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LOTR Package Update? (Page 21)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Non-Standard Userer
>Like the FOTR set, the TTT end credits will not include the DVD fan scroll music since that music is already on the set in its proper place.<Well gosh darnnit to heck then!
Nah, I'm just kidding. Thanks for the update!
posted 08-12-2006 09:59 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
How about a little poll? Since we know that its coming out late October, it can only be one of two dates:October 24
October 31Halloween is either a great idea for a release or a horrible idea, I really don't know, but I'll say that it's coming out on
Oct. 24th.
31=0[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 08-13-2006]
posted 08-13-2006 01:09 AM PT (US) Fleuz
Non-Standard Userer
Great news!
Here I´ve made a little montage to increase our anticipation:
posted 08-13-2006 04:09 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
<<,Book talks will heat up soon, I think. I know I have a number of calls to return on it, and these will all be addressed as soon as TTT is put to bed… although the window between TTT and ROTK looks to be pretty small!>>-Doug
Did everyone catch that little aside there??? Did we, huh, huh!!! "...the window between TTT and ROTK looks to be pretty SMALL!..."
YES! YES! To the sound of thunderous applause and raucus cheering as the assembled hobbits, etc. work it out!! This means, and poor Doug will have to live with the future increased importunations (is that even a word?!) from these assembled multitudes since he has thus raised our expectations, that RotK CR will be released -- apparently -- not at the end of '07 (as has been the case with FotR and TTT) but rather somewhat sooner!!! YES! We loves it, we wants it, my presshuss!
So can we say, we hope that is a Shore thing.... (OUCH!)
And so... we see there is more indeed to these here hobbitses than even the brewing of ales and and the smoking of pipeweed: they do indeed share a love for things that grow, musical things in particular!! And perhaps our agonized wait will not be as protracted for the final installment... 'Tis to be hoped, 'tis!
Tim Fisher
posted 08-13-2006 05:29 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by vdemona:
<< >Like the FOTR set, the TTT end credits will not include the DVD fan scroll music since that music is already on the set in its proper place.<Well gosh darnnit to heck then!
Nah, I'm just kidding. Thanks for the update!>>
Let's see...
We have the OST, and the CR, and the Symphony which let's face it, will surely someday be released (even if was designed for the joys of hearing the music live and in person)... AND now, since the 3 fan credits each run about 20 minutes, we could have yet another assemblage/arrangement of the music on one more cd (assuming the marketeers are listening in), for it does appear the appetite for this glorious stuff is insatiable!!Do we hear an avalanche of cries of Yes, yes,... we will buy it!?
I know I always find myself winding down from each film by letting the credits roll...Oh, and Doug, feel free to put in your book a short (but not too short!) appendix about the structure of the fan credits music... (the Professor loved appendices, didn't he!!) ;-) Let's hope the publisher is amenable to added pages...
Tim Fisher
posted 08-13-2006 06:09 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Timdalf:
Did everyone catch that little aside there??? Did we, huh, huh!!! "...the window between TTT and ROTK looks to be pretty SMALL!..."Of course, that *could* mean that with the amount of material to work on for ROTK, and the usual (roughly) one year between releases, the windows between TTT's release and full work on ROTK will be small.
And Doug, I hope you didn't take my "leaking" comment too seriously. It was obviously intended as a lame joke (although I was afraid that the "message icon" smiley may be overlooked by some, but two smileys would have been too much) - see, I care enough about these releases to not want to remain totally silent in this thread, but at the same time, I'm happy that most of my own questions are being asked by others already.
posted 08-13-2006 06:55 AM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
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I hate to be pessimistic, but I'd rather look at the worst-case scenario, then be surprised if I turn out to be wrong.24=1
31=1posted 08-13-2006 09:31 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I'm hoping for October 19th, since that's my birthdayI think Howard Shore was born around that time, too, wasn't he?
I remember that because I thought "darn, just one day sooner and maybe I could have composed like that too!"posted 08-13-2006 10:24 AM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
I'm hoping for October 19thIt looks like it's been narrowed down to the 24th and the 31st.
posted 08-13-2006 11:17 AM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
I’ll say one more thing about the cast performance, then I’ll probably let it drop until the press release gives it away. There was no conscious effort on this release to move away from cast performances, it just worked out that way. The cast performances that weren’t used just didn’t work in context with the score. They were too short, came out of nowhere, went nowhere, and plopped in the middle of an hour of orchestral / choral music, felt uncomfortably out of place. Yes, they were tried, yes I heard them, and no, they didn’t really work. The one that remains fits in quite beautifully with its surroundings, is quite musical in its own right, and feels part of an organic whole.It’s really quite lovely, and I think it’ll hit the spot for all of you. It did for me, anyway.
Why do I get the premonition that it will be the Gollum piece after all?
posted 08-13-2006 12:48 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
<< <Originally posted by Timdalf:
Did everyone catch that little aside there??? Did we, huh, huh!!! "...the window between TTT and ROTK looks to be pretty SMALL!...">Of course, that *could* mean that with the amount of material to work on for ROTK, and the usual (roughly) one year between releases, the windows between TTT's release and full work on ROTK will be small.>>
Yes, you may be right... and what is more, I thought later what with RotK to do (the longest of the 3) PLUS a book to get out he may indeed be suggesting we might be in for a looooong wait indeed!!
But I guess the right way to take it is, the longer the wait the better the product... and then too, as they say, hunger is the best cook! It will all sound (and read) the sweeter for the wait...
Or to paraphrase Old Willie:
waiting is such sweet torment,
that by its length it portends the less lament!!Tim Fisher
posted 08-13-2006 01:57 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
I'm quite confident (knowing absolutely nothing, obviously) that we'll have ROTK by the end of 2007.
posted 08-13-2006 03:35 PM PT (US) MJC
Non-Standard Userer
I just want everyone to know that I've been dressed as Gimli in front of the computer since February for the TT release.Martin
posted 08-13-2006 04:42 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Hold it a second, you are what?You mean you dress yourself as Gimli before you go online. Please don't say axe and helmet have replaced shirt and sneakers!
By the way, I don't think I like the prospect of having a track that includes "Uglùk".
But I got used to "The Fighting Uruk- Hai" too, so maybe it won't be that bad.posted 08-13-2006 05:23 PM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
>>> I've always wondered why none of the TTT sets figured Saruman outside/inside them. I mean, he's the driving force behind the invasion of Westfold and this was his war and his defeat. And he was the Head of the White Council, even if he did stray from his path So was just wondering... >>>>> It’s all a matter of what high res pictures New Line has on hand, and what looks the most dynamic. In the case of covers, obviously the image has to be something iconic and representative of film’s story as a whole. >>
Hey *Doug* (I think I'm missing something...oh, its the Mr.
) thanks for the answers. Still a bit curious though. You said that "the image has to be something iconic and representative of film’s story as a whole". True. But wouldn't that image of Saruman defeated by Gandalf be great? The one from ROTK:EE, when his staff is broken and he has those tears in his dark eyes? Sorry for playing the pest.
Also, for everyone who's been creating blue mock-ups of TTT:CR. Who's to say that its gonna be blue? As far as I can remember, Doug said that the sets should match the Limited editions of the soundtracks. And just for the record, unlike FOTR, there were two colours each for TTT and ROTK. In the case of TTT, blue - Limited Edition and brown - Internet Limited Edition. Well, the closest match to the very very elegant maroon is of course, brown, in which case ROTK will end up being that shade of magenta (or whatever, remember the cones in my eyes?)
So, any people creating mock-ups, lets see something to that effect huh?
Well, I'll be leaving for Bombay this evening and will be back on Wednesday. Hope to see or hear something. See you guys on the other side of another Freedom Day anniversary of my country. And by the way, Bombay is on high alert, so say a prayer for me
posted 08-13-2006 11:48 PM PT (US) segali
Non-Standard Userer
there is also the big chance that this release will be like last time with FOTR being pushed back from november to december, therefore TTT might get put back into november.ALSO FOR DOUG - NOT THAT THIS MIGHT BE A BIG ISSUE BUT WHATS UP WITH HOWARD SHORES SITE, THATS BEEN IN THE LAUNCHING PEROID FOR CLOSE TO A YEAR NOW
posted 08-14-2006 01:14 AM PT (US) *Tom*
Non-Standard Userer
On the subject of the cast recording, I don't think that Gollum's "Juicy fish" song will be used. It's barely 10 seconds long and Doug did say that the unused cast recordings were "too short." I suppose this is also me hoping for Miranda Otto's lament for Theodred to be included.The treebeard entwife song is looking like a frightening possibility as well. The score behind the song is great and I think including the song would ruin it.
But I'm sure we'll find out who it is soon and I'm sure it'll be great whatever happens.
posted 08-14-2006 04:53 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I don't see why TTT should be pushed back to November, unless there's another company raising legal issues.
posted 08-14-2006 06:46 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
I don't think the packaging will be brown in color, 1st of all it's not very eye catching and 2nd, it's too close in color to FOTR:CR and you would want them to be distinctly different on the store shelves for the consumer to avoid confusion. It should be blue if you ask me.The ROTK limited CD covers are maroon and green, so it obviously makes sense to have ROTK:CR green for the same reasons above.
>>>although the window between TTT and ROTK looks to be pretty small!<<<
You sure got us talking on this little blurb, Doug!
I think it's quite obvious that Eowen's song will be included on this release and not Gollum's or Treebeard's song. The voices are too jarring to stand by themselves with the score.
I can't wait to hear the Warg scene as Shore scored it, it will be interesting to play it as the movie rolls on this scene...
>>>It’s Uglúk, of course. And don’t forget the accent on the “u,” you’ll need it to properly type the track titles in a few months.<<<
Hmmmm, what will the track title be, "Ugluk Adds to the Menu"
Hopefully this will come out on 10/24, I will be too busy on Halloween with my 5 year old!
Thanks for the updates Doug, love to read them as always!
posted 08-14-2006 07:29 AM PT (US) segali
Non-Standard Userer
the cast voice will have to be Eowyn's, reason being - gollums little so called song just wouldnt fit and would be pushing the boundaries of which cast members go on the CR, theoden's speech would ruin the music for that scene and treebeard would also not be right on there.
posted 08-14-2006 08:52 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by segali:
the cast voice will have to be Eowyn's, reason being -Your word in Eru's ear.
NP: The Straight Story (Angelo Badalamenti)
posted 08-14-2006 12:04 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
So here's what we know about TTT:CR so far:*It will contain 3 to 3.5 hours of music.
*All the music will be contained on three audio CDs.
*The set will include a bonus audio DVD with the entire score in surround sound (just like FOTR).
*It will feature one (and only one) cast performer from the film. So far, the possibilties have been narrowed down to Miranda Otto singing Eowyn's Lament for Theodred (the most likely candidate)
, Andy Serkis "singing" Gollum's Fish Song
, Bernard Hill reciting the Horse and the Rider poem, and John Rhys-Davies reciting Treebeard's poem.
*One of the track titles has the word "Ugluk" in it.
*The set will be released in late October, either on the 24th or the 31st. My guess is the 31st, though of course I'm hoping for the 24th.
*And it will be awesome!
[Message edited by EldarionSonOfElessar on 08-14-2006]
posted 08-14-2006 12:15 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
You forgot the fact that it will be awesome
posted 08-14-2006 02:57 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
That's a given.
posted 08-14-2006 03:14 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
You know what I'm hoping for? Good sales numbers. These ladies and gentlemen do such an awesome job with the CRs that I just want to see them being rewarded.
posted 08-14-2006 05:37 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
You know what I'm hoping for? Good sales numbers.Speaking of which, how is FOTR:CR doing financially? Where can I see the numbers?
78/71 days to go!
posted 08-14-2006 06:24 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
We can make that assumption from what we (think) we know about the score. But Doug did not specifically narrow it down to those scenes. (...remembering past misunderstandings when fans made guesses/assumptions and it was confused with an 'official' word).
It will feature one (and only one) cast performer from the film. So far, the possibilties have been narrowed down to Miranda Otto singing Eowyn's Lament for Theodred (the most likely candidate) , Andy Serkis "singing" Gollum's Fish Song , Bernard Hill reciting the Horse and the Rider poem, and John Rhys-Davies reciting Treebeard's poem.What we do know from Doug is:
The cast performances that weren’t used just didn’t work in context with the score.
They were too short, came out of nowhere, went nowhere, and plopped in the middle of an hour of orchestral / choral music, felt uncomfortably out of place.
The one that remains fits in quite beautifully with its surroundings, is quite musical in its own right, and feels part of an organic whole.
He isn't going to say anymore on the subject till the official release.I was one who wanted Eowyn's singing. But, in mulling it over in my mind, Eowyn's song is more of a chant or dirge. Gollum's is more melodic. I would also consider Gollum's organic, but I don't know that I would say that Eowyn's isn't. In the end, all those descriptions are subjective so I'm in a patient, wait and see mode.
posted 08-14-2006 06:24 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
But Doug did not specifically narrow it down to those scenesIn fact, he did:
>>>What diegetic music can we expect for TTT? Eowyn's lament for Theodred seems obvious, but is there anything else? Treebeard's poetry? Gollum's fish-song? Theoden reciting "Where is the Horse and the Rider"? <<<As of the current edit, there will be one cast performer only on the Two Towers boxed set, and yes, you mention that performer above.
[Message edited by EldarionSonOfElessar on 08-14-2006]
posted 08-14-2006 06:29 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
ah... keener eyes than mine.or just paying better attention. :P
posted 08-14-2006 08:06 PM PT (US) vdemona
Non-Standard Userer
I'll most certainly settle for Eowyn's lament but I'll miss Treebeard's poetry recitations.I think Halloween would be the perfect day for the TTT release. That would be like Christmas for me! Weeeeee!
posted 08-14-2006 09:00 PM PT (US) MJC
Non-Standard Userer
I've been relistening to the OST of TT in anticipation of the CR release in October; I am so looking forward to it. October cannot come fast enough for us all.Martin
posted 08-14-2006 10:23 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Non-Standard Userer
For Mr. Adams, our great hero.......About the End Credit question I had...I wasn't talking about the Fan Club Credits, but the End Credits. I know that the FC Credits music will not be on the CR, of course, but I was asking about the section of tracked music during the End Credits. It's something like this:
OST(trk 19)
Gollum's Song
Eowyn's Theme
Rohan Theme & EndFILM
Gollum's Song
(tracked from TT)
Eowyn's Theme
Seduction of the Ring Theme
Forth Eorlingas-Beginning
Diminishment of the Elves Theme(FOTR trkd)
Rivendell Theme
Rohan Theme & EndSo my question, again, is, will any of this tracked music within the End Credits be on the CR or will the CR be identical to the OST, track 19??? FOTR: CR is like the film version (which includes the tracked music), not the OST version(grrrhhhh
...oh,well, can't have everything my way
Also, about the Wolves of Isengard "cue"
, in the film it has the Isengard theme before going silent with the smack of the 2 forces. Is that Isengard rendition from FOTR or original??? (I'm thinking of the 2nd use of the theme in FOTR, during the Pass of Caradhras...hmmmm...)
Thank you very much, Doug, me boy!!!
posted 08-15-2006 02:39 PM PT (US) weyhoops
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:
For Mr. Adams, our great hero.......About the End Credit question I had...I wasn't talking about the Fan Club Credits, but the End Credits. I know that the FC Credits music will not be on the CR, of course, but I was asking about the section of tracked music during the End Credits. It's something like this:
OST(trk 19)
Gollum's Song
Eowyn's Theme
Rohan Theme & EndFILM
Gollum's Song
(tracked from TT)
Eowyn's Theme
Seduction of the Ring Theme
Forth Eorlingas-Beginning
Diminishment of the Elves Theme(FOTR trkd)
Rivendell Theme
Rohan Theme & EndSo my question, again, is, will any of this tracked music within the End Credits be on the CR or will the CR be identical to the OST, track 19??? FOTR: CR is like the film version (which includes the tracked music), not the OST version(grrrhhhh
...oh,well, can't have everything my way
Also, about the Wolves of Isengard "cue"
, in the film it has the Isengard theme before going silent with the smack of the 2 forces. Is that Isengard rendition from FOTR or original??? (I'm thinking of the 2nd use of the theme in FOTR, during the Pass of Caradhras...hmmmm...)
Thank you very much, Doug, me boy!!!
Wait, so you want less music on the CR? And you want the CR to differ from the film and correspond to a soundtrack that we already have? I am confused.
posted 08-15-2006 03:21 PM PT (US) Olorin
Non-Standard Userer
I don't know if this has been discussed in this thread yet (and apologies if it has been), but I don't know why Reprise went with a different color scheme than what New Line established for the entire rest of the Trilogy merchandising: green for FOTR, rust for TTT, and blue for ROTK. This is especially odd considering that both Reprise and New Line are TimeWarner subsidiaries.It would have been nice to have the CR CD sets that used the same colors as the EE DVDs. Oh well!
posted 08-15-2006 04:49 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Non-Standard Userer
Message for 'weyhoops': Ahhhhhh!! Does anybody know what I'm talking about?!Alright, explanation time.......I WANT MORE MUSIC, of course, but I don't want to hear the same exact, identical thing twice in the same listening. Tracked music is HORRIBLE!!! This might be extreme, but, "tracking" should be damned to ****! Okay, obviously I hate tracked music. Why? Because it's the same thing used where it doesn't belong! Everyone should hate it, even if it works! Believe me, the original music works better than the tracked music. So, again, I WANT more music, not less, and I don't want tracked music, which is "more"(of the same thing). Those short clips of tracked music during the End Credits belong elsewhere in the film (except for "Diminishment" theme, which belongs in FOTR[which happens to be on FOTR: CR, disc 2, track 9, beginning, though I'm sure you know that
]) and those clips will VERY likely be on TTT: CR in their PROPER place.
About your 2nd question: The CR SHOULD MOST DEFINITELY differ from the film and correspond to the OST APPROPRIATELY SO. Do you want the Wolves of Isengard section to sound like the OST or the film(which has tracking)? I think everyone would vote for the OST over the film. So, the CR End Credits music should not contain the tracked music that is in the film because all of the tracked music will be where it belongs in the CR. So, it SHOULD sound like the OST then. Unlike FOTR: FILM End Credits, the TT FILM End Credits does NOT sound like "a suite". It works well enough for FOTR: CR, so that's probably one reason why Howard kept it that way for the CR, but with TT...no, so he should present the music on the CR for TT like the OST, when talking strictly about the End Credits music. (whew, I'm exhausted) And, I think that the tracked music in TT End Credits acts as "filler" music because the OST length isn't long enough, so more music is needed then. They obviously wanted the music to be "quieter" and the 2nd half relates more to the elves. So, they didn't just throw something together, but still, it DOESN'T BELONG ON THE CR. Save it for the film. That's what I think. Thanks, and I hope you're not confused now. No hard feelings.
(The knight grins and walks off into the red horizon.)
posted 08-15-2006 09:56 PM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Hey guys, I'm back. And nothing new has happened here...sniff, sniff...October seems like a year away.Except that line by Doug about the window between TTT:CR and ROTK:CR being small. Sounds interesting. I think that would be because there's just so much music in ROTK as compared to FOTR and TTT. Also, couple that with the work that needs to be done on the Book, if they're planning on a simultaneous release (alongwith a "rarities disc" huh??) and a year seems a pretty short time to get so much done.
Hey, just a thought. What's the design of the book going to be like? Maybe it could look exactly like the CR box sets? Maybe white with gold lettering? Gasp...would be great to have 4 of these highly elegant "books" together - and maybe they could offer a slipcase to hold all 4 of them.
posted 08-16-2006 01:12 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
I don't get it.How could the reason for the small window between TTT and ROTK be the fact that there's more work on ROTK:CR?Shouldn't be the contrary?Anyway,if Mr. Adams said that the window will be small,then there's a good reason to be happy.And i am.[Message edited by Beren on 08-16-2006]
posted 08-16-2006 01:23 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
What I meant was that from the point of view of what needs to be done in terms of ROTK:CR and the release of the book, a year may be a very short amount of time, especially since both of them are very much interconnected and people like Doug need to get work done on both. So the small window could mean 2 things depending on how you look at it - from the release point of view, then of course, much earlier than TTT:CR. If from the stuff-that-needs-to-be-done point of view, then even a year could be that small window.
posted 08-16-2006 04:10 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I think it's more likely that the window between TTT release and work start on ROTK is small.
ROTK is the longest of the three scores, I can't possibly imagine there's less work to be done than on FOTR or TTT.
posted 08-16-2006 04:21 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Exactly! So much work, and so little time.
posted 08-16-2006 04:42 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB