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LOTR Package Update? (Page 24)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Blue Dude
Non-Standard Userer
I'd call it a waste of time and effort, since the DVD comes with a Dolby Digital tracks wich plays on all DVD players.Not really. It's all about the bit rate. DD maxes out at 448k and DTS at 1536k. I'd encode with multichannel PCM if that was a legal DVD-Video audio format. It's not, so DTS, with the highest bit rate, would have to do. I have no intention of splurging quite a few hundred dollars to play (eventually) three discs. The only thing I would be missing is bit depth (24 vs. 16) but I'm not sure I can tell an audible difference.
By the way, if I author my own disc, I can allow for fast forwarding and rewinding, which is currently impossible in the original disc. That's almost worth the effort right there. Anyway...
posted 11-11-2006 06:32 PM PT (US) Blue Dude
Non-Standard Userer
I'm still giving the TTT set a cursory listen. One edit I'm profoundly grateful DIDN'T happen was at 4:13 on disc 3, track 3. The buildup to the horn fanfare was abruptly cut off on the TTT:EE DVD when it cut away to Treebeard. I am very glad they didn't do a Phantom Menace with that track and presented it as recorded.I'm generally pretty uncritical when it comes to going with the flow when watching a movie, but music edits can really take me out of the film. The above edit is one of the few instances in the EE's when I'm pulled out of the story. (The entire arena fight in AOTC is the worst example of bad music editing and inappropriate tracking I've ever heard, but that's another story. The EE's never approach that, even with the liberally tracked music).
posted 11-11-2006 06:40 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Question about tracked ROTK music: when Gandalf confronts the Witch King in Minas Tirith, a triumphant version of the "Fellowship In Rohan" motif plays. I've never noticed or even considered that such a motif existed, but now that I know ... is that part of the score tracked in from TTT (the scene in Helm's Deep, when Gimli jumps into the Uruks' way to protect Aragorn)?It would seem rather off to use that motif in that particular scene.
[Message edited by gkgyver on 11-11-2006]
posted 11-11-2006 06:59 PM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
[B]I noticed in "The Sons Of The Steward" that the music over Denethor's first appearance (the very first glimpse we get at him) is very similar to the score that plays over his dialogue with Gandalf. Could that be Denethor's theme? Does he have one?I think that you may be on to something here. There seem to be a few hints at the ROTK Denethor/Faramir/Minas Tirith material in this track.
posted 11-12-2006 03:07 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I also noticed that the cello motif I spoke of shares a resemblance with the Minas Tirith theme. It's used only twice, once for Boromir in his crucial scene at the end of FOTR, and once for Denethor in TTT. Maybe it is intentional and is supposed to illustrate by which ill- guided mentality the former glory of Gondor got ruined by drawing a connection to the Minas Tirith theme.
posted 11-12-2006 06:59 AM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
The little rubber nub thing that holds the DVD came loose in mine. In fact, it was loose already when the package arrived.Any suggestions for reattaching it?
posted 11-12-2006 12:38 PM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
Well, my main job is models (miniatures)
and i know things about glues
So you have two main choices (but with some problems)
A. Super Glue. Its easy, strong and fast but with the paper back its going to be rather messy! Because it's liquid and the paper its absorbing
B. PVA glue. When its dry its like rober but its not strong enougphP.S. you can always use paper glue (not stick the other one)
Good luck
posted 11-13-2006 04:17 AM PT (US) eggerty
Non-Standard Userer
For those of us in the UK still waiting for this you might be interested that Amazon have reduced the price to £37.99 (if you already have it on order with them you will need to cancel and re-order)
posted 11-13-2006 07:47 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
I have this contraption that dispenses a line of adhesive - the kind you would see on adhesive tape but without the plastic of the 'tape'. It goes down on paper and isn't wet at all and there's almost no depth to it so you don't get the ridges or raised effect that one would get by using double sided tape. I think that's what I used on the CR-FOTR because my rubber knob was off center and the disc wouldn't sit down in the depression. Paper scrapbookers and crafters use this tape which is called "Tombow Mono Adhesive".I don't think superglue will work at all. I wouldn't even try it since my fear is it will harden the paper, possibly making it not flat any more. And it may just interact badly with the rubber knob. You could take the whole thing to a model or craft store and ask a knowledgable clerk what would work best... but that would place one's trust in finding a knowledgable clerk and not just one who b.s.'s when they don't know the answer.
posted 11-13-2006 07:53 AM PT (US) Oboe-man
Non-Standard Userer
use 2 component glue, its very strong but the 2 component glue I used was black...
posted 11-13-2006 11:13 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Still waiting on my copy...........................*drool*It's funny how everyone "ignores" this thread right after receiving their copy of the set! (Happened with FotR: CR)
So much talk right before it comes out and then, practically silence after it comes out. Then, when it gets close to RotK's release date, it'll really pick up again. Then.......who knows.
I like what you recently had to say, Magpie, and I have something to say, but.....well, I'm too lazy to type it up right now!
(Hopefully tomorrow.....it WILL be here BY Friday, according to the order details. If it ain't, someone's gonna hurt, and it ain't gonna be me!)
posted 11-13-2006 03:03 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:>>>It's funny how everyone "ignores" this thread right after receiving their copy of the set! (Happened with FotR:CR)
So much talk right before it comes out and then, practically silence after it comes out. Then, when it gets close to RotK's release date, it'll really pick up again. Then.......who knows.
I am into my third listen through (along with a full listen to FotR). And I will venture some comments, if I may. It is, of course, a remarkable and stunning achievement... both Maestro Shore's and the production team's, esp. Herr Prof. Adams'!
This piece is quite overwhelming! And that may in part account for our stunned silence! However, I will say that this set is so much darker, more intense than FotR and thus more difficult to sit through. It is almost unrelieved "war, war, war" and ever deepening gloom and oppressiveness.
As indeed it should be, for that is how the history of M-e goes at this point.
Gone are the oases of the gentle Shire, Rivendell, or Lothlorien and even the lost grandeur of Moria, the quiet glide down the Anduin. They seem now to be only faint whispers, fading memories, passing melodic and harmonic remnants receding into the distance.
Even those glorious moments of Gandalf in Nature or in the Fellowship seem more monumental and thus heavier however bright their brief gleams...
Aragorn and Arwen are overshadowed by mortality... Fangorn is no woodsy park, but a shadowy forest... Heroic Rohan is threatened and under seige... Gollum (like the Ring itself) is seeping into Frodo's and Sam's every waking (and non-waking!) moment with his self-pity, his malice and his envy...
And through it all the pounding, pounding, pounding of Orthanc... the stomping brutality of Saruman's orcs... the ceaseless searching of the Wraiths...And not least, the recording seems, seems says I, actually louder too. ;-)
It will indeed be a long wait for the Return.........
[Message edited by Timdalf on 11-13-2006]
[Message edited by Timdalf on 11-13-2006]
posted 11-13-2006 03:58 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
The discs sound much more powerful than the OST release. [i]Glamdring[7i] literally makes my headphones quake. Though I do miss those now hardly audible cello arpeggios in the Isengard flooding.Generally, the new release shows how much bigger the score actually becomes between FOTR and TTT. Which of course means that the ROTK:CR will be absolutely mindboggling.
posted 11-13-2006 05:25 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Well, unfortunately my attempts at discussing some thematic connections were overshadowed by the search for the perfect glueIn case you missed it, let me collect my latest thoughts:
In other words: do you understand why some pieces weren't used? Or would it have worked better with them? I have to say that as stunning as the unused music for Gandalf's resurrection is, I think the silence in the movie works better and is needed at that point.
We don't have to talk about the goofy Gollum music for Ithilien, I suppose that was a good choice as well
But the Wraith music in the Dead Marshes ... why in the world was that omitted? This piece is frickin' awesome! The same goes for the Warg attack.I have yet to play the other bits up against the screen, but what do you think?
I noticed in "The Sons Of The Steward" that the music over Denethor's first appearance (the very first glimpse we get at him) is very similar to the score that plays over his dialogue with Gandalf. Could that be Denethor's theme? Does he have one?
Plus, in the same track I noticed that little Cello motif that play in Fellowship when Boromir says to Frodo "There are other roads we can take". It play in TTT when Denethor asks Boromir to go to Rivendell.Question about tracked ROTK music: when Gandalf confronts the Witch King in Minas Tirith, a triumphant version of the "Fellowship In Rohan" motif plays. I've never noticed or even considered that such a motif existed, but now that I know ... is that part of the score tracked in from TTT (the scene in Helm's Deep, when Gimli jumps into the Uruks' way to protect Aragorn)?
I also noticed that the cello motif I spoke of shares a resemblance with the Minas Tirith theme. It's used only twice, once for Boromir in his crucial scene at the end of FOTR, and once for Denethor in TTT. Maybe it is intentional and is supposed to illustrate by which ill- guided mentality the former glory of Gondor got ruined by drawing a connection to the Minas Tirith theme.
posted 11-13-2006 05:44 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
I haven't had a chance to sit down and line up the music to the film yet...hopefully tomorrow!...but the Gandalf vs. Witchking bit was something I noticed on first listen, "Oh, was that tracked then?" (and then, of course, I get to wondering what Shore may have written for that ROTK scene...)
I like the longer end credits suite; it flows well. The woodwind arrangement of 'Evenstar' sounds like something out of Shore's The Yards. Lovely.
I keep my DVD in a seperate case...
posted 11-13-2006 06:38 PM PT (US) MJC
Standard Userer
Got mine today and am listening to it as I type. It's wonderful so far. I'm sure I'll be posting more in the next few days. Regarding the DVD...I keep it also in a separate case that I insert into the box.Martin
posted 11-13-2006 07:32 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
And the sound quality is just mindblowing! Headphones might not even do it justice. I recently listened to it on a great sound system and ... wow!
posted 11-13-2006 07:53 PM PT (US) Wedge
Standard Userer
Like some of the other members here, I decided to just forget about the nub. The case is amply big enough to fit an extra protective CD/DVD sleeve.Ringing in on the music: this set, for the most part, exceeds my expectations! A phenomenal, enveloping, shattering experience! It stands up both on its own merits, and as the middle part of a vast musical odyssey. I can't get enough of it. Gorgeous packaging and superb liner notes from Mr. Adams only sweeten the deal.
My one criticism of this set consists of the editing of the end credits suite, which breaks up the original Rohan material to insert chunks of tracked music from earlier in the score. They're well-chosen chunks, but tracked nonetheless. The alternate passage from "Evenstar" with English horn replacing the vocal line is interesting, but I would have preferred it on the theoretical "bonus disc" that may accompany Doug's book. But this is a very minor quibble, a question of taste (since this musical positioning had the approval of the composer, it's hard to argue that it compromises the integrity of the work).
Actually, I would have liked to see "Arwen's Song" added to the TTT credits suite instead of tracked music -- for while it ultimately wound up being used for the ROTK:EE DVD's "Houses of Healing" sequence, the song was originally written for "The Two Towers". Then the ROTK set could have restored Shore's original "Houses of Healing" composition (heard in the ROTK:EE end credits) to its proper location. But can I understand the marketing realities that would make this shuffling around impossible to justify.
There now ... I've gone and spent more words critiquing the set than praising it! A very lopsided portrait of my reaction! In truth, for me this monumental set is 99% perfect. As for the other 1%? That's why we anal-retentive types buy audio editing software and CD-burners.
posted 11-13-2006 11:16 PM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
I have been listening to the TTT CR set for almost a week now and the experience gets better with each listening as I am getting more familiar with the set. I am in awe of the beauty and power of this music. This music has also been a more of a discovery for me compared to FotR and it has been a great journeyEven though I do not know TTT as well as FotR I am surprised how the music is still engraved into my memory so well. Many smaller cues instantly and vividly take me to that scene or moment they play in the film. Shore's music encompasses the whole world of the film. One of the biggest joys for me is the fact that Shore's compositions seem to reflect the exact way of how I think Tolkien's world should be presented in music. So the music can't get much better than that
About the set itself I have only praise. The design is very appropriately Rohan and Doug Adams' liner notes are again informative and engaging (you write so effortlesly and vividly about the music Doug. Kudos!). Same goes for the Annotated score which has been a very interesting and helpful tool while listening. The amount of unused cues was a surprise even though we got an advance warning from Doug about that. I am so glad we have gotten to hear it all. Brilliant stuff.
To list individual great moments and tracks is pointless as there are so many. Every track offers something wonderful and I still discover new things all the time.
Oh and now we finally know the name for that little theme which plays in the end of RotK when Sauron is destroyed. "Fate of the Ring". We discussed about that recently (but about 15 pages ago
). Apparently everybody was right about it as it connects to the other Ring material and Evil Times motif
These are my initial thoughts after 5 or 6 complete listenings of the TTT CR. More thoughts to follow on specific points of the score in near future
[Message edited by Incanus on 11-14-2006]
[Message edited by Incanus on 11-14-2006]
posted 11-14-2006 12:21 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
heh... an interesting little tidbit. I'm working up some material for an upcoming discussion on the TTT-EE appendices material (Music for Middle-earth) and I've discovered that Peter's gong (heard as the Aragorn & Co makes its way up the streets of Meduseld) is missing from the CR.This music was cut a little short on the OST - before the gong would have been heard.
posted 11-14-2006 10:34 AM PT (US) Poke Alex
Non-Standard Userer
I'm beside myself with this release! It's been on my headphones all day. Well done job, all involved!
posted 11-14-2006 11:37 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Question for Doug:The Annotated Score for The Two Towers says that the song, "The Abyss" is in Andunaic but the online web content accessible with some disc I bought (DVD, SE Soundtrack.. not sure) said this was 'Dwarvish'.
The song, "Durin's Bane" (credited as being Khuzdûl) has the phrase, 'ala lukhudizu!', 'This is your light!'
"The Abyss" has the phrase, 'irkat-lukhud ma' 'no shaft of light'.
Since 'lukhudizu' and 'lukhud' are similar and are attributed to the same concept, I would assume that "The Abyss" is not Andunaic but, instead, Khuzdûl.
Please let me know if this is an incorrect assumption.
posted 11-14-2006 12:55 PM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
I think that the lyrics of The Abyss are indeed in Khuzdûl (Dwarvish). That Adûnaic must be an error. It does not make any sense to have Adûnaic in that scene anyway. Dwarvish would be much more appropriate.
posted 11-14-2006 01:35 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
ai... Doug should have just let us all be his proofreaders! Nothing like a fangeek for finding mistakes.
posted 11-14-2006 02:02 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
>>>ai... Doug should have just let us all be his proofreaders! Nothing like a fangeek for finding mistakes.<<<
Yes, as a semi-amateur proofreader it is just toooo tempting not to point out that "sheildmaiden" occurs three times in the TTT Annotated Score... (not to mention a few other typos!) I wonder if it is too late to correct those? I seem not to remember a single one in all of the FotR AS!!... It's a totally trivial issue, but when one respects the work done (musical and annotative) so much it is unfortunate, and especially when we are dealing with the works of a major linguist of the 20th c. And look at all the typos and style errors that only with the recent 50th Anniversary Edition of "LotR" got their just comeuppance....
Timdalfposted 11-14-2006 02:41 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Since this is disseminated through pdf, all these should be easily correctable, given high enough priority.I feel like I have a keen eye and a constant quest for perfection but Timdalf will be able to tell you how many mistakes pass by my eyes. I think two things figure in:
One, deadlines.
Two, to the typesetter/editors, so much of this is a foreign language. It would be very hard for the non-Tolkien/music/soundtrack scholar to pick up what seems right and what should be questioned. It some ways, it's technical writing.That said, sheildmaiden should have been caught in spellcheck. ;^)
posted 11-14-2006 03:12 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
The Annotated Score for The Two Towers says that the song, "The Abyss" is in Andunaic but the online web content accessible with some disc I bought (DVD, SE Soundtrack.. not sure) said this was 'Dwarvish'.I noticed that... and then forgot to comment. I suppose they took the files from the FOTR annotated score as a starting point for TTT - and forgot to replace the language there. Some of the early lyrics on FOTR are Adunaic.
posted 11-14-2006 04:15 PM PT (US) byron39
Non-Standard Userer
For my fellow Canadians, there is hope!!I live in Toronto and also searched all the big stores and only HMV knew it was coming out, but the store buyer didnt order any. He said it would take several weeks to get in. Sam the Record Man said they would only do special orders.
So I gave up and decided to turn to Amazon. The Canadian site originally said it would take about 3 weeks. (It now says 1 to 2). So, I placed my order on November the 8th, and received it today, the 14th. I think thats pretty darn good.
Anyway, just wanted to let other Canucks know that it is available in a pretty reasonable amount of time.
[Message edited by byron39 on 11-14-2006]
posted 11-14-2006 06:22 PM PT (US) MJC
Standard Userer
OK now when is the ROTK CR coming out since we have the TT CR. Just kidding! I’ve been listening to the TT set for last couple of days. I’m blown away at how good it is. I find the music of this set more powerful and emotional than the FOTR collection. I guess it has to do with vital and visceral themes being introduced and developed in this set. I love it. Congratulations to all involved with this set…it is magnificent, a joy to listen to and experience.Martin
posted 11-14-2006 06:46 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Tracksounds.com has an interview:
posted 11-14-2006 08:55 PM PT (US) StarlessWinter
Non-Standard Userer
I haven't received my TTT set, and it's really getting to me now that a week has gone by. Just wondering, but what are your guys' favorite tracks of the recordings?Also, I am really looking forward to hearing the full music for the climax of the Return of the King, especially when Mount Doom explodes and the Fellowship realize that Frodo and Sam might have perished. That music is the most heartbreaking and beautiful music I think I have ever heard, and it will be an absolute joy to listen to that.
I also am eager to hear the subtle music for the small scene where Frodo has his voiceover at the end ("There are some things that time cannot mend, some hurts that go too deep....")Yes, is it subtle, but very emotional and effective to fit a very moving scene.
What music are you guys most looking forward to hearing from The Return of the King?
And a question for Doug: Is/Are there any part(s) from the whole of the Lord of the Rings music that have brought you to tears? I know that might seem a little personal, but are there at least any that have deeply moved you? Thanks for all your hard, dedicated work on these sets! They have really touched my heart.
posted 11-14-2006 08:57 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by StarlessWinter:
What music are you guys most looking forward to hearing from The Return of the King?The song that Liv Tyler sings, informally known as Arwen's Song. To me, it really sums up the emotion, the sense of loss, that is LOTR. It may just be the most perfect 1:35 of music in the whole trilogy!
posted 11-14-2006 09:43 PM PT (US) StarlessWinter
Non-Standard Userer
I love Liv Tyler's song as well. Her voice, the choir, and the orchestrations combine to form a very beautiful piece of music. The image of Éomer screaming over Éowyn's body as the choir begins is absolutely heartbreaking.[Message edited by StarlessWinter on 11-14-2006]
posted 11-14-2006 09:45 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Olorin:
Tracksounds.com has an interviewThanks for the link! Always good to hear some more tidbits on ROTK:CR and the Hobbit! Wouldn't that be sweet?! Sounds like Howard Shore is fairly optimistic about the Hobbit!
[Message edited by PeterK on 11-15-2006]
posted 11-14-2006 10:16 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
To quote Mr Shore:"It wasn't practical to play 11 hours of music, but it was practical to play two hours in a concert hall with an intermission."
Gee, ya think?!
Christian, mad as hell that he cannot go to the Symphony in Leipzig next January
posted 11-15-2006 12:31 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Got it yesterday! Stayed up till 1:00 in the evening to listen to it all! Fantastic, stupendous, awesome, amazing, astounding, superb, magnificent, wonderful, grand, beautiful, epic, dark, mysterious, etc.!!!
Now, to read the liner notes!
posted 11-15-2006 06:41 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
CC: Now that you say that, there has been quite a bit of talk about THE HOBBIT being made into one or two movies...possibly by Peter Jackson. If that happens, do you see that as another opportunity to dive back into that world and detail?HS: Yes. Definitely. Peter and I both want to make the movie. We've talked about it. We really want to do it, so we're hoping it all works out. I would love to return to Middle Earth and write more music for that world.
CC: In the back of your mind, have already begun that process?
HS: Yes.
Oh sweet joy! Let's all pray to the movie god that he aligns the stars for this one!
About favourite ROTK parts ... I don't really like Liv Tyler's song. There, I said it. I think it has a pop quality that simply doesn't fit into LOTR. And it's in modern English, which I find totally inadequate.
posted 11-15-2006 07:12 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
gkgyver, I'm with you on Liv's song. I mostly keep quiet about it because so many fans love it but it doesn't seem to fit at all. I wonder about the history of that song. When was it composed and by whom? And do I remember right that Sissel's song was meant for that scene? Well, lets just say I can't understand that decision at all.I don't do 'favorites' but I'm looking forward to the Charge of the Rohirrim and the sung Fellowship Theme.
posted 11-15-2006 07:23 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Well, the ROTK music documentary says that it was originally intended for Arwen's vision of his son, which was originally intended for TTT. But the screenwriters/filmmakers found it too strange that you hear Arwen's voice in the score while you see her on screen. After the scene was moved to ROTK, it was rescored, and the Arwen song was homeless.
Liv Tyler says it was kind of embarassing for her, since she already told so many people that she recorded a song for the film.
I don't know who came up with the idea, but somehow it ended up in the Houses Of Healing.
That the song was written by anyone but Howard Shore is unlikely to the extreme; after all, it was a part of the original score once.Somehow I feel like Arwen's song was put in there to do Liv Tyler a favour. Because it's so strangely out of place in that scene, I don't believe nobody noticed this.
posted 11-15-2006 07:47 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
gkgyver, I'm with you on Liv's song. I mostly keep quiet about it because so many fans love it but it doesn't seem to fit at all.I agree, it seems out of place. It's nice, but there probably could have been more fitting music.
posted 11-15-2006 08:04 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB