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LOTR Boxed set release date for 2005??
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Topic: LOTR Boxed set release date for 2005??
Standard Userer
Doug Adams?Any news around what time we will get the BIG LOTR boxed set. I need to plan and save according to my budget for next year.
Spring may look like a good time huh?
Anway, I know I speak for most of the folks here.We are waiting.
Amerposted 12-22-2004 07:04 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi Amer and all,Wow, I’m thrilled to see everyone’s interest is holding up so well. It’s think it’s great to see that even without a new Rings film in theaters this year, people’s passion for this project has done nothing but rise over the last months. Really says something of the lasting quality of the work, doesn’t it?
Anyway, things continue to progress at the corporate level. You know, with a project of this size, there’s always the question of exactly who will put it out? Or, how will it physically be packaged? Or, how will it impact other releases – when’s the best time to put it out? And of course there’s always the question of how exactly to present it all. There’s so much great music that you’ve not heard, even in the films. As I’ve mentioned before in emails to some of you, the word I’ve continually heard bandied about is "legacy." Everyone wants to make this something special. And we as fans know all too well what happens when things are rushed out.
So, that being said, understand that there’s not a set release date yet. I believe the intention all along has been to make this a fourth quarter release, which I think is a good idea. So, if it’s out in 2005, expect it around the holiday season. And should it be 2006, the same will hold true, I think. (This isn’t my way of hinting that it won’t be next year... no one really knows yet. As the other Douglas Adams said, "Don't panic!")
Howard’s put a ton of thought on this project. He knows how much it means to people. He was again in meetings about it just earlier this month. But you also have to look at his plate right now. Sun (the videogame), a quick trip to New Zealand for his Kong cameo, A History of Violence for Cronenberg, King Kong, a Julliard commission, a few Symphony conducting gigs and an awards ceremony here and there. He’s an incredibly busy fellow.
On my little end, the book is progressing nicely. I’ve actually been lucky enough to show it off at a couple of public forums and have a few more scheduled for the spring. (Anyone planning to be in Pasadena in mid January, drop me a line!) It’s nearing about 150 pages now, which I’ve always considered the magic number, but I’m incredibly thankful that I’m being given the time to get it exactly right. I’ll probably be tweaking it until they yank it out the door.
But hang in there, it’s all coming, I promise. I think it’s going to knock everyone’s socks off. There’s never been a film music release like this before!
Happy holidays, everyone.
-Doug Adams
posted 12-22-2004 09:03 AM PT (US) azahid
Standard Userer
WOw!what an update. Thanks Doug!Amer
posted 12-22-2004 07:46 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB