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LOTR Package Update? (Page 3)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Standard Userer
Well, they'd best hurry up.Or I'll eat them.
So there.
posted 09-16-2005 01:20 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Well, here you go guys!
http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=11224No, I didn't know it was going to announced today either, but guess the word is out!
More later. :)
posted 09-16-2005 08:24 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
*drooooool*November 22nd it is, then! Fantastic, thank you for the news!
I don't want to moan over this press release, I really don't, but why isn't there a short statement about the other two releases? I didn't expect release dates, but at least how far apart they'll be released.
posted 09-16-2005 08:30 AM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Standard Userer
I'm kind of bummed their not all coming at the same time.On the plus side I'm not forking out 100+ bucks at once though
Thanks Doug!
[Message edited by Crono/Kyp on 09-16-2005]
posted 09-16-2005 08:54 AM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Yeah Doug (not wanting to really be a pest but)..any word on release dates for the other two?
posted 09-16-2005 09:34 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Excellent. Now we can bug Doug to keep feeding us as many details as possible.
posted 09-16-2005 09:53 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I don't even want details. Let them surprise us!
All I'd like to have is a rough timeframe for TTT and ROTK.
posted 09-16-2005 10:10 AM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Guys don't expect TTT and ROTK to be coming out sometime in 06. Remember how long it took them to even do and release FOTR. So you all gotta be majorly paitent for this.I don't have any of the LOTR's music simply because it really wasn't my taste of music. However I might pick up the complete score for FOTR and get the OST's for the three scores.
posted 09-16-2005 12:36 PM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Nah, I bet they are just splitting the CD's up. I'm sure TT and FOTR are nearly done, or already done. Perhaps just not packaged.I guess Doug's the only one around here who's sure though.
posted 09-16-2005 02:26 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
I thought Doug said at one point this wouldn't be a packaged release for all 3? As I said don't expect TTT and ROTK to come out until sometime in 06.
posted 09-16-2005 02:37 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi guys,Gee, and here I figured the press release would answer questions rather than spawn them! :) Ok, let’s see if I can shed a little light:
>>>I don't want to moan over this press release, I really don't, but why isn't there a short statement about the other two releases? I didn't expect release dates, but at least how far apart they'll be released. >>>
That’s an easy one. The dates aren’t yet set. There’s a rough idea, sure, but nothing solid. There’s nothing more dangerous than putting a date in a release months ahead of time, only to look like a fool when something changes. Hey, as of yesterday, I thought Fellowship would be out on the 15th not the 22nd, so see, things shift!
>>>On the plus side I'm not forking out 100+ bucks at once though>>>
Exactly right! I’m guessing (and I stress “guessing,” so don’t hold me to this too strictly) that Fellowship will retail around $60 or so. (I think I’ll say that again… I’m guessing! Please don’t yell at me if I’m wrong.) Considering that Fellowship is the shortest of the three scores, triple that cost then add a few 10s to it. That’s not just a bad commercial decision, it’s a bit cruel to the consumer. And believe it or not, they really do care about that. As I’ve been working on the notes I was told, look if you go past X number of pages, its going to increase the consumer’s cost by X number of dollars. We don’t want to force you to cut things you don’t want to cut, but likewise we don’t want to abuse the customer. We will give you control over content, but please understand that this is important to us. I thought that was a classy move in more than one way.
With the releases staggered, hopefully no one’s going to have to take out a second mortgage to afford everything.
>>>any word on release dates for the other two?>>>
You should probably have everything within a year.
>>>I thought Doug said at one point this wouldn't be a packaged release for all 3? As I said don't expect TTT and ROTK to come out until sometime in 06.>>>
I just want to reiterate here, there is NO gouge-a-thon three-film boxed set coming out. After Fellowship comes Two Towers then Return of the King. Oh, and I hear there’s a book to be released in there somewhere as well! But THIS is the ultimate edition. They’re not going to put out a 14-disc set the next year that has 4 extra minutes of music.
And finally, thanks so much to everyone that has put up with my “Gee I wanna tell ya, but I can’t tell ya,” antics for so long. And thanks to everyone that will continue to put up with them for the next year or so, because this is just getting started!
-Doug Adams
posted 09-16-2005 04:37 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
hehe I thought there wasn't going to be a box set. Thanks for clearing that up Doug.While the LOTR music isn't my favorite film score music....I might revist it and buy this once it comes out.
posted 09-16-2005 05:30 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Delurking here...Doug, I've really appreciated your approachable nature. Thank you for your patience with our impatience and your willingness to share what you can. I can't wait to read your liner notes and then finally get the book. Thank you for everything.
posted 09-16-2005 05:37 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
Doug, you know my threat about eating all of you was a joke, right?
posted 09-16-2005 06:48 PM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Yes, thanks for putting up with us Doug.
posted 09-16-2005 08:08 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Yes, thanks for the answers! I just couldn't see why they told us nothing about TTT and ROTK, since I thought those LOTR scores were definite cash cows that everyone would like to see out as soon as possible (not that they won't come out ASAP).It would be interesting to know if the music on the DVD will be presented in a special way; you know, with music videos or something like that.
I have to tell you that this move was kind of surprising for me. I always thought there would be some kind of featurette on that DVD.
And when the 9 disc set rumor was still floating around, I thought that maybe the LOTR Symphony would be on it.And while we're on the subject: wasn't the Symphony supposed to be released as a 2- disc set as well?
Boy, now that I think of it: has there ever been a movie score blessed with more brilliant Soundtrack releases (if you put aside Star Wars)?
*jumping for joy*
posted 09-16-2005 08:38 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Doug, I just want to say that being one of the "stalkers" over the last 4-6 months I want to say thank you for all that you have done to make this release a reality.I believe that this will be the mother of all film score releases, Star Wars won't be able to hold a candle next to these once they are all in our grubby little mitts!!!
posted 09-16-2005 10:03 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Speaking of Star Wars. Maybe with the release of this it will get Lucasfilm to get up off their asses and release some form of 2-disc set score for AOTC and ROTS.
posted 09-16-2005 10:24 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Now that you brought up Star Wars, is there any special presentation of the music? Howard Shore said that for TTT and ROTK instead of writing cues, he wrote much larger pieces between 10 and 15 minutes. Will they be presented as such or are they broken down into smaller cues?Oh well, pointless to ask I think, since TTT and ROTK are still a while off.
I just hope it won't be a mess like Phantom Menace's Ultimate Edition.posted 09-17-2005 05:05 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
I'm not worried. These releases are in good hands. Even better if vindalooed... er... right. I was joking about eating them. Joking.
posted 09-17-2005 01:45 PM PT (US) nuts_score
Standard Userer
What the hell, let's take this baby to one hundred!
posted 09-17-2005 08:20 PM PT (US) Dr. Lao
Standard Userer
Well, this is the most ambitious score project I've ever seen!!!![Message edited by Dr. Lao on 09-18-2005]
posted 09-18-2005 12:05 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
What format is the DVD going to be in? Dolby Digital? DTS? What appears on the screen when these are played (cool idea: lyrics to the choral portions).I don't think that you can fit three hours onto a DVD-Audio disc, but I'm not sure (and few of us can play that format).
posted 09-19-2005 03:38 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
As long as you have a DVD-Rom in your pc then you're good to go for playing it. If not go to newegg.com and buy one for a fairly cheap price.
posted 09-19-2005 04:32 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
What's the point of listening to a DVD-A on your PC?NP: Star Trek: Nemesis (Jerry Goldsmith)
posted 09-19-2005 04:52 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Incase if someone wants to listen to it late at night and can't turn up their stereo system loud. :P
posted 09-19-2005 07:07 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
Hey, I can play just about any format, I just want to know what the quality of the 5.1 mix is going to be in.1509 kb/s DTS sounds fantastic. However, the lower bitrate DTS and Dolby are kinda blah for music. Because this will most likely be a DVD that will play on a normal DVD video player that these two formats would be the ones that they'd use. I'm just hoping for the better quality.
posted 09-19-2005 09:03 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Standard Userer
My mom has DVD-A in her car--Bri
posted 09-19-2005 09:58 PM PT (US) scoreguy16
Standard Userer
After all the copyright issues, I hate DVD-A. The only way I can play it is by connecting my DVD-Player through the 5.1 analog connections which makes it sound a little more muffled. Same with SACD'sClayton
NP>The Prayer Cycle
posted 09-19-2005 10:35 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
I hear your frustration with this issue, if the sound is being muffled, then it defeats the purpose of the better quality sound available on both formats. However, I have both DVD-A and SACD, both utilizing the 5.1 analog cable, and they sound fantastic on my system. I don't have that problem, are you sure the cables you're using are good? Perhaps you need to tweak your amp a bit?
posted 09-20-2005 08:17 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Actually, on my Arcam amp, analog playback sounds better than digital for CDs. It completely skips the digital parts in analog mode, and apparently that makes quite a bit of difference. (Or the Arcam DVD player's D/A converters are simply superior to the amp's).I don't have SACD/DVD-A capabilities though.
NP: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Joby Talbot)
posted 09-21-2005 11:31 AM PT (US) Maestro Sartori
Standard Userer
This is the first post I've ever had that lasted this long!!! What is my prize?-JC
posted 09-21-2005 07:10 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
The information contained within.
posted 09-22-2005 10:25 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
To break the discussion about the DVD a little bit (doesn't matter to me anyhow since I've no opportunity to listen to it in 5.1), I'd like to know what you expect from the box or what you're most looking forward to.
I'm very much looking forward to the alternate version of the Prologue.
And by that, I mean neither The Prophecy, nor the film version, but the one that you can already fragmentarily hear during the PreViz of the prologue on the FOTR EE.
It has an extended version of that string motiv, which plays when Elendil falls, and alternate versions of the Ringwraiths theme and the History of the Ring theme.Besides, I'd really like to know what the average length of the individual tracks will be. I hope they won't handle it like Sony's Star Wars 2 disc sets, where you get mammoth tracks of 12 to 14 minutes!
I TOTALLY despise that!posted 09-22-2005 06:50 PM PT (US) Maestro Sartori
Standard Userer
Personally, I despise it when they break up a continuous cue into separate tracks, like they did with The Phantom Menace Ultimate Edition. If the music doesn't stop, neither should the cue, and that's why I admired the cut of Willow, and the Star Wars Special Editions.
posted 09-22-2005 07:09 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
Well, wait a minute. The three RCA releases are very different from one another.Star Wars had markers for each cue.
Empire put adjacent cues together, but maintained a fairly reasonable marker count.
Jedi put adjacent cues together and went overboard, meaning that favorite cues such as "Into the Trap" and whatnot were buried inside voluminous tracks.
Given what the LOTR scores sound like in the films, I would think that the tracks would be the lengths of cues, which wouldn't be so bad.
posted 09-22-2005 11:57 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
OK, getting back on topic here...Doug, any idea when we can see pictures of this release, packaging, disc art, etc? Track listings? Streaming samples? Is it a good chance that soundtrack.net will have a first listen like they did with the OSTs? Only 8 weeks to go!
posted 09-26-2005 12:25 PM PT (US) alan_manc
Non-Standard Userer
Hey. First time poster here!Back in the days when it was said that a 9 disc set was in the works that there would be a disc containing unused or alternative tracks? I think Peter Jackson himself might have commented on this but don’t quote me on that.
I was wondering if this was still going ahead now that each score is to be released separately and if so, is the 3rd disc on this set possibly dedicated to unused/alternative tracks for FOTR. I was also thinking that this could also get round the issue of the music that was altered between TE and EE versions of the film.
While 3 discs for the complete scores for TTT and ROTK seem realistic, I can't quite imagine FOTR filling 3 whole discs. Anyway, was just a thought! :-)
posted 09-27-2005 01:16 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Well, I can't imagine how Fellowship could possibly fit 2 CDs. There are 180 minutes to take care of.
3 x 60 = 180And 10 minutes or so per disc for unused/ alternate material.
Just a guess ...
posted 09-27-2005 01:38 PM PT (US) alan_manc
Non-Standard Userer
Yeah your probably right. Just remembered about that extra disc that was talked about and got me thinking.Prefer the idea of unused material being included in the main body of the album where it was intended anyway.
On another subject, confirmation that 22nd Nov applies to the UK aswell would be cool
posted 09-27-2005 01:51 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB