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LOTR Package Update? (Page 17)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Yeaaa!!! Pics of the inside cover art... http://www.soundtrack.net/features/article/?id=209Perfect picture of Gollum for the CD case.
posted 11-02-2006 03:42 PM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
I love it! I really do!posted 11-02-2006 04:25 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Matthijs, you ain't the only one who loves it!Can anyone make out what the word is right before The Rohan Fanfare? It looks like it starts with a "D". Doug?
D------:The Rohan Fanfare Disc 1 Track 2 0:00
So, the unused music clips in the podcast go to: 1) Gollum and his rabbits 2) The Rohirrim ambush on the Uruks. I think Doug's made this quite obvious with his replies
, but I "could" be wrong.
Now: Podcast, Annonated Score, Boxed Set, a long wait for the 3rd and final CR.
About the inversion of the Fellowship theme...awesome! To answer your question, tomandshell, no, we will probably never be finished mining the intricacies of these scores.
[Message edited by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs on 11-03-2006]
posted 11-02-2006 04:38 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
the Fellowshit themeWhoa, careful there...
posted 11-02-2006 05:01 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
How odd that they chose that gold color for the inside, considering the outside is blue. The inside and outside colors of the FOTR set were much more coordinated than that.Still, it's the music that counts, and that's not going to disappoint.
posted 11-02-2006 05:20 PM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Cool inside pics. So the gool' ol slinker made itAnd the DVD looks really really cool.
Though I need some clarification from Doug on 2 points:
1. The 3 CDs in FOTR:CR had different designs. From what I see, atleast 2 of the CDs in TTT:CR have the same design.
2. The background maps on the left of the CD trays are much "lighter" than those on FOTR:CR. They do look much better. Frankly, the maps with the track names in FOTR:CR looked like a big mess, though I'm used to them now.
It's just that I'm a designer (software) and I tend to notice intricate consistencies (in things I'm passionate about), or the lack of them thereof.
But really no major gripes, it the music that matters. And the dedication of the poeple behind it all. Thanks so much Doug.
Though of course, my eyes will be open for typos
I hate myself for stuff like this, but I'm like that.
posted 11-03-2006 12:09 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
Great pics, my day just get an extra boost!
posted 11-03-2006 01:50 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
>>>Wow, thats really interesting, I definetely see how its an inversion. I just love how every little motif actually means something and is not just some random group of notes.<<<Also one thing I really like is the fact that all compositions have coherency with the themes, and it’s not like other scores that are kind of: music-music-music /theme /music-music /theme / music….
In Lotr it not just build up to the theme, for explain in Amon hen it’s a perfect blend between the heroics of Aragorn and the Isegard theme. It’s not just action music that is interrupted from the themes of Aragorn & Isengard, and that’s one more reason for me that I really love these scores.posted 11-03-2006 03:44 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
4 DAYS TO GO!!!!...Oops!
I corrected my typo. I thought I was the "Master Proofreader". Guess not...
Well, at least the s***'s down the toilet, hah hah!
posted 11-03-2006 05:17 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
Hehee my TTT CR set is already in the mail. It was sent on WednesdayI guess it will be arriving early next week. Oh joy!
posted 11-03-2006 07:33 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
One of the stores i am going (with lots of soundtracks + OOP and Rare realeses)told me that probubly he will have it in the next 4-10 days. Well it's something for me in poor old Greece! Yeah!
Hope the others get it as quick as posibleThe Drums are there, the Drums are there...
Oh i can't wait for the Podcast![Message edited by Green Knight on 11-03-2006]
posted 11-03-2006 10:53 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
According to the new review,apparently the unused 30 seconds from the preview podcast are a Rohan variation.So,it must be the Rohan ambush.
posted 11-03-2006 01:33 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Beren:
According to the new review,apparently the unused 30 seconds from the preview podcast are a Rohan variation.So,it must be the Rohan ambush.Where is this new review?
posted 11-03-2006 02:31 PM PT (US) Thorf
Non-Standard Userer
Friday was a national holiday here in Japan, so I spent the day finally going through Doug's liner notes and the Annotated Score, trying to work out what it all means. I know the music very well as a whole piece, and I could already name a few of the themes, but I definitely need to do more "research" so that I can recognise the themes more easily.First I went through noting all the times and themes Doug provided in the liner notes. Next, I read through the notes and the Annotated Score to find what themes Doug said are in each song. Finally, I listened and tried to note down some rough starting times to help me to learn the themes.
Here are some of my results (I haven't had time to do the whole score yet):
1-01 Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All
0:05* Lothlórien
0:30? The Fellowship of the Ring (in fleeting shape)
0:40* The History of the Ring
1:24 Mordor's Skip Beat accompaniment
1:59* The Ringwraiths
1:59* Mordor's Descending Third motive
3:11* The Fall of Men motive
3:22 Mordor's Skip Beat accompaniment
4:05 The History of the Ring
5:51* The Pity of Gollum (Sméagol's Theme)
6:39 The History of the Ring
?:?? The Evil of the Ring (Mordor/Sauron)
?:?? The Nameless Fear1-02 The Shire
0:00* The Shire/Hobbits: Pensive Setting
0:24* The Fellowship of the Ring
0:58* The Hobbit Two-Step Figure accompaniment
1:16* The Hobbit Skip Beat accompaniment
1:29* The End Cap accompaniment
1:34* The Shire/Hobbits: Rural Setting2-01 Weathertop
0:04 Mordor's Skip Beat accompaniment
0:18 Mordor's Descending Third motive
0:31 The Threat of Mordor motive
0:31 The Ringwraiths
1:32 Mordor's Descending Third motive (in slow bass)2-02 The Caverns of Isengard
0:14 The Heroics of Aragorn
1:27* Five Beat Pattern
1:34* Isengard/Orc Theme
2:04* Nature's Reclamation2-03 Give Up the Halfling
0:00* Arwen
1:47? Mordor's Skip Beat accompaniment
2:47 The Ringwraiths3-05 Parth Galen
0:28 History of the Ring
1:52 Mordor's Skip Beat accompaniment
2:12? The Hobbit Skip Beat accompaniment?
2:29 The Fall of Men motive
3:06 History of the Ring
3:25 Mordor's Descending Third motive
The Evil of the Ring
4:06 The Seduction of the Ring
4:46 The Heroics of Aragorn
5:12 Five Beat Pattern (overt version)
7:15 ?
7:59 Isengard/Orc Theme3-06 The Departure of Boromir
0:00? Noble End figure
1:57 The Heroics of Aragorn
2:44? Noble End figure
4:56 The Fellowship of the Ring3-07 The Road Goes Ever On... Pt. 1
0:00 The Fellowship of the Ring???
1:42 The Shire/Hobbits: Hymn Setting
1:45 A Hobbit's Understanding
2:15 The Shire/Hobbits: Pensive Setting?
3:22 ?
3:52 The Fellowship of the Ring???
4:11 A Hobbit's Understanding
4:56 The Shire/Hobbits: Pensive Setting?
5:19 The Shire/Hobbits: Hymn Setting3-09 The Road Goes Ever On... Pt. 2, Featuring "In Dreams" performed by Edward Ross
0:00 Hobbits
0:14 The Fellowship of the Ring
0:30 "In Dreams"
1:22 The Fellowship of the Ring
1:43 "In Dreams" continues
2:15 Rivendell
2:55 Hobbits
3:12 The Fellowship of the Ring* Indicated in Doug Adams' liner notes.
I have a bad habit of confusing the Fellowship theme for the Shire theme, and I'm a bit confused about which Shire setting is which. If anyone has the time and inclination to check my work, I would be extremely grateful. (And it'll pass the time until those CDs arrive - hopefully next Wednesday here.)
posted 11-03-2006 02:38 PM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
What a fantastic undertaking! I will check over what you've done so far if I can get some time to myself...good luck with the rest!
posted 11-03-2006 03:19 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Thorf:I don't know what that section in Parth Galen at 7:15 is either!
I DO know however, that it is about the coolest little (partially) independent figure in the whole score! I love that transition between male and female choir. Sends chills down my spine every time. However, it is in 5/4 time and has a backing of the Isengard beat, so I surmise maybe it is just an awesome variation.
That figure at the beginning of, and throughout The Departure of Boromir... I don't know if this is indeed an independent 'motif' of sorts, but given the nature of these scores, I have to doubt it somewhat. Doug?
P.S. I just watched that scene where Eomer and his company find Theodred on the banks of the river and bring him back to Edoras; I am looking forward to that music too. It has an almost, dare I say, Morriconesque Western feel to it. Interesting indeed.
[Message edited by NeoVoyager on 11-03-2006]
posted 11-03-2006 03:26 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
If you listen very, very carefully behind my voice you’ll hear another (non-woodwind) instrument in there that will provide a huge hint. I talked over it specifically to make it difficult however. (Sorry! )Yeah, the Hammered Dulcimer! Cembalon, Bassoon, what else could it be but Gollum music?
Anyway, I go on a little vacation for four days, I come back, and voila: brand new photos, great sound clips and my copy went out today by express mail!
To quote a famous man: "Wait a second ... I think you just blew my mind!"One little thing though: 2+ hours of unreleased music, and Barnes and Noble puts up as many clips as possible of music we already have on the OST.
posted 11-03-2006 05:17 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Because who ever maintains the site for Barns & Noble is stupid...
posted 11-03-2006 05:36 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
The unused portion of The Voice Of Saruman, those powerful horn clusters, I've already heard in the official ROTK video game. I've always wondered where that came from.And the Wraiths On Wings piece sounds VERY promising!
posted 11-03-2006 06:38 PM PT (US) Olorin the White
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Shire Bagginz:
Yeaaa!!! Pics of the inside cover art... http://www.soundtrack.net/features/article/?id=209Perfect picture of Gollum for the CD case.
Absolutely beautiful. Love the Gollum picture and I'm glad to see that there is multiple picture backgrounds for the DVD.
posted 11-03-2006 09:33 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Shire Bagginz:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Beren:
[b]According to the new review,apparently the unused 30 seconds from the preview podcast are a Rohan variation.So,it must be the Rohan ambush.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Where is this new review?[/B]
On soundtrack.net,indicated at the top of this page.
posted 11-03-2006 11:44 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
The unused portion of The Voice Of Saruman, those powerful horn clusters, I've already heard in the official ROTK video game. I've always wondered where that came from.And the Wraiths On Wings piece sounds VERY promising!
Where did you hear that crazy horn piece in ROTK,the game?I don't recall it and i play that game for almost 2 years.
posted 11-03-2006 11:46 PM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
>>>P.S. I just watched that scene where Eomer and his company find Theodred on the banks of the river and bring him back to Edoras; I am looking forward to that music too. It has an almost, dare I say, Morriconesque Western feel to it. Interesting indeed.<<<This was my Favorite new composition for the TTT EE! It starts epic and continues very lyrical, I am waiting to hear it too with great anticipation….
7:15? i will check it, i am very curious...
posted 11-04-2006 01:30 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
Isn't that the moment that Boromir appears to save Merry and Pippin...Thematically, I don't think I know a theme that is related to this one, but I can be wrong.
posted 11-04-2006 04:49 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Where did you hear that crazy horn piece in ROTK,the game?I don't recall it and i play that game for almost 2 years.I think it was in the Paths Of The Dead. Or maybe I'm confusing something and I actually heard it in one of the documentaries. But I definitely heard it.
Btw, if you listen to "The Forests Of Ithilien", you hear music similar to the one during Frodo and Sam's argument over Gollum at the pool in ROTK.
[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-04-2006]
[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-04-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 06:03 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Gone for three months, and 17 pages of posts to wade through. Eeek!Soooo...what's new?
(PS: At least I got to make the 666th post on this thread...booyah!)
[Message edited by Christian Kühn on 11-04-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 06:45 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Long story short:- November 7th release
- LOTS of unused music
- clips at barnesandnoble.com
- pics and review at soundtrack.net
- ROTK needs 4 discs, since it's well over 4 hoursposted 11-04-2006 07:06 AM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
And someone already leaked it out onto the internet. I saw the MP3 files available at high rates.I just wish my ordered copy would get here by Tuesday at the latest. I'd hate to not get to listen to it on release day.
NP - Lifeforce SEposted 11-04-2006 07:24 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Ta, Herr Kröner!I might have to wait until the set's price drops a bit (anywhere), so I guess I won't be getting it this Christmas. But of course I'm once again as giddy as last year when FotR was about to come out.
Side-story...I was in Bamberg last month, and wanted to ask you if you'd like to meet up. Only...I didn't know how to contact you, as I had no way of eMailing you, and I didn't want to scare you by calling you...
posted 11-04-2006 07:36 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Kevin:
And someone already leaked it out onto the internet. I saw the MP3 files available at high rates.I just wish my ordered copy would get here by Tuesday at the latest. I'd hate to not get to listen to it on release day.
NP - Lifeforce SEWhere did you see this?
That's interesting... if it actually is the genuine TTT:CR, then that means either (1) that some consumer must have gotten their copy already, or (2) somebody from the development team is being naughty.
posted 11-04-2006 08:15 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
@ Mr. KühnLast time I looked, my mail address was in my profile
Better luck next time!
posted 11-04-2006 09:05 AM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by NeoVoyager:
Where did you see this?That's interesting... if it actually is the genuine TTT:CR, then that means either (1) that some consumer must have gotten their copy already, or (2) somebody from the development team is being naughty.
On Usenet.
But I'm not surprised. I figured that soundtrack.net did it. They've leaked things before in the past onto the usenet mp3 groups.
In this day and age, should anyone be surprised? I mean, if if you don't want something out before the actual street date, don't make it available to anyone beforehand.
Heck, Ford could have gotten his fat hands on it and leaked it, he's that unscrupulous.
Like I said, I just hope mine arrived my Tuesday, or I'm gonna cry.
posted 11-04-2006 09:29 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I think I just came ... won't tell you why, though.*cough* *cough*
Breathing, that's the key. B-r-e-a-t-h-e!
posted 11-04-2006 09:57 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
Hmmm...I think I can guess why. But is it worth the $4.95 fee?
posted 11-04-2006 09:59 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I assume we're talking about the same thing.
Otherwise 4.95 would be a heavy discountBut I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't pay anything.
But I tell you this: there are some MAJOR shift- arounds! Your beloved fanfare for Eomer rescuing Theodred isn't where you'd expect it.
posted 11-04-2006 10:15 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Didn't have a PC to SEND you an eMail...BTW - shame on you! Nothing against a good scoregasm, but do try and restrain yourself until you hold the real thing in your hands and...uhm...that "could" be misunderstood...
posted 11-04-2006 10:21 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
WHAT are you two talking about? I am really bewildered and confused.Is this some kind of tongue-in-cheek discussion about the CR on Usenet? And what's with the $4.95 thing?
I've been there (on Usenet) for a long time and can't find anything. Poor me, since I can't get the box set until Wednesday the 8th.
posted 11-04-2006 10:25 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Um, well, I urge you to look again.I've already paid for the damn thing, time to enjoy!
posted 11-04-2006 10:30 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
On the 'official' Usenet.com? Because I don't have a subscription, so I was looking on the good ol' Google Groups.I'm gonna buy it anyway as soon as I can get my sweaty little palms on the precious, but.....
posted 11-04-2006 10:34 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I'm telling you, this is just absolutely stunning! Be prepared for a POWERFUL new version of Forth Eorlingas' first minute! And the unused chorals in The WOlves Of Isengart ... à la bonheur!
posted 11-04-2006 11:05 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB