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13th Warrior (27 track) boot: tracklists here
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Topic: 13th Warrior (27 track) boot: tracklists here
Stephen Lister
Oscar® Winner
For those trackless individuals who wonder what they're listening to on the expanded (27 track) boot of THE 13TH WARRIOR ... here y'go.1. Old Bagdad (2.00)* ++
2. Exiled (Main Title) (3.40)* +
3. The Brave (The 12 Volunteers) (1.33)
4. “You’re The 13th Warrior”/The Funeral (0:57)
5. One God (1.18)
6. Semantics (Learning The Language)* (2.37)
7. Jumping Dog (0:58)
8. The Great Hall (Arriving At The Village)* (5.18)
9. Eaters Of The Dead (3.31)*
10. Barricading The Doors (0:42)
11. Pretending To Sleep (1:33)
12. Viking Heads (First Battle)* (1.28)
13. Words Of Caution (2.01) +
14. The Sword Maker (2.05)*
15. “An Example”/Swordplay (1:31) +
16. The Tree (The Lookout) (2.03)
17. The Horns Of Hell (3.23)*
18. The Fire Dragon (Night Battle)* (4.52)
19. Honey (The Aftermath) (2.35)*
20. Off To Battle (1.22)
21. The Cave Of Death (2:58)*
22. Swing Across (1.48)*
23. Mother Wendol's Cave (4.10)*
24. Underwater Escape (1.35)*
25. Valhalla/Viking Victory (10.33)* +
26. “A Useful Servant” (1.19)*
27. The Great Hall/The Boy/The Great Hall (4:28)* Identical to original CD
++ Not used in film
+ Contains music not used in filmTrack 27 is odd: tagged on at the end like an orphan track, it begins with a repeat of the first 1:36 of “The Great Hall.” Then, from 1:37 to 2:15 it becomes “The Boy” cue (but missing this cue’s last 20 seconds). And then, from 2:16, it becomes “The Great Hall” again. “The Boy” cue should occur after track 8.
The epic climactic track “Valhalla/Viking Victory” is significantly different to the film version. Probably reflecting some rescoring done when Crichton took control and chucked McTiernan out of the editing room, the version here and on the original CD is missing the music that accompanies the final slow-mo battle, which Goldsmith scored with a relentless, brutal rhythmic motif that gathered weight as the fight progressed. Interestingly, the CD version of this cue has extra music at the end, a sprightly little theme that I’m guessing accompanied a missing scene after the funeral of the Viking leader (Crichton’s cut of the film does end rather abruptly).
If anyone out there has the actual film version of this climactic cue, please get in touch.
posted 12-07-2000 01:43 PM PT (US) OHMSS76
Oscar® Winner
Ok, here's the Stephen Lister Jerry Goldsmith Q of the day!I just got this yesterday, and am still playing it...however it also came with a second disc with 11 cues running 38mins. Any idea what that is? I haven't even had a chance to hear it yet all yet, but it sounds like alt's maybe?
posted 08-02-2001 09:08 AM PT (US) Stephen Lister
Oscar® Winner
I. Have. Absolutely. No. Idea.Did that surprise you?
Hey, give it a listen and let me know what those 11 tracks sound like. If you can post timings for them maybe we can figure it out.
posted 08-02-2001 10:00 AM PT (US) OHMSS76
Oscar® Winner
D'oh! Well thats just unacceptable Mr.!lol Just kidding...so far it sounds like repeats of the new tracks...I'm going to hit the treadmill here and listen to the rest, and then Ill post times if I can't tell whether there is anything new...it's nice to have a treadmill at workThanks for the titles also Stephen, I promise not to create art and boot them all around the world, thus causing frustration and headaches.
Seanposted 08-02-2001 10:03 AM PT (US) OHMSS76
Oscar® Winner
Ok, sorry, false alarm(cue....Apollo 13 is it?).This is just the new cues, with some of the commercial ones thrown in. Sorry to excite people with the prospect of new music, but its just a rehash...still no percussive LA Sony final battle cue
The Town Crierposted 08-02-2001 10:31 AM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
Not that I mind, but those are my titles. Piece of crap movie.Shaun
posted 08-02-2001 10:17 PM PT (US) Stephen Lister
Oscar® Winner
You're right!Actually they're a mix of the original CD's, yours, and a frisson of mine chucked in there for seasoning. Teamwork, eh?
posted 08-02-2001 10:34 PM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
posted 08-03-2001 11:00 AM PT (US) SEBULBA
Oscar® Winner
Poor McTiernan. Another case of great score, BAAAAAAD movie.
posted 08-03-2001 11:06 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB