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LOTR Package Update? (Page 16)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Poke Alex
Non-Standard Userer
Thanks for answering my questions about the colors, everyone. It all makes sense now.
posted 10-31-2006 08:01 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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Peschi:I would have loved to get it before official release date, but the US postal service is just too unreliable, and in no case do I want to have a copy in the mail to me after the 7th when I can just run to town and pick one up.
Anyway, I called the nearest Barnes and Noble and made double sure that they would have it on the morning of the 7th, so I will probably make a special 70 mile trip to pick it up! It's worth the gasoline I suppose though.
And MWFuger:
Yes, that drumming is TOTALLY part of the music! I thought it was really cool myself.
[Message edited by NeoVoyager on 10-31-2006]
posted 10-31-2006 08:57 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Barnes & Noble now has sound clips up!!!
posted 10-31-2006 09:25 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Originally posted by AustinHusker:
Barnes & Noble now has sound clips up!!!Only for Disc I though...
posted 10-31-2006 09:33 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
I'm wondering which word could describe the fact that there are sound samples best.Fantastic? Great? Superb? Unbelievable?
Anyway, at least I have music until 7th November
posted 10-31-2006 10:00 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Cool, music clips means we're nearly there...Though I'll refrain till I get the TTT:CR.
I've learnt patience since I watched The Fellowship of the Ring and it's helps appreciate something of this magnitude.
posted 10-31-2006 11:43 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
This is a little off topic, but anyway......This is the 1638th post in this thread (combined with the 'old' thread which had 1031 posts and was only restarted afresh here for server load).
Do any of you know if this is the largest MovieMusic thread ever, and if not, how close are we to surpassing it?
posted 10-31-2006 11:51 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by AustinHusker:
Barnes & Noble now has sound clips up!!!
Jeez, could they have butured the track listing a little more please! They got "Lost in Emym Muil" split into 2 tracks and also "Wraiths on Wings" split as well, making it 18 tracks rather than 16. This in effect is screwing with the audio clips. The only audio clips that are representing the track titles are the first 3. After that, you are really hearing the audio clip from the next track down, and when you get to the "Wraiths" you are hearing the clip for "Gandalf the White". And on top of all that "Edoras" is missing from the second disc and they combine "The Entmoot Decides" and "Retreat" on the third. Whew...sorry for that rant, but come one Barnes...get your **** together.
Anyways, I loved all those clips, great stuff!!! Tuesday shall be a day to remember.
posted 10-31-2006 03:48 PM PT (US) segali
Non-Standard Userer
barnes and nobel dont have clips for all tracks yet i want to hear clips of the helms deep bits and their version of the track list is on many other sites too!
posted 10-31-2006 06:12 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
I finally got the chance to read the review at soundtrack.net. Highly detailed and informative.The only problem I have is with the cue in the scene in the film when Gandalf shows up with the Rohirrim at the Battle of Helms Deep. I guess it's going to be in the CR but the chorus that sings at the beginning of that scene (right when he arrives at the top of the ridge and the sun shines on him as Shadowfax rears up) was over the top and really corny! The cue afterwards with Ben Del Maestro's vocals is beautiful but it's just that part right before it that I never cared for. I prefer the OST version of that particular piece, to be honest.
posted 10-31-2006 08:44 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by vdemona:
The only problem I have is with the cue in the scene in the film when Gandalf shows up with the Rohirrim at the Battle of Helms Deep. I guess it's going to be in the CR but the chorus that sings at the beginning of that scene (right when he arrives at the top of the ridge and the sun shines on him as Shadowfax rears up) was over the top and really corny!<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>The way it's mixed in the movie it does stick out and seem out of place. Since in the FOTR:CR, the choral parts were more subdued, that will likely be the case here, too, and that bit will be more tolerable.
[Message edited by Olorin on 10-31-2006]
posted 10-31-2006 10:05 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
It seems that i have a problem with playing those clips.Does anyone know another site which features audio samples from TTT:CR?Thanks.And when a site will feature samples,could please mention that on the thread?Thanks again.
posted 10-31-2006 10:06 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Beren:
>>>It seems that I have a problem with playing those clips.Does anyone know another site which features audio samples from TTT:CR? Thanks.And when a site will feature samples,could please mention that on the thread? Thanks again.<<<
It may be you need to download the Windows Media Player the site offers. I had to. Took 2 hrs (!) with me old dialup modem (hey, if the Professor didn't like the latest technology, who am I to disagree!!!) and the clips are all less than 30 seconds. So, while they sound fascinating and wonderful as far as they go, you aren't missing that much really!
And, Beren, since you are our "skeptic" in residence, I am sure you wouldn't hesitate to let us know that. Sorry to beat you to the punch, "old friend."
posted 11-01-2006 07:11 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
It would work if my WMP copy was genuine.And it's not.Thanks,anyway.
I'm looking fwd to audio samples from other sites also.
posted 11-01-2006 07:25 AM PT (US) ruckus
Non-Standard Userer
Amazon.co.uk price down from £48.99 to £39.99 - hopefully this trend will continue.Release date is now 20th Nov.
posted 11-01-2006 07:35 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Barnes & Noble now has clips for ALL the tracks on their site (still in Windows Media format, I'm afraid). They still haven't fixed the track titles yet though.http://music.barnesandnoble.com/search/product.asp?z=y&EAN=093624437628&itm=4
posted 11-01-2006 07:54 AM PT (US) Valandil
Non-Standard Userer
Hey all,I had a quick question brought on by reading the following line in the Soundtrack.net write up on the TTT:CR.
>>Two other important cues on the first disc that are necessary to mention include the first instances of two themes. "Night Camp" introduces the Nature Reclamation theme in its complete form, after having been hinted at in two cues from Fellowship. <<Which two cues would these be? There's only one that I can think of (unless I'm wrong), which would be in "Parth Galen" (FOTR:CR) starting at 6:05 through 7:00. I was listening to Fellowship this morning at work, and I can't place where/what the other cue would be. The Nature Reclamation theme is one of my favorites of Shore's, and I'm looking forward to hearing its evolution through the breadth of TTT next week.
Can anyone shed some light on which two cues from Fellowship relate to the Nature Reclamation theme? Thanks!
(Less than one week to go for TTT:CR - w00t!)
posted 11-01-2006 02:40 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Re: Nature Theme in FOTR. You can read what I wrote (boy... seems like ages ago) on my site:
Keep in mind this page was mostly written before we even knew it was called the Nature Theme and it hasn't been updated very much since then.[Message edited by Magpie on 11-01-2006]
posted 11-01-2006 02:46 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Mine has shipped today from axelmusic.I don't expect it to arrived before early next week - but that leaves me enough time to revisit FOTR over the weekend.
posted 11-01-2006 02:47 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
6 DAYS TO GO!!..."But we're six days from the Complete Recordings! We'll never make it!"
My little, green friend once told me to let go of my impatience and embrace patience.
We'll all have it soon! Gotta go...
Cool audio clips, too.
posted 11-01-2006 02:50 PM PT (US) Valandil
Non-Standard Userer
Magpie wrote:
>>Re: Nature Theme in FOTR. You can read what I wrote (boy... seems like ages ago) on my site<<Thanks Magpie! (Slaps forehead) I can't believe I missed its obvious appearance with the Moth. Upon listening to it again, it's clear as day. I agree that during the Mirror of Galadriel, the relationship is a lot more subtle. I would've definitely overlooked that, had I not read your site. Thanks for clearing it up for me!
posted 11-01-2006 04:24 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:
>>>6 DAYS TO GO!!...<<<For one thing, Doug is going to keep us
excited, for very soon (within 6 days), we will be listening to a podcast........
Doug, how is the podcast coming along, how many questions have you received?????.......
posted 11-01-2006 04:58 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Quick question for Doug: I haven't listened to the "new video/article with Howard Shore", but according to some, he says that RotK:CR will be on 4 cds (4 hours, approximately)...that sounds awesome, but why would it be that long (approximately)? I thought it'd be on 3 cds (about 3:15 to 3:30 hours). Is this just a rough estimate for now? Thanks!
posted 11-01-2006 07:33 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
So, who's going to have the best price on this at a brick-and-mortar store? Best Buy's website currently shows it's on sale for one dollar off list (I'm not making that up). They had a pretty decent price on FOTR last year, $45, I think, so I'd think they'd selling TTT at no more than $60. However, it's not listed in their flyer for next week.I could just order it off Amazon for $60, but at this point, it might not arrive by Tuesday, and if I paid for priority shipping, it gets to the point where I might as well just buy it at the local Best Buy and be done with it. But the thought of paying $75 for it sticks in my craw. Curse the greedy record company!
posted 11-01-2006 09:49 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
.[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 11-02-2006]
posted 11-02-2006 12:02 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
Can this be true? I heard the rest of the clips of TTT CR and the March of the Ents has no Drums! You know the movie version which has that kind of Etnic drums (sorry I don’t remember the correct name).
Also in the soundtrack.net review says that it has that theme only once and not a second time when Theoden rides out. But it was not the same! When theoden rides out the track has no beating drums like the Ent scene and its faster. Could that be just editing? Doug?
But other then that can anyone post a link from other site with TTT CR CLIPS?
posted 11-02-2006 03:54 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Can this be true? I heard the rest of the clips of TTT CR and the March of the Ents has no Drums! You know the movie version which has that kind of Etnic drums (sorry I don’t remember the correct name).
Also in the soundtrack.net review says that it has that theme only once and not a second time when Theoden rides out. But it was not the same! When theoden rides out the track has no beating drums like the Ent scene and its faster. Could that be just editing? Doug?
But other then that can anyone post a link from other site with TTT CR CLIPS?
ThanxIn the case of the March of the Ents, the drums are almost assuredly being clipped off because the low bitrate (quality) of the audio samples that Barnes and Noble provides does not allow for bass notes of that depth. I couldn't really hear them either.
In the case of Theoden rides out, I think that is the scene where Theoden and Aragorn, sieged inside the Hornburg, decide to ride out to meet the orc army. That scene did not have any drum accompaniment if I remember correctly.
Hope that helps. They won't have March of the Ents without drums, trust me.
posted 11-02-2006 05:48 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
5 DAYS TO GO!!!...posted 11-02-2006 07:58 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,>>>Those last 30 seconds… Why, that would make a pretty good question for someone to email into the Podcast, don’t you think? I will tell you, however, no one’s guessed it yet. This is not the music for Treebeard’s appearance, nor is a reference to the Balrog.>>>
Nope, much earlier in the film. There is unused Osgiliath music, however.
>>>Ths little bit of slightly goofy woodwind music before the excerpt of Sons of the Steward?>>>
>>>Those last 30 seconds… Why, that would make a pretty good question for someone to email into the Podcast, don’t you think? I will tell you, however, no one’s guessed it yet. This is not the music for Treebeard’s appearance, nor is a reference to the Balrog.>>>
>>>Only some events from the Helm's Deep assault comes into my mind while listening to this...>>>
Nope, earlier yet in the story.
>>>The music played while you tell us your e-mail.That's unused.Sounds fangornish.>>>
Nope, not Fangorn.
>>>Well, a few options come to mind. There's a fight scene between Frodo and Sam in Osgiliath that wasn't used in the film, maybe it belongs there. Or the Warg attack.>>>
Even earlier than the Wargs, if you can believe it.
>>>Maybe the playful Gollum music was originally intended for the rabbit scene in Ithilien?>>>
Hmmmm, what’s that you say?
>>>I'm not too sure when I say this, but those last 30 seconds do bring to mind the Dead Marshes - it sounds like a grander version what's heard in the film when Frodo "follows the lights" and falls in. But I'm just suggesting.>>>
There is unused Dead Marshes music, but this isn’t it.
>>>Doug’s email address is?>>>
You can always check my profile for my email. I usually avoid posting it on the board, because of the incredible landslide of junk email that always leads to.
>>>Perhaps this is from the first appearance of a Nazgûl in the dead marshes. But it's just a wild guess.>>>
No, but again, you will hear different music for the Nazgûl… just not the mysterious 30 seconds.
>>>And may I tell you that your posts are always and somehow highly enthusiastic, maybe because of this ( ) smiley that you use...but it's been amazing (if not amusing) watching your very diligent countdown these past weeks (or was it months?)<<>
>>>I must concur!>>>
As do I!
>>>I'm new here, but I've been following your guys' chat for a while now and thought it would be nice to join in when I heard the podcast (love what I heard by the way). But regarding some of the music, after the little "Sons of Gondor" excerpt, the battle piece with the crazy horns. I would like to venture a guess and add my two cents in, without watching the EE, that it could be music from the Ithilien Ranger attack on the Haradrim convoy. >>>
Nope, it’s not from the Haradrim convoy… though yet again, you will hear what Shore actually wrote for this scene on the CDs. Boy, you guys are good at intuiting where there’s going to be new music!
>>>But what really strikes me funny is the oboe(?)/basson(?) wind piece right before the Gondorian theme. Possibly music from something involving Merry, Pippin, and Treebeard (maybe the Ent draught scene??)? May have to watch the DVD to figure that one out.>>>
If you listen very, very carefully behind my voice you’ll hear another (non-woodwind) instrument in there that will provide a huge hint. I talked over it specifically to make it difficult however. (Sorry!
>>>My problem is that I just know actually to listen to the LOTR-FOTR CR and the 2nd and 3rd tracks on the first disc have some kind of weird audio distortion on them that sounds like thumps or drumming in the background. My question is did anybody else have this and if so is there anyway to get a replacement.>>>
>>>Not to be a smart aleck, but are you sure it isn't just part of the music? The CR has some interesting folk percussion that's much more noticeable now than in either the OST or the film...and it's mostly in those two tracks.>>>
This is absolutely correct. You’re hearing the bodhrán… but, hey, you’ve got the right idea. The name “bodhrán” came from the Gaelic word for “thundering.”
>>>The way it's mixed in the movie it does stick out and seem out of place. Since in the FOTR:CR, the choral parts were more subdued, that will likely be the case here, too, and that bit will be more tolerable.>>>
I feel that the choral eruption is now mixed much better on the CR disc, but that’s just my opinion. I think you’ll agree, but time shall tell!
>>>For one thing, Doug is going to keep us excited, for very soon (within 6 days), we will be listening to a podcast........
Doug, how is the podcast coming along, how many questions have you received?????.......>>>
We’ve got about five pages worth of questions! We’re sorting through them now, and should have a Podcast up probably by the end of the weekend, or immediately thereafter.
>>>Quick question for Doug: I haven't listened to the "new video/article with Howard Shore", but according to some, he says that RotK:CR will be on 4 cds (4 hours, approximately)...that sounds awesome, but why would it be that long (approximately)? I thought it'd be on 3 cds (about 3:15 to 3:30 hours). Is this just a rough estimate for now? Thanks!>>>
No rough estimates here, it’s actually that long! There’s a very early edit of ROTK assembled now, and indeed, it take sup 4 CDs!
>>>Can this be true? I heard the rest of the clips of TTT CR and the March of the Ents has no Drums! You know the movie version which has that kind of Etnic drums (sorry I don’t remember the correct name).
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!>>>The “March of the Ents” clip on the B&N site is actually from “Master Peregrin’s Plan”… though I’m guessing you’ve already figured that out. “The Nazgûl Attack” clip, however, is really from “March of the Ents,” and in this case, yes, it’s just the crummy sound quality. The field drums will be (are) there.
>>>Also in the soundtrack.net review says that it has that theme only once and not a second time when Theoden rides out. But it was not the same! When theoden rides out the track has no beating drums like the Ent scene and its faster. Could that be just editing? Doug?>>>
The film uses an edited version of the Ent music, with certain sections muted, etc., for the build up to Théoden’s ride. The CR uses the music that Shore actually wrote for the scene… you’ll like it, it imparts a great thematic importance.
We’re almost there, folks! The Annotated Score layout is just about done, and it’s almost ready to be posted on the site.
Talk to you all in a few days.
posted 11-02-2006 08:11 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Wow, thanks Doug! It sounds like there is just a plethora of unheard music in here! Also, I simply cannot wait to see the Annotated Score.
posted 11-02-2006 08:25 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Aha! Perhaps that wild 30 seconds of brass was Shore's alternate take for the scene where Gollum attacks the sleeping Frodo and Sam? It just occurred to me that the wild, ferocious nature of the passage is very similar to the latter section of "The Taming of Sméagol".
posted 11-02-2006 09:13 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
I just noticed something that I can't believe I didn't notice before. There is a motif that is used twice in the FOTR score and I just realized that they were the same motif.It is first heard in "Give Up the Halfling" at 1:47. Then it is heard in the track "The Pass of Caradhras" at 49 seconds. I always loved both of those parts of the tracks, and I just put two and two together recently.
Am I the only one to catch on this late in the game?
Does Shore treat this as a "danger" motif of some sort? It is used once as the Ringwraiths pursue Arwen and Frodo, and then it is used as the Fellowship hide from Saruman's crows. The obvious connection here is the danger element, but is there anything else?
BTW: I listened to all the Two Towers samples on the Barnes and Noble site. All amazing!
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 11-02-2006]
posted 11-02-2006 09:39 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
.[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 11-02-2006]
posted 11-02-2006 09:42 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Thanks, Doug!4 cds.....wow! My guesses about the mysterious 30 seconds: 1) Rohirrim ambush on Uruks/Orcs outside Fangorn Forest at night 2) The Old Tree "attacking" Merry & Pippin 3) Gollum attacking Frodo & Sam at the beginning........
Podcast, maybe some Pictures, Annonated Score, Boxed Set, then another long wait, but we've got MovieMusic!
posted 11-02-2006 10:24 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
I did think of those other two possibilities (the Rohirrim raid and Treebeard attacking/defending Merry and Pippin), but I just watched the Treebeard scene, and I don't think that was quite violent enough to merit that kind of scoring. I could be wrong though.I don't know about the Rohirrim raid...... hmmmm.
Just 5 days!
posted 11-02-2006 11:18 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi SB,>>>It is first heard in "Give Up the Halfling" at 1:47. Then it is heard in the track "The Pass of Caradhras" at 49 seconds. I always loved both of those parts of the tracks, and I just put two and two together recently.>>>
Am I the only one to catch on this late in the game?
Does Shore treat this as a "danger" motif of some sort? It is used once as the Ringwraiths pursue Arwen and Frodo, and then it is used as the Fellowship hide from Saruman's crows. The obvious connection here is the danger element, but is there anything else?>>>
It’s essentially an inversion of the B phrase from the Fellowship theme, just modulated a bit. So the common element is actually the Fellowship itself. It’s a clever little bit of writing – upon its first appearance it’s a precursor to the Fellowship theme, since the Fellowship hasn’t yet been fully formed (and since Frodo, despite having just left his friends, is actually the only Fellowship member on the screen at this point). Upon its second appearance, it’s a nasty little variant on a theme that’s just been fully introduced and is still finding its feet.
So why no more significant discussion? Well, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not really a very significant variation… btw, you’ve got to love a work where a line this clever can be considered relatively insignificant, but it’s true – it only appears these two times. Since the Fellowship theme already had so many significant facets to discuss, this little fellow didn’t seem to warrant the space. Themes almost never appear twice exactly the same way in these scores, so technically almost every statement of any given theme is a variation of some kind. You’ve got to pick and choose what’s structurally important.
But the little inversion phrase will most likely get a nod—at least—in the full book, where space is less an issue.
>>>I did think of those other two possibilities (the Rohirrim raid and Treebeard attacking/defending Merry and Pippin), but I just watched the Treebeard scene, and I don't think that was quite violent enough to merit that kind of scoring. I could be wrong though.I don't know about the Rohirrim raid...... hmmmm.>>>
Hmmm, indeed!
Ok, now I really need to get back to work!
posted 11-02-2006 11:27 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
Doug for one more time just to say thanks would not be enough but...THANX!!!...and the drums are there...Yeheeeee!
posted 11-02-2006 11:43 AM PT (US) tomandshell
Non-Standard Userer
Will we ever really be finished mining the intricacies of this score?
posted 11-02-2006 11:50 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
Hi SB,>>>It is first heard in "Give Up the Halfling" at 1:47. Then it is heard in the track "The Pass of Caradhras" at 49 seconds. I always loved both of those parts of the tracks, and I just put two and two together recently.>>>
Am I the only one to catch on this late in the game?
Does Shore treat this as a "danger" motif of some sort? It is used once as the Ringwraiths pursue Arwen and Frodo, and then it is used as the Fellowship hide from Saruman's crows. The obvious connection here is the danger element, but is there anything else?>>>
It’s essentially an inversion of the B phrase from the Fellowship theme, just modulated a bit. So the common element is actually the Fellowship itself. It’s a clever little bit of writing – upon its first appearance it’s a precursor to the Fellowship theme, since the Fellowship hasn’t yet been fully formed (and since Frodo, despite having just left his friends, is actually the only Fellowship member on the screen at this point). Upon its second appearance, it’s a nasty little variant on a theme that’s just been fully introduced and is still finding its feet.
Wow, thats really interesting, I definetely see how its an inversion. I just love how every little motif actually means something and is not just some random group of notes. Thanks for the clarification Doug
posted 11-02-2006 02:16 PM PT (US) BigT1981
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Figured this thread would be 16 pages all ready. :-p However with the ROTK box set being 4-CD's and 2-DVD's, that definitely is going to be the most expensive one out of the three sets.I still have yet to buy the LOTR: FOTR complete recordings or even order the TTT box set. I know I'm slacking here...but hopefully in January I can purchase both of those sets.
posted 11-02-2006 02:17 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB