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LOTR Package Update? (Page 20)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:
It occurs in RotK a few times.
Track 2: 0:50 - 1:06 high strings
Very possibly my favorite 16 seconds in the complete score.Melson Zwerver,
The Lord of the Rings Score Analysis Project[Message edited by ArchCarrier on 11-06-2006]
posted 11-06-2006 07:22 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Favorite 16 seconds?! I love it. I mean, Doug got huge eyes when I presented my favorite moments of every track from FotR Complete, but I don't think I've gone off in that direction yet.posted 11-06-2006 09:02 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Since you are nodging this discussion towards ROTK, let me ask this question: Doug said that there was a piece recorded for Mt. Doom with all three Ring motifs intertwined. Could it be that the special LOTR issue of Music From The Movies has an excerpt of that piece? On page 74, they printed a score sheet that reads
"rotk 926 1001
The End Of All Things
b1-65"It's for chorus. It sings the seduction theme of the ring in G minor with the text: Mi_nau-rath O-ru_in_ Boe he-di i Vin_ Sin e_ri_ol na-tha_tur_in ú-gar_nen_.
In the upper right corner it reads "The Destruction Of The Ring/The Eagles (Sindarin)".
posted 11-06-2006 09:25 AM PT (US) tomandshell
Non-Standard Userer
Tomorrow! I ordered mine from Amazon, and it says "shipping soon." It has a scheduled delivery date of Thursday, but if they get it out today my Amazon Prime 2 Day Air will get it here on Wednesday. Now--just one more year until ROTK!
EDIT: Spoke too soon! Just got the e-mail--mine has shipped from Amazon! It will be here Wednesday. (Now why, oh why, didn't I choose the overnight shipping for $3.99?!?)[Message edited by tomandshell on 11-06-2006]
posted 11-06-2006 11:37 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Unfortunately, I can't have mine delivered to my house. As funny (or sad) as it sounds, my family is so anti-LotR that if it arrived and I wasn't there to pick it up, they would probably burn it promptly.I have to sneak out to Barnes and Noble and smuggle it back in my computer satchel!
I have to listen to it on my iPod when I'm out, or in my car on trips, because I'm forbidden to play it at home.
Believe it or not.
posted 11-06-2006 12:23 PM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
No way, how can you survive something like that?No , really, I understand that people don't like the music, and for me that's not an issue, but forbidding someone to just listen to it? That's something I've never heard before.
My thoughts are with you
posted 11-06-2006 12:25 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
No no... it has nothing to do with the music, and everything to do with the movies.That isn't saying though that they have ever seen the movies or read the books. LOL. That's a long story though. I suppose gossip and hearsay goes a long way.
[Message edited by NeoVoyager on 11-06-2006]
posted 11-06-2006 12:29 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
I'm sorry Doug... I know you're really busy and everything, but I must ask... what has become of that podcast? We're all going to have the full set in a matter of hours!
posted 11-06-2006 12:37 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Some even got their copy today already.
posted 11-06-2006 12:42 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
Some even got their copy today already.Why, you dirty...
[Message edited by EldarionSonOfElessar on 11-06-2006]
posted 11-06-2006 12:58 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
That's not what I meant at all. On the contrary, I just received a very depressing mail from Peter ...
posted 11-06-2006 01:49 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
*yelling with the uruks*..."Podcast, podcast, podcast, podcast, podcast!..."I'm hoping for a podcast today or tomorrow (at the latest), the annotated score tomorrow, and (for me) the boxed set either Friday, Saturday, Monday, or Tuesday.
Does anybody know if UPS, Fedex, the post office, etc will be closed on Saturday because of Veteran's Day? I really hope not!
posted 11-06-2006 02:06 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
Saturday is a Federal holiday and there will be no mail delivery. I have no idea about UPS or Fedex.
posted 11-06-2006 02:13 PM PT (US) richuk
Non-Standard Userer
I'm from the UK and my set arrived today from Axelmusic.
posted 11-06-2006 02:21 PM PT (US) orbital
Non-Standard Userer
Ordered my copy 3 minutes ago from AxelMusic... hopefully it'll arrive around the middle of this week - Christmas definitely won't be merrier!30, male btw...
posted 11-06-2006 02:51 PM PT (US) EldarionSonOfElessar
Standard Userer
6.5 more hours!!!!!
posted 11-06-2006 03:26 PM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
Anyone know the URL to the annotated score yet?
posted 11-06-2006 03:32 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
> Anyone know the URL to the annotated score yet?Here, but it still only has the one for FotR:
http://www.lordoftherings-soundtrack.com/posted 11-06-2006 03:50 PM PT (US) MWRuger
Standard Userer
This is a fabulous release. The wait was worth it.
posted 11-06-2006 03:52 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
All praise Axel! Now pardon me while I direct my attention back to the music. Just one brief comment: The sound is spectacular.
posted 11-06-2006 05:05 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Happy Two Towers Day, Everyone!!The Podcast is up:
http://media20a.libsyn.com/podcasts/fsmpodcast/FSM_Podcast_020.mp3The Annotated Score goes live tomorrow (Tuesday).
http://www.lordoftherings-soundtrack.com/The Two Towers: The Complete Recordings now belongs to the world.
...I dearly wish someone would send me a copy now, I've never actually seen the final thing!
Enjoy, everyone. I'll be back later in the day.
Best always,
-Doug Adams
posted 11-06-2006 09:28 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
>>>Happy Two Towers Day, Everyone!!The Two Towers: The Complete Recordings now belongs to the world.
-Doug Adams>>>
Although I will have to wait until I get home in a few hours to listen to the podcast, but thanks anyway...........and.......all the best for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 11-06-2006 09:41 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Oh sweet heaven! Makes me almost forget that my order got cancelled by accident.Just listened to it. Great podcast, nice that one of my questions made it
But if you absolutely must wet out appetite for ROTK, surely you could have come up with 30 seconds of a *really* unreleased piece; after all, that Mumakil music already plays over the Fan Club credits[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-06-2006]
posted 11-06-2006 09:55 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Oh sweet heaven! Makes me almost forget that my order got cancelled by accident.Oh god thats awful!
May another copy come as soon as possible.
Thanks Doug, very imformative podcast, if not a little depressing about the whole Seduction of the Ring theme not being used to its full potential (although the sound effects used in the film never bothered me). Glad to hear that the choral burst is back in the mix for when Gandalf arrives at Helm's Deep.
And of course I can't wait to have that music for Legolas' heroic scene when he takes down the Mumakil single handedly in ROTK. Could that material possibly be called "the heroics of Legolas"?
posted 11-06-2006 10:19 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I would call it "PJ's antics"As soon as I get my sweaty hands on that box, I'm going to do an isolated score again. This time around it should be a *little* more complicated.
I'm SO looking forward to this! And every day is as long as a life age on the earth.
posted 11-06-2006 10:27 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Thanks for the podcast link Doug, although I got quite a chuckle out of the goofy voiceover guy posing as the person asking the questions, questions 1 & 3 that I remember off the top of my head. B&N has been "packing" my set for the last 12 hours-Chad
posted 11-06-2006 10:44 PM PT (US) Jason
Non-Standard Userer
Yay! Doug answered 2 of my questions!I asked the question about the mysterious music (OST track 2 0:56-1:09, TCR disc 1 track 3 1:26-2:08) from the beginning of the film.
Although I have to say, I don't quite understand Doug's answer.
Doug, you said that it is "an alternate piece that Shore wrote for that scene that ended up not being used." What do you mean by "that scene"? The lembas bread scene, or Gollum sneaking up on them? Or are you saying the an entire scene was finished and scored, but then cut from the theatrical release and not later restored to the DVD edit?
Then you say that Shore included "a tiny little bit of it at the end of one of the tracks on the original soundtrack, and you'll actually be hearing more of it in the Complete Recordings."
This is confusing because its in the middle of a track on the OST, not the end, and also, the music is the same length on both the OST and the CR. So, we don't actually hear any more of it on the Complete Recordings.
It was interesting to hear you say that the "The whole thing you'll hear at a later date though". Just how long was the scene that this piece underscored? Why not use the entire piece on the TTT:CR if you're going to include some of it at all?
I am a bit perplexed that it's included at all, because I thought the Complete Recordings box sets were all about including the final film versions of cues whenever there are multiple versions of a cue, with all alternates coming on a "rarities" disc (or, more likely, multi-disc set) down the road. Why suddenly include THIS alternate, especially when the film version is on the disc as well?
My other question Doug answered was about the Secondary Ringwraiths theme (FOTR OST Track 1 1:28-2:11 and FOTR TCR II-8 1:37-2:03). I'm sad it wasn't used in TTT for either the Ringwraith in the Dead Marshes or the Ringwraith at Osgiliath!
[Message edited by Jason on 11-06-2006]
posted 11-06-2006 11:04 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
>>Glad to hear that the choral burst is back in the mix for when Gandalf arrives at Helm's Deep.<<Yes. The choral burst. Hmmmmm.
Anyway, I'm psyched! Tomorrow I shall have it! (at least I hope so!)btw, I'm 33 and I'm a she.
posted 11-07-2006 12:04 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
It's going to be a looooong wait until Christmas...Agh!
posted 11-07-2006 02:49 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
I download now the podcast...but i have no TTT yet and i have to wait moreeeeeeeee! Niaahhh!!! At least i will hear the podcast, thanx Doug!
posted 11-07-2006 04:01 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
I am a bit perplexed that it's included at all, because I thought the Complete Recordings box sets were all about including the final film versions of cues whenever there are multiple versions of a cue, with all alternates coming on a "rarities" disc (or, more likely, multi-disc set) down the road. Why suddenly include THIS alternate, especially when the film version is on the disc as well?Actually, there are a few moments in FOTR that were alternates as well, the most prominent being the horns heard as the Nazgul confront Arwen at the Ford. The Complete Recordings are not so much about slavishly reproducing every note from every score, but about presenting the film score as a work unto itself, in a form as close to Shore's intentions as possible.
Interestingly, regarding the "Seduction of the Ring" theme... yes, it diminishes in prominence, but the Kaplans refer to it as being edited out of The Two Towers, but it's there, under the wailing sound effect as Faramir contemplates the Ring. It's also heard in the Mount Doom sequence as well. While I agree that it would have been nicer had this theme been more fully developed in place of those sound effects, it was never dropped completely from the films, only used much more sparingly.What was that "almost like he hadn't thought of it" comment about how the Gondor theme doesn't appear in the theatrical version of The Two Towers about? The Gondor theme had already been composed; it appears in Fellowship, and was even used to open one of the podcasts.
posted 11-07-2006 04:59 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
0 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!...It is here!!!
Well, it's here for some people. My countdown is between 3 and 7 days to go. Just the A. Score to come up today and the boxed set for some of us. Cool podcast too.
posted 11-07-2006 05:41 AM PT (US) alan_manc
Non-Standard Userer
Hopefully mine should arrive in the post tomorrow!!Was hopeing it would arrive today but tomorrow is the 5th full working day since axelmusic.com posted it.
Great podcast Doug, cant wait to read your notes!
posted 11-07-2006 06:22 AM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
I didn't order it from any of the online retailers because it probably wouldn't arrive on release day, and now I fear I'm on the verge of discovering none of the brick and mortar stores in town are actually carrying it. Arghhh!!! Gotta go, I have more phone calls to make!
posted 11-07-2006 08:57 AM PT (US) ArchCarrier
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Swashbuckler:
What was that "almost like he hadn't thought of it" comment about how the Gondor theme doesn't appear in the theatrical version of The Two Towers about?
The only thing it could have meant is that Shore hadn't composed the theme before the theatrical release of Fellowship. The Extended Edition of FotR came out before the theatrical release of The Two Towers, so it could have easily been included if PJ had wanted to.Since I probably won't receive the box set for at least two weeks, would one of you be so kind to send me a list of the new themes so that I can add them to the LotR-SAP database?
(Oh, and please let me know if the pimping of my site is getting annoying)
--Melson Zwerver,
The Lord of the Rings Score Analysis Projectposted 11-07-2006 09:06 AM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
> I didn't order it from any of the online retailers because it probably wouldn't arrive on release day, and now I fear I'm on the verge of discovering none of the brick and mortar stores in town are actually carrying it.
It's hard to win in this guessing game. I
pre-ordered the RotK OST from Amazon.com and
got it three days after release. So for
FotR:CR I decided to try to buy it locally
on release day; but no local stores had it,
so I ordered it from Amazon.com on release
day. I tried Amazon.com again for TT:CR,
but ordered a whole month in advance.
No matter - it didn't get shipped until
this morning.
posted 11-07-2006 09:10 AM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
I just listened to the podcast, which makes me want this set even more (as if that were possible).It also makes me wish, even more, that Shore's score could have been more fully used in the movie the way it appears on the DVDs, without monkeying from PJ and various editors.
posted 11-07-2006 09:16 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Well, since B&N.com hasn't even shipped mine yet, I have given in to temptation and placed one on hold at a local B&N store. The only drawback is I am going to pay an additional $10 for it, not sure why there is a price difference. But, it will be worth it to get it today instead of Friday-Saturday!-Chad
posted 11-07-2006 09:32 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by AustinHusker:
...I have given in to temptation and placed one on hold at a local B&N store. The only drawback is I am going to pay an additional $10 for it, not sure why there is a price difference. But, it will be worth it to get it today instead of Friday-Saturday!-Chad<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Good man, I did the same, and will be picking mine up today around 12:30. I just got an e-mail this morning saying that it was ready there yesturday however. Why didn't they contact me yesturday, I could have had it a day earlier, and felt cool
Haha, oh well, as long as I get to listen to the precious today, I will be happy.
School is going to seem longer than ever before I fear.[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 11-07-2006]
posted 11-07-2006 09:44 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Doug Adams:
Happy Two Towers Day, Everyone!!.........
The Two Towers: The Complete Recordings now belongs to the world.
...I dearly wish someone would send me a copy now, I've never actually seen the final thing!
Enjoy, everyone. I'll be back later in the day.
Best always,
-Doug Adams<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Well, Doug, I'm sure if we had your physical address, your fans would gladly send you out a set.
Only problem is, with your position (being one of the production team, I mean), you will probably already have one before we can get one out. My guess is it won't be long now.
Thank you again so SO much for your dedicated information injections into this board over the past 7-8 months! We look forward to the excitement build-up all over again come 6 months or so.
To ArchCarrier: We (at least I) don't mind at all your plugs for your site! Keep it up. There is quite a bit of traffic on this board methinks.
[Message edited by NeoVoyager on 11-07-2006]
posted 11-07-2006 10:05 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB