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LOTR 3CD complete score. Hahaha
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Topic: LOTR 3CD complete score. Hahaha
Oscar® Winner
Sorry guys, it's just a dream... but this bootleg will be vvvvvveeeeerrrrrrryyyyyy expensive...
posted 12-18-2001 04:07 PM PT (US) dgoldwas
Oscar® Winner
Shore did say that he'd like to put out a 3-CD operatic-form album, eventually....
posted 12-18-2001 04:36 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Oscar® Winner
I'd buy that.--B
posted 12-18-2001 10:07 PM PT (US) CF8
Oscar® Winner
...why should that be a dream? even the film itself was available as video/video cd long before the movie was released :-)
posted 12-19-2001 01:56 AM PT (US) Kimiakane
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Crono/Kyp:
I'd buy that.--B
For a dollar? (sorry, I'm forever contaminated from watching Robocop)
posted 12-19-2001 07:49 AM PT (US) justin boggan
Oscar® Winner
It's not a dream. Someone actually knows Howard and that he has finished scorring and that he saw the 9CD set of all 3 LOTR.Now if only to intice that person.....
posted 12-19-2001 08:47 AM PT (US) dgoldwas
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by justin boggan:
It's not a dream. Someone actually knows Howard and that he has finished scorring and that he saw the 9CD set of all 3 LOTR.Now if only to intice that person.....
That's pretty damn amusing, considering Howard himself has said that he hasn't even STARTED to write music for the next two LOTR films.Dan
posted 12-19-2001 08:57 AM PT (US) John Zimmer
Oscar® Winner
LOL! Well I can't wit for it.Although I'd rather have an HP complete....
posted 12-19-2001 10:09 AM PT (US) Johnnyecks
Oscar® Winner
Go to:
http://pub94.ezboard.com/fscoretradertheadbook12783frm3.showMessage?topicID=190.topic[/UR L]This is prob. the funniest thing I've read in a LOOOOOONG time.
Justin's comments make it even funnier! (I DO hope he isn't being serious.........)
[Message edited by Johnnyecks on 12-19-2001]
[Message edited by Johnnyecks on 12-19-2001]
posted 12-19-2001 11:54 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
The album is good, but we really really need a complete version. I want that cool choral cue from Khazad Dum, dammit!NP: The Fellowship of the Ring (Howard Shore)
posted 12-19-2001 05:08 PM PT (US) Dan Brecher
Oscar® Winner
Having seen the film a number of times now, I must admit I find the released CD to be an incredibly well produced and edited release....Having said that, yes, I'd welcome the chance to get my hands on more of the music, most notably from when the ring goes south and from Moria.
A nice juicy box set in 2003 or 2004 of all three scores in expanded/complete form would be very, VERY nice.
Dan (UK)
posted 12-22-2001 05:18 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Dan Brecher:
I must admit I find the released CD to be an incredibly well produced and edited release....It is, for a 1CD version, but it's still missing too much. The magnificent Ring theme hardly appears on the album, for example.
NP: The Fellowship of the Ring (I'll see the film again on Monday
posted 12-22-2001 05:46 AM PT (US) justin boggan
Oscar® Winner
No i wasn't being serious Johnny, but in reality i wouldn't put it above Shore if he was finished with 2 and now on 3.....
posted 12-22-2001 01:33 PM PT (US) Dan Brecher
Oscar® Winner
Marian, I agree with you there! I liked the extra stuff heard in the film version of the Prologue.I also miss some of the early renditions of the Fellowship theme, and there is a great cue as the mountain side caves in on the fellowship... Mmmm....
Did my third viewing today. Need more!
Dan (UK)
[Message edited by Dan Brecher on 12-22-2001]
posted 12-22-2001 02:09 PM PT (US) JJH
Oscar® Winner
3 viewings already?!?!wow.
I won't get to my second until next week, when I have 3 days off in a row!
posted 12-22-2001 02:24 PM PT (US) Jeron
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by JJH:
wow.I know, that's like what... 9 hours total... in less than a week?
Dan, is it as good the third time around as it was the first? Wow is precisely the word that comes to mind. To be honest, I'm anxious to see it again myself... my father wasn't able to go with the rest of my friends and family when we went (so of course I've got to take him)! Then again... I sure am enjoying my time home, celebrating the season and seeing everyone and everything I've been away from during my stay in Los Angeles. As much as I loved the film (it's definitely my favorite of the year!), I think I'll let some time pass and soak in the holiday spirit a little more before detaching myself and journeying back to Middle Earth.
posted 12-22-2001 05:10 PM PT (US) Dan Brecher
Oscar® Winner
You know what? It is incredible. First time I saw it, as a reader of the books, one knows what's to come yet is stil incredibly moved by the films telling of events. Such feelings have stuck with me on my two subsequent viewings, absolutely.Shore's music at Amon Hen will never fail to move me. Yesterday I watched a nine year old boy in front of me, so caught up in events that as Boromir meets his noble end the kid buried his head into his mother's shoulder. It's interesting to see this film so many times and take in audience responce around you. I've been blessed with perfect audiences three times now.
I MAY catch it again on Christmas eve, I may be to busy however. A 4th viewing DEFINATELY calls for late next week though.
Dan (UK)
posted 12-23-2001 02:20 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
I might watch it again tomorrow (only for the second time so far). What I know is that Shore's Breaking of the Fellowship cue on CD will probably still bring me to tears in ten years. I guess I shouldn't forget the handkerchiefs when I watch it next time!
posted 12-23-2001 04:58 AM PT (US) Darth Fart
Oscar® Winner
Too much to take in during the first viewing, I was a bit lost with the whole thing.
The Elrond music is my favourite.
posted 12-23-2001 01:00 PM PT (US) John Zimmer
Oscar® Winner
Well after seeing the film. I can't wait for a complete score to this!! Although I still want an HP complete more.Jz
posted 12-23-2001 02:04 PM PT (US) Pete M
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Jeron:
I know, that's like what... 9 hours total... in less than a week?Oh, so is my 9 hours in two days to be considered perhaps a little excessive then? Still, it was then a week and a half before I got to see it again. Must see it more times... And yes, it is just as good on multiple viewings. Every time a scene starts, it's like "Oooh, goody! It's this bit again!"
Just a shame that there's only one CD of it. Need more of that ring theme...NP FOTR (The Great River)
posted 01-03-2002 06:12 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB