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Hey Peter K !! (Page 1)
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Topic: Hey Peter K !!
Oscar® Winner
Hey Peter,I'm looking for the Porno Score topic! I'm still interested on the url links and the score suggestions.
I also think, if you deleted this topic, you did a fool and puritan ruling -- it was not off topic and I was not intending to offend anyone. No bad names or similar. Why?
posted 01-01-2002 06:35 PM PT (US) Al
Oscar® Winner
calm blue ocean... calm blue ocean...
posted 01-01-2002 09:21 PM PT (US) John Zimmer
Oscar® Winner
...calm blue oceans...calm blue sky...
posted 01-02-2002 08:34 AM PT (US) Timmer
Oscar® Winner
...calm blue sky...calm blue sky...
posted 01-02-2002 10:35 AM PT (US) scoreguy16
Oscar® Winner
....calm blue.... uhhhh.... calm blue things.... calm blue things....Clayton
posted 01-02-2002 12:19 PM PT (US) Camillu
Oscar® Winner
......by now you are floating on a sea of tranquility.........
posted 01-02-2002 02:17 PM PT (US) brutus
Oscar® Winner
...and on this calm blue sea of tranquility is swimming Soundtracker's question, still unanswered, untouched, like a virgin...
posted 01-02-2002 02:34 PM PT (US) Gae
Oscar® Winner
I thought PeterK was on vacation?
posted 01-02-2002 03:33 PM PT (US) Soundtracker
Oscar® Winner
Peter is a weird moderator, he is still banning the Daniel multiple personalities but could not answer my inquiry...
posted 01-02-2002 06:19 PM PT (US) PeterK
Okie dokie, fair enough.Soundtracker is a weird contributor. Last time s/he posted a porn topic, it was deleted without a whisper. This time a fuss.
What's more, the latest thread turned into much more than just an informative link, and no one should pretend otherwise. Even more so, the important stuff from the thread was there for several days, so there was plenty of time to bookmark the necessary stuff.
Good enough answer? It's weird to demand why something was deleted when the rules state that topics relating to porn, whether it's porn or not, will be deleted. If you want to have a serious discussion about this music, go right ahead... just pick your words right, after all, there's a right way to do everything.
posted 01-02-2002 10:48 PM PT (US) JJH
Oscar® Winner
oky, now I see what everyone's problem is:
This site needs more porn.posted 01-02-2002 11:21 PM PT (US) PeterK
We've already been through that, JJ.It was called "The Buzz" @ MovieTunes!
Not everyone here is aware of that incident, unfortunately... or fortunately?
posted 01-02-2002 11:30 PM PT (US) André Lux
Oscar® Winner
In USA:Sex is bad, wrong, nasty, shameful (although they have the biggest pornographic industry of the world!).
But things like violence, war, intolerance, prejudice, imperialism are ok.
Just watch any Hollywood movie...
Would be amusing if it wasn't so pathetic and tragic...
posted 01-03-2002 05:22 AM PT (US) Pete M
Oscar® Winner
Hey, you can get a porn soundtrack here. I'm quite intrigued by what it sounds like, but have no wish to buy the film, and daren't take the risk unheard.
posted 01-03-2002 06:23 AM PT (US) PeterK
Andre, I think you miss the deeper point about why such stuff is "taboo."I find it amusing and relieving that all of your neatly succint perceptions of the USA come from Hollywood movies!
posted 01-03-2002 09:25 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
Peter, not to start a huge discussion or something, but it is a fact that in Europe, it is generally considered strange that the US seem to have little against violence, but sex seems to be one of the worst things imaginable.(Just to point out that while I find André a bit too radical, many of his views aren't just his own ideas - as many here seem to think - but the general image of the US from "outside")
[Message edited by Marian Schedenig on 01-03-2002]
posted 01-03-2002 09:48 AM PT (US) Probable
Oscar® Winner
Keep in mind, though, that this board isn't the US and doesn't reflect the US's rules or customs except by coincidence or PeterK's design. The rules here were written by him to suit his values and morals, because he wants a certain kind of community on this board.
posted 01-03-2002 09:53 AM PT (US) SFT
Oscar® Winner
The point isn't wheter americans are hysterical when it comes to sex or not, but that this board is designed for discussing film music, not porn.SFT
posted 01-03-2002 10:01 AM PT (US) PeterK
Marian, those plainly are misconceptions in the broadest sense. Because Hollywood makes many movies with violence does not mean all Americans embrace such.You may have noticed over the past few years that I've taken on great insult from several people who complain about the removal of certain postings here, most of which were violent in a literal nature and sorely against the morale I've elected to uphold here. In light of this, say what you will about Americans caring little about violence.
To continue my point about Andre not understanding the deeper meaning of why pornography is taboo: American pornography is violence. New perspective: Sex is not the worst thing imaginable to Americans, as the USA has the biggest porn industry in the world. Right? Porn = violence, Americans love violence, therefore Americans love porn. Fortunately, this conception is only true with a very small percentage of Americans, as most Americans want to protect our civility from such abhorrent violence.
I'd like to think that here in America, sex is most pure when it is sacred and out of love in the truest sense, not when it is vulgar, violent and has little respect for women or men.
As for me personally, the most fruitful sexual relations have by far been of the sacred kind.
posted 01-03-2002 11:18 AM PT (US) PeterK
Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
It is a fact that in Europe, it is generally considered strange that the US seem to have little against violence, but sex seems to be one of the worst things imaginable.Here's a better response:
It is a fact that the birthrate is now a negative number in Europe, while the American birthrate remains healthy.
Considering this corroborative fact, I can only wonder who's more scared of sex!
Of course, I only mention this as a joke, but seriously, misconceptions abound all around and people love to perpetuate them.
posted 01-03-2002 11:32 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
I just said what the US' general image in Europe is, which is certainly also heavily influenced by comparing what movies come out of Hollywood and what movies are made in other countries (the amount of "harmless" nudity that's used in "family" films in Europe seems to be enough for an X-rating in the US).
But I didn't really want to participate in this discussion, and my above post was just meant as a general statement: Whatever the reasons (I won't judge if they're true or not), this image exists and is shared by many more people than just André. I didn't even intend to comment on the primary topic of this thread.
(And my post was certainly not meant to criticize you, Peter
NP: Aliens, Deluxe Edition (James Horner) (better than André says
posted 01-03-2002 11:54 AM PT (US) Al
Oscar® Winner
Hey, it's not USA's fault that Europe's film industry can't afford big explosions.I'm completely joking, of course.
People have their own opinions all over the world. To simply say that the US has little against violence isn't fair to the people who live in the country.
posted 01-03-2002 12:02 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Al:
Hey, it's not USA's fault that Europe's film industry can't afford big explosions.LOL!
posted 01-03-2002 12:28 PM PT (US) SCimmerian
Oscar® Winner
Americans LOVE SEX. Sex is Americans FAVORITE PASTIME.Porn is the visual or literary depiction of representation of sex. It is showing people having sex or reading about sex.Americans are for the most part soaked to their core in irrationalism,mysticsism,and crazy religions that Hate sex ,the human body, human pleasures of any type. Thus this leads to sexual repression and Violence.Sex should be a celebration of Life and Love of Existence. As long as people abandon Reason and sucumb to Life Hating religious ideologies sex and simple human pleasures will remain taboo and 'sinful' and we will have generations of dysfunctional people who are horrified at the sight of a naked human being.
posted 01-03-2002 01:00 PM PT (US) PeterK
Good grief, this is getting silly.Pornography by today's definition is a very violent and disrespectful depiction of sexual activity. There's a huge difference between pornography and more sacred, private sexual activity.
And which religions hate sexual activity? If there's one way to kill a religion, not advocating procreation is surely it.
This religious/sex paranoia tidbit seems like a simple confusion over the story of Adam and Eve.... which is about obedience and guilt, not sex.
But again, misconceptions are misconceptions, and they are everywhere.
posted 01-03-2002 01:19 PM PT (US) scoreguy16
Oscar® Winner
I feel insaulted, everyone is being stereotypical on this board now... Not to mention the fact that this place is called "moviemusic.com" and not once has any actual movie music been mentioned here. Except for that one porn CD of course...Clayton
posted 01-03-2002 02:04 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by scoreguy16:
I feel insaulted, everyone is being stereotypical on this board now...It's also commonly believed that US citizens can't spell.
Sorry, no offense intended. I just couldn't resist.
NP: Anton Bruckner: Symphony #4 (Vienna Philharmonic, Karl Böhm)
posted 01-03-2002 02:16 PM PT (US) Probable
Oscar® Winner
posted 01-03-2002 02:48 PM PT (US) Al
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Marian Schedenig: It's also commonly believed that US citizens can't spell.That's naught true!
posted 01-03-2002 06:20 PM PT (US) Kimiakane
Oscar® Winner
Wut about oui immigrunts?posted 01-03-2002 06:41 PM PT (US) jonathan_little
Oscar® Winner
posted 01-03-2002 07:25 PM PT (US) Soundtracker
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by scoreguy16:
I feel insaulted, everyone is being stereotypical on this board now... Not to mention the fact that this place is called "moviemusic.com" and not once has any actual movie music been mentioned here. Except for that one porn CD of course...Clayton
I also felt insulted. My previous topic was a question about a porn movie score and I was inquired about my obsession for sex.
You called me a sick, despite no offense intended. My response was "Wow, how do you live without sex?" or similar. I believe you really didn't intended to offend me but, what could became an argument turned into a funny topic about sex and soundtracks (and some wishes of a happy new year full of sex). I also felt insulted but not by you, Clayton.
Of course Peter can edit our posts or delete the hottest ones. He could close the tread with an advise. He could also email offline the users. He decided to delete the full thread with soundtracks info and URLs. He said it was a porn topic. I say it isn't. There was no bad names or arguments -- no pornography or shameful material. I remember I wrote: 'Sex is beauty' and I don't think this degenerated the threat into a porn topic.
Now I'm a weird contributor. I guess he means I'm not a contributor. My weirdness is fruit of discussing a taboo and not being eunuch or hypocrite.
PS. Pornography is not a violence as Peter said, otherwise it would be considered a pathology. This is culture, this is social expression. I think imperialism, repression and despotic ruling are a 'pornographic' behaviour more suitable for violence than sex.NP: The People Vs. Larry Flint (I don't know why
posted 01-03-2002 08:12 PM PT (US) Soundtracker
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Probable:And thus, with tempered wit and subtle expression, Soundtracker elegantly refuted JJH's argument.
I am getting really sick of people who come here and then think the rules should be changed to suit their every whim. If you don't like the way things are done here, go somewhere else, dammit, don't clutter up our space with your half-arsed rebelliousness. Do you even realize the absurdity of quoting Pink Floyd in defiance of an authority you explicitly agreed to be subject to? You can't read and accept the rules of a place and then complain when those rules are enforced. So, for the last time, this is Peter Kelly's board. He owns it, he runs it, and he pays for it's continued existence. It is by his acquiescence that you are allowed to post here, and not because of any law or human right. If he wants to delete a message, he can, and if he wants to ban someone, he may, because it's his board to run as he sees fit. No law is ever going to dictate who may post on a service like MM.com and what they may post. If you want to see a board for film music where there is more freedom, buy a server and set one up yourself. To abuse a service like MM.com that is free for you because Peter Kelly pays for it and then demand that he change it to suit your perceptions of how it should be run is selfish, ignorant, and betrays a deep lack of understanding of the real world. Again and for the last time, if you don't like the way things are done here, go somewhere else.
Oh no, a hysterical pseudomoderator!
[Message edited by Soundtracker on 01-03-2002]
posted 01-03-2002 09:02 PM PT (US) PeterK
jonathan_little, LOL!Soundtracker, please read closely what I've written or don't read it at all. I am glad you're able to make the connection that pornography is a pathology! Remember to make the distinction that pornography is one thing and sexual intercourse in its most pure form is another.
Anywhow, I've spoken my thoughts on this subject, and don't feel the need to clarify twisted interpretations of my thoughts. Just go back up thar and read it again....
posted 01-03-2002 09:07 PM PT (US) André Lux
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Soundtracker:
PS. Pornography is not a violence as Peter said, otherwise it would be considered a pathology.BTW, I love those porno movies!
Buttman is my hero!
Jenna Jameson rules!Make love not war... that's the only rule.
posted 01-03-2002 09:18 PM PT (US) Probable
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by Soundtracker:
<Oh no, a hysterical pseudomoderatorSomehow I'm not surprised that you are unable to distinguish between reason and hysteria. Tell me, do all of your responses have their roots in kindergarten squabbles?
posted 01-04-2002 01:21 AM PT (US) SCimmerian
Oscar® Winner
Please tell us Petey what do mean by sexual intercourse in its pure form? Would that be the Catholic version for pro-creation only without pleasure. Sex for pleasure is a Sin. Or is Tantric intercourse so you can blend your chakra energy with your lover and experience bliss without orgasm.Funny you say that porn is a pathology, I thought that uptight sexually repressed prudes and puritians of the fundamentalist variety were the ones that were nuts- they are the ones so obsessed about sex and other peoples genitals and what they do with them.
posted 01-04-2002 07:29 AM PT (US) André Lux
Oscar® Winner
I once made sex with two girls at the same time.
Yes, I have a pathology. And I love it!!posted 01-04-2002 09:05 AM PT (US) Kimiakane
Oscar® Winner
Originally posted by André Lux:
I once made sex with two girls at the same time.
Yes, I have a pathology. And I love it!!And let's not forget about your sausage (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist
I should be ashamed of myself I know)
the filmscore Gal
posted 01-04-2002 09:34 AM PT (US) André Lux
Oscar® Winner
Nonsense! My sausage is quite tasty!
You have nothing to be ashamed of...posted 01-04-2002 11:00 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB