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LOTR Package Update? (Page 12)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
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It’ll still make its release date quite easily.So, are you implying there already is an unofficial release date set?
posted 04-24-2006 06:56 PM PT (US) MJC
Non-Standard Userer
Gotta luv us DougThrow us a bone and give us a season at least (summer, fall, or winter) if you can't give us a month
posted 04-24-2006 09:11 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
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>>>>So, are you implying there already is an unofficial release date set?>>Gotta luv us Doug Throw us a bone and give us a season at least (summer, fall, or winter) if you can't give us a month>>>>
Uh… daytime?
Just kidding. No nothing’s officially set, but Howard has given the most likely timeframe in an interview with Jeff Bond in the latest issue of Film Score Monthly. Just check the final paragraph.
www.filmscoremonthly.com/fsmonline...Actually, read the whole thing. Jeff did a great piece.
-Doug Adams
posted 04-25-2006 09:58 AM PT (US) Janck19
Non-Standard Userer
I'm not registered there can somebody tell me what stands there?
posted 04-25-2006 10:45 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
First of all, the registration there is for free.Secondly, Howard says it's most likely TTT will be out towards the end of 2006. Putting them out once a year would be the best solution he says.
posted 04-25-2006 11:24 AM PT (US) Janck19
Non-Standard Userer
damn so december 2006...**** ...damn...
posted 04-25-2006 01:14 PM PT (US) Kevin
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Originally posted by gkgyver:
First of all, the registration there is for free.Actually not. FSM Online is $5 a month.
posted 04-25-2006 04:30 PM PT (US) MJC
Non-Standard Userer
If it's November/December 2006 timeframe I'm dissapointed
posted 04-25-2006 04:50 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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I understand the dissappointment, but look at it this way....its something to look forward to....If TTT and ROTK were to come out by the end of the year, then 2007 would be a Ringless year. I was devasted after ROTK left the theatres, considering it was the realization that my favorite movies off all time were finally over....but then began the wait for the EE DVD...then that passed....what next I thought....well the production of these great box sets came along..and now I'm just trying to enjoy the anticipation...(sorry, had to vent)
posted 04-26-2006 01:21 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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Sorry, I should have made it clearer: Howard Shore hinted at the one-score-a-year routine. So, TTT by the end of 2006, ROTK by the end of 2007. 2007 won't be a Ringless year, don't worry. Even if TTT makes its way into stores earlier than November/December, ROTK won't come out before next year.I'm not dissapointed by this news, if you can call it that, at all. I already expected something like that, and I'd rather have them take more time than holding another Phantom Menace in my hands.
posted 04-26-2006 06:46 AM PT (US) BigT1981
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If I'm not mistaken Doug did hint towards this type of release as well before.I had a feeling they would wait until the end of this year to release The Two Towers set. Personally I don't blame them for releasing it in time for christmas. Didn't they do that with Fellowship Of The Ring?
posted 04-26-2006 06:57 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
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Yes, FOTR was released on December 13th, 2005. This year they should release TTT on November 21st, which is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. That way it will be new in stores during one of the busiest shopping days of the year (Black Friday) and I can listen to it over the 4 day weekend!-Chad
posted 04-26-2006 01:37 PM PT (US) MJC
Non-Standard Userer
It's understandable taking one's time, but taking over seven months from today for it to be released...just too long. I'm leaning towards the belief that the long release is due only from financial perspective not artistic. Don't get me wrong...the financial componment should always be important but not so major that it towers over everything else. That leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Oh well, tis to be expected I guess.
posted 04-26-2006 05:18 PM PT (US) BigT1981
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I think Doug said that they're not releasing it with in 6 months apart from each other is because they don't want to flood the market. They don't want to have to have customers shell out another $50-60 for another LOTR score set six months after one was released. It doesn't make sense. That is why they are releasing them like this.Also too thes sales for Fellowship Of The Ring are supposedly doing really well right now and that's another reason why they don't want to release The Two Towers too soon.
This is the company's decesion. If you don't like it oh well, that's just too bad. You guys are going to have to wait anyways.
[Message edited by BigT1981 on 04-26-2006]
posted 04-26-2006 05:52 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
"Flood the market"?
There are only three Lord of the Rings scores, and even if it was possible to design, remix and edit each score so that a release 6 months apart could have happened, "flood" would have barely been the word.
It's alright to take your time and be careful with the design and the sructure, but I think there's no point in holding back the release just because holiday season is one or two months away.
Let's face it, those who look forward to the package and really want it will buy it whenever it comes out, and the rest will wait until christmas or some birthday anyway.And, if I'm not mistaken, the lion's share of the design work has already been finished (if we assume that TTT will look like FOTR, just with different pictures).
I could be wrong though.
posted 04-26-2006 07:53 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
>>>It's understandable taking one's time, but taking over seven months from today for it to be released...just too long. I'm leaning towards the belief that the long release is due only from financial perspective not artistic. Don't get me wrong...the financial componment should always be important but not so major that it towers over everything else. That leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Oh well, tis to be expected I guess. >>>Production on the Two Towers boxed set began slightly before Christmas, 2005 and has proceeded continuously since then. At the current time (late April, 2006) it's still not release ready. That's not due to laziness, or a self-congratulating sense of entitlement, it's because this is tough work!
That's the principle concern for any release date - product readiness. Howard Shore is writing an opera right now as well as another concert work and a score for Scorsese. He only has so much time to dedicate to any individual project at a time. Frankly, I'm amazed he's able to keep as many projects afloat at once already. I'd be completely overcommitted juggling his schedule, but he makes multitasking seem like second nature.
Likewise, the rest of the LOTR boxed set team (myself included) has other projects to coinciding, and these need attention as well. Honestly, when everything is taken into consideration, I don't see how this entire thing could be shelf-ready before the fall anyway.
Are there financial considerations involved? Well sure, that's a practical reality – and is really the domain of the label anyway. I can say for an absolute fact that the people involved with this project from a creative end are far more concerned with its artistic success. I’m not going to pay off my mortgage with this, but maybe 20 years from now someone will say, “that was a landmark release!” and I’ll be able to indulge in a bit of chest puffing.
So please know that no one is sitting on a stack of completed TTT sets, steepling their fingers and chortling that the poor saps in the general public can’t have it. No one’s holding back the release just so they can dig deeper into your pockets at a more opportune moment. We’re hard at work. Music is being edited right now. New Line is locating artwork. Packaging designs are being discussed. I turned in the fourth draft of the notes last week and am waiting for notes from the New York team.
I hate stereotypes as much as the next guy, but when your run-of-the-mill LOTR fan can be described as highly articulate, well-read and intently detail oriented… well, I learned long ago, you don’t try to pull the wool over these people’s eyes! They’re not gong to be fooled, and we’re not that self-destructive.
So no one’s being deceptive, I promise you. We’re hard at work out here! I know waiting is not much fun, but hey, remember how quickly FOTR’s release date shuffling dissolved from your minds once you got your hands on the thing. Hang tight, you’ll make it, I promise.
-Doug Adams
[Message edited by Doug Adams on 04-27-2006]
posted 04-27-2006 11:11 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Doug,I have to once again commend you for the fine job that you are doing with these box sets. Reading your last post put even more perspective in it for me. I do have a couple questions for you:
1) How many people are on the team(s) that are creating the box sets?
2) Does Howard Shore read or hear anything about the fans on these message boards and if so what are his reactions/comments/thoughts?
3) What other projects are you working on?Thanks again for putting everyone at ease. As long as it is done the right way then I have no problems with it coming out this winter.
posted 04-27-2006 11:38 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
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So please know that no one is sitting on a stack of completed TTT sets, steepling their fingers and chortling that the poor saps in the general public can’t have it.LIES!!!
We want it NOW!!!
NOW!!! NOW!!! NOW!!!
I'll be honest, as eager as I am to finally hear both The Two Towers and Return of the King CEs, I'm still discovering plenty of new things in the Fellowship set. I will admit that the CE of Fellowship makes the Two Towers and Return of the King single discs seem rather rushed by comparison.posted 04-27-2006 11:42 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Howard Shore is writing an opera right now as well as another concert work and a score for Scorsese. He only has so much time to dedicate to any individual project at a time. Frankly, I'm amazed he's able to keep as many projects afloat at once already. I'd be completely overcommitted juggling his schedule, but he makes multitasking seem like second nature.Now that also settles the question I was about to ask: what is Howard Shore's next project.
I guess the Lord of the Rings marathon made him somewhat resistent to your all in a days work stress lolI'm sorry, I didn't meant that in a harsh way, but for the average fan, it's not easy to get an insight on this whole production process, so we might be a little too quick at judging certain people.
But the concern that a release might be pushed back because it would help the sales numbers is not wholly unjustified I think. These packages could very well be the most important releases since the invention of Soundtracks, and I'm sure the company is thinking about the perfect time to put them out.I'm sure you're working your butts off for these complete scores, I just hope you won't let us wait longer than necessary. Personally, I have no problem with waiting a year for each score, but then I'd like to see that the time isn't wasted, that's all.
posted 04-27-2006 12:27 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by AustinHusker:
1) How many people are on the team(s) that are creating the box sets?Well, the booklet gives a hint of that...art directors, supervisors, executive producers, re-mixers, line writers...
2) Does Howard Shore read or hear anything about the fans on these message boards and if so what are his reactions/comments/thoughts?I think he does, at least he hears things through people like Doug (or my *very* good friend, Dan Goldwasser). Maybe Doug can share some anecdotes? Hehe...
3) What other projects are you working on?
[/B][/QUOTE]I hope it involves a book regarding the Star Wars scores...
posted 04-27-2006 02:24 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
Production on the Two Towers boxed set began slightly before Christmas, 2005 and has proceeded continuously since then. At the current time (late April, 2006) it's still not release ready. That's not due to laziness, or a self-congratulating sense of entitlement, it's because this is tough work!I guess we are simply being what film-music enthusiasts often are: impatient. But I think that most people around here understand the reasons you listed, Doug, and will be more than appreciative once T2T will be out. And if not...well, let's just say Bavarians are subtle and quick to anger and my geologist's hammer is very...hard. Uhm...
That's the principle concern for any release date - product readiness. Howard Shore is writing an opera right now as well as another concert work and a score for Scorsese. He only has so much time to dedicate to any individual project at a time. Frankly, I'm amazed he's able to keep as many projects afloat at once already. I'd be completely overcommitted juggling his schedule, but he makes multitasking seem like second nature.I am sure it involves a machine that stretches Mr Shore's days to 48 hours, no?
How's work on The Departed coming along, then?
Likewise, the rest of the LOTR boxed set team (myself included) has other projects to coinciding, and these need attention as well. Honestly, when everything is taken into consideration, I don't see how this entire thing could be shelf-ready before the fall anyway.I have a personal reason why I am not too unhappy if T2T comes out later in the year. I won't have much time this summer to dedicate to thorough listenings, and I prefer listening to new scores in fall and winter anyway. Don't ask me why, I just do.
Are there financial considerations involved? Well sure, that's a practical reality – and is really the domain of the label anyway. I can say for an absolute fact that the people involved with this project from a creative end are far more concerned with its artistic success. I’m not going to pay off my mortgage with this, but maybe 20 years from now someone will say, “that was a landmark release!” and I’ll be able to indulge in a bit of chest puffing.You know what, Doug? Even with just FotR out, I can make that call and praise the achievements of you guys as a landmark now. I think not even the 1997 special editions of Star Wars can match what everybody involved has delivered. Add to that the quality that Mr Shore's music has, and you come pretty close to the perfect release.
So please know that no one is sitting on a stack of completed TTT sets, steepling their fingers and chortling that the poor saps in the general public can’t have it. No one’s holding back the release just so they can dig deeper into your pockets at a more opportune moment.All of a sudden, I have a vision of Montgomery Burns, wearing Howard Shore's round glasses, on top of this stack: "Ex-cel-lent!" Heehee...
We’re hard at work. Music is being edited right now. New Line is locating artwork. Packaging designs are being discussed. I turned in the fourth draft of the notes last week and am waiting for notes from the New York team.Completely loony side-note: I love your use in the FotR booklet of words as "bumptiously" or "rapscallions".
I hate stereotypes as much as the next guy, but when your run-of-the-mill LOTR fan can be described as highly articulate, well-read and intently detail oriented…Why, thank you! *blushes*
well, I learned long ago, you don’t try to pull the wool over these people’s eyes! They’re not gong to be fooled, and we’re not that self-destructive.Remember my geologist hammer! (Yes, I know, I REALLY should stop saying this...
So no one’s being deceptive, I promise you. We’re hard at work out here! I know waiting is not much fun, but hey, remember how quickly FOTR’s release date shuffling dissolved from your minds once you got your hands on the thing. Hang tight, you’ll make it, I promise.Best,
-Doug Adams
I refer to my previous posts that express my gratitude, Doug. Your work is top-notch...top-notchest?
Buenas noches!
CK, LotR nut extraordinaire
posted 04-27-2006 02:42 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
Standard Userer
I have great hopes for THE DEPARTED. I strongly hope it will not take us bag to some blend of BROOKLYN HEIGHTS (overused in GANGS OF NEW YORK) and COPLAND though. Something as expressively over-the-top as the original INFERNAL AFFAIRS score would be refreshing here, though since Scorsese hasn't watched the film he is remaking, the chances of that happening may be slim.
posted 04-27-2006 06:58 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Ah, coome on, Christian, we Bavarians aren't THAT hot- tempered ... only when we're getting teased by some Northern nut
posted 04-27-2006 07:31 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Ah, coome on, Christian, we Bavarians aren't THAT hot- tempered ... only when we're getting teased by some Northern nutWhat, what, what? Another Bavarian AND LotR nut? We must meet!
posted 04-27-2006 10:58 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
MovieMusic.com. Bringing film music fans and Bavarians closer together since 1998.
I've been thinking about the comment I made about how brief the TTT and ROTK albums sound in comparison to the voluminous FOTR CR. The interesting thing is that while I've always liked the original FOTR CD, I wondered for a while why certain choices were made for that album.Having heard the CR edition, I now have a greater respect for the monumental task of boiling down the score to a single, concise CD. I have a newfound admiration for the original FOTR CD. I don't listen to it as often anymore - although it does have opening of "The Great River" my favorite cue from the theatrical version of the film - but in terms of getting the basics of this score across in an album framework, it does a pretty good job.
[Message edited by Swashbuckler on 04-28-2006]
posted 04-28-2006 07:43 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Actually, I should feel insulted being called a Bavarian; I'm a FRANCONIAN, Himmeldunnerkeidl!Ahem, back to the topic ...
I think the only flaw of all three LOTR OSTs is that FOTR had too much of the Ringwraiths music sandwiched in between the opening and closing tracks.posted 04-28-2006 08:23 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
[b]Actually, I should feel insulted being called a Bavarian; I'm a FRANCONIAN, Himmeldunnerkeidl!
</QUOTE>Man soll Godd für alls danggn, auch für ein'n Franggn.
Woher dort?
I've got relatives in Lower Franconia, and seeing as Germany isn't that big, I'd like to meet some time.
Also: since the Nazgûl music is one of favorite aspects of Fellowship, I don't have a problem with it. I hope that the arrangement of it that can be heard on FotR's appendices during the pre-visualising segment of FotR's prologue (the one with monster choir) will be included on the rarities disc.
[Message edited by Christian Kühn on 04-28-2006]
posted 04-28-2006 10:55 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Man soll Godd für alls danggn, auch für ein'n Franggn.Woher dort?
Heißt das net "Man soll Gott für alles danken, auch für einen Unterfranken"?Nevermind ... lol
posted 04-28-2006 06:06 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
lets see.....will the Two Towers Box Set have a blue box...like the deluxe version of the OST....just wanted to keep this thread alive here....I don't like seeing it dropping down the listIf so then that only means ROTK will follow suit and sport my favorite color, green, yeaaaaa!!!
posted 05-01-2006 02:48 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Shire Bagginz:
lets see.....will the Two Towers Box Set have a blue box...like the deluxe version of the OST....just wanted to keep this thread alive here....I don't like seeing it dropping down the listIf so then that only means ROTK will follow suit and sport my favorite color, green, yeaaaaa!!!
RotK would look great in white and gold.
posted 05-01-2006 03:08 PM PT (US) Alwin
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The Ringwraiths had to be established as an on-going menace to the Hobbits, as well as set them up for reappearances in TTT and to a lesser extent, ROTK.Therefore, I don't mind it... it did provide the suspense for the first hour or so of FOTR.
posted 05-01-2006 03:57 PM PT (US) alan_manc
Non-Standard Userer
I actually really liked the Ringwraith theme. Looking forward to its brief appearance in TTT and hoping that it turns up on the ROTK CR too (never know, might have been recorded and not used hehe).Seemed a waste of a theme was that so prominent in representing not just the wraiths, but Sauron as well in Fellowship. I hadn’t realised until listening to the complete score that it still pops up a few times even after the Wraiths are gone from the film.
Also, does anyone know where the version of the theme that appeared in the Kong teaser and net exclusive making of video came from? It builds slowly to an instrumental version of the Wraith theme but I believe only the build up was in the teaser. The theme itself was only reached in the making of clip.
Just found the video...
http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/king_kong/inside_med.htmlIt starts as Jack Black appears on screen.
[Message edited by alan_manc on 05-02-2006]
posted 05-02-2006 04:06 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by alan_manc:
I actually really liked the Ringwraith theme. Looking forward to its brief appearance in TTT and hoping that it turns up on the ROTK CR too (never know, might have been recorded and not used hehe).Seemed a waste of a theme was that so prominent in representing not just the wraiths, but Sauron as well in Fellowship. I hadn’t realised until listening to the complete score that it still pops up a few times even after the Wraiths are gone from the film.
[Message edited by alan_manc on 05-02-2006]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Well actually I always thought that during the wraith attack on Minis Tirith, a more exciting variation of the Ringwraith theme is used. The rythm is slightly different, but the basic overall feeling I got from the original theme is still there (mostly due to the high shrieking choir) (this is track #13 on the ROTK OST). This time around though the theme is at a more steady pace (instead of the original's two note, long-short style rythm), never seeming to let up, until the brass fanfare representing the Rohan army's charge comes in. (side note: the missing part of this que is one of my most anticipated incomplete ques, that should be on the ROTK CR, as the build up with the Rohan theme was completely left off the OST)
I might be completely wrong, but this is what I have always felt. Anyone else agree or is it just me?
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 05-02-2006]
posted 05-02-2006 08:00 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Shire Bagginz:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by alan_manc:
[b]I actually really liked the Ringwraith theme. Looking forward to its brief appearance in TTT and hoping that it turns up on the ROTK CR too (never know, might have been recorded and not used hehe).Seemed a waste of a theme was that so prominent in representing not just the wraiths, but Sauron as well in Fellowship. I hadn’t realised until listening to the complete score that it still pops up a few times even after the Wraiths are gone from the film.
[Message edited by alan_manc on 05-02-2006]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Well actually I always thought that during the wraith attack on Minis Tirith, a more exciting variation of the Ringwraith theme is used. The rythm is slightly different, but the basic overall feeling I got from the original theme is still there (mostly due to the high shrieking choir) (this is track #13 on the ROTK OST). This time around though the theme is at a more steady pace (instead of the original's two note, long-short style rythm), never seeming to let up, until the brass fanfare representing the Rohan army's charge comes in. (side note: the missing part of this que is one of my most anticipated incomplete ques, that should be on the ROTK CR, as the build up with the Rohan theme was completely left off the OST)
I might be completely wrong, but this is what I have always felt. Anyone else agree or is it just me?
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 05-02-2006][/B]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
The choir music for the Ringwraiths in the Battle of Pelennor fields seems to be using the rhythm and form the of the Prophecy choir piece. The similarity starts at 1:28 in the Prochecy and continues to 2:10. The RotK piece is more forceful but the rhythm is the same and even the theme resembles the Prophecy choir theme.
[Message edited by Incanus on 05-02-2006]
posted 05-02-2006 10:11 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I always was under the impression that in TTT, Shore introduced a new motif for the wraiths, based on the FOTR one, but with a slower, more dramatic pace. It can be heard when the Nazgul attacks Osgiliath in TTT. It pops up a few times in ROTK, too, when the wraiths attack Osgiliath again, and in full blown choral form when Eowyn battles the Witch King.After Fellowship, the wraiths' threat becomes much bigger and broader, and the pace is entirely different, so that might have called for a new approach, based on the same harmonies (not sure about the harmony part
@ alan_manc
It could very well be from the "rejected" Shore score because it doesn't sound anything like LOTR. I mean, it resembles the wraith music, but it doesn't feel like it.
[Message edited by gkgyver on 05-02-2006]
posted 05-02-2006 12:02 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Incanus:
The choir music for the Ringwraiths in the Battle of Pelennor fields seems to be using the rhythm and form the of the Prophecy choir piece. The similarity starts at 1:28 in the Prochecy and continues to 2:10. The RotK piece is more forceful but the rhythm is the same and even the theme resembles the Prophecy choir theme.[Message edited by Incanus on 05-02-2006]
Wow! Never noticed that, nice catch. It most defintetely is a match. The que in ROTK is just a little more threatening with a faster pace. I always liked the Prophecy que, so I'm glad some of it made its way into one of the films.
posted 05-02-2006 04:38 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
by the way.i couldn't hear that piece from the fotr ost(the one from the prologue)anywhere on the complete recordings.
posted 05-05-2006 02:40 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Beren:
by the way.i couldn't hear that piece from the fotr ost(the one from the prologue)anywhere on the complete recordings.Me neither. Conincidentally, I don't remember hearing the piece anywhere but on the OST.
[Sarcasm mode off]
The Prophecy had been written before it was decided to include the longer version in the film, and I assume Mr Shore put the original version on the OST, as it is his habit of doing that.
As it stands...those two first minutes of The Propehcy are my favorite couple of minutes from any score or CD in my collection.
posted 05-05-2006 04:01 PM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
The motif from the Prophecy that I mentioned above can be heard on the FOTR CR on the track The Great Eye (1;39-> )when Elrond is speaking about the destroying of the Ring, and in RotK in that Nazgûl piece in the Pelennor Fields and I think that even the beginning of the track The End of All Things contains some resemblance to the rhythm of the piece.
posted 05-06-2006 01:11 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
yes,smth like that can be heard in "the great eye" piece,but it has no choir, just instruments.[Message edited by Beren on 05-06-2006]
posted 05-06-2006 01:24 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB