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LOTR Package Update? (Page 19)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Standard Userer
As far as I know, Doug is a "hired gun" (albeit a very well-connected one) on these projects, and not any kind of "company man". In any event, legalities aside, I think it is in BAD TASTE to be promoting/discussing bootlegs of this set on a thread which has, until now, been a forum for trafficking in exclusively legitimate info and discussion. Doug's an adult. He knows people are going to distribute and download mp3s through questionable channels, and he's been around long enough to know that promo copies get sent out and sometimes leak. Even so, I encourage anyone who has -- quite understandably -- succumbed to temptation to show some class and not wave it around like a banner. It's the responsible and well-mannered thing to do.[Message edited by Wedge on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-05-2006 01:17 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by NeoVoyager:
Well, now I see that Shire Bagginz (as well as Cavalier of Pala-whatever) are both in the 'younger' group of film music fans... my perception of the people on this board is changing! I didn't think there were very many of you on this board in the younger demographic (such as myself, 17), but I might perhaps be wrong?I am 20. I also wonder what the average age of posters are here. Not to get too nosey, but would anyone else mind revealing thier age, so that NeoVoyager and myself may get an idea of the age demographic of fans, whom love these scores and movies so much?
posted 11-05-2006 01:25 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Could it be that the White Rider theme (as heard at the end of Forth Eorlingas) is a juxtaposition or an inversion of some sort of the Isengard theme? I do realise that the Fellowship theme already forms a contrast to it, but there might also be some connection there.
Doug?Wow! Nice call. I never noticed, but both themes start out with the exact same three note rythm and melody. That same minor second interval(I believe). Yet of course, they are completely different as well, feeling-wise, which is quite an amazing feat!
posted 11-05-2006 01:33 AM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
It shouldn't matter if age is an issue here...I am 25 by the way..
posted 11-05-2006 01:34 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Hey Doug, I've been meaning to say this in a long time but just didn;t get the time. I really was pleasantly surprised to find out that you composed some sort of "opening score" for some podcast? I haven't heard it, but from what I hear, it's pretty great. Where can I hear this?And I now understand how it must feel for you to be mentored these past few years by Howard Shore.
I do hope I get to hear this and do write more great stuff
posted 11-05-2006 02:07 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Earl Ignatius Carvalho:
Hey Doug, I've been meaning to say this in a long time but just didn;t get the time. I really was pleasantly surprised to find out that you composed some sort of "opening score" for some podcast? I haven't heard it, but from what I hear, it's pretty great. Where can I hear this?And I now understand how it must feel for you to be mentored these past few years by Howard Shore.
I do hope I get to hear this and do write more great stuff
You can hear the full version of the "podcast theme" on the first FSM podcast. I don't have a direct link to it (I'm sure Doug does), but you can find it on iTunes if you search and suscribe to the FSM podcast (free of charge). The theme plays at the beginning of the first podcast. Doug has also said that variations of the theme have been used in other podcasts, being played with other film composer's works, including a composer by the name of Howard Shore, during the podcast which reviewed a certain cd box set. The Lord of the Fellowship Part I or something like this.
posted 11-05-2006 03:03 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
About the age question : I'm 18
posted 11-05-2006 04:35 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
Wow! all these posts in a day?! last i check the topic was page 17, and now 19
And about the question: I am 23
posted 11-05-2006 04:47 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
My last two cents on the subject of downloading music you've already paid for: it's not about screaming "look, I downloaded it and got away with it!"
It's about "after 4 years of constant anticipation, I FINALLY have it!"Believe me, I have the greatest respect for everyone involved in this project and wouldn't do anything to harm them. But downloading a product that you've paid for, there's absolutely no harm in that.
And I wouldn't make the files I have accessible to anyone who has no intention of buying the set.I don't advertise and encourage illegal downloading here, I'm just saying that I've heard it already and it's brilliant. Nothing more, nothing less.
Oh, by the way, I'm 22.
posted 11-05-2006 05:25 AM PT (US) Blue Dude
Non-Standard Userer
Long time lurker, first time poster.Just a question: if downloading something that you've already bought (if not yet taken delivery of) is illegal, immoral and fattening, what do you call it when, for example, you use a hacker's tool to rip the DVD-Audio from Disk 4 so you can encode it to DTS and play it on your non-DVD Audio player? Evading encrypted content protection is probably illegal, but all it does in this case is make a copy for personal use in a different format in order to listen to the content that's already owned. A little grayer, huh? And it's another example of studio paranoia making criminals out of otherwise law-abiding people interested in the fair use of their own property.
Believe me, I understand that both are technically illegal activities, and it's abused by some to get content they haven't paid for. But shouldn't we distinguish between ripping personally owned content for personal use and outright theft? Same process, completely different contexts.
Looking forward to this release! Waiting for years actually, as TTT is my favorite among the original soundtrack releases. I feel a DVD Audio hack coming on, though.
posted 11-05-2006 05:42 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
You do have a point. I do think that the criminalisation on the audio/video market has gone way too far.But that was really my last word on this subject
Frankly, after the last two pages, I wouldn't be surprised if Doug stopped posting here altogether.A little paranoid, are we?
[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-05-2006 06:00 AM PT (US) ArchCarrier
Non-Standard Userer
Since it's only TWO DAYS TO GO!!!(always wanted to say that!), I spent my spare time this weekend building a little website called, ahem, The Lord of the Rings Score Analysis Project. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time: to systematically catalog all of the themes in the LOTR scores. Coincidentally, Thorf started the same thing up-thread earlier this week, but I don't think burying this material in a l-o-o-o-ng forum thread is very efficient.
That's why I'd like to invite all of you fine people over here (http://www.kilohertz.nl/lotr-sap/index.php) to collectively compile a master list of the many different themes in Score's music. I have also added the possibility to annotate the themes (in true Wiki-fashion, so anyone can edit them). One thing I don't allow is the adding of new themes. I'd like to keep the list 'official', so if you want to add a new theme to the list, just e-mail me. Of course, when the liner notes for The Two Towers are out, I will add those themes to the database ASAP.
OK, enough talking. Check the site and see if you like it. All comments are welcome!
Best regards,
Melson Zwerverposted 11-05-2006 06:08 AM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
I'm upset.All you kids on here!!
posted 11-05-2006 06:12 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
2 DAYS TO GO!!...Shire Bagginz, The White Rider theme has the "V motive" or "there and back again figure" 3 times. The first is a major second, the second is a minor second, and the third is a major second. So the second V motive is like Isengard.
Well, honestly, I'm very excited! My first time hearing it will be with the boxed set, not downloads. If I listened to the downloads, I wouldn't be at all excited about the boxed set! There would be no surprise! (except the liner notes) Oh, what a HORRIBLE thought!
I ruined Star Wars: Episode III's theatre experience because I read the script before seeing the movie. I've learned my lesson.
Save those wonderful surprises...don't give in! It's just a few more days! (Unless you're getting a long time from now, and in that case...well, hmmmmm.)
But, do what ya will, of course.
I hope Doug replies soon, and I hope his reply to this "legal/illegal" mess will end the conversation. I want Happy posts!!
Lots of excitement! Maybe the podcast will help to change the subject.
posted 11-05-2006 06:24 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Are you sure it was the script who ruined the experience, not the film itself?The set is now # 96 on Amazon.
posted 11-05-2006 06:29 AM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Kevin:
I'm upset.All you kids on here!!
I'm 45.
Feel better now?
posted 11-05-2006 08:01 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
When alluding to my age, I do it in one of two ways:I am considered an Elder in many online groups I associate with - not to be confused with Eldar.
I am older than Frodo when he left the Shire to destroy the Ring.
Sometimes I just say... older than dirt.
posted 11-05-2006 08:59 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Nobody really answered my question about the White Rider theme yet, but I suppose I'll know once I read Doug's expansive liner notes in a couple days.I too think we should get away from the subject of the 'illegal' copies of the score online, and maybe PeterK might entertain the idea of editing or deleting the past messages that revealed precisely where to get the bootlegged copy. That would probably go a long way toward eliminating any messy situation which Doug may or may not have to deal with later. As I've said before, I don't think there is anything ethically wrong with downloading it if one is going to buy it in a matter of 2 days anyway, but to discourage any possible freeloading, it may be a good idea. Based on the amount of hits my Photoshop mock-up of the two sets side by side got in just one day, this thread gets a LOT of traffic. Peter?
BigT1981: I see we could have guessed you were 25 by your screen name, couldn't we have?
Anyway, Shire Bagginz's request about the age demographics is completely unrelated to the 'illegal' downloading discussion.
Shire Bagginz, I did post my age earlier, but some may have missed it in that little parenthesis, so... I'm 17.
Earl: here is a link to the podcast on the iTS (iTunes Store): http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=92147842
Have to eat breakfast... talk to y'all later.
[Message edited by NeoVoyager on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-05-2006 09:02 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Great idea. I had been half noting all these lists thinking I would link to them on my site. The problem is, on some forums, the link changes for a post as the thread matures. Also, it is not possible, in many cases to update a post - and many don't even when it is possible - so the poster may change his/her mind on the music but it isn't reflected in the post. This 'wiki' approach is a better idea. I am not updating soon, but when I do, I will definitely point people to it since people are asking me for it. I just can't do that sort of work anymore.
Originally posted by ArchCarrier:
Since it's only TWO DAYS TO GO!!!(always wanted to say that!), I spent my spare time this weekend building a little website called, ahem, [b]The Lord of the Rings Score Analysis Project.
That's why I'd like to invite all of you fine people over here (http://www.kilohertz.nl/lotr-sap/index.php) to collectively compile a master list of the many different themes in Score's music. I have also added the possibility to annotate the themes (in true Wiki-fashion, so anyone can edit them). One thing I don't allow is the adding of new themes. I'd like to keep the list 'official', so if you want to add a new theme to the list, just e-mail me. Of course, when the liner notes for The Two Towers are out, I will add those themes to the database ASAP.[/B]And it just occurred to me that - if some wonder if anyone else is the same age as them - I wonder if I'm the only 'her' on this thread.
posted 11-05-2006 09:05 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Breakfast isn't ready yet, so here is a direct link to the podcast where you can hear the FSM podcast theme:
OK, looks like that's it for my replies for now.
And it just occurred to me that - if some wonder if anyone else is the same age as them - I wonder if I'm the only 'her' on this thread.A very good question indeed! I am a 'he'.
[Message edited by NeoVoyager on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-05-2006 09:09 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
I'm a 22 year-old "he".
posted 11-05-2006 10:04 AM PT (US) Thorf
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by ArchCarrier:
That's why I'd like to invite all of you fine people over here (http://www.kilohertz.nl/lotr-sap/index.php) to collectively compile a master list of the many different themes in Score's music.Best regards,
Melson ZwerverWhat a wonderful idea! I made some contributions as soon as I saw your link. It'll take a while to get everything filled in, but once it's done, it will be great to be able to see which songs include which themes, and where.
Also, for those who wish to know, I am 28. (I already indirectly posted my gender earlier.
posted 11-05-2006 10:29 AM PT (US) Earl Ignatius Carvalho
Standard Userer
Thanks for the podcast info guys.Okay. So I've been silently watching the posts since there were only 17 pages to this forum, but now I really must interrupt.
Please please please people, stop all this talk about downloading, legalities & illegalities. Really. Please. And about Doug. We really have no right whatsoever to speak either this way or that about what his feeling might be. This is a forum to discuss the LOTR soundtracks, and as we've been doing these past years, let's together keep this place beautiful.
Somehow, the past 2 pages seem to be a blemish on all our characters, friendships and little forum-ties that we've built up since there was the old and lengthy LOTR Package Update? chain.
Looking at page 17 - 19 in contrast to all the innocent and enthusiastic exuberance of "common fans" of the many pages before, it really feels like looking at the Isengard of TTT in contrast to the Isengard we see when Gandalf first rides to Isengard.
That "innocence" is lost. The "feel" is spoilt.
I sincerely request all of you to please, please give this forum and it's members the respect they deserve - the respect we deserve.
If it was up to me, I would've deleted those two pages and wish we could forget the conversation ever happened.
The beauty of this forum lies in it's content. And it's people. Let's not take this space for granted and spoil this beautiful "meeting place" of all us fans of the Music of The Lord Of The Rings Films.
I know I may come across as the ****** of the forum (take or remove a few stars depending on what comes to your mind), but I'll take that risk.
And to get the good part of the conversation back on track, I'm a 23 year old Earl from India. Hmmm...it's is amazing how the music of these films appeals to people who've obviously grown up with very different musical cultures and decades.
Pssst, don't worry Magpie. If you're the only "her" on this forum, it makes you all the more special
I'll be busy with exams this week, so expect to hear from me later.
To everyone, enjoy the TTT and I hope to read some great stuff here when I get back
and I'm so sorry for this long post.
posted 11-05-2006 10:44 AM PT (US) weyhoops
Standard Userer
This is actually lots of fun. Everyone keep adding themes! Honestly, the format of the site is just beautiful and extremely intuitive, Melson. Great work. This is going to be a fantastic resource for us superfans of the scores.[Message edited by weyhoops on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-05-2006 10:54 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
It's just 2 days before the release.Is Barnes&Nobles the only site which offers audio samples?Does anyone know another source that features TTT:CR clips?Thanks.
posted 11-05-2006 10:56 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Here are some new images on Barnes & Noble's website...
http://music.barnesandnoble.com/search/product.asp?z=y&EAN=093624437628&itm=1I'll be 32 on the 17th by the way
posted 11-05-2006 11:48 AM PT (US) Ge0rge
Non-Standard Userer
ArchCarrier, I think it'll be also a cool feature to add a kind of (*) sign beside the track name which contains some score that wasn't used in the film, you know, just like they did in the EE DVD menu.
posted 11-05-2006 12:29 PM PT (US) ArchCarrier
Non-Standard Userer
Wow, thanks for all the kind words, people! And for the contributions: more than 80 themes have already been added since this morning - even some from the new Two Towers set!@Ge0rge: Thanks for the tip! I have added this functionality to the site: one can now tick a theme's checkbox if it contains unused material.
Melson (male, age 29)
[Message edited by ArchCarrier on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-05-2006 01:36 PM PT (US) Oboe-man
Non-Standard Userer
posted 11-05-2006 02:39 PM PT (US) mathew
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by AustinHusker:
Here are some new images on Barnes & Noble's website...This is torture. 15 days to go... Arg, I hate the European release date.
By the way I'm 27.
posted 11-05-2006 03:11 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
Originally posted by mathew:This is torture. 15 days to go... Arg, I hate the European release date.
Have you seen this site?
posted 11-05-2006 03:31 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Blue Dude:
Just a question: if downloading something that you've already bought (if not yet taken delivery of) is illegal, immoral and fattening, what do you call it when, for example, you use a hacker's tool to rip the DVD-Audio from Disk 4 so you can encode it to DTS and play it on your non-DVD Audio player?I believe the US laws call that "terrorist".
Anyway, I'm 27 years old and I ordered the set from Axel last week... so I might or might not have it tomorrow already.
posted 11-05-2006 03:57 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
>>>Magpie - And it just occurred to me that - if some wonder if anyone else is the same age as them - I wonder if I'm the only 'her' on this thread.>>>------At least this shows that this music is thought of by both genders------
>>>Olorin - quote:
Originally posted by Kevin:
I'm upset.
All you kids on here!!
I'm 45.
Feel better now?>>>------Well, at least age is no barrier, and it also shows that people who are older than us younger generation still care about similar things, and are willing to communicate about the same subject------
------By the way, I previously posted in a message some info about my age, and when my birthday was (when I received FOTR:CR), and for those who like to find things out, this very specific post of mine is is four numbers higher than my age------
DOUG: Where am I?
THX 1138 4eb: In the Message Board.
DOUG: What do you want?
THX 1138 4eb: We want information.
DOUG: Whose side are you on?
THX 1138 4eb: That would be telling. We want information...information...information...
DOUG: You won't get it.
THX 1138 4eb: By hook or by crook, we will.
DOUG: Who are you?
THX 1138 4eb: The new THX 1138 4eb
DOUG: Who is on the Message Board?
THX 1138 4eb: You are Mr Doug Adams!!!!!, Along with many other fans!!!
DOUG: I am not just TEXT, I am 'more' than that, I am a wealth of untold information, who is working for a man named Howard Shore!!! Ha Ha HA HA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!Relieve us of our pain.......where is the podcast, and the annotated score material...
sorry guys, for this outage, but I have to wait extra long, as I live a long.....long way away, down in South Australia, in a place that does not receive products (as this) in store, and has to order from America.....
[Message edited by THX 1138 4eb on 11-05-2006]
posted 11-05-2006 06:18 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
27 more hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 11-05-2006 07:04 PM PT (US) Thorf
Non-Standard Userer
Well, I just got an e-mail from Amazon.co.jp to say that my CDs have now been sent. They could come tomorrow, but since I'm out at work practically all day, 10 am to 8 pm, it's more likely that they'll be on Wednesday.
posted 11-06-2006 12:45 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Wow! I can't believe its only one day away. And if all goes to plan I should be listening to it in about 36 hours.
posted 11-06-2006 01:13 AM PT (US) Wraith76
Non-Standard Userer
I have to wait until the 17th here in the UK.. Oh well, Im sure its worth waiting that little bit longer for.This my first post, so hello from the UK and happy listening, oh and Im 30
posted 11-06-2006 03:38 AM PT (US) mathew
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by TheTennisBallKid:
Have you seen this site?Never ordered there before, but I'm thinking about it...
posted 11-06-2006 04:34 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
1 DAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!...*quiet timpani roll* It's almost here! The moment we've been waiting for!
NeoVoyager: The White Rider theme occurs at least 3 times in TTT. I think it occurs a couple other times, but they're harder to recognize. I don't have my OST on me right now (my Music Appreciation teacher is borrowing it), but I'll give you an estimate as to when they occur.
Track 3: After the "first part" when Eomer meets Aragorn, before the Rohan Fanfare at Edoras. Listen to the sweeping, high strings. 1:21 - 1:33 (found it on wmp library)
Track 9: The sweeping, high strings at the end of the track. (not on my wmp)
Track 16: The sweeping, high strings at the end of the track. 2:44 - 3:03 (on wmp)I think it occurs briefly when Gandalf is "freeing" Theoden from Saruman. Also, it might occur briefly when Aragorn remembers Gandalf's words before riding out of Helm's Deep...not sure. (This would be the first minute of track 16. Listen to french horn part.) There may be some never-before-heard renditions that we'll get to hear!
It occurs in RotK a few times.
Track 2: 0:50 - 1:06 high strings
Track 12: 2:56 - 3:03 brass/strings(?)
Also, in the film: when Gandalf is riding out to Faramir as the Nazgul are attacking them...it's in the high strings I believe and it occurs before Maestro's solo.
And, there could be other places in the film, and some never-before-heard renditions that we'll get to hear in about a year! Yahoo!Well, there ya go. Soon we shall have it! The precious will be ours, yes! But, just remember that our lives don't revolve around these masterworks. They're to enrich our lives, not control them. (I have to remind myself of this, also.)
Have a great day, everyone!
posted 11-06-2006 04:56 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Thanks a lot Cavalier!So that's what that is!
posted 11-06-2006 05:46 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB