doubt, and start all over as if this never happened.Now I've probably started WW3...
posted 07-30-2000 08:19 PM PT (US) jonathan_little
Well, I think Ford Thaxton is the only one among us to have been personally insulted by Jerry Goldsmith... I still laugh out loud when I read that AOL log. For those who are not aware of this, Mr. Thaxton participated in an online chat on AOL.A snippet from the chat session...
CelebCircl: The next question is from Jerlo.CelebCircl: What do you think of soundtrack collectors?
GoldsmithJ: I'm glad that people like that exist because they buy records. But I sometimes wonder if an avid collector like Ford Thaxton has a life.
I might not be as "informed" to everything in the world as Ford Thaxton, but then again, I don't give a s**t.
NP: Last Run
[This message has been edited by jonathan_little (edited 30 July 2000).]
posted 07-30-2000 08:30 PM PT (US) PeterK
Chris, exactly. You hardly know the man. I know him well, unfortunately.Jonathan Little, huge thumbs up my friend. It was a very funny moment, indeed.
That's all for now...
NP - "Governess" by Shearmur
posted 07-30-2000 10:04 PM PT (US) Al
Anything that Lewis Carroll wrote makes more sense than a "highly intelligent" (yet misspelt) opinion by Ford.NP: Goldsmith's "The Hollow Man"
posted 07-30-2000 10:37 PM PT (US) H Rocco
My limited dealings with Mr. Thaxton -- none in recent years -- were always cordial. But I still remember the sentiments of more than one record producer, which generally echo AdministratorK's words above: "You don't have to deal with him [Ford] every day."I recently found a horrifying and lacerating portrait of Mr. Thaxton written on one of the newsgroups by Lukas Kendall, but I hold no particular brief for Mr. Kendall either, so I'm not about to take sides. No doubt I could find equally vivid words written by Thaxton about Kendall, as well. It would be interesting to mix and match, but I have enough else to do in the next two weeks. Perhaps some upcoming lazier Sunday.
Sometimes I think their respective successes (and failures) in their chosen field have somehow managed to make them natural enemies. I still don't know for certain why. I do sometimes suspect that the two of them deserve each other. I have seen such things happen in SO many obscure corners of various fandoms, SO many times and in SO many combinations, that I've long since chosen to refrain from the various frays. Isn't life short enough? (Not short enough for some people, IMHO. But I think you wouldn't know most of the people I'M talking about.)
posted 07-30-2000 11:56 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Originally posted by Mark Olivarez:
Don't you mean page 9?Oops, if course it's page 9. Maybe I AM a spoiled brat
Here's some useful info I got as an email today:
Fun Things To Do In An Elevator1.When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.
2. Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
3. Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.
4. Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor you're on.
5. Hold the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say "Hi Greg, how's your day been?"
6. Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream "That's mine!"
7. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.
8. Move your desk into the elevator and whenever someone gets on, ask if they have an appointment.
9. Lay down a Twister mat and ask people if they'd like to play.
10. Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they hear something ticking.
11. Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.
12. Ask "Did you feel that?"
13. Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.
14. When the doors close, announce to the others "It's okay. Don't panic, they open up again."
15. Swat at flies that don't exist.
16. Tell people that you can see their aura.
17. Call out "Group hug!" and then enforce it.
18. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering "Shut up. All of you, just shut up!"
19. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside, ask "Got enough air in there?"
20. Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall,without getting
off.21. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror, "You're one of THEM!" and back away slowly.
22. Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to other passengers.
23. Listen to the elevator walls with your
stethoscope.24. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
25. Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce "I have new socks on."
26. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers "This is my personal space."
-25 messages and counting...
posted 07-31-2000 04:53 AM PT (US) Mark Hatfield
Well!I was perusing this amusing (if unwieldy, and slightly wacko) thread, not expecting much........
I find it very interesting that Mr. Thaxton thinks of us as spoiled brats. We have here a collection of students, professionals, retirees, and free-lancers that can be counted on for intelligence and passion - as well as occassionally making a mountain out of a molehill!
I personally know and have befriended authors, parents, educators, Disabled Veterans (BESIDES myself), actors, and others, who routinely stop at this board. Spoiled? A HUGE presumption on Mr. Thaxton's part.
That presumption is this: that he has even the smallest bit of contextual identification with the events that have shaped our lives. Of COURSE he has no idea what I, or anyone else here, have been through (or go through on a daily basis). My guess is that such a dreadfully stupid and petulant comment was borne out of inflated self-importance. Basically, since WE are not all Fighting The Good Fight by working in the industry, we have no right to opine on the things we do. Interesting logic, as that same rationale does not apparently extend to him shutting his mouth about the circumstances that each of us face (or have faced).
If this gets edited, I am sure that I will have the grace to understand that my words were not in the best interests of this community. I will also know that I cannot begin to speak for everybody here; and that my opinions are subjective observations that do not begin to quantify the experience of everybody here. So my thoughts on this are distinctly - and solely - my own.
You have NO idea of the circumstances which have shaped MY life, Mr. Thaxton. Be more careful in your communications, please; it is offensive to find that the trials I have faced (or those faced by my friends, which include: bigotry, misogyny, persecution, and the extremes of JUST BEING MISUNDERSTOOD) have been blithely and arrogantly dismissed by someone who just hasn't been there. I can appreciate your Strong Self Concept......
....can you appreciate my desire to provide a demonstration of just how spoiled I was during my combat training?
For the record, I agree with Mr. Goldsmith on this one. And Peter? Stop second-guessing yourself with regard to your philosophical/editorial shepherding of this board. You run a fine place here (outside of the occasional Insulting Dork, which you certainly cannot be blamed for), and your instincts regarding our treatment of each other are spot-on. I love this place!
Now, where did my servant leave the caviar?
posted 07-31-2000 05:32 AM PT (US) Todd Reifinger
"Spoiled brat"?I have a confession to make, and I'll probably lose the respect of everyone here for making it. I haven't bought a score CD--or any CD--in almost a year. In fact, the last CD's that I bought were bargain-bin cheapies at Circuit City. I paid $1.99 for most of them, and still seriously considered the purchase before laying out the cash.
That right, the problem here is money. There are tons of scores that I'm dying to have, but I just can't afford them if I want to keep eating and paying my bills. I'm by no means poor, but there's not a lot of extra money lying around. (I know my profile says that I'm a teacher, but I haven't been offered a full-time position yet, so it's substitute-teaching during the school year and part-time tutoring in the summer.) Though I'm sure Mr. Thaxton was not aiming his "spoiled brat" comment at me personally, I do wish he'd consider just how much many of us give up to buy the CD's that he and others produce.
[This message has been edited by Todd Reifinger (edited 31 July 2000).]
posted 07-31-2000 08:05 AM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Chris, exactly. You hardly know the man. I know him well, unfortunately.That's a mouthful...the key word being "unfortunately".
Marian: Thanks so much for the elevator tips. I can't wait to use them. Now where did I put that sock puppet...
[This message has been edited by Chris Kinsinger (edited 31 July 2000).]
posted 07-31-2000 08:55 AM PT (US) Thor
I just wanted...
posted 07-31-2000 09:12 AM PT (US) Thor
...to be poster number...
posted 07-31-2000 09:14 AM PT (US) Thor
posted 07-31-2000 09:16 AM PT (US) PeterK
Mark (Olivarez), Hatfield, Todd, Hatfield,Thanks for your thoughts. It is indeed an interesting dynamic.
On the one hand, you have a "record producer" who attempts to prove his self-importance time and time again, often with pathetic and sadly miserable results (true colors only starting to show on these boards - if you want, just do a search for "312" in the rec.music.movies forum and look at the Ford material that comes up).
On the other hand, you have passionate movie music fans who do nothing but build solidarity by reaching out to others, from those whose interest is just budding to others who've been at it for 30 years. The fans also have their own budgets to work with - not every CD produced is able to find a home in his or her collection.
Yet, the "record producer" is out there, pretending to be part of the industry and, even worse, thinking that movie music fans are a bunch of spoiled brats.
Let's get this to page 9.... or 10! and 11!!!
posted 07-31-2000 09:20 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Well said, Mark (Hatfield). I know I couldn't express it nearly as good, so I'll just let your post stand for me as well.Todd - you haven't bought a CD in a year!? You ARE a spoiled brat!
Chris - yeah, they're pretty tempting, aren't they? I got them from a workmate at the university, I'm curious to see what happens when I enter the elevators there next time.
And our own AdministratorK suddenly wants to see more pages of this off-topic nonsense? Oh no, did he become a spoiled brat too!?
posted 07-31-2000 10:47 AM PT (US) H Rocco
Well said as usual, Mark.I wasn't personally offended by, or even vaguely interested in Ford Thaxton's comments. I've had such a various and frequently bizarre life that I don't feel I fall into any one category, and have managed to live long enough to feel comfortable in my own skin, which I'm not sure Ford, who's some years older than me, really is, even today. Sometimes a comment like "spoiled brat" would look like projection on the part of the accuser, but I know Ford hasn't had the easiest life -- any more than most of us do. I AM sad to observe that he doesn't seem to be quite the same person I was reasonably friendly with, a long time ago. At least one of our Boarders here is more familiar with Ford's old postings at various newsgroups, and has observed that he seems to have changed a lot -- gone the whole circuit from "To Hell with Re-Use Rights" to "I'm Just A Good Company Man." I have no idea why (well, some ideas, but I won't speculate here). But most certainly he is consumed with his self-image as an industry mover-and-shaker, when in fact he is barely tolerated. Like many people in this business, he manages to hang on to its fringes through a combination of sheer doggedness, and the indulgence of a number of people who either are predisposed to want to help out, or just want to throw him a bone so he'll shut up for a while while he's chewing on it.
One thing that's always been true about Ford Thaxton is that he frequently talks (or types) before he thinks (I am guilty of this myself, which is one reason I recognize the syndrome), and then feels self-righteously wounded because of the response he gets. He is a classic passive-aggressive in this regard (not my characterization, but that of one composer who knew him briefly, whom obviously I am wiser than to name. See, I'm trying to think first ...)
I really never thought Ford was a bad fellow, in fact I used to stick up for him in the pre-Internet days, and I still don't think ill of him, but I am a bit worried at what he seems to be turning into. Perhaps it was inevitable. As so many have said to me, "you don't have to deal with him every day," and maybe I'd have a whole other picture of him if I'd ever had to. True colors, AdministratorK? At the end of the day, sometimes they glow in the dark.
Will this post take us to page 9? I'd be honored.
NP: THE PATRIOT (J. Towner W.)
posted 07-31-2000 02:54 PM PT (US) Al
Two people would be proud:
DjC, for giving birth to a topic containing more than 300 messages...
and Ford, because of all the attention he is getting.NP: Goldsmith's "The Hollow Man"
posted 07-31-2000 03:46 PM PT (US) Jack
I was raised to believe that everyone has at least one skill they can do better than I can.I'd be willing to wager some of our "spoiled brats" have superior internet and computer skills than some record producers. I know my 16 year-old nephew knows more about computers than I ever will.
It's also generally not good business to insult the people who are buying your product(the records you produce). Wil Weaton did that on a Star Trek cruise and was never forgiven.
Of course, it's just my opinion.
posted 07-31-2000 05:45 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Are we on page 9 yet?Well, I'm saddened to learn about Ford's hostile behavior...as I stated above, he has always been very polite with me.
A few years ago, Lukas Kendall composed a Herculean Rant at his website about the horribleness of Ford Thaxton which couldn't be taken seriously, due to Kendall's foaming-at-the-mouth histrionics. He lost all credibility by practically cursing the day Ford was birthed.
Lukas's own behavior toward those of us who frequented his website was often patronizing to say the least, so I didn't place any confidence whatsoever in his remarks about Ford.
There is simply no excuse for being mean to others, unless of course, you are mean yourself.posted 07-31-2000 07:03 PM PT (US) H Rocco
This will be my final comment on the Kendall/Thaxton conundrum: when Ford is referring to "spoiled brats," I'm quite sure Lukas is foremost in his mind. You may infer from that interpretation what you will.
posted 07-31-2000 07:23 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Mommy are we at page 9 yet?
posted 07-31-2000 07:25 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Might this do it?
posted 07-31-2000 07:44 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Nope maybe this will.
posted 07-31-2000 07:49 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
posted 07-31-2000 07:51 PM PT (US) Jack
So what's the verdict? Are pages determined by post length or number of posts? Does it take 40 posts to go to the next page?
posted 07-31-2000 08:07 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Never send a boy to do a man's job...C'MON PAGE 9!!!
posted 07-31-2000 08:08 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB