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LOTR Package Update? (Page 22)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Non-Standard Userer
Hi all!I own all the soundtracks of the Lord of the Rings films and I love them. It's mind blowing to think how Howard Shore could compose such beautiful music.
Last year I had purchased the complete score of the FOTR. I was somewhat dissappointed with the packaging. Why is it so flimsy? Mine tore at the sides. Why did they have to use cheap cardboard?
My one wish is to perhaps see released on DVD film footage of Howard Shore conducting the LPO during the recording sessions. Interviews, etc. Something like behind the scenes footage and something similar to what we saw on the DVD that came with the ROTK soundtrack. Any hopes/chances of seeing such a DVD released in the future?
Looking forward to seeing Doug Adams book on the LOTR music released. Early next year?Cheers!
Pierreposted 08-16-2006 04:45 AM PT (US) orbital
Non-Standard Userer
...honestly: I have absolutely NO (!) idea what you are talking about...
Originally posted by Petrus:
(...) I was somewhat dissappointed with the packaging. Why is it so flimsy? Mine tore at the sides. Why did they have to use cheap cardboard? (...)[should I have used the term "ridiculous"...?]
posted 08-16-2006 06:55 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
I hope it's 24th October.P.S.: Did anyone notice this http://derhobbit-film.de/indexengl.shtml ?I wonder if(if it's true) Mr. Howard Shore will come back to Middle-earth to compose the music for The Hobbit?
[Message edited by Beren on 08-16-2006]
posted 08-16-2006 07:26 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
@ PetrusI have to second orbital's question. I can't really see the problem.
Well, I can see what you mean, but I don't think it's as bad as you say it is.
Honestly, I don't know what you're doing to your box that it got teared apart. I had the entire thing (sometimes even just the case with the 3 discs) in cars, suitcases, and handbags, and I've never noticed damage.The CRs are meant to be collectible items. Just don't step on it and everything should be fine.
Plus, another material could easily make the product more expensive. And as there are quite a few people who think the price is already way too high (which is IMO baloney), that's not really desirable.
posted 08-16-2006 08:09 AM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Beren:
I hope it's 24th October.P.S.: Did anyone notice this http://derhobbit-film.de/indexengl.shtml ?I wonder if(if it's true) Mr. Howard Shore will come back to Middle-earth to compose the music for The Hobbit?
That seems to be a "wishful thinking" site.
Hope the project happens, but there doesn't seem to be anything concrete about it yet.posted 08-16-2006 08:33 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Non-Standard Userer
I understand what you're saying (and I may be misunderstanding the details here, seeing as I haven't recently compared the OST and EE film credits). However, if the film credits = OST music PLUS tracked music, I'd still want the full film credits UNLESS something else was originally recorded to fill in this credit time. Even if the OST flows better, which it may, you're still not technically losing any of the OST music (correct me if I'm wrong) and that's why we still have the OSTs as relevant and different (albeit abridged) scores (different endings, the original "Prophecy", etc). It's my understanding that the CRs are attempts to follow the complete film journey as originally conceived and prepared by HS (which is why we get the music when Frodo is wearing the ring on Weathertop, the original Warg attack, etc.). HS knew how long the end credits were going to be (I would imagine), and included music accordingly. If this is indeed the case, I certainly want the film credits whichever way he intended them on the CR.
posted 08-16-2006 08:58 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Non-Standard Userer
To 'weyhoops': Yes, the CR are supposed to follow the film journey, but it should not include tracked music, because tracked music interrupts that flow. Why do YOU want to hear the same music twice, especially where it doesn't belong? Well, perhaps it doesn't bother you like it does me. I just want ALL original and NO tracked or looped. The journey of the music feels disrupted with the tracked music BECAUSE I know where the tracked music BELONGS(and it's supposed to do it's "job" where it belongs, not elsewhere). An example: FOTR: CR, disc 1, track 13: Strider. The track starts off fine, with ORIGINAL music, but when it gets to 0:19 - 0:34, we have TRACKED music. Now, I know it's short, but, it's not the way Shore wrote it (and so I have to wonder why he let it be on the CR), and, because I know that that music belongs at 1:50 - 2:04 on the same track, it disrupts the flow, at least for me it does. That 15 second section of music belongs ONLY to ONE 'spot' in the film/score, not two. I'd rather there be NO music in the film during that first(0:19 - 0:34)time, because it's tracked, and so it also should NOT be on the CR, in my opinion. I think others should (and I know they do, whoever they are) agree with me. The music itself is WONDERFUL, so to track it is to abuse it, I think. It's wonderful, but it belongs at ONE point ONLY. My "Perfect" CR would be: no tracking, no looping, ALL music written(that has been recorded) for the film, used and unused, though NO alternates on the release, but instead, many or all alternates on another "Alternate" release(so as to not disrupt the flow of the musical journey, like FOTR's "Breaking of the Fellowship" alternate in the FC Credits. That alternate SHOULD be on an "Alternate" or "Bonus" release, containing ONLY alternates.) Also, you say: "It's my understanding that the CRs are attempts to follow the complete film journey as originally conceived and prepared by HS"...So, do you think that HS originally conceived "Strider" having the tracked music from 0:19 - 0:34? I don't think so. That was PROBABLY a choice made because of something Jackson said/wanted. That's OKAY for the film, but NOT the CR. And, yes, HS knew how long the end credits would be, but I don't think that he wants ALL of that tracked music on the CR. Why would HE? Very unlikely. If I were him, I wouldn't. Why? Because I know that I would have written it for a specific point in the film, where it's supposed to do it's job/function, and have it act as "filler" for the End Credits. (Though if I had written the score, I would have written original music for ALL of the End Credits, unless I wasn't allowed to, and then I'd have been really upset.) So anyways, I hope I haven't confused you more, and again, no hard feelings, just explaining myself (my very strange self). Have a good day!
posted 08-16-2006 02:21 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I know what you mean. That being said, the bit in "Strider" doesn't bother me as much (in fact it doesn't bother me at all) as the tracked bit in "The Nazgul". That Orthanc music throws me off every time. Fortunately, it's the only choice I don't like.About the credits: don't the three songs count as exclusive end credits material? They were written by Howard Shore (at least Gollum's Song and Into The West) and intended for the credits sequence.
Plus, Howard (anyone else feel uncomfortable calling him by his last name? It's wierd, but it feels too unpersonal) did write thematic codas for the finale of all three credits, all of which are available on the OSTs.
Beyond those (song and coda) and in the vein of the "storytelling" idea, I don't think original score for the credits would make sense. As it is right now, I already find the Rivendell theme in Fellowship's CR a bit off. Not because it's musically wrong or anything, but because it's irrelevant for the storytelling.
I doubt Howard Shore ever wrote exclusive credits material, let alone record it.Howard wrote the gorgeous Bilbo's Song for the ROTK fan credits, that's appropriate because it marks a sad goodbye to the fans. And I'm quite happy with that.
posted 08-16-2006 03:41 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
The film credits for TTT also split up the wonderful arrangement of the Rohan themes...And we'll have heard all the tracked music earlier in the CR where it was intended. In my opinion there's really nothing to recommend it being included on the CD release.
If it's included I'll just burn a CD with the OST track instead...
I wonder if(if it's true) Mr. Howard Shore will come back to Middle-earth to compose the music for The Hobbit
I think a more pertinent question would be: what is the release date for The Hobbit: The Complete Recordings?
I can't wait!
[Message edited by TheTennisBallKid on 08-16-2006][Message edited by TheTennisBallKid on 08-16-2006]
posted 08-16-2006 05:09 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
*Bump*75/68 days to go!
posted 08-17-2006 09:31 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Non-Standard Userer
Everything you guys have said makes sense. But in regards to credit music, using tracked music must have been "the plan" (for better or worse), right? The difference here (as compared to the Strider or Orthanc music) being that it was an intentional musical choice as opposed to an editing choice (even if its one you don't agree with). I think, considering that we already have the TT OST, it makes the most sense to include the film version. After all, this is not the LOTR symphony, and it seems as if film coherence carries the most weight in the CR decision-making process (only to be sacrificed in times of strong conflict with listening pleasure). HS and those in charge of putting this together have been exceptionally discerning in their choices so that we don't get another TPM: Ultimate Edition.
posted 08-17-2006 12:14 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
Assuming the press release comes out on a Friday, it looks like we'll have to wait until next week.
posted 08-18-2006 09:50 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
I'm not even waiting for the press release anymore...I was disappointed 2 weeks ago. It'll come when it comes.
posted 08-18-2006 10:15 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I'm really eager to have a look at the design. If they really outdid Fellowship, that thing must definitely be something.
posted 08-18-2006 10:50 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Actually, in my heart I'm dying to have my first look at it...and hopefully be as blown away as I was when I looked upon the FOTR:CR set.But NO!! I'll be strong. Ok fine, maybe I'll hope just a little bit...or not...HELPPPP!!
posted 08-18-2006 11:42 AM PT (US) vdemona
Non-Standard Userer
>I don't know why Reprise went with a different color scheme than what New Line established for the entire rest of the Trilogy merchandising<I've often wondered at this myself as well. Seems silly.
posted 08-18-2006 10:40 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Non-Standard Userer
DOUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surely you're not busy on a Saturday?!
posted 08-19-2006 02:50 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by vdemona:
>I don't know why Reprise went with a different color scheme than what New Line established for the entire rest of the Trilogy merchandising<I've often wondered at this myself as well. Seems silly.
When did New Line establish green as the colour for FOTR? I was under the impression that this colour wasn't used before the Extended Edition DVDs came out.
posted 08-19-2006 02:58 PM PT (US) Olorin
Non-Standard Userer
Green was used for the packaging for all the tie-in merchandise for FOTR: action figures, etc. Likewise rust for TTT and blue for ROTK. So I guess the actual answer to your question would be, "pretty much from the beginning."[Message edited by Olorin on 08-19-2006]
posted 08-19-2006 05:00 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
If you take the internet editions of the OSTs into account, all three limited edition soundtracks have a different shade of brown (FOTR is dark red, but it fits into the scheme).
posted 08-19-2006 05:14 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
The red FOTR album was the first time I noticed "colour coding" for the series. I still kinda think they should have done all the releases in this colour; it seemed obviously inspired by the book.NP: Carlito's Way (Patrick Doyle)
posted 08-19-2006 05:45 PM PT (US) segali
Non-Standard Userer
posted 08-19-2006 07:50 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Doug is working like crazy to get everything done. Otherwise the CDs are just going to come with a slip that has my phone number on it so you can call me and I’ll read you the notes I didn’t finish in time!Do not fear, we’re firing on all cylinders. No release date delays, no snags. Just busy!
I’ll try to answer questions tomorrow, if I have time to do so.
Enjoy your weekends!
posted 08-19-2006 08:19 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
So ...?People who are interested in these CRs know TTT will be released this year. And they know the design will be similar (not to say the same).
And people who are willing to buy it, but don't actually look forward to it won't wait for an official press release. They'll find this thing in stores or websites, during christmas shopping at the latest.We know it will be out by the end of october. The press release was supposed to be published about two weeks ago, so the date is pretty much set. After all, Howard Shore told Doug to announce it.
That the official word isn't out yet is probably caused by small alterations in the design. Think about it, if the press release was held back because the people responsible for it were busy, it should be out by now. I could imagine they want to release the statement and the package design together, so that's probably why there's no official word out yet.And Doug can't be around here very often right now because deadlines are probably just inches away I think.
posted 08-19-2006 08:22 PM PT (US) segali
Non-Standard Userer
no worries doug, i see things are coming together which is good to know. Atleast its pretty certain now that the release date will indeed be around end of october
posted 08-19-2006 09:13 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Otherwise the CDs are just going to come with a slip that has my phone number on it so you can call me and I’ll read you the notes I didn’t finish in time!
posted 08-19-2006 09:53 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
I don't understand what's with all the fuss.Why so nervous?We all know when the release will take place and all we have to do is to be patient.Let's just let Mr. Doug Adams,Mr. Howard Shore and Reprise,Warner,whatever to do their job;they must have already a lot of work to do and a bunch of unrelentless and impatient remarks won't help them.Just look at the big picture:we know when the release will take place:much sooner than FOTR:CR,so we should be grateful for that.And the ROTK,according to Mr. Adams will come even sooner.
Perhaps,as gkgyver said,they are waiting for the design to be finished and then give the press release.But the point is that it's coming out.And that's all.I don't think you can ask more than that.P.S.:Looking forward to news from Doug Adams.
P.P.S.:No heartfeelings.[Message edited by Beren on 08-21-2006]
posted 08-20-2006 02:24 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
Doug is working like crazy to get everything done. Otherwise the CDs are just going to come with a slip that has my phone number on it so you can call me and I’ll read you the notes I didn’t finish in time!Brilliant!
posted 08-20-2006 06:46 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Non-Standard Userer
I say we buy the man a beer! Three cheers for Doug!!!Actually, we should buy him a six pack of his favorite kind!
Keep workin' hard, Doug! I know you're tired of our impatience! (Just waitin' on that darn press release.) Toodles!
posted 08-20-2006 03:57 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Non-Standard Userer
'nother question for ya, Doug: I know Howard "pays homage" to Wagner at the very end of ROTK, but does he "pay homage" to Rosenman(animated LOTR score, I'm sure you know that)??? Thanks a bunch!
posted 08-20-2006 09:25 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
Actually, we should buy him a six pack of his favorite kind!Six bottles of beer in one pack: Brilliant!
posted 08-21-2006 12:50 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I rewatched the scoring featurette on the TTT extended DVD.
Now this one's for Doug: PJ says that there are actually just 10 or 11 minutes of old themes in TTT, but surely he must be mistaken? Or does he just count the clear, obvious statements?Then, on the same documentary, we hear a fragment of an alternate version of Sawise The Brave. Any chance of hearing the full piece on the CR?
Also, in the same "alternate version" vein, as Mr. Brouceck (can't remember his first name) tells us that Howard Shore is incredibly busy as a composer because he orchestrates and conducts, we see Howard conducting an alternate version of the scene in which Merry tells Pippin there won't be a Shire anymore. It has a richer orchestration with gentle horns.
If I'm not mistaken, the film version of this "cue" is tracked into the "It's the one place we're trying to get to" scene. Or the other way around.Anyway, what I'm trying to say: how will these things be handled? I mean, if there are two versions of one cue, both must somehow be made available, or not? I'm just wondering, since it seems to me that attaching a couple of alternates at the tail end of disc 3 (after the credits) wouldn't really fit well into the "storytelling" idea.
And I've also got a purely musical question about FOTR's liner notes: in the analysis of the Fellowship theme, you mention that the melody itself is in a minor mode, while its harmonisation is in major.
My question is: how do you (with the "you" being not personal) know the melody is in minor? Don't you need a chord or a chord progression to determine minor or major? I would think that since the harmonisation is in major, the theme is also in major ... ?posted 08-21-2006 06:03 PM PT (US) fludd_02
Non-Standard Userer
And I've also got a purely musical question about FOTR's liner notes: in the analysis of the Fellowship theme, you mention that the melody itself is in a minor mode, while its harmonisation is in major.
My question is: how do you (with the "you" being not personal) know the melody is in minor? Don't you need a chord or a chord progression to determine minor or major? I would think that since the harmonisation is in major, the theme is also in major ... ?
Hey, looooong time reader of this thread, I've got an answer to this question. Basically, the chord underneath each note in the theme is, as said in the notes, a major chord, starting with D major, if you're looking at the notation in the booklet, and the harmonization continues on with F major, back to D major, then on to the next phrase with B flat major, F major, etc ect. It seems happy and heroic because there's always a happy (major) sounding chord being played underneath. Now what it means when the melody is in a minor key is that the notes that form it are all part of the D minor scale. If the melody were major like the harmonization, then it would sound very different. As it is, the opening statement goes D - C - CC D. The C in the melody is not in the D major scale - it would be C# in D major. To turn a major scale into a minor scale, you lower the third, the sixth, and the seventh note of the scale (In D major, with D as the first, those would be F# to F, B to Bb, and C# to C, respectively), so the C natural in the melody is not in D major, it's in D minor. And if you look at the 3rd and 4th bars in the theme, the notes the phrase lands on are Bb and F. Both these notes are only in the D minor scale, so the melody is again minor. However, as stated previously, the chords underneath are both major. So the fact that the melody is derived from the minor scale is covered up by the fact that every time one of those minor notes is played, there is a major chord underneath, using that minor note as the root of the major chord....Sorry if that was utter nonsense, it made sense in my head at least.
[Message edited by fludd_02 on 08-21-2006]
posted 08-21-2006 10:49 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
No, no, that wasn't nonsense at all! I know what you mean. So, basically, the theme is a juxtaposition of D major and D minor. No problem with that.
But, you see, the theme might as well be in F major, or not? Since D minor is the parallel scale to F major, with the same accidentals.But since every musical piece usually starts with the tonic, and then proceeds to the dominant ... D,C ... maybe you're right
So Howard Shore uses the dominant of a natural minor scale, without raising the 7th step a half- tone.
That's a little unusual, isn't it?posted 08-22-2006 09:46 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,I do believe I owe you a round of answers and updates. Can’t say I’ve got an overwhelming amount of news to report, but here goes:
>>>I'm quite confident (knowing absolutely nothing, obviously) that we'll have ROTK by the end of 2007.>>>
This is indeed true. ROTK’s release window is already tentatively set.
>>>By the way, I don't think I like the prospect of having a track that includes "Uglùk".
But I got used to "The Fighting Uruk- Hai" too, so maybe it won't be that bad.>>>There are more TTT tracks than FOTR tracks, so the names can be slightly more specific. Oh, and Uglúk’s accent needs to point the other way!
>>>Hey *Doug* (I think I'm missing something...oh, its the Mr. ) thanks for the answers. Still a bit curious though. You said that "the image has to be something iconic and representative of film’s story as a whole". True. But wouldn't that image of Saruman defeated by Gandalf be great? The one from ROTK:EE, when his staff is broken and he has those tears in his dark eyes? Sorry for playing the pest.>>>
Oh, I didn’t mean to suggest that Saruman wasn’t used because he wasn’t iconic, I was just explaining the thought behind the cover shots that *were* used. You’ll just have to wait to see who or what makes the covers this time out.
>>>there is also the big chance that this release will be like last time with FOTR being pushed back from november to december, therefore TTT might get put back into november.>>>
The elements that precipitated the FOTR delay are not in any way attached to TTT.
I’m afraid I don’t have any info on this. Dan Goldwasser and Warm Butter are behind the Howard Shore site… with Shore’s own crew supervising in the wings. I’m sure the site will launch when they feel the time is right, but even that is a presumption on my part. I’m not in that world.
>>>although the window between TTT and ROTK looks to be pretty small!<<<
>>>You sure got us talking on this little blurb, Doug!>>>
As the best I can do is offer a blurb now and then, I try to choose them carefully!
>>>I can't wait to hear the Warg scene as Shore scored it, it will be interesting to play it as the movie rolls on this scene...>>>
Homemade isolated TTT scores will offer a very enlightening look into this film’s process, I think. You’ll be amazed at how many little bits here and there were altered in some way. I’m working my way through the Annotated Score material now, and I think that for Disc One alone I’ve created nearly 10 “Unused Concept” boxes.
>>>Hmmmm, what will the track title be, "Ugluk Adds to the Menu">>>
>>>*One of the track titles has the word "Ugluk" in it.>>>
Darn it, what have you guys got against that accent over the “u”!?
>>>For Mr. Adams, our great hero... ....About the End Credit question I had...I wasn't talking about the Fan Club Credits, but the End Credits. I know that the FC Credits music will not be on the CR, of course, but I was asking about the section of tracked music during the End Credits. It's something like this:OST(trk 19)
Gollum's Song
Eowyn's Theme
Rohan Theme & EndFILM
Gollum's Song
(tracked from TT)
Eowyn's Theme
Seduction of the Ring Theme
Forth Eorlingas-Beginning
Diminishment of the Elves Theme(FOTR trkd)
Rivendell Theme
Rohan Theme & End>>>Well, let’s just say that the OST version was cut down and the Film version had some tracked in bits. You’ll hear what Shore originally wrote, which exists somewhere in between.
>>>Also, about the Wolves of Isengard "cue" , in the film it has the Isengard theme before going silent with the smack of the 2 forces. Is that Isengard rendition from FOTR or original??? (I'm thinking of the 2nd use of the theme in FOTR, during the Pass of Caradhras...hmmmm...)>>>
There are a large number of changes in this composition, so I’ll just say, without being too specific, you *will* hear the Isengard theme. I’ll be freer with details another time.
>>>I don't know if this has been discussed in this thread yet (and apologies if it has been), but I don't know why Reprise went with a different color scheme than what New Line established for the entire rest of the Trilogy merchandising: green for FOTR, rust for TTT, and blue for ROTK. This is especially odd considering that both Reprise and New Line are TimeWarner subsidiaries.>>>
You know, this was honestly all decided before I was in the fold, so I don’t know where the color decisions came from. In fact, the only color story I ever heard while the project was ongoing was that they considered making ROTK gold. Now, I don’t know if that was the DVD or the CD… but, I did overhear the discussion.
>>>Except that line by Doug about the window between TTT:CR and ROTK:CR being small. Sounds interesting. I think that would be because there's just so much music in ROTK as compared to FOTR and TTT. Also, couple that with the work that needs to be done on the Book, if they're planning on a simultaneous release (alongwith a "rarities disc" huh??) and a year seems a pretty short time to get so much done.>>>
You’re pretty close with all this. Overlapping projects and release dates will keep everyone quite busy for the coming months.
>>>I don't get it.How could the reason for the small window between TTT and ROTK be the fact that there's more work on ROTK:CR?Shouldn't be the contrary?Anyway,if Mr. Adams said that the window will be small,then there's a good reason to be happy.And i am.>>>
“Small window” here refers to a very brief pause in the process… meaning that ROTK is going to be so enormous that everyone’s going to move almost immediately from TTT to early ROTK work. No one’s going to be resting between projects for long!
>>>I own all the soundtracks of the Lord of the Rings films and I love them. It's mind blowing to think how Howard Shore could compose such beautiful music.
Last year I had purchased the complete score of the FOTR. I was somewhat dissappointed with the packaging. Why is it so flimsy? Mine tore at the sides. Why did they have to use cheap cardboard?>>>Sorry you’ve had trouble, Pierre. I don’t think the boxed set is designed to be a portable product, more of a shelf item. I’m guessing I’ve open and closed my copy about as many times as anyone, checking and rechecking things here and there, and it still looks brand new. But I’m sure if I started taking it on the road with me… well I know how *I* feel if I’m on the road too long!
>>>My one wish is to perhaps see released on DVD film footage of Howard Shore conducting the LPO during the recording sessions. Interviews, etc. Something like behind the scenes footage and something similar to what we saw on the DVD that came with the ROTK soundtrack. Any hopes/chances of seeing such a DVD released in the future?>>>
Maybe. The publishers are definitely interested in including some sort of multimedia content with the book.
>>>P.S.: Did anyone notice this http://derhobbit-film.de/indexengl.shtml ?I wonder if(if it's true) Mr. Howard Shore will come back to Middle-earth to compose the music for The Hobbit?>>>
The Hobbit, should it actually materialize, is probably a good number of years away. That said, I know that Shore has expressed an interest…
>>>I doubt Howard Shore ever wrote exclusive credits material, let alone record it.
Howard wrote the gorgeous Bilbo's Song for the ROTK fan credits, that's appropriate because it marks a sad goodbye to the fans. And I'm quite happy with that.>>>
Yes, he wrote that beautiful, beautiful theme… it’s the absolutely final variation on the Shire material and it could turn a stone-hearted cynic into a poet. I remember getting a call from London during the ROTK DVD recording sessions. They had a few questions for me regarding fan scroll music, and mentioned at the time, “Oh, Howard wrote one more song for the boys.” I was shocked, because he wasn’t in the practice of writing new pieces for the credits. “He just felt like he should.” How great is that?
Other than the songs, Shore didn’t write any new “material” for the credits in terms of new themes, but many the arrangements are unique to the credits. I particularly love the setting of the Rohan Fanfare that ends TTT’s credits.
>>>I think a more pertinent question would be: what is the release date for The Hobbit: The Complete Recordings?>>>
I’m sending my Starbucks tab to your house…
>>>I'm really eager to have a look at the design. If they really outdid Fellowship, that thing must definitely be something.>>>
You’ll definitely recognize it as FOTR’s progeny. But, I think it’s even more sophisticated in the details.
>>>DOUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surely you're not busy on a Saturday?!>>>
I was! And I will be again this weekend.
Well, if makes you feel any better, I’m listening to the complete edit of TTT as I’m typing this.
Ok, that probably didn’t make you feel much better. Sorry!
Everything is moving ahead. I’ve been very hard at work on the Annotated Score. As I mentioned above, there’s an enormous amount to discuss in this one.
The latest draft of the liners just came in from Warners this afternoon, so after a quick trip to the gym, I’ll spend the rest of my night proofing it. From a very cursory scan, it looks like most of the layout issues have been resolved, so things are very, very close.
>>>I say we buy the man a beer! Three cheers for Doug!!!
Actually, we should buy him a six pack of his favorite kind!>>>
Well, since this is Tolkien, shouldn’t that be nine beers? In fact, we’ll talk about that a bit in the liners… nine, that is, not beer. Beer won’t even be mentioned until the final example of Dwarf music is heard in ROTK.
On second thought, let’s keep away from the beer for right now. I seem to have enough trouble keeping on the subject as is!
>>>'nother question for ya, Doug: I know Howard "pays homage" to Wagner at the very end of ROTK, but does he "pay homage" to Rosenman(animated LOTR score, I'm sure you know that )??? Thanks a bunch!>>>
Wagner’s is really the only homage Shore’s placed in the score. But what a moment, eh?
>>>I rewatched the scoring featurette on the TTT extended DVD.
Now this one's for Doug: PJ says that there are actually just 10 or 11 minutes of old themes in TTT, but surely he must be mistaken? Or does he just count the clear, obvious statements?>>>To be perfectly honest, I think this was a bit of spin. There was a big fuss regarding the Oscars and Shore’s Two Towers score. Basically, there was a ruling that came out of the music division that year that disqualified sequel scores because it said they often relied on past music, and because people were already familiar with the music, it would give these scores an unfair advantage with the voters. So off the bat, Two Towers was disqualified. Of course, as we know, that’s nonsense. Shore’s score includes references to past themes, but it doesn’t repeat *any* large scale passages verbatim. The score is an entirely new composition, and in fact one of its great strengths is its continued development of established thematic material mixed with entirely new thematic material, all set in entirely new compositions.
Anyway, Shore stated his case and was asked to write a paper to the Academy explaining and clarifying his position. Much of the LOTR crew got behind this and really pushed to make sure people understood that TTT was an entirely new score. (Unfortunately, the buzz about TTT being disqualified was a bit much to overcome, and Shore’s score never was nominated anyway.) Jackson was still very much in this mindset when TTT’s DVD material was being prepared, and since he is not a trained musician (though he has great instincts), he was enthusiastically praising Shore’s originality, though perhaps not in the most musically accurate way.
>>>Then, on the same documentary, we hear a fragment of an alternate version of Sawise The Brave. Any chance of hearing the full piece on the CR? Also, in the same "alternate version" vein, as Mr. Brouceck (can't remember his first name) tells us that Howard Shore is incredibly busy as a composer because he orchestrates and conducts, we see Howard conducting an alternate version of the scene in which Merry tells Pippin there won't be a Shire anymore. It has a richer orchestration with gentle horns.
If I'm not mistaken, the film version of this "cue" is tracked into the "It's the one place we're trying to get to" scene. Or the other way around.>>>Good question here. (Mr. Broucek is Paul Broucek, by the way, New Line’s Executive In Charge of Music for the LOTR films and a big part of the reason that Shore was able to express himself the way he was. Broucek has been an absolutely tireless supporter of these scores, and of the Music of LOTR book as well.)
Anyway, in the case of the alternate Samwise the Brave piece, this was an entirely different composition that wasn’t used in the final film. You’ll have to wait a bit to see what happens with this recording (sorry, no hints on this one yet!), but when you listen to your TTT:CR set, you’ll hear the film version in the appropriate spot.
If music was trimmed or a small section tracked in the final film, you’ll hear the appropriate measures restored to the way Shore wrote them. If there’s a completely alternate composition, you’ll hear the composition with which you’re familiar in the sequence.
In the case of the Merry scene, this was not an alternate composition, just an alternate couple of measures that were investigated, then abandoned. Neither Shore not Jackson were completely satisfied, and so these few measures were rewritten until both men were happy. This was all part of the process, however. Sometimes two beats were rewritten. Sometimes a composition would be performed both with a solo instrument included, and with that instrument excluded. Sometimes Shore would conduct the orchestra to elicit a slightly different dynamic in the performance. These types of things will not be heard—for now—because they’re really part of the sketchpad of the LOTR scores. You may hear some of this one day, so that you can hear how the shape of a five minute composition was altered when three measures at 2:37 seconds were tweaked over the course of 15 takes. But there are terabytes of this stuff, and someone would need to go through it all and find which examples are actually interesting and illustrative of some point before it could go before an audience. After all, you don’t want to hear 939 takes where one instrument is slightly out of tune, right? This is why I always chuckled a little when people fussed over the non-literal use of the term “Complete Recordings.” The literal complete recordings would run about 30 discs per score, and require you to pay over a thousand dollars for hours and hours of flubbed takes.
>>>And I've also got a purely musical question about FOTR's liner notes: in the analysis of the Fellowship theme, you mention that the melody itself is in a minor mode, while its harmonisation is in major.
My question is: how do you (with the "you" being not personal) know the melody is in minor? Don't you need a chord or a chord progression to determine minor or major? I would think that since the harmonisation is in major, the theme is also in major ... ? >>>Well, let’s look at this from two ways. First, pitches do not need to be stacked vertically (i.e. chordally) in order to indicate a certain harmony. Play a major scale. Play a minor scale. Right there you can understand the harmonic implications without ever actually playing harmony. It’s harmony by context.
Now take a D-natural minor scale: D E F G A Bb C D
(There are other D-minor scales, incidentally, such as D-harmonic minor, which includes a C#. You could also use a B-natural and a C#, which would be D-melodic minor. These are both byproducts of functional harmony. The scale we’re talking about here is D-natural minor… or, modally speaking, D Aolian. There many other modes available as well… Miles Davis used a little D Dorian here and there to great effect. If you’re really interested it stretching your harmonic sense, I’d suggest you pick up Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns, which is just fascinating.
Anyway, the above scale is unquestionably minor, yes? So what if I were to harmonize it as (one chord per note):
D Major
C Major
F Major
Eb Major
F Major
Eb Major
C Major
D MajorThere, I’ve harmonized a minor scale with major (and slightly Shore-esque) harmonies. If that D-minor scale is my theme, then I’d just have pulled off the same trick Shore did with the Fellowship theme.
The Fellowship theme, however, is far more diverse and interesting than my boring minor scale “theme,” but I’m sure you get the point.
D is clearly the tonic pitch in this theme. The key signature will carry one flat (if a key signature is to be used… often chromatic writing such as this ignores that nicety altogether). So to the eye, if would look the same as F Major (the parallel major), but a quick harmonic reading will show you that you’re in D.
This isn’t really too innovative or unusual—John Williams uses the same type of effect for the opening bars of the Imperial March—but Shore certainly makes the most of it. I should point out that the theme isn’t always harmonized like this. There are time when Shore simply lets the theme be totally minor, especially when things are looking grim for the Fellowship.
As for the question of the dominant, you’re right, the Fellowship theme doesn’t close with a V – i cadence. It closes III – VII – i. But even that isn’t too unusual if you consider all the modal medieval music written before Bach and his ilk began to standardize functional Western harmony.
So now Shore’s concept of ancient / modern music really begins to make sense, huh?
posted 08-22-2006 05:38 PM PT (US) vdemona
Non-Standard Userer
>>meaning that ROTK is going to be so enormous that everyone’s going to move almost immediately from TTT to early ROTK work. No one’s going to be resting between projects for long!<<Good to hear it!
>>But even that isn’t too unusual if you consider all the modal medieval music written before Bach and his ilk began to standardize functional Western harmony.<<
Considering my collection of medieval European music I don't find that unusual at all.
posted 08-22-2006 06:25 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Doug. If there were going to be a multimedia aspect to your book, I would like to advocate for having audio examples of some of the musical concepts you discuss in the liner notes and, to a small extent, just now. Chords, harmonys, minor, major... I know what those words mean but I don't have enough musical knowledge to apply them in a meaningful way. I could almost cry when I see conversations like this and know that this is exciting stuff and I'm missing it all.I'm hesitant to ask questions because I'm so aware of the fine line you walk with information. But this one's itching to be asked. You wrote: "Other than the songs, Shore didn’t write any new “material” for the credits in terms of new themes, but many the arrangements are unique to the credits." You've indicated Bilbo's Song was written especially for the credits but you used songs/plural. Does that mean that the song Sissel sings was also written for the credits? I can live with waiting for CR-ROTK, but the subject came up.
I'm also wondering about a song title for TTT that appeared in the Music for the Movies issue devoted to LOTR called "The Deeping Wall". It gave Elizabeth Frasier as the singer but it also lists Haldir's Lament and The March of the Ents so it can't be either of those two pieces. Was this some wrong information or is this something that gets illuminated in the CR-TTT?
posted 08-22-2006 09:13 PM PT (US) MJC
Non-Standard Userer
Wow..Doug. Thanks for the update.Martin
posted 08-22-2006 09:28 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Doug, once again, thank you for your insight! For someone who says that they don't have much info that sure was a lengthy post!One question for you, have you ever pitched the idea to Howard Shore for a Q&A session here on the boards? Maybe to conincide with the release of TTT:CR? Of course this would be dependant on H.S.'s available time.
posted 08-22-2006 11:31 PM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
>Except that line by Doug about the window between TTT:CR and ROTK:CR being small. Sounds interesting. I think that would be because there's just so much music in ROTK as compared to FOTR and TTT. Also, couple that with the work that needs to be done on the Book, if they're planning on a simultaneous release (alongwith a "rarities disc" huh??) and a year seems a pretty short time to get so much done.>>>You’re pretty close with all this. Overlapping projects and release dates will keep everyone quite busy for the coming months.>>
Hmmm...now I don't know whether to pity or envy you guys. But thanks for all the info Doug. No matter how much or how little you say, you always seem to find a way to keep this thread alive
And good luck with the liner notes.
Well, so its ten unused concepts on disc one alone? Where have I been? And that gold ROTK? Hey Doug, that's what I was asking you about, think you missed it. (Don't blame you) However, your book or the rarities (whatever) disc, any ideas on the design(s) as yet? Know its too early, but wouldn't it look good if the design was based on the CR designs? In gold? silver(mithril)? And you don't have to answer this if you don't know the answers right now. I know how it feels to tell people that things haven't been decided as yet
Questions...always more questions...questions that need answering
posted 08-23-2006 12:05 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB