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Chris Kinsinger
C'MON PAGE 9!!!posted 07-31-2000 08:09 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
C'MON PAGE 9!!!posted 07-31-2000 08:10 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
C'MON PAGE 9!!!posted 07-31-2000 08:11 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
C'MON PAGE 9!!! WE NEEEED YOU!!!posted 07-31-2000 08:13 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
C'MON PAGE 9!!! NOW!!!posted 07-31-2000 08:14 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
SPOCK! TRANSMIT NOW!!!posted 07-31-2000 08:16 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
posted 07-31-2000 08:17 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
AAHHHHhhhhh h h h......aaahhhhhhhh.....
I need a cigarette.
I know.
I'm not a smoker.
But right now, I WANT A CIGARETTE!!!posted 07-31-2000 08:20 PM PT (US) DjC
All I can say is,,, HOLY CARAPAFE!!!!!!!! 9 PAGES! Anyhoo, HOLY CARAPAFE!!!
posted 07-31-2000 08:57 PM PT (US) JJH
I'd ask if it was good for you, Chris, but the answer seems obvious.....[This message has been edited by JJH (edited 31 July 2000).]
posted 07-31-2000 08:58 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Now, now, be patient with Christopher. I understand it's a lot different actually getting to page nine when you're his age. (In the same sense, a lot of you younger fellows probably have a hard time being patient enough to get to page two.)
posted 07-31-2000 10:01 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
I'll have you know, Spring Chick Rocco...I'm only 47, I still have my virility!
And I can romp through Cupid's Grove with great agility!
But life is more than sexual combustibility!posted 08-01-2000 06:03 AM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Come on page 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 08-01-2000 09:24 AM PT (US) H Rocco
I know, Christopher, that you have to tell yourself that, and believe me, I support and encourage you in all your Herculean efforts! You old guys give us pups some hope for the future!NP: THE PATRIOT (John Williams) (I understand that he's REAL old!)
posted 08-01-2000 09:27 AM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
I'm a' tellin' MOM!
She'll whip yer butt reel good!posted 08-01-2000 09:31 AM PT (US) Howard L
"I'm only 47, I still have my virility!"Who'd have thought it...
posted 08-01-2000 10:15 AM PT (US) joan hue
I'm thinking, Chris, that should Bonita see all this talk about the movie THE SWORD IN THE SHEATH, she may "whip your butt reel good," or even relegate that magnificent sword to hanging on the wall in the den, above the computer...using nails!NP Goldsmith westerns
posted 08-01-2000 01:49 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Mommie Dearest,Weren't you supposed to show up to whip brother Rocco for mocking my advanced age?
But instead you're beating on me...MOM ALWAYS LOVED YOU BEST ROCCO!
posted 08-01-2000 04:19 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
...and I certainly hope that Bonita doesn't catch me SMOKING!
posted 08-01-2000 04:21 PM PT (US) H Rocco
wahahaha, somebody finally loves ME best!What's your brand, Christopher? I had a smoking phase for one semester in college, but never did get hooked on it somehow (God knows why I didn't, I tried hard enough.) I figured if one's going to smoke at all, then what's the point in halfway measures, so I went straight to Camel unfiltereds. I never even managed to finish the box. (I always found it amusing that the college store would sell cancer sticks practically by the CRATE to these kids, all billed on mom and dad's credit.)
On the other hand, about two years ago, I was invited to a Swing Magazine party (they've since folded -- I wrote a piece for them, got paid for it, but never got an ISSUE, and yet was invited to the PARTY, strangely enough) -- and they had free Molson's beer for the first hour (it's absolute slop, no wonder it was free), and lots and lots of model-type young ladies walking around offering free dozens of Lucky Strikes in these collectible little metal boxes. I went through the whole box in one night (I was nervous; I didn't know anybody there; I'd never even met the editor of the piece they published!) I asked a devoted smoker-buddy about this later, and he said that Lucky Strikes use more and/or better-quality tobacco. That explains why I liked them better, I guess. However, I didn't get hooked then, either. Jeez, what's it take?
posted 08-01-2000 05:38 PM PT (US) PeterK
Damn. And I thought just by merely mentioning Ford Thaxton's name the thread would end. Damn!!!!PeterK
posted 08-01-2000 06:14 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
I think it takes 40 posts to get to the next page.I could tell you how many more posts we need for page #10, but I'm too tired to count; it's 3:30am here, and I want to be through all the interesting new messages before 4 - even I need to sleep a bit.
posted 08-01-2000 06:14 PM PT (US) H Rocco
I've never counted how MANY posts it takes, but I'm sure it's not a quantifiable number. I think it has more to do with the size of the messages in question.AdministratorK! We're not stopping AT LEAST until page 10! And how could you possibly have thought the mention of the infinitely fascinating Ford A. Thaxton was going to shut us up? Now I will go into the anecdote about how I once witnessed him inhaling a full DOZEN Burritos Supreme (with EXTRA sour cream!) at a single sitting --
(awright, I'm lying, we never shared a meal, who knows if he even likes burritos, but you see how these awful rumors get STARTED?)
NP: L'ULTIMO MERCENARIO (very cool, slightly 70s-funky spaghetti western score by Bruno Nicolai)
posted 08-01-2000 06:21 PM PT (US) PeterK
I have witnessed such. Not a dozen burritos, but a(n) (un)healthy quantity of french fries. Perhaps that's because I couldn't finish mine and the unmentionable* one doesn't like to see things go to waste.*Now unmentionable, because his name obviously doesn't end a thread... it boosts it on to the next stage with ease!
NP - "Space3" Silva comp... uhh...
posted 08-01-2000 07:36 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Ford always did like to say, "I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right." I don't know how he feels about that today.mmmm ... FRENCH fries ...
Page 10, Here we come!
NP: THE OMEN complete
posted 08-01-2000 07:59 PM PT (US) jonathan_little
Some very interesting things about Ford on usenet, that's for sure.NP: High Velocity
[This message has been edited by jonathan_little (edited 01 August 2000).]
posted 08-01-2000 08:26 PM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
PeterK, the Destiny of this, The Greatest Thread in the History Of MovieMusic.com, was prophetically foretold at the beginning of Page One.It is useless to try to stop it.
It WILL go on...and on and on...
It IS The Thread Of Threads.
Ford Thaxton himself cannot stop it.
PeterK...even YOU cannot stop it!
Go ahead...shut down the website. Turn off the power. Vacate the premises and close the door behind you.
The Thread will go on.
Nothing can stop it now...
posted 08-01-2000 09:04 PM PT (US) DjC
posted 08-01-2000 09:37 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
No, Rocco, I counted them! 40 messages on every page. There will be 17 more after this one, and then there'll be... PAGE 10! Let's hope the numbers don't get too high, or this board will end up just like another one some of us faintly remember.
posted 08-02-2000 07:55 AM PT (US) Todd Reifinger
Hey, speaking of FRENCH FRIES...I'm always fascinated by the interesting things that people put on their french fries. I've never been all that crazy about putting ketchup on them, so here's my list of favorite fry toppings:
MAYONNAISEAn interesting story: Around here (in the U.S.), fast-food restaurants always have those little ketchup packets for your fries, but that's it (unless you want to use mustard). So, imagine my surprise when, during a vacation in Canada two years ago, I discovered that Canada's fast-food restaurants provide little vinegar packets for their french fries! Is that AWESOME or what? I was ecstatic, to say the least!
[This message has been edited by Todd Reifinger (edited 02 August 2000).]
posted 08-02-2000 07:58 AM PT (US) PeterK
As long the virus continues to spread in this thread, we'll be fine. We've got a loooooong way to go though. The longest thread I've ever seen created with this software was 43 PAGES long! Disk space, disk space....PeterK
NP Red House Painters
posted 08-02-2000 08:00 AM PT (US) PeterK
Todd, head on over to Jack in the Box and get their equivalent of "Fish and Chips" - you'll get some good sized malt vinegar packets! Heck, don't even get the fish, just get some fries and ask for the vinegar - they've got it!PK
posted 08-02-2000 08:02 AM PT (US) Al
Yeeesh. Jack In The Box. I saw quite a few of them when I was in California.... avoided them like a plague.
posted 08-02-2000 08:16 AM PT (US) Chris Kinsinger
Here in Pennsylvania, most of the shopping malls have food courts with "Boardwalk Fries". They are the best french fries I've ever had. The potato skin isn't removed, and they are fried until brown & crispy. You can get all the vinegar, brown gravy, cheese sauce, hot sauce or (here's one I haven't tried) Old Bay seasoning you want! I'm getting hungry...
posted 08-02-2000 09:01 AM PT (US) Todd Reifinger
I LOVE BOARDWALK FRIES!The only fries that beat Boardwalk's are made at a flea market in Gilbertsville called Zern's. I get 'em all crusty with salt and douse 'em with vinegar, only the wax bags they serve them in are really cheap and vinegar is apparently acidic, at least with wax bags, and I once had a whole order break through the bottom of the bag and plop onto the floor. It was a flea market, so no one seemed to care, but I was horrified at such a needless waste of GOOD FRIES.
posted 08-02-2000 09:20 AM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
I just love french fries and ketchup. Yumeee!
posted 08-02-2000 10:25 AM PT (US) H Rocco
mmmm ... BOARDwalk fries ... sounds delish ... we don't have em in New York, it's difficult to get above-average fries anyplace at all (without buying a twenty-dollar steak to go with em, that is -- well, in fairness, there's always the four-dollar chicken quarter at Dallas BBQ, one of the city's better deals), but Nathan's is always good (also a kind of "boardwalk fry," since they originated by the Coney Island boardwalk. The various franchises in midtown make the same ones, even though there is no boardwalk in midtown. Perhaps that is one reason they have never been called "boardwalk fries" here. Said Hank the pedantic.) I was surprised to learn that Jack in the Box sells them with vinegar, as I thought that was a purely British tradition, sometimes imitated in English-style restaurants elsewhere, but which I would never have expected a mainstream franchise to embrace. I never did visit a Jack in the Box (didn't they have a food-poisoning scare in '93 or so? not that that in itself would necessarily stop me), but I remember once during one of my lowest points in L.A. when I had no choice but to live for a week on generic-brand ramen and maybe the occasional cucumber, staring with helpless fascination and frustration at their "Spicy Crispy Chicken Sandwich" offer ("It's back!") That TV spot seemed to run every five minutes, and switching channels did not always protect me from it. No doubt this kind of experience is one reason why I empathized so much with the kid hero of KING OF THE HILL (the underregarded 1993 masterpiece by Steven Soderbergh, not the unrelated TV cartoon series that came later.)
posted 08-02-2000 10:54 AM PT (US) Al
The food poisoning scare is the reason I wouldn't eat at a Jack In The Box. Someone I knew had eaten at one during that time and became very ill afterwards. Sure, it's probably fine now, but why go there when fast-food places that have never had any of those scares are merely a block or two away?posted 08-02-2000 12:38 PM PT (US) John Dunham
I've never been here before (although some of you may know me from the Filmtracks Scoreboard), so, I stupidly read through this entire thread.
Does anyone here do anything BESIDES post here?Okay, my final descision, based on reading nine pages of tripe and pointless comments is,
I like this place!posted 08-02-2000 01:45 PM PT (US) PeterK
Welcome, Mr. John!You went through this entire thread and you still LIKE this place! I know this is a compliment to everyone posting here, but can't you tell I've been trying to END this thread for three weeks now??!!!! Paying a compliment to this thread is like collecting this thread's seeds and sowing them elsewhere.
And Al. Don't drink anymore Coca Cola. There was a Coca cola scare in Belgium a year back. Not good. Why drink Coke anymore, when you can get RC down any dirt and paved road in America??
NP - SQUANTO from Hollywood '94
posted 08-02-2000 02:11 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB