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Stargate: Atlantis and others from Varese
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Topic: Stargate: Atlantis and others from Varese
Standard Userer
Wow! Another Varese update with 5 new scores added for November releases.I'm most excited to hear Stargate: Atlantis but the others should be good as well.
Water composed by Michael Danna
Firefly composed by Greg Edmonson
Doom composed by Clint Mansell
Duma composed by John Debney
Stargate: Atlantis composed by Joel Goldsmithposted 09-28-2005 06:46 AM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Firefly!!!Brian, you reading this!!!
posted 09-28-2005 08:14 AM PT (US) Kris
Standard Userer
Originally posted by MarkA:
Duma composed by John DebneyYou forgot to mention "and George Acogny". He also deserves credit for DUMA.
All in all a great batch of soundtracks. Can't wait.
[Message edited by Kris on 09-28-2005]
posted 09-28-2005 08:16 AM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Stargate Atlantis, hell ya!
Edit: Wait are you sure? I just checked Varese's site and Stargate or Doom isn't listed.[Message edited by BigT1981 on 09-28-2005]
posted 09-28-2005 10:05 AM PT (US) moontrekker
Non-Standard Userer
http://www.varesesarabande.com/upcoming.asp?list%5FPagingMove=%3E&ListAbsolutePage=1[Message edited by PeterK on 09-28-2005]
posted 09-28-2005 11:51 AM PT (US) moontrekker
Non-Standard Userer
Im very excited about Stargate: Atlantis[Message edited by moontrekker on 09-28-2005]
posted 09-28-2005 11:52 AM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Originally posted by moontrekker:
http://www.varesesarabande.com/upcoming.asp?list%5FPagingMove=%3E&ListAbsolutePage=1[Message edited by PeterK on 09-28-2005]
Well I stand corrected. Thanks
Definitely will add this to my list of scores to get.
posted 09-28-2005 02:31 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB