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LOTR Package Update? (Page 4)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Standard Userer
Do all three of Eowyn's themes appear in TTT then? I know there's also the material for her and Merry in ROTK.Can't wait to read the notes; the music for Eowyn has long been among my favorite parts of the score.
>>>heck there’s music on the OST that’s in no version of the film. (Treebeard’s bassoon, for one.)>>>
The other major unused pieces on the OST being the opening of Forth Eorlingas, the alternate arrival of Shadowfax, the alternate in Taming of Smeagol and the middle section of Breath of Life (intended for "Arwen's Fate"?)posted 09-24-2006 09:42 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Boy, the music editors just have to go crazy over such extensive alternate and unused material lolquote:
you’re referring to is actually a theme that’s between Éowyn and Théoden… which is why it’s nearly identical to her primary theme. This theme climaxes on the fields on the Pelennor when Éowyn slays the Witch-king, so it’s really much more her theme… a theme of self actualization rather than decline.There's a theme specifically for Eowyn and Théoden? And yet another thing that's new to me.
But there can't be major differences between those three themes? Don't they all start with that perfect fifth leap?About the "Wonderment of Treebeard": I noticed that in Treebeard's scenes, there's some kind of electronic- sounding drone in the background, which sounds somewhat like a very distorted flute. Is there some connection to the score?
The music during Gandalf's conversation with Aragorn strongly reminds me of Gandalf's first scene with Denethor in ROTK. I suppose there's some connection ... ?
And a BIG "thanks" for yet another great answering session!
posted 09-25-2006 04:57 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by AustinHusker:<<<Actually I thought that Gollum's Song was Smeagol singing to Gollum. Since he is always talking to himself why not sing to himself as well?
Hmmm.... we likes that take, we does, my preshusss! Most interestin'!
Permit me one other quasi-gripe... About the endings and who really is the main focus of The Film (vs. JRRT's book):
It seems to me that the humans are much more to the fore in PJ than the hobbits (our 4 heroes and the whole Shire)... The only hobbits who really get much attention are Frodo and Sam... Merry and Pippin are almost entirely comic relief (until late in RotK). Hence, PJ felt justified in dropping the Scouring of the Shire episode, which in my view, is what the whole book has been leading up to. We spend so much time with Theoden, Eowin, Aragorn, Arwen, Denethor, Faramir/Boromir et al, (who are treated very seriously!) that all the early incidents with the hobbits (Merry, Pippin and Sam's conspiracy... and the unavoidably omitted Bombadil and Barrow episodes) are left out... This shifts the entire emphasis of the film to the rising human cultures away from even the Elves to some extent and certainly away from the hobbits and their Shire as the central concern...
So here's one vote for having yet another ending! When, note: WHEN, The Hobbit gets filmed and they have to rebuild Hobbiton, I would like to see a Scouring of Shire episode filmed for inclusion in a 10th anniversary re-edition of The Film... (it indeed would have been too long for RotK as a theatrical release!)
That, plus some (significant!) ommitted bits of dialogue and other scenes would I would gladly pay again for! All appropriately scored by Maestro Shore, of course!!!Timdalf
posted 09-25-2006 07:27 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I really can't see how you could include the Scouring of the Shire into any version of the current film without ruining its natural flow.
posted 09-25-2006 09:07 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
43 Days to Go!...(44 yesterdayI'd no time to post)
Theoden's Funeral...hmmm, I've not thought about that in a long time. It would be neat to see, but, (I've only read the books one time through) if Theoden's funeral takes place in Rohan (I can't remember) then it should NOT be in the film because going back to Rohan towards the end of the film would feel strange and "just wouldn't be right"
I'm sure that in our lifetime (for those who are around the age of 20
) we will see another version of TLotR. I hope that it would focus more on certain things that Jackson's version did NOT focus on. More hobbit material, Scouring..., Arwen(?), etc. Also, I'd hope that it would be worth watching. Jackson's version shouldn't be tampered with anymore. The Scouring...scene would NOT work in his version. The same applies to many other things like Bombadil.
Something I've mentioned to Doug in the past was about many of us "LotR score Joes" getting together with Mr. Shore, Mr. Adams, and all of those that have worked on the CR project to celebrate. This might seem very unlikely, but it's a good idea that could happen if many are interested and work together to make it happen. This would be once RotK CR/book has been released. This would be a GREAT opportunity to recognize all of those people that have worked so hard that aren't receiving the amount of recognition that they should. We would be able to meet them and find out just how they've contributed to the whole thing. We could have discussion time, hang out time, food time
, etc. I like the idea. What about you-uns?
Gotta go! Be back in a little while.
posted 09-25-2006 10:55 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
For start I want to say HI to every one
I am quite new to this site and forum and I discovered it while I was searching for TTT CR info a month ago.
I am from Greece and I listening soundtracks 10 years now.
Also Magpie’s site is excellent with great info!
And now to join the conversation...
The theme when Gandalf talks to Aragorn is also appearing in the opening scene when they climb down with the elven rope. You can actually hear it in the EE scene menu (of that scene)
And a good one for Doug:
In the FOTR EE version if you play it with commentary (the one with Howard Shore) you will hear Howard refer to the History of the Ring theme, as a Gondor theme.
And in the Scene with the Argonath you will hear him again saying that you hear the Gondor (history of the Ring) theme because of the Argonath. And in the scene before Boromir finds Frodo, Howard says the same thing: Because of the Gondorian Ruins in the Forest you hear the Gondor (history of the Ring) theme.
It doesn’t makes sense! In other interviews Howard says that is the History of the Ring theme But in the Commentary says That is one of the Gondor Themes
So is this theme originally created for Gondor history, and ended to be the History of the Ring Theme?
Oh, and of course Thanks for the info Doug, Great job!p.s. sorry for my **** English and for any mistakes
posted 09-25-2006 11:19 AM PT (US) mathew
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:Yep, the track list is finalized and has been since late July. I’m guessing that the list will hit the web same as it did with FOTR… some online dealer will get info from the label and post it on their site. Who had it up first last time, Barnes & Noble? I can’t remember. I suppose it’s always possible that the official Howard Shore site will list the tracks first, but I don’t have any info regarding that, sorry.
http://music.barnesandnoble.com/search/product.asp?z=y&EAN=093624437628&itm=4Well, the set is up for pre-ordering. No tracklist yet, but Barnes and Noble is my runner up for that matter.
posted 09-25-2006 02:23 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Damn! Why am I always just seconds too late for being the first one to announce such things?PS: I think I'll stick with my Super Rush delivery at amazon.
[Message edited by gkgyver on 09-25-2006]
posted 09-25-2006 04:17 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by mathew:>>>http://music.barnesandnoble.com/search/product.asp?z=y&EAN=093624437628&itm=4
Well, the set is up for pre-ordering. No tracklist yet, but Barnes and Noble is my runner up for that matter.<<<
Interestingly the list price is $75.98, while the list for "Fellowship CR" was $59.98!
One wonders what goodies might (I say: MIGHT) have prompted the higher price...
Amazon or Best Buy will probably be cheaper than the B&N discounts.Timdalf
posted 09-25-2006 05:33 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:
43 Days to Go!...(44 yesterdayI'd no time to post)
Theoden's Funeral...hmmm, I've not thought about that in a long time. It would be neat to see, but, (I've only read the books one time through) if Theoden's funeral takes place in Rohan (I can't remember) then it should NOT be in the film because going back to Rohan towards the end of the film would feel strange and "just wouldn't be right"
I would have liked to see it, because Bernard Hill gave one of the most genuine performances in the films, and it felt like the Eowyn/Eomer/Theoden thread could have done with closure. They could have even done it in Gondor, but I guess musically I would have liked to hear the Rohan material reprised one last time. It's not essential, but I liked his performance so much (seriously - not many actors could pull off a line as awful as: 'No parent should have to bury a child...' ) that it seemed a bit ungraceful to leave him there on the Pelennor.
Of course, this is Extended Edition stuff, and I'm probably alone in thinking that the Extended Edition (with the exception of some added scenes for Eowyn) of ROTK was a miscalculation on the part of the director.
posted 09-25-2006 05:45 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
>>> Really can't see how you could include the Scouring of the Shire into any version of the current film without ruining its natural flow.<<<
Originally posted by Cavalier
>>>The Scouring...scene would NOT work in his version. The same applies to many other things like Bombadil.<<<The problem is not flow... but it would require returning to the Theatrical version of the scene between Treebeard and Gandalf after the fall of Orthanc and melding it with certain portions of the scene in the EE (the breaking of Saruman's staff after having the "debate" with Theoden, for example)
But just cut the scene of the hobbits in the Green Dragon and insert there a horrified homecoming to a Shire ruined (industrialized) by Sharkey & Co... then the great scene of meeting the shirrifs and marching them back to the center of town and The Hill (sort of a musical take-off on Prokofieff's "Peter and the Wolf" finale or Mahler's "Hunter's Funeral" movement), the call to arms of the hobbits, the battle with the Ruffians, and of course the final encounter with Sharkey and Wormey...
Actually it might break up the string of "numerous endings" with a bit of story and so make the final departures and Sam's homecoming to a restored Shire all the more effective... And it would restablish the balance of it being a hobbit story... As it opened with Frodo and Bilbo, so it ends with Frodo's departure and Sam's restoration...
Unfortunately, I agree about Bombadil and the Barrows... as important as they are to JRRT, they are digressions. But the Scouring is an essential: The episode has so many lessons: the banality of evil, that after all the grand heroics what hurts most is coming back to a ransacked home, the hobbits now able to manage their own affairs, no longer isolated, and what a shocker to see the Shire in ruins and then what a eucatasrophe to see it restored again and even improved thanks to Galadriel's gift (which would have to be provided just before the return journey... maybe shown via a flashback of Sam's after Sharkey and Wormey are dispensed with)...
Yes, I think it not only would work but would be an real improvement!
Timdalfposted 09-25-2006 05:58 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by franz_conrad:
Of course, this is Extended Edition stuff, and I'm probably alone in thinking that the Extended Edition (with the exception of some added scenes for Eowyn) of ROTK was a miscalculation on the part of the director.You are definitely NOT alone in thinking that. I disliked much of what was added for the EE for one reason or another. The extended Paths of the Dead material takes away the surprise when the Dead show up at Minas Tirith, draws the out the length of the picture without a commensurate addition of value, and again plays poor Gimli for comic relief. The extended drinking game...well, I can't bear to think of it. And the Witch King defeating Gandalf was an abomination. If not for some really great added scenes, like Gandalf's mini-lecture to Pippin about the history of Gondor, I would definitely prefer the TE over the EE. As it is, it's a wash.
posted 09-25-2006 06:29 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Timdalf:
Permit me one other quasi-gripe... About the endings and who really is the main focus of The Film (vs. JRRT's book):
It seems to me that the humans are much more to the fore in PJ than the hobbits (our 4 heroes and the whole Shire).....
When, note: WHEN, The Hobbit gets filmed and they have to rebuild Hobbiton, I would like to see a Scouring of Shire episode filmed for inclusion in a 10th anniversary re-edition of The Film... (it indeed would have been too long for RotK as a theatrical release!)
That, plus some (significant!) ommitted bits of dialogue and other scenes would I would gladly pay again for! All appropriately scored by Maestro Shore, of course!!!The lack of focus on the Hobbits was precisely Roger Ebert's misgivings about FOTR, but he seems to have gotten over it by TTT. As for including a Scouring on a future release of ROTK, it's an interesting idea, but I doubt it will happen. Personally, I think if they were going to do that, they would need to restore Saruman's death to its proper place at the door step of Bag End, and unless PJ secretly already filmed Christopher Lee for that scene, I think we can forget about that for a 10th anniversary release.
posted 09-25-2006 06:33 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I strongly have to disagree with Timdalf on the Scouring of the Shire. I can't see this working in any version.
The whole concept of the film is centered around Frodo's journey to destroy the ring and Aragorn's rise to the throne of Gondor. Everything builds towards it, it forms a huge climax. After the ring destruction, the story of LOTR is basically over (except Frodo's), and we go into a number of epilogues. It's filmed, and it's scored in such a way.
The audience is calming down, the movie, as I said, unwinds in a natural way. Introducing a wholly new story thread at that point, IMO, would be cinematic suicide.There definitely would be something off in the flow because it's an anticlimax within the story of Return of the King as it was adapted by PJ, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens.
You could adapt any LOTR novel in numerous ways, and each take would be different in focus.
If a LOTR movie was made that incorporated the war that was raging *all over Middle- Earth* (and PJ says in the ROTK commentary that he played with this idea in his mind), then the Scouring probably would make sense, although I find it generally not a very good idea to include it in any ROTK movie that's possibly going to be made.Plus, it was never mentioned in any film that the Shire actually had the attention of either Saruman or Sauron. It was, rightly so, always about Saruman's war against Rohan, Sauron's fear about Aragorn; it has been clearly pronounced in ROTK that "before the walls of Minas Tirith, our doom will be decided".
On a practical level, how could you ever sell the idea to the audience that with all the strongholds of men leading a war against Sauron and Saruman, the Shire was of any importance to the bad guys at all?You'd have to completely rewrite ROTK.
[Message edited by gkgyver on 09-25-2006]
posted 09-25-2006 06:55 PM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:>>>You'd have to completely rewrite ROTK.<<<
Just to save space I will not requote your entire message... At first I reacted with "Rubbish!" but then I thought you may have a point, the very point I was making that PJ made this into a Frodo/human story rather than a hobbit story...
However, I still feel, that if one were to say change the vision of Hobbiton in flames that Frodo sees in Galadriel's mirror, and if one realizes that Saruman is a vicious creature taking revenge on how the hobbits contributed to his downfall, which is what the book describes, (and there are plenty of references in the film to his cache of pipeweed) then yes, this powerful figure is capable of being interested in the Shire... for purposes of Schadenfreude alone... and yes, it might have been more germane had PJ not reduced Merry and Pippin to comic reliefs, but I still think it would make for a very moving and powerful epilogue to the dangers Rohan and Gondor faced... The Shire is part of their world, not immune.
Do I think it will ever be done? No, categorically no, but that is a shame. It is essential to the story: the hobbits and their Shire are not invulnerable. And think of the musical possibilities: all that wonderful Shire music distorted and twisted into something ghastly! Then recovered! Irresistable.
But it would take 20-30 minutes to do right, and that alone made it impossible to include in the original... but in a DVD? That's another story, so to speak!
Timdalfposted 09-25-2006 09:33 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
Thanks for the update Doug!>>Interestingly the list price is $75.98<<
::nearly faints::
No but really, at that price I too wonder what wonderful extra gems will packed into this box set!
Unless the higher price could simply be the effect of rising gas prices?
posted 09-26-2006 12:31 AM PT (US) Eldarion
Non-Standard Userer
I have a question. Could someone identify the musical piece that plays on Disc 1, Track 1 of the complete recordings from 3:32 to 3:52? This is the score for the scene when Isildur cuts the One Ring from the hand of Sauron ending in the Dark Lord's physical destruction. It has that repeating phrase that was heard earlier when Sauron forges the One Ring and later on in the film when Boromir trys to take it from Frodo. There is also another theme playing that sounds like Aragon's. Am I on the right track? I don't remember reading about this in the liner notes, maybe I'm mistaken. It's become one of my favorite pieces of music in the score. Thanks!
posted 09-26-2006 12:56 AM PT (US) ruckus
Non-Standard Userer
It's up as an import on Amazon.co.uk for £48.99. No tracklisting though. In Euro that's around €73.08.ruckus
[Message edited by ruckus on 09-26-2006]
posted 09-26-2006 04:21 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by vdemona:
>>>Thanks for the update Doug!>>Interestingly the list price is $75.98<<
::nearly faints::
Unless the higher price could simply be the effect of rising gas prices?
But gas prices are going down!... and this is a 25% increase in the price over "Fellowship"!! OK, Doug, put on your PR hat and reassure us that this price is not just due to our increased demand!! ;-)
Timdalfposted 09-26-2006 07:49 AM PT (US) ChrisAfonso
Non-Standard Userer
Well, in Germany the FotR CE was already quite expensive... ic bought it for 69,99€, and that was one of the cheaper prices...Regarding the Scouring, it would be cool to see, but I don't think it's missing to make the right point. When the hobbits come back to the Shire, sure it looks like it always has, but they have changed, they are marked by what they went through, and for them the Shire will never be the same. I think this is portrayed well in the film.
posted 09-26-2006 10:04 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Now look whom all this LOTR talk brought to the board.I have to agree and disagree on several bits. LOTR is not a "Hobbit story" as much as it is a story of Middle-earth form the Hobbits' point of view. Which is why I think PJ was right to put much focus on non-Hobbit characters, particularly Aragorn (the only single character directly referred to in a book title, and arguably the main character of the "larger story"). Merry & Pippin's reduction to "funny" characters didn't turn out as extreme as the first movie made me fear (instead, Gimli took over that part, and sometimes became *really* annoying).
That said, I do believe that the Scouring is one of the most important parts of the book, and that removing it also significantly changes the "point" of the story. I honestly don't know how it would fit into the film, but I do hope that someday, somebody comes along and manages to film a good version which includes the Scouring.
What is far more important still, though, is the Grey Havens bit, and I was very relieved when it was confirmed this would be in the movie. From what I recall reading, one of the audio book versions (the BBC series narrated by Ian Holm, if I'm not mistaken) cut that part, and that's something I really understand. This is certainly one of the most important parts of the story, and leaving it out seriously affects the book's basic ideas.
posted 09-26-2006 12:23 PM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
Thanks for that very long post Doug!
There are three themes for Eowyn?
Yet another thing I was totally unaware of.
This TTT CR set is truly going to be full of new things to discover. I can't wait!!!Nice to see that some of the internet retailers already have the info of the set.
posted 09-26-2006 12:43 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
1. Glamdring
2. Elven Rope
3. Lost In Emyn Muil
4. My Precious
5. Ugluks Warriors
6. The Three Hunters
7. The Banishment Of Eomer
8. Night Camp
9. The Plains Of Rohan
10. Fangorn
11. The Dead Marshes
12. Wraiths On Wings
13. Gandalf The White
14. The Dreams Of Trees
15. The Heir Of Numenor
16. Ent-draught
17. Edoras
18. The Court Of Meduseld
19. Theoden King
20. The Kings Decision
21. Exodus From Edoras
22. The Forests Of Ithilien
23. One Of The Dunedain
24. The Wolves Of Isengard
25. Refuge At Helms Deep
26.: The Voice Of Saruman
27. Arwens Fate
28. The Story Foretold
29. Sons Of The Steward
30. Rock And Pool
31. Faramirs Good Council
32. Aragorns Return
33. War Is Upon Us
34. Where Is The Horse And The Rider?
35. The Host Of The Eldar
36.: The Battle Of The Hornburg
37. The Breach Of The Deeping Wall
38. The Entmoot Decides
39. Retreat
40. Master Peregrins Plan
41. The Last March Of The Ents
42. The Nazgul Attack
43. Theoden Rides Forth
44. The Tales That Really Matter
45. Long Ways To Go Yetposted 09-26-2006 01:35 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
From what I recall reading, one of the audio book versions (the BBC series narrated by Ian Holm, if I'm not mistaken) cut that part, and that's something I really understand.There's a "don't" missing, obviously:
...something I really don't understand.
posted 09-26-2006 01:48 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I liked the FOTR track titles better. Those sound a little, hm, corny? No, catchy, that's the word.And you missed the accent on "Úgluk"
posted 09-26-2006 02:39 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
So where are these track titles from?Shouldn't "Gollum's Song" be at the end there...or maybe it is included in the last track.
posted 09-26-2006 03:29 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
This seems to be real. After all, why should a site just make titles up?Somehow I don't like "The Voice Of Saruman" appearing in this list. Shouldn't that be saved for ROTK?
I don't know why track titles are so important to me, but I feel they should be simple, yet have some dignity and capture the essence of the content.
"Glamdring" for instance I don't find particulary fitting for such a powerful opening sequence. Or "The Nazgul Attack". Or "The Tales That Really Matter". I like it short and punchy, like "Moria" or "Strider".
Those are too long IMO. They might as well have taken "There Is Some Good In This World Mr. Frodo, And That's Worth Fighting For"Anyway, I see some BIG tracks coming.
posted 09-26-2006 05:21 PM PT (US) Voyager-89
Oh my. No dissing on you, Doug, but I must say I am quite disappointed with the track titles. I am hoping beyond hope these aren't legit.I just adore the poetry of the track titles on all the OSTs, especially names like "The Shadow of the Past" and "Foundations of Stone", and I was really looking forward to seeing the track titles on the TTT CR.
Oh well. Can't have grand slams all the time I guess.
posted 09-26-2006 05:49 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
The thing is, the CD titles can't be reused, and much of the chapter titles were used for the OSTs.
But what about "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit"? "The Window on the West"?
Hmmm, and what about the titles on the music sheets? Aren't they any good?
posted 09-26-2006 06:08 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
Saruman certainly used his powerful Voice in The Two Towers (such as in rallying the Urukai for battle) so a track titled The Voice of Saruman doesn't seem out of place to me.
posted 09-26-2006 07:53 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
42 Days to Go!!!...(6 weeks, 1.5 months)Here we go again..."I don't like the track titles"...just like with FotR. And let me guess, the same...darn...thing will happen again with RotK
. Of course, we're assuming these ARE the actual track titles. We'll know with Doug's next post. I'd like to discuss some other things right now but I haven't the time. (Such as explaining myself about The Silmarillion movies.) Oh, I'm so excited about Eowyn's 3 themes and all of the Rohan material. I'm trying to figure it out when I have the time. Be back soon.
posted 09-26-2006 07:54 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Well, I just think "The Voice Of Saruman" is kind of wasted on a scene like the "Nurenberg scene", considering it is actually the chapter title of Saruman's confrontation with the fellowship in ROTK.The fans should get to pick track titles for ROTK
posted 09-26-2006 08:35 PM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Non-Standard Userer
Concerning disliked track titles... argh if you listen to your music in MP3 format just change the track titles to whatever you want.
You could rename "Gollum's song," "Give me my xxxxing ring back you xxxxing theif" if you wanted to.
posted 09-27-2006 03:53 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
I think the track titles are decent. The music is the thing that really matters and the titles describe the scenes the music was written for quite nicely. They are not the most poetic ones but I like them.
And as CaptPorrige said you can in this day and age change the names of the tracks on your computer to fit your preferences if you do not like them.
posted 09-27-2006 06:49 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
Never mind.[Message edited by Swashbuckler on 09-27-2006]
posted 09-27-2006 07:05 AM PT (US) Voyager-89
Change track titles?!? I don't think so. At least not for a purist like me.One thought though... if these track titles were real, would they all be in sequential order instead of split like a 3-disc set?
Secondly, I've never read the LotR books, so forgive my ignorance, but what the heck does "Glamdring" mean?
posted 09-27-2006 07:43 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Glamdring is the name of Gandalf's sword.Oh well, these aren't so bad. Maybe my expectations were too high ... on the track titles
posted 09-27-2006 07:56 AM PT (US) PeterK
Now up for pre-ordering from MM...
http://www.moviemusic.com/soundtrack/lordoftherings2-completeWhy is the suggested retail price so much higher than the FOTR complete set? I haven't read all the details, but I thought this was going to be similar to the first. So what extras are in place to make this $15 more?
posted 09-27-2006 11:08 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Order placed.
Along with Naked Lunch and King Kong Vs. Godzilla, which I always had my eye onQuestion for Peter: will these items be shipped separately or will I get my Naked Lunch with Godzilla when TTT arrives?
Naked lunch with Godzilla ...
posted 09-27-2006 11:28 AM PT (US) PeterK
You will be having a Naked Lunch with your Godzilla, that is if Two Towers don't get in your way! Yep, all together... shipping on November 3 or 4 if the TTT is in stock on time.Thanks for the orders!
posted 09-27-2006 09:16 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB