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LOTR Package Update? (Page 1)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Maestro Sartori
Standard Userer
Okay...It's almost April. We need an update, folks. Who's in the know about the Lord of the Rings Complete Boxed Set?Who would have known that this one innocuous entry back on March 21, 2005 would have begun a post that has lasted through over FOUR HUNDRED-FIFTY ENTRIES!!!
Yes, one and all...The Lord of the Rings, and it's gorgeous score by Shore, is what we want.
[Message edited by Maestro Sartori on 04-26-2006]
posted 03-21-2005 10:24 PM PT (US) azahid
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Have you been to Mars lately?This wont come out this year or at least around Xmas 2005
posted 03-22-2005 07:59 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
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Expect an announcement very shortly. Perhaps even some pleasant surprises...-Doug Adams (being coy out of legal necessity, not purely to be annoying.)
posted 03-22-2005 10:37 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
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Funky. I can't wait.
posted 03-22-2005 11:54 AM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
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Doug,People should know here that you have to be like that or you will get fired.
posted 03-22-2005 12:18 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
It's been over a month, any more news on this? (not that I'm excited about this release or anything)
Also I noticed in this FSM article from last week:
The much desired ten-disc set of Shore's Rings music is unlikely to arrive this year...
[Message edited by TheTennisBallKid on 04-27-2005]
[Message edited by TheTennisBallKid on 04-27-2005]
posted 04-27-2005 05:42 PM PT (US) Lancelot
Standard Userer
There's enough people around here in the know, that if there's some news, they'll report it! No need to fish. No one's going to slip this set under your nose.
posted 04-27-2005 08:42 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Originally posted by TheTennisBallKid:
It's been over a month, any more news on this? (not that I'm excited about this release or anything :p)Also I noticed in this FSM article from last week:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>The much desired ten-disc set of Shore's Rings music is unlikely to arrive this year...<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
[Message edited by TheTennisBallKid on 04-27-2005]
[Message edited by TheTennisBallKid on 04-27-2005]
Yes and no. I should be able to say more in about 4 weeks -- give or take.
posted 04-28-2005 10:04 AM PT (US) Luc
Standard Userer
OK, another day has passed. Any news yet???Why is it so hard to release a complete score for this movie? It's not like they have to hurdle through loads of legality. Yeah I know they want alternate cues, unused materials, ect.... but they all already exist. Why should it a few years? (if it's not this year, than it's more than 2yrs in the making).
posted 04-28-2005 01:20 PM PT (US) MWRuger
Standard Userer
There are any number of reasons it might take a while.1. Howard Shore might be too busy to devout the time to arranging the cues and approving the albums to do it immediately. He is scoring other films and conducting a few concerts.
2. They might be waiting to tie it into some other product (Like a book: Music of the Lord of the Rings)
3. They may have wanted to wait until the LOTR fans were ready to absorb an expensive set.
4. It could be: production problems, legal problems, art problems, permission problemsI want it as bad as anyone, so I am anxious as well but also patient.
posted 04-28-2005 03:54 PM PT (US) scoreguy16
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Another reason could be they don't want the hype to die down. If they released it back when the movies were out, they wouldn't be able to drag everything out for years making us (or I guess you guys, there really is only a couple cues from The Two Towers I'd like and like 1 from Return of the King) wait!Clayton
posted 04-28-2005 05:43 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
Thanks, Doug, guess my idea of "very shortly" was about half yours is.And, yes, I'm probably being too impatient about waiting for this release, I should go play tennis or something...
posted 04-28-2005 06:13 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
>>>Why is it so hard to release a complete score for this movie? It's not like they have to hurdle through loads of legality.>>>Well, that depends on who is releasing it, does it not? Remember that during the whole process there was a major shake up at Warner Brothers Records, and that the division that was responsible for the three original soundtrack CDs (Reprise) essentially ceased to exist. Many executives lost their jobs or resigned, and a lot of the key people who had been pushing this material through were no longer on the map. This doesn’t mean that the LOTR project was ever abandoned, or even in trouble, but it did take time to find someone to champion it once again. Despite the fact that the project seems like a no-brainer success just waiting to happen, you still need to find someone that’s got space on his plate to shepherd it through. It is a huge, huge project, and more than slightly high profile.
>>>Yeah I know they want alternate cues, unused materials, ect.... but they all already exist. >>>
Unfortunately that’s not right. Not everything was mixed. Sure film mixes existed for almost everything, but not album mixes. And since the previously released music will now exist in a different context, a good portion of that will need to be remixed as well. Including the bonus material, you could easily be dealing with 12 to 13 hours of music that need mixing. That’s a huge job – and you’ve got to pay someone to do it. And that means you need to get a large budget approved very early. So assuming you have the producer with the time and energy, the mixer with the expertise and the willingness, you still need to push everything though a big company. Again, that’s not at all a bad thing, it’s just how things work. But it still takes time.
>>>2. They might be waiting to tie it into some other product (Like a book: Music of the Lord of the Rings)>>>
Oh sure, blame me! :) Really though, my timeline is entirely dictated by the record company’s decisions. There’s no way on earth they’re going to hold this project up because some Chicago area guy decided he wanted to walk the beach while contemplating the best way to describe the Shire Theme. They say jump, I say, where should I land?
>>>3. They may have wanted to wait until the LOTR fans were ready to absorb an expensive set.>>>
This is a very good point. No matter how you slice it, there’s going to be a certain price tag attached to this project. So how best to release it? Do you strike while the iron is hot, and get it out right after the last movie? That’s a time problem and perhaps unlikely to recoup the studio’s budget – everyone just got finished buying the one-disc soundtrack, that’s a pretty egregious double-dip. Do you put it out right after the last DVD? That’s an expense problem. If your average LOTR fan just spent $60 on the extended ROTK DVD, will he turn around and drop another $150 on CDs? At Christmastime? Do you cut it down then? Just put out a new mix and a handful of unreleased tracks? Maybe cut everything from the extended editions? The fans would be out for blood, and really no one involved wants to put out a compromised version of this.
>>>4. It could be: production problems, legal problems, art problems, permission problems>>>
Well the good news there aren’t any “problems,” there are just decisions that need to be made. Think of it this way, the more material involved, the more people involved. The more people involved, the more time-intensive the decision making process will be.
Fortunately, I’m happy to say most of these decisions have been made now. In fact, the last I heard, things are pretty well set at this point. Why no announcement yet? Well, you’ve got to realize that advertising is part of the decision making process as well. These things tend to be announced when they’re going to be most effective at capturing attention, but without being crass. As I say, I’m hoping to be able to report something in a month or so, but I’m giving that timeline because that’s the next time I’m planning to be in NY at the office, so I’ll ask then if it’s ok to say something.
Oh and as for the FSM quote… I’m a huge fan of Mr. Bettencourt, but I have to respectfully contradict him by saying that his quote is inaccurate in at least two ways and accurate in at least one wonderful way.
Ok, my vagueness is even annoying ME now. Sorry, guys!
posted 04-29-2005 10:05 AM PT (US) MWRuger
Standard Userer
Thanks for the in depth answer. I actually wasn't blaming you, but my thought was that the two separate publishing arms might be trying to coordinate release of the material.
posted 04-30-2005 05:30 AM PT (US) ArchCarrier
Non-Standard Userer
Regarding the remixing of all the music: why don't they release the music on DVD or SACD instead of CD? This way, they can use the 5.1 film mixes (or am I mistaken here?) and we get the best possible surround sound.Oh, and will your (Doug's) book be packaged with the boxed set or sold separately?
posted 05-10-2005 03:51 AM PT (US) Foobsie
Standard Userer
Definite 5.1 sound!
posted 05-10-2005 08:16 AM PT (US) Maestro Sartori
Standard Userer
Between the debates over the Theatrical release, and the Special Edition scores, it's no wonder that the powers that be cannot make up their minds about the time and how to get everything remastered and edited.
posted 05-10-2005 05:31 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
>>>Thanks for the in depth answer. I actually wasn't blaming you, but my thought was that the two separate publishing arms might be trying to coordinate release of the material.>>>Heh, no problem, just playing around!
>>>Regarding the remixing of all the music: why don't they release the music on DVD or SACD instead of CD? This way, they can use the 5.1 film mixes (or am I mistaken here?) and we get the best possible surround sound.>>>
Well, the film mix is still going to be different than the album mix, so unfortunately that wouldn’t save a step. Remixing to some extent is always a must. Remember the film mix will be created to enhance the visuals while the CD mix needs to stand alone, so tweaks will be slightly different here and there. And of course, there are always different nips and tucks in each version. The 2-disc Phantom Menace is a good example of what happens when one simply releases the film mix, though obviously none of the LOTR scores were subjected to such heavy editing, so maybe that’s not the best comparison.
As for a SACD or DVD 5.1 mix – my strong suspicion is that the upcoming releases will not be in 5.1, simply because I don’t think that format has yet proliferated in the mass market. I’m sure a lot of you guys are set up for 5.1... or even 7.1... but remember, we’re still a niche. Joe Casual Listener is probably more likely to be set up with a 1990 discman and a pair of beat up earbuds that he uses on the exercise bike. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to hear that Watcher in the Water cue too. I think a 5.1 only release would severely cut down on sales at this point... but, that’s just a guess.
That said, I’d also be shocked if we NEVER saw a 5.1 release of some kind, but that too is a guess.
>>>Between the debates over the Theatrical release, and the Special Edition scores, it's no wonder that the powers that be cannot make up their minds about the time and how to get everything remastered and edited.>>>
Well, I should make it clear that no such debate ever existed, per se. There were a lot of ideas kicked around for a while, but it never came down to two camps, one pushing for Theatrical one for Extended Ed. In the artists’ minds (i.e. any non-corporate party involved) this has always been a platform for the full scores, DVD material included. Also, I don’t want to give the impression that there’s a surplus of indecisiveness involved here. Parties are taking their time because they want to do this right, not rush it to market for a quick buck and a splashy press release.
>>>Oh, and will your (Doug's) book be packaged with the boxed set or sold separately?>>>
Always in motion is the future...
posted 05-11-2005 08:02 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Doug, are there any updates for the official announcement timeframe? I have several Barnes and Noble gift cards that I would love to use on this!!-Chad
posted 05-16-2005 12:26 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Originally posted by AustinHusker:
Doug, are there any updates for the official announcement timeframe? I have several Barnes and Noble gift cards that I would love to use on this!! <IMG SRC="http://www.moviemusic.com/mb/smile.gif">-Chad
Nothing yet, but hopefully soon. Hang on to those gift cards!
posted 05-23-2005 11:35 AM PT (US) ArchCarrier
Non-Standard Userer
posted 06-20-2005 08:50 AM PT (US) Luc
Standard Userer
Damn Arch, you're such a teaser!!!!!!!I thought there was going to be a real update
posted 06-20-2005 11:07 AM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Doug, any updates?
posted 07-15-2005 08:09 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Kevin:
Doug, any updates?Hi guys,
Well, I’m afraid I still can’t do much of an update just now, but I did try to answer a couple of questions over on the FSM board:
http://www.filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.asp?threadID=28003&forumID=1&pageID=2[Look about half way down the page.]
Maybe this will satiate you just a little… if the contradiction in terms isn’t too much. I’m happy to try and answer a few questions here as well, but I’ve still got to be very general.
-Doug Adams
posted 07-17-2005 09:37 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
Maybe this will satiate you just a little, if the contradiction in terms isn't too much. I'm happy to try and answer a few questions here as well, but I've still got to be very general.I guess the most pressing question on everyone's mind is: How much longer until you can stop being very general?
NP: War of the Worlds (John Williams)
posted 07-17-2005 11:18 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Doug Adams:
[b]Maybe this will satiate you just a little, if the contradiction in terms isn't too much. I'm happy to try and answer a few questions here as well, but I've still got to be very general.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>I guess the most pressing question on everyone's mind is: How much longer until you can stop being very general? ;)
NP: War of the Worlds (John Williams)[/B]
I wish I knew! Basically, I'll know I can make the announcement when I get an email from Howard saying, "Ok, you can announce it."The wait can't be that much longer, I promise!
But don't worry, you know the saying about good things and waiting, right?
posted 07-18-2005 05:05 PM PT (US) lars b
Standard Userer
Posted by Doug Adams :
But don't worry, you know the saying about good things and waiting, right?
I know my saying :
'I don't like waiting and i want it now !'posted 07-19-2005 03:15 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Don't be hasty.
posted 07-19-2005 11:10 AM PT (US) ridan
Standard Userer
Well, here's a small question:Will the release have the music from the mvoes that Howard Shore did not compose? Like the Green Dragon song, the drinking song at the beginning of ROTK, A Long Expected Party, and the Wood Elves' song in FOTR?
posted 07-24-2005 02:21 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
Standard Userer
Originally posted by ridan:
Well, here's a small question:Will the release have the music from the mvoes that Howard Shore did not compose? Like the Green Dragon song, the drinking song at the beginning of ROTK, A Long Expected Party, and the Wood Elves' song in FOTR?
Well, I can understand the Wood Elves song, but aren't there enough Pub-based albums out there? I don't want drunken hobbits impinging on my Shore!
posted 07-24-2005 05:54 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
I'm under the impression that Shore did write the woodelves music?
posted 07-24-2005 06:37 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
Standard Userer
No, the Wood Elves stuff was written by the Plan 9 group that wrote most of the film's source music.
posted 07-24-2005 11:18 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Doug, a question for you if you can answer it. Will the soundtracks contain the music as it appears on the fan club credits directly after the end credits? Or will just the unreleased music that appears in the fan club credits and not in the film (specifically ROTK w/ Sissel's song and the children's choir) be released as separate tracks? Thanks!!-Chad
posted 07-25-2005 09:45 AM PT (US) Lancelot
Standard Userer
(if it doesn't, would you buy it anyway?)
posted 07-25-2005 11:49 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Well of course I will still buy it! I have Barnes & Noble store credit sitting in my desk just waiting for these to be released! What does that have to do with anything? It was just a simple question, that's all.I have made a custom CD of the end credits from all three EEs and it makes just under 70 minutes of music including the fan club credits. It makes for a really cool listen in the car or on the computer during work.
posted 07-25-2005 03:53 PM PT (US) Dalboz
Standard Userer
I have made a custom CD of the end credits from all three EEs and it makes just under 70 minutes
The end credits for the "extended editions" are each over 20 minutes long ... ??
I remember them being lengthy, but I don't remember sitting in the theater for THAT long . . .[Message edited by Dalboz on 07-26-2005]
[Message edited by Dalboz on 07-26-2005]
posted 07-26-2005 02:08 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
It is the end credits and fan club credits music immediately after. Here are the track times:FOTR: 27:32
TTT: 20:33
ROTK: 21:37total: 69:42
posted 07-26-2005 02:31 PM PT (US) Dalboz
Standard Userer
Good lord! Jeez, they ARE long!
Thanks for posting those!
posted 07-27-2005 04:42 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,If I were a betting man, I’d say you’re likely to see the Plan 9 and Walsh (etc.) music included in the set. Complete isn’t complete unless it’s complete after all! And really it makes sense… oftentimes Shore’s score plays with the diagetic music. The orchestra outlines the vocals twice in The Road Ever Goes On and again in Billy Boyd’s and Viggo’s ROTK pieces. And once you set that precedent, it doesn’t make sense to only see it half way through. Don’t worry, no impingement will be registered… These little excursions actually help the breadth of the piece and the flow of the album. And quite frankly, they’re fun tunes.
As for the EE credits, no decisions have yet been made regarding Sissel’s piece or Bilbo’s Song, so I really can’t comment. They’ll be there, of course, I’m just not sure where. ROTK is still a while off.
More news soon. Really! Daily conversations with Warners are finally getting all the details hammered out. It’s crunch time now. Why do you think I’m typing in nearly unintelligible shorthand?
posted 07-28-2005 09:36 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Doug,I know the answer will be "No comment"
but I have to ask, this just occured to me. If the soundtracks are going to be released separately then will your companion book be split up into three and released separately as well? I would think not, it wouldn't make much sense. I have not seen or heard about what your book will contain but I am guessing it will have some kind of track-by-track analysis. If that is so we would be reading about tracks for TTT & ROTK and not be able to hear them right away if you are releasing the book with FOTR. As you can see, the suspense is killing me!!!
Enter your disclaimer now... "Soon, soon"
J/K Doug, we appreciate any and all info that you can give us!
posted 07-29-2005 09:01 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB