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LOTR Package Update? (Page 18)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
I'm telling you, this is just absolutely stunning! Be prepared for a POWERFUL new version of Forth Eorlingas' first minute! And the unused chorals in The WOlves Of Isengart ... à la bonheur!Oh, shut up now, will ya?!
This is torture, terrible torture!
posted 11-04-2006 11:08 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Yes, indeed! QUIT with the descriptions of the score you are so fondly enjoying while we lesser (a.k.a. patient and law-abiding) citizens are naked in the dark, where there's nothing, no veil between us and the wheel of fire! Oh, sorry. Got carried away there. Point is... if you keep up this ranting, you are going to force me to break the law!
No, really... now that I know I could get it if I wanted to... I don't think I will. I will be a good boy and wait until I can hold the real thing.
posted 11-04-2006 11:30 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Now that I think of it, it's not that great, really ... the track titles are cheap and some solos are mixed waaaaaay too low.And don't forget that pesky rubber knub!
Better? Or is even more sarcasm needed?
posted 11-04-2006 11:35 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
...[Message edited by Jim Ware on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 11:38 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
But it's a bit shorter and pulsating, more powerful, almost staccato-like.
posted 11-04-2006 11:42 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
...[Message edited by Jim Ware on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 11:45 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Stop.Or I'll hit you.
I just ordered the damn thing. Probably for $20 more than if I'd waited until next year.
posted 11-04-2006 11:48 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
As a general rule of thumb, where there's silence in the movie, there's music on the CR. Faramir's dream for instance.
And another general rule of thumb is that there's way more choir than I had expected.
posted 11-04-2006 11:51 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Aaaaaaagghh!Well, forget about breaking the law.
Y'all might make me make a special 1.5 hour trip just to get the set on Tuesday!
P.S. Gkgyver: are you serious about solos being mixed way too low? Or was that sarcasm too?
posted 11-04-2006 12:04 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Of course it's sarcasmBen Del Maestro in Theoden Rides Forth is indeed mixed lower than on the OST, but it's not too low.
posted 11-04-2006 12:07 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Well, that was lower in the film than on the OST, so I assume it merely reflects that. It seems that a lot of the vocals were cranked up in spots for the OST.60 hours.....
posted 11-04-2006 12:14 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
If you're not willing to say where you got
it illegally, why are you insisting on
telling details about it. There's some-
thing wrong with this picture.
posted 11-04-2006 12:26 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
Somehow I suspect that gkgyver has just received his set!If Forth Eorlingas is as magnificent as you say I'll probably faint when I hear it.
Tuesday, Tuesday, doo bee doo bee dooooooo. . .
posted 11-04-2006 12:47 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Wow, it sure is getting exciting around here! I love it
(But not this talk of illegally downloading the greatest film music of our time. Mr. Shore and everyone who has worked on these CR projects (Doug) deserves much better. But alas, I am not here to judge, so forgive my little rant.)
Anyways, back to the countdown. If everything goes to plan, I should have my hands on the set in about 72 hours!!! Yipppeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I reserved a copy for myself at a local Barnes and Noble. They said they were only getting two copies in on the 7th. Can you believe that?!Anyways on tuesday, I shall:
1) go to school(10 -12)
2) call in sick to work(can you blame me)
3) pick up the set at barnes
4)go straight home(maybe grab a bite to eat
5) pop in the DVD audio disc on my 5.1 sound system, and 6) be transported to the world of Shore's Middle Earth!
*sigh* Sounds like a beautiful dream, let's hope it comes true[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 11-04-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 12:55 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
No download for me. I was just suspicious
of the one who said he downloaded it. I
ordered from Amazon.com on October 8 but,
strangely, delivery is not estimated to be
before November 16. I wonder if that's
because I took advantage of free shipping
for orders of $25 or more. I would be
happy to pay for shipping if that would
cause a more timely delivery.
posted 11-04-2006 01:14 PM PT (US) Jason
Non-Standard Userer
A theme breakdown which several people in this thread have been asking for is now available here.
posted 11-04-2006 01:18 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Well, now I see that Shire Bagginz (as well as Cavalier of Pala-whatever) are both in the 'younger' group of film music fans... my perception of the people on this board is changing! I didn't think there were very many of you on this board in the younger demographic (such as myself, 17), but I might perhaps be wrong?quote:
Wow, it sure is getting exciting around here! I love it
(But not this talk of illegally downloading the greatest film music of our time. Mr. Shore and everyone who has worked on these CR projects (Doug ) deserves much better. But alas, I am not here to judge, so forgive my little rant.)I'm not downloading it illegally (it would take me until at least well into the 5th anyway with my connection), but if we are all going to buy it in physical incarnation anyway in 3 days, does it really matter?
Calvin: I think he did say where he got it... Usenet.com.
vdemona: I don't think gkgyver has received his set, based on the little exchange on the last page.
posted 11-04-2006 01:21 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
More on the Amazon.com thing: I checked
again and the delivery estimate was still
Nov. 16. So I changed from free shipping
to standard shipping, and that caused a
new delivery estimate of Nov. 13 at the
earliest; still 6 days later than it
should be, in my opinion. So I changed
back to free shipping, and now the delivery
estimate is Nov. 14! The price is decent
($60.99) but they're not very reassuring about
their shipping policy.
posted 11-04-2006 01:33 PM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Having listened to all this discussion, I really hope that it's all done in Kazoos.
posted 11-04-2006 01:40 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Calvin, re: Amazon shipping...Up until recently, I ordered almost all my books and music (and some ToyBiz figures) from Amazon. I have an Amazon credit card. I ordered the CR-FOTR from Amazon and was outraged at their predicted delivery date (it was more than 2 weeks I think). I cancelled the order and paid pretty much full price at my local Best Buy brick-and-mortar store. Barnes and Noble was cheaper (online) than Amazon anyway. This year, I went with the cheaper B&N (no predicted delivery yet). It's supposed to ship out on the 7th and I can't imagine what would make take longer than a few days. I decided I could wait a few days for the break in price.
posted 11-04-2006 01:57 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
3 DAYS TO GO!!!...It's almost here! I'll have my copy in 6 to 10 days.
Yoda: "Patience! Away from the dark side of the internet you must be! Usenet.com, destroy you it will! Save you I can, if listen to my teachings you do!"
Show respect to our musical hero, Mr. Shore, and our wonderful liason, Mr. Adams. Avoid Usenet.com.
edit: By the way, I'm 20 years old.
[Message edited by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs on 11-04-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 03:10 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
Calvin, re: Amazon shipping...Up until recently, I ordered almost all my books and music (and some ToyBiz figures) from Amazon. I have an Amazon credit card. I ordered the CR-FOTR from Amazon and was outraged at their predicted delivery date (it was more than 2 weeks I think). I cancelled the order and paid pretty much full price at my local Best Buy brick-and-mortar store. Barnes and Noble was cheaper (online) than Amazon anyway. This year, I went with the cheaper B&N (no predicted delivery yet). It's supposed to ship out on the 7th and I can't imagine what would make take longer than a few days. I decided I could wait a few days for the break in price.
Huh...that's intresting. Considering when all the times I've ordered from Amazon I have the option of selecting the type of shipping IE: Express (1 day), 2 days, or 5-10 days. I generally select 2 day shipping.
posted 11-04-2006 03:20 PM PT (US) MWRuger
Standard Userer
He probably got it off usenet, that's where I got it. - The group name is:alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.soundtracks. It was posted 11/03/06 so if your newsserver doesn't keep bodies or headers for longer than a day you might not find it. If you don't what the hell I am talking about, then you probably won't be able to find it.
I've been cooking all day so I haven't listened to it yet so I don't have any details to reveal.
posted 11-04-2006 03:34 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
> I've been cooking all day so I haven't listened to it yet so I don't have any details to reveal.
Why would you want to reveal details, and
undermine what Doug Adams has been doing
here? Please don't. Until November 7,
let the man reveal what he wants to reveal,
have a podcast when he's ready, and get
the Annotated Score online when he can.
This has been a great thread, so why ruin
it now; just to be able to say, "Look at
me, I'm a criminal, and got away with it"?
Have some respect for a great thing, please.
posted 11-04-2006 04:07 PM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
...[Message edited by Jim Ware on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 04:19 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Wouldn't you say that calling people who paid for the set "criminals" ruins the thread way more than talking about the music only because it's available 4 (!) days before we all hold it in our hands anyway?Everyone here in this thread either already ordered TTT or will do so in the near future, so calling me or anyone else criminals is a bit of a stretch.
Only because it's against the law (maybe) doesn't make it unfair or injust by moral standards.I don't think anyone's anticipation is lessened only because he's got the discs in crummy 224 kbit format.
These sets will be the crowning jewels of any collection, and no filesharing program on earth can diminish that, nor do we deprive anyone involved in this project of their reward by using them because we're still paying for it. And gladly so.And I wouldn't dream about making these files available for someone who doesn't plan to pay for the set.
And yes, I got it on Usenet.
posted 11-04-2006 04:28 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
> Wouldn't you say that calling people who paid for the set "criminals" ruins the thread way more than talking about the music only because it's available 4 (!) days before we all hold it in our hands anyway?
It's the downloading that is criminal, not
the buying. Actually I don't care about that, though, nearly as much as the disrespect
to Doug Adams whenever someone who downloaded
it reveals things that he hasn't revealed yet.
But I'll shut up and just read from now
on. Whatever transpires, I guess Doug
can defend himself, and I don't represent
the law in any sense.
posted 11-04-2006 05:28 PM PT (US) MWRuger
Standard Userer
I've been through this debate about a million times and I don't feel like arguing legal vs ethical again. Things that I downlike that I like I buy, things I don't like I don't.Besides, I already ordered the set. I still haven't listened to it and I might not before the release date because I do have other things to do.
I wouldn't bother to post my thoughts on this score, just as I haven't on the FOTR. I am neither dedicated enough or educated enough to offer anything other than a thumbs up or down. So here it is:
Thumbs up on the score! Thumbs down on the price.
Everybody happy now?
posted 11-04-2006 05:35 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Silly me, so the downloading is illegal! Man, who would have thought ... ?Anyway, I paid the money for the set, and whether I listen to downloaded MP3s now or the real deal in three days is pretty irrelevant.
And excuse me, but since when is it disrespectful to Doug to "reveal" things, whatever that's supposed to mean? Is it forbidden to share new insights? Anyone can hear it in less than 60 hours anyway. Or is it disrespectful to release the set before Doug could "reveal" everything to us? Is the soundtrack.net review disrespectful for revealing details about unused passages?
Anyway, on with a discussion that makes more sense. Could it be that the White Rider theme (as heard at the end of Forth Eorlingas) is a juxtaposition or an inversion of some sort of the Isengard theme? I do realise that the Fellowship theme already forms a contrast to it, but there might also be some connection there.
Doug?posted 11-04-2006 05:43 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
I was selecting free shipping. I've never had a shipping date bo that far out before. I wondered if it had to do with the fact that it wasn't actually in at Amazon yet and it would have changed once it arrived in the warehouse. But I was unwilling to take the chance. I cancelled and bought in town.
Originally posted by BigT1981:
Huh...that's intresting. Considering when all the times I've ordered from Amazon I have the option of selecting the type of shipping IE: Express (1 day), 2 days, or 5-10 days. I generally select 2 day shipping.posted 11-04-2006 05:50 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
What exactly is this elusive "White Rider Theme"?I'm a somewhat fanatical fan of the scores, so I know practically every theme and variation heard thus far in the OSTs, but I've been hearing about the "White Rider Theme" for some time, and I can't figure out what exactly you're speaking of. Could one of you provide me with a track number and time for an appearance of it in the TTT OST? Thanks in advance!
posted 11-04-2006 07:14 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
Coming to gkgyver's defense. I see nothing wrong with people downloading the score and previewing it before they actually recieve their own copy of the set. Just as long as you people actually buy the set for yourselves then it's fine. Enough with this ethical/moral and illegal debate crap...it's old. After all we all know that the actual CD's will be far superior to any mp3 release of it that is a cold hard fact.I for one downloaded the set myself because I won't be able to buy it until January (along with FOTR set) and I honestly didn't feel like waiting three months to hear the score. I definitely still plan on buying both sets in January as I said and if you want to chastize or critize me for it I frankly don't give a crap.
[Message edited by BigT1981 on 11-04-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 08:00 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
I ordered mine from Barnes & Noble and looking at the order status online it is expected to ship on 11/7What should I do? Should I cancel and just go to a B&N B&M store and get one there instead although it will cost a little more? For some reason their pricing is different between online site and B&M stores. Must have the precious!! Gollum! Gollum!
posted 11-04-2006 08:00 PM PT (US) Thorf
Non-Standard Userer
My copy is on order from Amazon.co.jp. Total price is 10,490 yen. It currently says that the estimated shipping date is tomorrow (Monday 6th), with delivery on the 8th or 9th. I'm really looking forward to hearing it. As it happens, the 9th is also my wife's birthday.I would like to humbly suggest that we refrain from all discussion of downloads, including debates on their legality, as well as comments based on listening to them. Failing to do so is highly disrespectful to Doug, who has worked so hard on this set. Asking him questions before the release date is even worse, because you are asking him to implicitly condone your actions.
Frankly, after the last two pages, I wouldn't be surprised if Doug stopped posting here altogether.
posted 11-04-2006 10:28 PM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
What the hell is up with all this "Don't discuss the score before the release date, it's disrespectful to Doug" crap (seriously no offense to you Doug)? I suspect Doug won't care if we discussed the score now or a week from now *rolls his eyes*.People can discuss about the score before the release date if they want to. If you don't want to read about it then don't read about it, skip over the posts.
[Message edited by BigT1981 on 11-04-2006]
posted 11-04-2006 10:48 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Originally posted by BigT1981:
What the hell is up with all this "Don't discuss the score before the release date, it's disrespectful to Doug" crap (seriously no offense to you Doug)? I suspect Doug won't care if we discussed the score now or a week from now *rolls his eyes*.People can discuss about the score before the release date if they want to. If you don't want to read about it then don't read about it, skip over the posts.
[Message edited by BigT1981 on 11-04-2006]
I agree, I really don't understand this paranoia that a couple posters are exhibiting. Does Doug think that the posters on this thread will simply just download the tracks illegally and don't think to buy the box set? I highly doubt it. If I could find a way to listen to it a few days early by downloading illegally, I would, but since I have already pre-ordered the box set, who cares? Howard Shore is already getting my money and it's not like I won't make copies of it as soon as I get it so I don't damage the originals anyways.-Chad
posted 11-04-2006 10:59 PM PT (US) Thorf
Non-Standard Userer
1-02 The Shire
0:00* The Shire/Hobbits: Pensive Setting
0:24* The Fellowship of the Ring
0:58* The Hobbit Two-Step Figure accompaniment
1:16* The Hobbit Skip Beat accompaniment
1:29* The End Cap accompaniment
1:34* The Shire/Hobbits: Rural Setting
1:34 The Hobbit Skip Beat accompanimentThese are the times as Doug listed them in the liner notes.
Now, I may just be getting confused, but doesn't the Skip Beat come in at 1:05 too? As far as I can understand, the Skip Beat is used as a sort of ending for the first two runs of the Two-Step Figure.
posted 11-04-2006 11:49 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
It is my practice to be clear with myself (and at times with others) about how I feel about certain legal, moral, and ethical issues. At the same time, I understand that others may decide differently than myself and I'm not highly invested in changing people.It just so happens that I do not approve of illegal downloading. I know it goes on. I know that ‘file sharing’ is something many people do to different degrees. But I think it is bad practice to openly discuss downloading an entire 3 disc set before it’s even released on a forum such as this. I am not only unhappy with the open discussion taking place here, I am unhappy with the terms being used to defend this behavior such as ‘paranoid’ and ‘full of crap’.
It's a dangerous thing to speak for someone else but I am one who will consider how my actions affect others. I would think it difficult to maintain a working relationship with official companies, organizations and people when one is a member of a site where members openly discuss illegal downloading, boast about it, and then put down other members who disagree with them.
I think you jeopardize the forum's credibility, you jeopardize Doug's credibility and - even though I am 100% aware you don't care - I feel you jeopardize my credibility in terms of my website. If you feel free to throw around the terms you have in defense of your position, then I guess I can state strongly that I not happy with the attitude some of you have taken.
posted 11-04-2006 11:52 PM PT (US) Thorf
Non-Standard Userer
Hear, hear, Magpie!The point is that Doug is a member of the company who produces the set we're all talking about. For people to openly talk about pirate copies in the same forum he is posting in is just plain stupid. We may be here simply as fans, but Doug is here as a representative of his company. That he is just as excited as we are about Howard Shore's works doesn't change that.
What do you think will happen if a company lawyer finds out that Doug has been posting on a site that includes information on where and how to find illegal copies of his company's latest product? I highly doubt that their reaction will be, "Oh, they're all fans, they'll buy it in the end anyway." It may well cause problems for Doug, and it's very likely he will be told to stop coming here altogether.
posted 11-05-2006 12:03 AM PT (US) Elendil
Non-Standard Userer
I don't want to create a ruckus, but as I understand it, these recordings are mostly a labour of love, are they not? Selling an 80 dollar (CAN) cd set is a tough sell for everyone who doesn have lots of cash lying around. For some people, this is undoubtedly the only way in which they will be able to appreciate the music. So, I say, if you've ordered it and downloaded it good and well. If you're a poor college student and you downloaded it (moi), well, lemme put it this way: I have it on my christmas list; it's up to my parents now.
posted 11-05-2006 12:18 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB