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Film music website, sort of
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Topic: Film music website, sort of
Ellen B Edgerton
Standard Userer
True web geek that I am, I have decided to do another film music website, although it's really more of a
web log than anything else. This way, I can ramble on to my heart's content without boring anyone to death on this or any other board:
Submitted for your approval...
(BTW, if anyone else out there does a film music weblog/diary type thing, let me know and I'll give you a link)
posted 06-19-2001 12:08 PM PT (US) joan hue
Standard Userer
Wow, I'm so impressed with your excellent site, Ellen. I like your diary format and learned a lot from reading your entries. I also clicked on a few other sites but need to go back there when I have more time.Would love to see the video Keeping Scores: The Sountrack Fans. Do you happen to know if this is for sale on the web? I guess I could check with the library, but I don't hold much hope there.
Anyway, super FINE site. I'll visit it often.
[Message edited by joan hue on 06-19-2001]
posted 06-19-2001 01:16 PM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Standard Userer
I am also a big fan of Ellen's work.Great website!
posted 06-19-2001 08:24 PM PT (US) John Dunham
Standard Userer
I like it.
posted 06-20-2001 03:20 AM PT (US) PeterK
Ellen, your diary is insightful. Some of the comments you've made about your former glory cause me to wish you'd held onto it through its teen years.As new website after new website goes after interactivity with all kinds of bells and whistles, yours harkins to the old magazine or newspaper. Whether a conscious decision on your part or not, the words in your diary have a protected feel, despite a definite element of voyeurism offered to the reader.
That said, I don't know if you are looking for feedback or any kind of reactions to your thoughts. I have some of my own regarding your thoughts on women and film music. Owning a soundtrack store with 80% female buyers and having a wife who has a peripheral interest in film music has provided a perspective I've not seen theorized on our related boards or websites.
As it is, fresh thoughts and perspectives are like tall glass of iced lemonade on a very hot summer afternoon. At 10c a glass, I've got a hundred bucks to spend, so keep 'em coming.
posted 06-20-2001 10:00 AM PT (US) Ellen B Edgerton
Standard Userer
Thanks for the kind words, everybody. I can't promise the site will be updated every day, but it will probably be updated often.I don't know if that video is available anywhere. I seem to have lost Paul's e-mail address unfortunately, or I'd ask him. I'd offer to make a copy, but I wouldn't want to distribute the video without his permission.
posted 06-21-2001 03:31 PM PT (US) Beatty
Standard Userer
Onlu almost a year after I started a blog I mention it here in the thread that started it all.
posted 05-16-2002 04:53 PM PT (US) Thor
Standard Userer
I love your site, Ellen (design and everything), but I love your IDEA of a site even more. With all the socalled professional film music sites out there - that covers "everything" from CD reviews to messageboards (nothing wrong with that, btw), it's great and refreshing to have a site with a certain PERSONAL angle. In many ways, what you're doing with this "diary" site is what I'm trying to do with my "Speaking of Which..." section at www.celluloidtunes.com , albeit somewhat more formal.As Peter touched upon, it's no surprise that this comes from you, being the "internet film music legend" that you are...
Only minor quibble is that it's impossible to return to the front page once you've delved into previous entries. Perhaps you could make your top logo clickable?
[Message edited by Thor on 05-24-2002]
posted 05-24-2002 06:38 AM PT (US) Kimiakane
Standard Userer
Wow, Ellen, that is really a wonderfully entertaining (and informative) website! Very inspirational too, as I also one day soon want to create a personal filmscore website from a female perspective. I thought we were a rare breed, but PeterK says "80%" of his customers are female!the filmscore gal,
Galinaposted 05-25-2002 08:26 AM PT (US) Kimiakane
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by PeterK:
Owning a soundtrack store with 80% female buyers and having a wife who has a peripheral interest in film music has provided a perspective I've not seen theorized on our related boards or websites.
<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>80%?!? Wow, California has a lot more female fans of soundtracks than any other state, don't they? Must be all the actresses!
[Message edited by Kimiakane on 05-25-2002]
posted 05-25-2002 09:38 AM PT (US) Lou Goldberg
Standard Userer
Hey Beatty--Does Galina know you turned her into a butterfly? She must be every soundtrack collector's pin up girl by now. I wonder how many times her photos have been printed from the MM board or Filmtracks. I keep telling her she should go pro but she just laughs.
posted 05-25-2002 08:58 PM PT (US) Kimiakane
Standard Userer
LOL! Grooming dogs is so much more rewarding, Lou!
posted 05-27-2002 09:25 AM PT (US) PeterK
It's interesting to note this thread has outlived the diary it speaks of. Wacky. Anyway, I was interested in the second-most recent entry (December 30) with the phrase "Killing Me Softly." Reminds me of a great film called About a Boy. Fantastic! Go see it!
posted 05-28-2002 12:10 PM PT (US) Beatty
Standard Userer
Originally posted by PeterK:
It's interesting to note this thread has outlived the diary it speaks of. Wacky.I though it was just sleeping!
posted 05-28-2002 12:43 PM PT (US) Thor
Standard Userer
Wow, I didn't know the inital topic was that old...Gotta read the dates more often...
posted 05-29-2002 07:45 AM PT (US) Beatty
Standard Userer
The thread that will not die. My blog is still going, but it's insufficiently soundtracky to mention here.
posted 06-17-2003 06:36 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB