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Shaun Rutherford's "The U.S. Marshalls Factor"
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Topic: Shaun Rutherford's "The U.S. Marshalls Factor"
Oscar® Winner
In the recent "Last Castle" thread, Shaun was ranting and raving about his suppos-ed "U.S. Marshalls factor". Because we're friends, I agreed to post some clips from various Goldsmith scores to aide him in his quest to convince all of you that Jerry is using his "Marshalls" motif a little too much. This is no way denounces my love for Jerry's music (past or present works), and of course, Shaun's opinion should not be confused with my own (none of what you are about to hear bugs me!), but regardless, here's what Shaun's been fussing about:1) U.S. Marshalls Clip #1
2) Star Trek Insurrection
3) U.S. Marshalls Clip #2
4) Soarin' Over California(Right click and choose "save [target] as"...)
Have fun...
Jeron[Message edited by Jeron on 10-13-2001]
posted 10-13-2001 09:08 PM PT (US) BMikeJ
Oscar® Winner
Shouldn't this be referred to more accurately as "the Extreme Prejudice factor"?
posted 10-13-2001 10:19 PM PT (US) Lancelot
Oscar® Winner
Didn't Richard Strauss have an Thus Spake Samgerard opus...?
posted 10-13-2001 10:23 PM PT (US) Jeron
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by BMikeJ:
Shouldn't this be referred to more accurately as "the Extreme Prejudice factor"?Hey, hey... probably so Mike, but take your beef up with Shaun boy, not me.
posted 10-14-2001 12:04 AM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Oscar® Winner
They do sound the same, but than again most of Jerry's music sounds the same to me. I was a fan and still kind of am. I do give his scores a god listen in the film before I buy the disc.--Brian
posted 10-14-2001 01:34 AM PT (US) BMikeJ
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Jeron:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Hey, hey... probably so Mike, but take your beef up with Shaun boy, not me.
Ah, yes... I should've taken "the Rutherford Factor" into account.
posted 10-14-2001 01:51 AM PT (US) JJH
Oscar® Winner
I don't get it.
am I supposed to be surprised that Goldsmith uses the US Marshal's motif in U.S. Marshals?posted 10-14-2001 02:19 AM PT (US) Hasta
Oscar® Winner
Goldsmith sure repeats that theme a LOT in The Last Castle...I've listened to it a few more times, and I'd have to say while it's a good score, it's hardly great. I do like the September 11th rendition, however much I find it worthless (I think it's more of a marketing ploy than anything)..
A solid ***/*****, but nothing more... What was the man's last great score? The 13th Warrior??? It's certainly better than Hollow Man and Along Came a Spider, but I'm afraid the great Goldsmith hasn't returned just yet.
posted 10-14-2001 04:13 AM PT (US) wistiti
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Hasta:
but I'm afraid the great Goldsmith hasn't returned just yet.How can one return, when one has never left?
posted 10-14-2001 07:14 AM PT (US) Beatty
Oscar® Winner
Clips One and Three sound as if they just might have come from the same score.That cymbal crash/bass drum 'bamph' always reminds me of a trapeze act stinger. In these contexts however, the trapeze artists are heavily armed rhinos with back story, but there you go.
[Message edited by Beatty on 10-14-2001]
posted 10-14-2001 10:41 AM PT (US) Shaun Rutherford
Oscar® Winner
My original point is that The Last Castle sounds like all of the above clips.I actually don't own Extreme Prejudice (I rememeber the Main Title from the film reminding me of a synth Capricorn One).
posted 10-14-2001 12:00 PM PT (US) jonathan_little
Oscar® Winner
I still don't own US Marshals. I guess I need to pick it up and see what all the fuss is about.The last track, "A Deal," on the Extreme Prejudice CD is my favorite. Neato rhythms on the synth tries to drown out the half-assed performance by the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra. I think this track was distributed earlier this year as something from Along Came a Spider on Crapster. It's way better than anything in Along Came a Spider, anyhow.
[Message edited by jonathan_little on 10-14-2001]
posted 10-14-2001 01:01 PM PT (US) André Lux
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Shaun Rutherford:
I actually don't own Extreme Prejudice.Shaun
Shame on you my son... Shame on you...
posted 10-14-2001 09:35 PM PT (US) John C Winfrey
Oscar® Winner
Extreme Prejudice is a fairly good score. The film is lousy. Reminds me of an updated Wild Bunch. John.
posted 10-14-2001 09:56 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB