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"Tombstone - Expanded" - CD Glich?
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Topic: "Tombstone - Expanded" - CD Glich?
Standard Userer
Hey, does anyone else's set have a pop at the end of track 24 at about 8:43?Or did I just get a defective one?
[Message edited by Crono/Kyp on 03-28-2006]
posted 03-27-2006 09:45 AM PT (US) Stargate
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Crono/Kyp:
Or did I just get a defective one?I hope so...
Actually, my copy should be arriving soon so I'll let you know if someone else doesn't.
posted 03-28-2006 11:13 AM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Standard Userer
Thanks SG.I alerted Intrada to this. They are looking into it.
posted 03-28-2006 12:25 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Standard Userer
It was a plant pressing issue. Intrada will be restocking. Contact them for a replacement CD.--Brian
posted 03-28-2006 03:57 PM PT (US) macuser8403
Non-Standard Userer
track 21 on my cd is only 5:43 long!!
posted 03-28-2006 09:15 PM PT (US) Crono/Kyp
Standard Userer
My bad, track 24.--Brian
posted 03-28-2006 10:09 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB