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LOTR Package Update? (Page 21)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
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800th post!Hmmm, that's all I wanted to say, actually
posted 11-07-2006 10:34 AM PT (US) orbital
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Well, then let me also say A BIG THANK YOU (so far) to Doug... [where is "a love smiley"?!].
What you have done here (and hopefully will do 'one more time') is (at least for me) unprecedented concerning "an official is talking to fans" - this also includes the way & manner you do this... simply impressive!Thank you very much!
posted 11-07-2006 10:46 AM PT (US) Crippled Avenger
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Hi everybody, loooong time reader, first time poster. I just wanted to give a heads up to Canadian fans that Amazon.ca dropped their price for Two Towers by $10 today, down from $77 to $68. I had mine preordered from weeks ago, but since they still haven't sent it even though it was released today (argh) I just cancelled my order and reordered it for $10 less, and they'll probably ship it at the same time.Also, I called around to all major music stores in Edmonton this morning, and absolutely zero retailers are selling Two Towers in stores, so just like last year, you can only get it on the internet out here in crappy Edmonton.
posted 11-07-2006 11:02 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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Peace at last! I have my copy laid away at our Barnes and Noble (I called about a week early and instructed them to basically take the set off the delivery truck and then put my name on it ASAP).
It turns out to be the ONLY copy they got in.
posted 11-07-2006 11:07 AM PT (US) Crippled Avenger
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Since I'll have to wait another week for my Two Towers to arrive, I'll get my fix by posting on Fellowship. Concerning the recent posts on wanting a time-by-time listing of the themes as they appear in the score, I recently went through the whole score doing just that, and have a document that lists, to the best of my limited ability, every time a theme appears in Fellowship, track-by-track. Since a couple people have been asking about such a thing, I thought if anyone's interested I can offer my very amateur analysis as a starting point. But, as Doug has stated in response to this topic, it does read like a phone book, and a long one at that. It's way too long for this forum (the word document is just shy of 50 pages long). Since I'm not internet savvy, I don't know how to post it, but if anyone's interested and would like to take a look at it and use it or discard as they wish, I can email it to someone who knows how to make it available on the internet.Happy Two Towers day everybody, and thanks for everything Doug, this is a one-of-a-kind experience between fans and makers.
posted 11-07-2006 11:15 AM PT (US) ArchCarrier
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@Crippled Avenger: Since you asked, please check out my humble online initiative and see if you'd like to contribute any of your research.
You are also very welcome to send me your 'phone book' so that I can include it in the database.--Melson Zwerver,
The Lord of the Rings Score Analysis Projectposted 11-07-2006 11:23 AM PT (US) Green Knight
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I have heard the podcast...nothing to say except...I WANT THE CD'S AAAAAAHHHH!!!
Can someone that has already have it tell me what is the original theme when Theoden Rides out? (you know the one that was replaced with the March of the Ents)
posted 11-07-2006 11:49 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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Well, I am SO pissed!I've ordered through amazon, and guess what? It is OUT OF STOCK there! Of course I've ordered it when the page still read "Available now", but I chose express shipping and it *should* be out by now, don't you think? Especially since my account says "Delivery estimate: November 8th".
And to top it all off, I can't cancel my order and order somewhere else because according to my personal account, my order is already being processed!I think I'm going to be sick ...
Oh, and the theme that plays over Theoden riding out is a beefed up version of the chorale that opens "Forth Eorlingas".
posted 11-07-2006 12:01 PM PT (US) BigT1981
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Paitence gkgyver, paitence! You'll have your set soon. I'm sure they'll get more in stock and you probably got your order in before it went "out of stock". They probably just sold all of their orders they had for the time being. I would just wait and find out or if anything email Amazon if you can and ask them what's up.
posted 11-07-2006 12:05 PM PT (US) wampachow
Non-Standard Userer
gkgyver - did you preorder from CD Universe? If so, be sure to post when you receive it. I'm in the same boat.Also - iTunes has TTT up - with the wrong artwork. However, there are nice 30 sec preview clips for those of us who haven't received the discs yet. I didn't listen to the clips at bn.com, so I'm not sure if they're different.
posted 11-07-2006 12:17 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Well, I am SO pissed!I've ordered through amazon, and guess what? It is OUT OF STOCK there! Of course I've ordered it when the page still read "Available now", but I chose express shipping and it *should* be out by now, don't you think? Especially since my account says "Delivery estimate: November 8th".
And to top it all off, I can't cancel my order and order somewhere else because according to my personal account, my order is already being processed!I think I'm going to be sick ...
Oh, and the theme that plays over Theoden riding out is a beefed up version of the chorale that opens "Forth Eorlingas".
I just checked Amazon and it said it was in stock.posted 11-07-2006 12:18 PM PT (US) Valandil
Non-Standard Userer
Hey folks,Just picked up my copy from a local B&N this morning. Actually got there at 8:58am, and had to wait outside (in the rain - yay Seattle) for two minutes until they opened.
It's fan-freaking-tastic. These sets are, without a doubt, my most prized musical possessions. One more gruelling year to go until we have ROTK:CR. Luckily for me, between FOTR:CR, TTT:CR, and my "hack-job" edit of ROTK:OST mixed with the unreleased ROTK music from the Battle for Middle-Earth game, my iTunes playlist of LOTR now runs at 8.8 hours. That will have to do for the next year.
Doug, you're my hero. I restrained myself from submitting this as a podcast question, but I'll ask it here, in all my fan-boyish glee: The next time you see Mr. Shore, could you give him a big hug and thanks from me?
Oh, and FWIW (in regards to the earlier posts), I'm 35, and a total geek. It's a wonder how my wife puts up with me, but she does enable me quite a bit in my LOTR obsession. She's the one who has bought me 7 replica LOTR swords in the last 5 years.
posted 11-07-2006 12:20 PM PT (US) wampachow
Non-Standard Userer
Maybe I should read posts a little closer - and see the word "Amazon"
posted 11-07-2006 12:20 PM PT (US) Crippled Avenger
Non-Standard Userer
ArchCarrier, wow, I don't ever recall seeing a link to that on this forum before, must have missed it. Awesome job! I compared our notes for track 1, the prologue, and already found what makes this so fun. I had written that I heard foreshadowing of the Mordor Outline Figure motif at 2:15, but you don't have it, and on repeated listenings now, I can't hear it anymore, and am pretty convinced I was wrong. I also missed the Heroics of Aragorn part for which your are clearly correct (I only noted that I heard 'Gondorian-like themes' at that point). On the other hand, I'm sure the Threat of Mordor theme is played (low brass) at 3:00 under the choir, and I'm also convinced I hear a dark version of the Rivendell theme at 4:18, both because that dark form is also heard later on at 1:53 of disc 2 track 6, and because it underscores an appearance by Elrond in the film. Neither of us, it appears, have identified the snippets of the Fellowship theme that Doug Adams has stated is in the prologue (unless he's talking about the Heroics of Aragorn part, which he says is related to the Fellowship theme??).
Just identifying where themes appear is, like Doug says, meaningless in and of itself, but actively listening for them reveals things about the score you wouldn't hear on more casual listenings, which is why it's such a rewarding experience nonetheless.
I'll send you my document sometime today. Thanks a lot!
posted 11-07-2006 12:20 PM PT (US) Timdalf
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I guess you all know this, but if you go to www.itunes.com and search for it you can download it on your computers if you don't want to wait any longer. It will cost you, however, $34 US for members, $39.96 for non-members. Or so I am told. As for me, I am waiting for my CDUniverse copy to arrive via the US post, probably tomorrow or Thurs.Timdalf
posted 11-07-2006 01:01 PM PT (US) wampachow
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Timdalf:
I guess you all know this, but if you go to www.itunes.com and search for it you can download it on your computers if you don't want to wait any longer. It will cost you, however, $34 US for members, $39.96 for non-members. Or so I am told. As for me, I am waiting for my CDUniverse copy to arrive via the US post, probably tomorrow or Thurs.Timdalf
Timdalf did you get a shipping notice from CD Universe? They sent me a backorder notice last night...
posted 11-07-2006 01:11 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by wampachow:>>>Timdalf, did you get a shipping notice from CD Universe? They sent me a backorder notice last night...<<<
Yes, I did, yesterday. They said it was shipped. Maybe I will give them a call via phone!
posted 11-07-2006 01:16 PM PT (US) Olorin
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Well, I must say, I am so envious of those of you who have the thing already. None of our local stores stocked it, and the closest I came was a store about 45 miles away. They haven't received their UPS shipment yet, so they don't know if they have it. They should have been able to tell me if they'd even ordered it, but go figure. In any case, I doubt they'd be getting it, as they're in a much smaller city (and the one I'm in isn't huge).I put the blame for this squarely on the record company for charging such an outrageous price for it. Several local store owners told me they didn't order it because the price was so high they didn't expect people to be interested.
So, alas, I broke down and ordered it from Amazon--and sprang for next day shipping, which was $12. So I will be paying close to full retail. I absolutely know the music will be worth it, insofar as any music can, but the greed of the record company continues to gripe me.
posted 11-07-2006 01:29 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Why itunes? Their bitrate is lower than those of the tracks I already have.
posted 11-07-2006 01:29 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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Well, that is very interesting that the iTunes Store has it available for download. They didn't do that with FotR last year, but I suppose it's a good thing for those of us who aren't überfans (I would never purchase anything from the LotR scores in iTunes 128kbps format), and it is a reasonable deal at $39.96.And listen to those clips on iTunes! The Wolves of Isengard... I'm at a loss for words.
posted 11-07-2006 01:39 PM PT (US) Jasom
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The closest music store to me is Virgin Megastore at Downtown Disney. Last year when I bought LOTR: FOTR CR, they only got one copy in and I didn't see another copy there for months. So, this year I wanted to make sure they were going to get some in, so I called them a couple of days ago to see if they would be getting it in. The lady on the phone looked it up in her computer and said she didn't think so. Well, needless to say, I still stopped by there this morning and lo and behold, they actually had two copies in. And with my cast discount, it cost about the same as ordering through amazon, yet I got it today.
posted 11-07-2006 02:25 PM PT (US) ArchCarrier
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Crippled Avenger:
I don't ever recall seeing a link to that on this forum before
Not surprising, since the site's only been online since Sunday morningquote:
Originally posted by Crippled Avenger:
Just identifying where themes appear is, like Doug says, meaningless in and of itself
Which is why I'd like to encourage everyone to add notes and comments, so that the site becomes more than just a list of themes and crosses over into analysis territory.By the way, my order from CD Universe is backordered as well, though I didn't receive any notice from them. Ah well, packages from Europe and the US usually take more than a week to reach my little corner of the world anyway, so I'm used to it...
--Melson Zwerver,
The Lord of the Rings Score Analysis Projectposted 11-07-2006 02:29 PM PT (US) tomandshell
Non-Standard Userer
Well, those iTunes preview clips make me excited about getting the package tomorrow. It arrived at my local UPS facility at 6:15 this morning, but they didn't stick it on a truck for delivery, so tomorrow it is.By the way, do we know what time the annotated score is supposed to be put up on the website?
posted 11-07-2006 02:59 PM PT (US) Daniël B
Non-Standard Userer
Hi all,
After that podcast, I just couldn't sit quiet on the side-line anymore. I ve been following this topic since months before the fellowshop CR. Just love it. Hope I'll get my copy of TTT tomorrow.And mr. Adams, thanks for answering my question on the podcast. The answer made sense
another question. That theme in the previous podcast, wasnt that from the scene where Saruman says to his orc-in-charge, the forest of fangorn is on our doorstep, burn it. close?Wish you all well,
Danielposted 11-07-2006 03:03 PM PT (US) Timdalf
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I want to share with you all something that had not hit me until just this morning. Namely the music in Tolkien's prose. Turn to the last two sections of Chapter 4 of Bk 5 in Return... It begins: "In rode the Lord of the Nazgul..."Aside from the elegance and rhetorical sweep of this section, notice the powerful, but very subtle use of alliteration and assonance... especially in the paragraph he is leading up to:
...Gandalf did not move. And in that very moment, away behind in some courtyard of the City, a cock crowed. Shrill and clear he crowed, recking nothing of wizardry and war, welcoming only the morning that in the sky far above the shadows of death was coming with the dawn....
I don't know how on this list to get bold, or italics or underlines to show the chains of alliteration and assonance Tolkien crams in here... But I think you all can figure them out. There are over a dozen of them in just this paragraph!
This is Anglo-Saxon verbal music... and notice how short the phrases are and how they group into pairs with a pause between... this too is typical of Anglo-Saxon poetics...
This is a master story teller using the very sound of his words to evoke a heightened intensity into this moment, a major turning point in the narrative.And this is not to begin to go into the associations we have of a cock crowing from other Sources or the repetition of the opening sentence of the section which is a Hebraism....
All this packed into less than one page in a vast book...
So the spirit of Beowulf's poet lives!
posted 11-07-2006 03:14 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
> This is a master story teller using the very sound of his words to evoke a heightened intensity ...So the spirit of Beowulf's poet lives!
---------------------------------------------White was that ship and long was it a-building, and long it awaited
the end of which Círdan had spoken. But when all these things were
done, and the Heir of Isildur had taken up the lordship of men,
and the dominion of the West had passed to him, then it was made
plain that the power of the Three Rings also was ended, and to the
Firstborn the world grew old and grey. In that time the last of the
Noldor set sail from the Havens and left Middle-earth for ever. And
latest of all the Keepers of the Three Rings rode to the Sea, and Master
Elrond took there the ship that Círdan had made ready. In the twi-
light of autumn it sailed out of Mithlond, until the seas of the Bent
World fell away beneath it, and the winds of the round sky troubled
it no more, and borne upon the high airs above the mists of the world
it passed into the Ancient West, and an end was come for the Eldar
of story and of song.(from 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age', by J.R.R. Tolkien)
posted 11-07-2006 03:45 PM PT (US) Kasilof
Non-Standard Userer
Amazon has not shipped mine yet. It says estimated shippment date is the 9th. I wonder why? I ordered it over the weekend and the main web sight says in stock.posted 11-07-2006 05:46 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
The only thing it could have meant is that Shore hadn't composed the theme before the theatrical release of Fellowship. The Extended Edition of FotR came out before the theatrical release of The Two Towers, so it could have easily been included if PJ had wanted to.But Shore composed the Gondor theme for the theatrical release of Fellowship. It has always been a part of the Council of Elrond scene. I always assumed that it didn't show up in the theatrical version of The Two Towers because it just wasn't appropriate for the content of that version of the film.
I don't know, it just seems like a strange comment.
posted 11-07-2006 06:46 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Well, unfortunately, it looks as if the Annotated Score is not going live today.It's 7 p.m. here in Montana (6 Pacific, 9 Eastern), and still the soundtrack site has no changes in lieu of the TTT:CR. Oh well... maybe tomorrow, Doug?
posted 11-07-2006 07:01 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
It IS online now! Check it out!
posted 11-07-2006 07:34 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Hey Gkgyver, is that your review on Amazon.com?If not, what a coincidence... someone from Germany with the initials GK? I think it is you.
Very nice and eloquent review.
posted 11-07-2006 07:37 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
It is indeed my review, thanks for the praiseDo you realise that Isabel Bayrakdarian is the spooky voice in "The Dead Marshes"? And yet another juicy nugget!
posted 11-07-2006 08:08 PM PT (US) Jason
Non-Standard Userer
So I got the set today (It's $65.99 at Newbury Comics if anybody hasn't found a copy yet) and the liner notes..... my god! I had NO idea there were so many new themes in The Two Towers!Stuff like The Fate of the Ring, The Shire Lullaby Setting, The Shire Playful Setting, A Hobbit's Antics, The Way to Mordor, The Cruelty of the Orcs, ... who knews these themes existed?
And 3 themes for Eowyn? How come Eowyn gets three themes and more important characters like Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Faramir, etc get none? Heck even the Hobbits have to share all the hobbit and shire music without having any themes specifically for indiviidual characters. What makes Eowyn so special in Mr. Shore's eyes, I wonder?
posted 11-07-2006 09:20 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Ummm, do Legolas or Gimli fall in love? Do they have conflicts with their father? Are they responsible for the death of a major villain? Do they develop?And unlike Eowyn, they don't have much impact on the story or other characters.
PS: do you folks realise that Two Towers is # 35 on amazon's ranking? It does better than Fellowship did.
[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-07-2006]
posted 11-07-2006 09:24 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Kasilof:
Amazon has not shipped mine yet. It says estimated shippment date is the 9th. I wonder why? I ordered it over the weekend and the main web sight says in stock.I ordered mine from Amazon this afternoon, and they shipped it a little bit ago, according to the email they sent. Of course, I paid $12 shipping for next day service, so we'll see what happens.
posted 11-07-2006 09:35 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
It IS online now! Check it out!
What's the link? The soundtrack site still only has FOTR.posted 11-07-2006 09:38 PM PT (US) Calvin
Non-Standard Userer
> What's the link? The soundtrack site still only has FOTR.Try refreshing your display.
posted 11-07-2006 09:43 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
It is indeed my review, thanks for the praiseDo you realise that Isabel Bayrakdarian is the spooky voice in "The Dead Marshes"? And yet another juicy nugget!
Here's more praise--that was indeed an excellent review!posted 11-07-2006 09:46 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Calvin:
> What's the link? The soundtrack site still only has FOTR.Try refreshing your display.
Thank you!(that's ctrl-F5, folks)
posted 11-07-2006 09:48 PM PT (US) Jason
Non-Standard Userer
Annotated Score is now up
posted 11-07-2006 09:51 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB