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13th warrior expanded
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Topic: 13th warrior expanded
Oscar® Winner
Does anyone out there got a tracklist for the 74 min expanded 13th warrior score (or even a list for the rejected one by Revell)???
posted 08-26-2000 02:22 PM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
If you have 31 tracks on your version, I'll give you correct titles. Otherwise, there's no telling which version you have!Shaun
posted 08-26-2000 04:34 PM PT (US) CF8
Oscar® Winner
Yeah, I do indeed have the 31 tracks version. Thanx for the listing in advance...
posted 08-27-2000 02:27 AM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
1. Old Bagdad
2. Exiled
3. The Funeral
4. The Brave
5. The 13th Warrior
6. Semantics
7. One God
8. Jumping Dog
9. The Great Hall
10. The Boy
11. Eaters Of The Dead
12. Nightfall
13. Mists
14. Viking Heads
15. Demons
16. The Sword Maker
17. Words Of Caution
18. An Example
19. Sword Play
20. The Tree
21. The Horns Of Hell
22. The Fire Dragon
23. Honey
24. War Of Wills
25. Off To Battle
26. The Cave Of Death
27. Swing Across
28. Mother Wendol's Cave
29. Underwater Escape
30. Valhalla/Viking Victory
31. A Useful ServantLet me know if they match up with yours OK.
posted 08-27-2000 10:45 AM PT (US) CF8
Oscar® Winner
They match perfectly!Thanx a lot, Shaun!
posted 08-28-2000 01:56 PM PT (US) Will
Oscar® Winner
Can anyone trade me a CD-R copy of this? Do email me at will_wong@rocketmail.comThanks
[This message has been edited by Will (edited 29 August 2000).]
posted 08-29-2000 01:58 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Oscar® Winner
Hey, Shaun, could you provide track lengths? I would be most grateful!
posted 10-06-2000 11:50 PM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
Swash, you bastard.
1. Old Bagdad (2.04)
2. Exiled (3.42)
3. The Funeral (.39)
4. The Brave (1.35)
5. The 13th Warrior (.32)
6. Semantics (2.38)
7. One God (1.21)
8. Jumping Dog (1.00)
9. The Great Hall (5.21)
10. The Boy (1.12)
11. Eaters Of The Dead (3.33)
12. Nightfall (.44)
13. Mists (1.35)
14. Viking Heads (1.30)
15. Demons (.45)
16. The Sword Maker (2.07)
17. Words Of Caution (2.03)
18. An Example (.48)
19. Sword Play (.25)
20. The Tree (2.05)
21. The Horns Of Hell (3.25)
22. The Fire Dragon (4.54)
23. Honey (2.37)
24. War Of Wills (1.20)
25. Off To Battle (1.24)
26. The Cave Of Death (3.05)
27. Swing Across (1.51)
28. Mother Wendol's Cave (4.12)
29. Underwater Escape (1.37)
30. Valhalla/Viking Victory (10.41)
31. A Useful Servant (1.18)How's that?
posted 10-07-2000 11:31 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Oscar® Winner
Thanks a billion. Sorry.
posted 10-07-2000 08:15 PM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
Hey Swash! Bastard is a loving term! Look at my face!Shaun
posted 10-08-2000 12:53 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Oscar® Winner
Yeah, I know. But I'm sure it still was a pain in the derriere. So thanks again!
posted 10-08-2000 07:59 AM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
Cool. See, people CAN get along on this board!Shaun
posted 10-08-2000 08:32 AM PT (US) Darth Fart
Oscar® Winner
Should I be satisfied with my OST or is this CDR even better?
posted 10-08-2000 11:33 AM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
That's a good question. I was shocked that Varese didn't include "The Brave" on their release, as it was one of my favorites from the bootleg. Other than that, I can't remember too much else that was that amazing.Shaun
posted 10-08-2000 05:00 PM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Oscar® Winner
Speaking of THE 13TH WARRIOR, I saw a copy of this at the San Diego Comic-Con. It contained in one CD the Goldsmith score, and the other CD the Revell score. I couldn't afford two CDs so I bought the complete HOOK. I also got the impression that the Goldsmith score was shorter than the regular release, can anybody confirm that? It was about 55 minutes long.NP. Jurassic Park(Johnny boy)
[Message edited by Hector J. Guzman on 10-12-2000]
posted 10-12-2000 12:58 PM PT (US) SEBULBA
Oscar® Winner
The Varese official release is in fact 55 minutes.
posted 10-12-2000 02:33 PM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Oscar® Winner
Ah!NP. AIR FORCE ONE(Goldsmith)
posted 10-12-2000 04:02 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB