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LOTR Package Update? (Page 13)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Hey Doug I got an idea for your next podcast, which could incorporate The Two Towers. What if you and the Kaplan's discussed sequel scores? I certainly would be interested in hearing your thoughts on what the best sequel scores are, and also the worst. Plus you could easily throw in a discussion about Two Towers.P.S. http://media20a.libsyn.com/podcasts/fsmpodcast/FSM_Podcast_018.mp3
This was another great podcast, thanks.posted 10-22-2006 02:12 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
Is there a possibility to listen to the podcast about FOTR CR again?
posted 10-22-2006 03:57 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
>>>Also another question for Doug’s Book (that I am definitely going to buy). What is the Multimedia contents exactly?>>>>>>That’s still being sorted out, but there are some pretty wonderful ideas on the table. The next big book meeting will be in December, so maybe we’ll have a better idea then.<<<
Oh no, misunderstanding! I don’t know what exactly is multimedia content… it’s going to be a cd with info and clips or something? I know that’s a stupid question but if anyone can tell me… thanx!
posted 10-22-2006 04:56 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Matthijs:
Is there a possibility to listen to the podcast about FOTR CR again? <HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>There certainly is. Just go on iTunes and suscribe to the FSM podcast, and then you can download any of the previous podcasts. The FOTR one and the two leading up to that one all have clips from the FOTR CR, not that you need them anymore
Whats interesting to note is that the FOTR CR podcast starts with the Gondor horn line from "The Great Eye", but it is accompanied with another horn in the beginning which both the film and the CR don't have. I wonder where this rendition came from......Doug?
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 10-22-2006]
posted 10-22-2006 12:49 PM PT (US) MJC
Standard Userer
Thank you Doug for your post...such a pleasure it is reading your comments. If the release date is pushed forward a bit...tis ok. Heck we've waited this long we can all wait a bit longer. The listening of the set will be an event for us all I'm sure.Martin
posted 10-22-2006 06:50 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
16 Days to Go...(up to 23 more days for me)I pre-ordered it yesterday and the confirmation email said it'd be delivered between the 11th and 14th.
Honestly, I don't think any of us should be upset about "delays". We're all damned-spoiled-rotten with these CR sets and we expect to get them ASAP. What does it matter? Shore and the others could've decided to wait several more years before doing the project, or, they could've never done the project. We're really blessed by what they've done (so much hard work, just for us...and them)and will continue to do. So, being ticked off because of getting your "precious" at a later date is pointless...and pretty much wrong. Be happy cause you'll get it soon!
Smile....and be patient.
The days go by quick, anyways.
posted 10-22-2006 08:14 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I also don't quie get how delaying a product by merely a couple of days could possibly result in more profit.
posted 10-23-2006 02:59 AM PT (US) mathew
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:
Honestly, I don't think any of us should be upset about "delays".First of all I'm upset about the situation for soundtrack collectors here in Europe/Germany. Sometimes it's hard to get the scores you are interested in and you have to be very patient. Let's do not speak aobut the money you have to invest to get some limited releases...
Our version of i-tunes is a complete mess for example. I'm not able to buy most of the i-tunes exclusives and a great number of soundtrack releases are not available in the first place.
Concerning the TTT CR it will be hard for us to read all the great comments and reviews on messages boards like this and other websites. You can read everthing, but you are not able to take part in the discussion, because your distributor wasn't able to hit the right release date. And the set is in production for over a year now. I think that is enough time to arrange such things.
But as someone stated before. The days will go by. It could have been worse.
posted 10-23-2006 05:36 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
If u guys think u have it bad, listen to this.FOTR:CR is still on its way to India. Heck! The ROTK:EE hasn't "YET" hit the Indian markets.
But it doesn't really matter. The world is a small place (obviously for some people) and if u want something real bad, u gotta do what u can to get it. I don't mean beg/borrow/steal, I'm talking Amazon/BnN/Moviemusic.
posted 10-23-2006 06:09 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Oooooh! Also, I thought up a really cool idea Doug. Maybe for the multimedia content that (might? will?) accompany your book, you could suggest including the "Unused Concepts" from all 3 scores - the ones that appear on the Annotated Scores and are "never-before-heard".I mean, it would be pretty cool to hear something titled "Dwarvish Interlude".
I dunno, I'm just thinking
posted 10-23-2006 06:15 AM PT (US) *Tom*
Non-Standard Userer
I always thought those unused concepts were signifying music not in the film, but on the CR. Except with the Prologue alternate version which is on the OST.But I may be wrong.
posted 10-23-2006 06:27 AM PT (US) mathew
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Earl Ignatius Carvalho:
If u guys think u have it bad, listen to this.FOTR:CR is still on its way to India. Heck! The ROTK:EE hasn't "YET" hit the Indian markets.
As I stated it could have been worse and I know there are places in the world where it is even harder to get soundtrack-cd's than in Germany. The problem with ordering from Peter or someone else in the US is, that I possibly would have to pay customs.posted 10-23-2006 06:29 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Well, Mathew is partially right. The soundtrack situation in Germany is quite shocking. But you have to differentiate between the normal and the unusual.
A release date 13 days later is within the parameters of "normal", whereas not being able to find Superman Returns two months after the official release date is not (by the way, I STILL didn't come across a single copy of SR!).
posted 10-23-2006 06:36 AM PT (US) orbital
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Well, Mathew is partially right. The soundtrack situation in Germany is quite shocking. (...)Well, "shocking" would not be the word I would use for describing the possibilities for German soundtrack enthusiasts... I definitely think it could be MUCH worse; in fact I think we are on the same level with the US or any other country with which you want to compare. Also think about stuff from European composers (e.g. Morricone) which might be obtainable more easily in our parts of this else borderless consumer-world - just my two cents.
@ gkgyver: do you know this site? http://www.soundtrackcorner.de/supermanreturns_955.htm
[Still off-topic (sorry) but am I the only one who considers this board-software "problematic" (attention: euphemism!)?! - no preview, citing/editing is horror imho...]
[Message edited by orbital on 10-23-2006]
posted 10-23-2006 09:02 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Well, I am aware of German online stores. I'm talking about those odd buildings where you walk in, pick up a CD and hand a certain amount of cash to an elderly, bored woman.
Sometimes those visits can be aggravating, you know.
posted 10-23-2006 09:55 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
15 Days to Go...DOUG, would it be possible for us to work with you (and maybe Shore?) to make a COMPLETE thematic analysis of all 3 scores???
This would be fantastic, though exhaustive. I know what you've said about "audience participation", and I might have good ears, but I REALLY don't think I (or anyone else...?) can do a 100% COMPLETE thematic analysis. And, of course, I might be the only person out of 6 billion+ people in the world that wants this...but I don't think so.
This would be done after the CRs have been released. It might be like a phonebook, but I like phonebooks.
(Just kiddin') Well, what do ya think? PLEASE?
posted 10-23-2006 07:04 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
Hello, DA & HS counterparts!!!!Some great news....on the HS website....it says that HS score to The Departed is going to be released on December the 5th. I have yet to see the film, and I think I will do it this time next week.....
Also, I don't know if any other conterparts of this website listen to or collect other HS scores as I do, but I bought 'The Fly/The Fly 2' double disc set....and well, I wanted to buy the individual The Fly soundtrack, although at the time, it was too expensive, and the double disc was cheaper.......and I was wondering what information the single release has, as I wanted to know who HS gave thanks too....and if there is any other text, pictures, or any other things included.......any information would be much appreciated.
DOUG........KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!
[Message edited by THX 1138 4eb on 10-23-2006]
posted 10-23-2006 09:39 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
What’s to be gained other than ill will? I can understand the paranoia, since FOTR ended up delayed a few times. But again, I will remind you, this was because of the demands of one of the performing artists.
-Doug[/B]Ah, so this was the reason for the delay of FOTR:CR last year. Never heard of this before now. Anyone want to take up a guess as to which one it was? I will put my money on Viggo. If nothing for the fact that his constant need for throwing his political views upon the rest of us makes me unable to stand him as a person. Good actor and I liked him in LOTR but just can't stand those Hollywood types that use their celeb. status to bash the Republican party. Sean Astin is right up there as well, but I don't remember him singing in FOTR:CR.
posted 10-24-2006 10:21 AM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
It wasn't Viggo. It might have had something to do with "The Road Goes Ever On" being split into three tracks instead of one...
THX - can't help you with your question about The Fly...but what a fantastic score.
NP: Little Women (Thomas Newman)posted 10-24-2006 10:41 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Yeah, The Fly is great. I love the main titles' appearance in Terminator 3
posted 10-24-2006 11:03 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
>>>Hey Doug I got an idea for your next podcast, which could incorporate The Two Towers. What if you and the Kaplan's discussed sequel scores? I certainly would be interested in hearing your thoughts on what the best sequel scores are, and also the worst. Plus you could easily throw in a discussion about Two Towers.>>>Thanks, glad you liked the Halloween Special!
There are a couple of ideas on the burner right now for a potential Two Towers Podcast, so we’ll see what happens.
>>>Is there a possibility to listen to the podcast about FOTR CR again?>>>
The original fellowship Podcast is available right here:
http://media20a.libsyn.com/podcasts/fsmpodcast/FSM_Podcast_005.mp3…or through iTunes.
>>>Oh no, misunderstanding! I don’t know what exactly is multimedia content… it’s going to be a cd with info and clips or something? I know that’s a stupid question but if anyone can tell me… thanx!>>>
Same answer as before, I’m afraid. The content will dictate the media, so until everything is ironed out, no announcements just yet.
>>>Whats interesting to note is that the FOTR CR podcast starts with the Gondor horn line from "The Great Eye", but it is accompanied with another horn in the beginning which both the film and the CR don't have. I wonder where this rendition came from......Doug?>>>
I’m SO glad someone finally got this!! The Film Score Monthly Podcast actually has its own musical theme! You can hear it in its full form at the beginning of the very first Podcast (give it a listen if you can stand the crummy audio quality that follows the musical intro!)
Variations of that theme are hidden in the beginning of many of the early Podcasts:
Memoirs of a Geisha 2 – Japanese version (listen to the tuned gongs)
Harry Podcast Part 2 – Disguised as the Harry Potter theme (if you listen carefully, this isn’t actually from any Potter film, it’s an original setting of the Podcast theme)
Fellowship – Played in counterpoint against the Gondor horn line
Christmas Special – The opening five chimes
Munich Musings – Additional second harp voice
Sun 2 – Synthy counterpoint below the Zelda theme
We haven’t used it in a while, but I’d like to get in back in there again, if time permits. Anyway, you win the prize! We’ve been waiting a year for anyone to notice that!
>>>Oooooh! Also, I thought up a really cool idea Doug. Maybe for the multimedia content that (might? will?) accompany your book, you could suggest including the "Unused Concepts" from all 3 scores - the ones that appear on the Annotated Scores and are "never-before-heard".>>>
Well, the Unused Concepts, as they detailed in the Annotated Scores, generally refer to changes that are either A) heard on disc, but aren’t in the film or B) were discussed, but ultimately never recorded. However, there is certainly material that doesn’t fit either category… material that was written, recorded and the replaced with a composition that followed a different path. We haven’t discussed much of that yet… little bits and pieces here and there, maybe… but that’s certainly something that’s out there.
>>>Well, I am aware of German online stores. I'm talking about those odd buildings where you walk in, pick up a CD and hand a certain amount of cash to an elderly, bored woman.
Sometimes those visits can be aggravating, you know.>>>If it makes you feel any better, FOTR:CR was hard to find in actual record shops in the US as well, simply because the demand was underestimated, and they sold out so quickly that they were rarely seen on shelves. I don’t think I ever once ran into a copy of FOTR: CR in a US shop, as a matter of fact! I understand that they’re going to try and address this with TTT, so we’ll see.
>>>DOUG, would it be possible for us to work with you (and maybe Shore?) to make a COMPLETE thematic analysis of all 3 scores??? >>>
Do you mean complete thematic analysis in terms of listing all themes, or going through composition by composition and noting where themes occur? In the case of the former, that’s what you’re essentially getting in the liner notes… which will, of course, be re-compiled into the full book. In the case of the latter, that’s the Annotated Score… mostly. I don’t want the Annotated Score to turn into a catalogue, however. It needs to be readable, I think; it needs to tell the story of LOTR. I don’t want it to be:
At 0:15 you hear the Fellowship theme. At 0:21 you hear the Isengard theme. At 0:30 you hear the Fellowship theme again.
I love these scores more than humanly possible, but I don’t think I’d ever be able to read something like that, much less write it! Now, don’t get me wrong, all these things *should* be addressed, but I think it’s much more readable to say something like, “The Fellowship and Isengard themes are intermingled before… blah, blah blah.”
Oh and of course, all the Annotated Score material will be complied into a single form for the book as well.
>>>Ah, so this was the reason for the delay of FOTR:CR last year. Never heard of this before now. Anyone want to take up a guess as to which one it was? I will put my money on Viggo. If nothing for the fact that his constant need for throwing his political views upon the rest of us makes me unable to stand him as a person. Good actor and I liked him in LOTR but just can't stand those Hollywood types that use their celeb. status to bash the Republican party. Sean Astin is right up there as well, but I don't remember him singing in FOTR:CR.>>>
No, no, nothing dealing with republicans, democrats, libertarians or anything of that sort. Just some demands from legal reps on how tracks worked out. Nothing controversial, just something that came in last minute…. Meaning it was a reasonable demand, and one the party in question had every right to make, it just caught everyone a bit by surprise. Everything worked out in the long run.
posted 10-24-2006 11:47 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
500th post!Doug, you're priceless!
posted 10-24-2006 12:03 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
I’m SO glad someone finally got this!! The Film Score Monthly Podcast actually has its own musical theme! You can hear it in its full form at the beginning of the very first Podcast (give it a listen if you can stand the crummy audio quality that follows the musical intro!)I knew that horn line sounded a little fake. The beauty of Shore's horn line almost hid the fakeness of the midi horn...almost.
Who, may I ask, composed that podcast theme? I like the Americana epic feel of it. Reminds me of the feeling I get when listening to Williams' Olympic compositions and Horner's Apollo 13.
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 10-24-2006]
posted 10-24-2006 01:00 PM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Viggo (or Sean, or Bono, or whoever else) do not "use their celeb. status to bash the Republican party" as you have accused them Chad, but rather to increase awareness of certain issues which they believe need to be addressed or changed. The Republican Party just happens to have control of both the executive and legislative branches of the USA at the moment, and therefore any societal/international/war failure rests squarely on their shoulders. Viggo has been an outspoken opponent of the war in Iraq since its beginning and his position would seem to be rather prophetic now considering that the vast majority of the United States (and even "vaster" majority of the world) heartily agrees with him.
posted 10-24-2006 02:19 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
Viggo has been an outspoken opponent of the warHow unlike the character he portrays...
posted 10-24-2006 02:56 PM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Well, the Lord of the Rings' "good vs. evil" is a little different from the current war since we're killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians...including many women and children.
posted 10-24-2006 03:01 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
Before this goes any farther...this really isn't the place for a debate of that nature.
I'm glad to hear that there might be more copies of TTT in stores.posted 10-24-2006 03:14 PM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
I'm glad about having more copies in stores soon...even though I'm pretty young (22), I am still old-school in the sense that I really prefer going to the store and literally picking it up. Oooh, I can see it now...that beautiful blue packaging.
posted 10-24-2006 03:16 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I've been more used to hearing the doorbell ring in the morning lately.Not that there's anything wrong with that. Visiting stores is getting more and more depressing.
posted 10-24-2006 03:40 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:>>>DOUG, would it be possible for us to work with you (and maybe Shore?) to make a COMPLETE thematic analysis of all 3 scores???
This would be fantastic, though exhaustive. I know what you've said about "audience participation", and I might have good ears, but I REALLY don't think I (or anyone else...?) can do a 100% COMPLETE thematic analysis. And, of course, I might be the only person out of 6 billion+ people in the world that wants this... but I don't think so.
This would be done after the CRs have been released. It might be like a phonebook, but I like phonebooks.
(Just kiddin') Well, what do ya think? PLEASE?<<<
For what it's worth, this little list may be of some help to you... Here is what I compiled from Doug's liner notes to use as I listen through the score:
A Listing of Characteristic Appearances of Themes in LotR in Chronological Order
(These are not necessarily the first appearances, of course.)
Track 1-0:05 Elves – LothlorienTr 1-0:40 The History of the Ring
Tr 1-1:59 The Ringwraiths and: Mordor Accompaniments – Descending Third
Tr 1-3:11 Middle-Earth: All Shall Come to Darkness – The Fall of Men
Tr 1-5:51 Pitiful Gollum (Smeagol’s Theme)
Tr 2-0:00 Shire/Hobbits – Pensive Setting
Tr 2-0:24 The Fellowship of the Ring
Tr 2-0:58 Hobbit Accompaniments – Two-step Figure
Tr 2-1:16 Hobbit Accompaniments – Skip Beat
Tr 2-1:29 Hobbit Accompaniments – End Cap
Tr 2-1:34 Shire/Hobbits – Rural Setting
Tr 3-0:43 Hobbit Accompaniments – Outline Figure
Tr 6-0:15 Shire/Hobbits – Hymn Setting
Tr 6-0:39 Shire/Hobbits – A Hobbit’s Understanding of Life
Tr 7-5:53 The Evil of the Ring (Mordor/Sauron)
Tr 7-6:17 Mordor Accompaniments – Skip Beat
Tr 8-5:51 The Threat of Mordor
Tr 9-0:06 The Seduction of the Ring
Tr 9-0:51 Middle Earth: Ring Quest – The Journey There
Tr 11-3:45 Mordor Accompaniments – Mordor Outline Figure
Tr 14-5:12 Middle-Earth: Ring Quest – Evil Times
Tr 2-1:27 Five Beat Isengard ThemeTr 2-1:34 Isengard/Orc Theme
Tr 2-2:04 Nature – Nature’s Reclamation
Tr 3-0:00 Elves – Arwen
Tr 5-0:22 Elves – Rivendell
Tr 9-0:00 Elves – The Diminishment of the Elves (“Gilraen’s Song”)
Tr 10-1:20 Middle-Earth: Ring Quest – Dangerous Passes
Tr 11-3:50 Dwarves – Moria
Tr 14-0:13 Dwarves – Dwarrowdelf
Tr 1-2:06 Dwarves – The Dark Places of the WorldThemes not (yet!) given specific time stamps:
World of Men - Realm of Gondor, Minas Tirith
Heroics of Aragorn
Monsters of Middle-earth - The Watcher in the Water, The Cave Troll, The Balrog
All Shall Come to Darkness - A Noble EndIf you mean what I think you mean, CoP, that would require a bar by bar listing of every appearance of each theme as a whole or in part... This would require quite an encyclopedic commentary as musical themes can change or be combined in so many subtle ways. And what would be of most interest is why the changes occur, so it would indeed require a vast dense and technical commentary!
The closest thing to this, for example, are the piano/vocal scores from Breitkopf and Haertel of Wagner's "Ring" which try to have each leitmotiv ocurrance indicated by a small circled number referring to listings at the front of the score. And far from all the occurances are noted! So if after 130 years there is no (as far as I know) such exhaustive analysis (lamentably) of one of the watershed musical works of all time, I would not expect one of the LotR scores any time soon. Not because Doug and/or M. Shore wouldn't just love to do such a thing, I have no doubt, but who would put out the big bucks to publish it (even in a verbal format, that is, not as a full orchestral printed score), given the unfortunately small public who would buy it?
[Message edited by Timdalf on 10-24-2006]
[Message edited by Timdalf on 10-24-2006]
[Message edited by Timdalf on 10-24-2006]
posted 10-24-2006 04:07 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Speakiing about printed works, what about the possibility of releasing at least the conductor's scores for the Complete Recordings?As far as I can remember, this was "not out of the question".
posted 10-24-2006 04:38 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
>>>Speakiing about printed works, what about the possibility of releasing at least the conductor's scores for the Complete Recordings?As far as I can remember, this was "not out of the question".<<<
That would indeed be terrific! Buuuut... most printed orchestral scores cost a small fortune, as I am sure you know, and those are of the classic works with a relatively large buying public (orchestras, libraries, musicologists, musicians, etc.). I would like to be wrong, but would there be that much of a market for these?!
Perhaps somehow they could be made available via the Internet and an Adobe pdf system? Perhaps some method that would not violate any copyrights and could still provide some sort of compensation to M. Shore??
And in fact, is there such a score in a finished form as yet? I imagine the CR's were compiled directly from the audio recordings. So the scores actually used originally at the recording sessions may be in some sort of as yet somewhat different and possibly even chaotic state...
That suggests an idea for Doug's book though: perhaps some facsimiles of pages showing the stages of M. Shore's working process: i.e., a sketch or two, a handwritten (or computer written) recension of a page or two, then a final printed version of some of the actual orchestral parts... You know, a sort of fragment from a musical counterpart to C. Tolkien's "The History of Middle-earth"!
posted 10-24-2006 05:26 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
You know, that would be great! Doug, please take that as an official suggestion from "the money spending public"I've often wondered whether there's anything like a complete conductor's score for any of the LOTR scores. Pieces were so often revisited, they must indeed be in a completely chaotic form.
posted 10-24-2006 07:23 PM PT (US) tomandshell
Non-Standard Userer
I think that the 25% increase in price will help the copies to stay on the shelves a little longer. You can get some discounts if you order online, but I know that it will be selling at full MSRP at my local Borders.Either way, I am really excited about getting this set in two weeks--it can;t get here fast enough.
posted 10-24-2006 09:22 PM PT (US) OneBuckFilms
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by weyhoops:
Well, the Lord of the Rings' "good vs. evil" is a little different from the current war since we're killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians...including many women and children.I assume, of course, you mean the insurgents/terrorists/jihadists/whatever, since they are initiating all of the violence. Unfortunately, trying to stop them has to take force. Reality.
Lets get back to the scores, shall we please...
posted 10-24-2006 11:16 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
>>>Yeah, The Fly is great. I love the main titles' appearance in Terminator 3<<<gkgyver
Although my opinions on T3 may be different to others (the whole premise of the trailer of the future war sequences is what I imagined, 95 percent of the film was too commercial for me, but what a brilliant ending of how John became the leader---unfortunately a big disappointment in the end), where did The Fly main title appear????
posted 10-24-2006 11:17 PM PT (US) OneBuckFilms
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by tomandshell:
I think that the 25% increase in price will help the copies to stay on the shelves a little longer. You can get some discounts if you order online, but I know that it will be selling at full MSRP at my local Borders.Either way, I am really excited about getting this set in two weeks--it can;t get here fast enough.
I wish Tower Records was still in business. I could go there foy my copy.
Unfortunately, I have to hust big time or go online now :-(
posted 10-24-2006 11:35 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
@ THXListen to "Magnetic Personality" around 3:30. It's a quite chilling moment.
Oh, by the way: I WANT CLIPS!
posted 10-25-2006 07:31 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Originally posted by OneBuckFilms:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by weyhoops:
[b]Well, the Lord of the Rings' "good vs. evil" is a little different from the current war since we're killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians...including many women and children. <HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>I assume, of course, you mean the insurgents/terrorists/jihadists/whatever, since they are initiating all of the violence. Unfortunately, trying to stop them has to take force. Reality.
Lets get back to the scores, shall we please...[/B]
Hmmm...and why have they been "initiating" all this violence? I can agree with you on your last point though.
posted 10-25-2006 09:25 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
@ THXListen to "Magnetic Personality" around 3:30. It's a quite chilling moment.
Oh, by the way: I WANT CLIPS!
Wasn't it a German site or some other international retail site that first had clips last year? Or was it Soundtrack.net?
posted 10-25-2006 09:44 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB