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Matchstick men,bowling song??!!
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Topic: Matchstick men,bowling song??!!
Non-Standard Userer
Does anyone know the song that was played in the bowling scene in matchstick men? I have been looking everywhere trying to find it but I've had no luck. It's the scene where Roy is bowling with his daughter. I don't think the song is on the soundtrack. If you could help me out that'd be great!! Thanks!!
posted 10-06-2003 04:14 PM PT (US) sean
Standard Userer
It's an 80s song and I own it. I remember I burst out laughing when I heard it in the film. I'll look for it... (at the moment I can't remember what it is).
posted 10-06-2003 05:34 PM PT (US) sean
Standard Userer
More Than This by Roxy MusicI'm 99% sure that that's the song.
posted 10-06-2003 05:54 PM PT (US) Wisestkid
Non-Standard Userer
Hey thanks I've been looking absolutely everywhere you really helped me out. Thanks again!!
posted 10-07-2003 03:44 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB