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LOTR Package Update? (Page 5)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update?
Standard Userer
Originally posted by PeterK:
I haven't read all the details, but I thought this was going to be similar to the first. So what extras are in place to make this $15 more?That's what I'm wondering. I'll have to go back and pour over Doug's comments again. I'm almost sure that he gave some explanation way back when. I don't have time tonight though!
Gosh, I can't believe how fast this thread moves!
posted 09-27-2006 09:37 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
40 Days to Go!...(41 days a few minutes ago)
I'm quite sure that Doug said the price would be the same as FotR(approximately). Goodnight...
posted 09-27-2006 10:11 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
..DDDD....DDDD.....Doooouggg...Doooouggg ...D..........Hi, how is it going Doug!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quotes from DOUG
On the issue of *deceptive* running times, let me clarify a little. Yes, TTT runs longer than 180 minutes.
*unused end of the Fangorn piece!*
I’m not kidding, there are a huge number of *unused bits* in this score. If the EE was one large step beyond the Theatrical version of this score, then the CR is the same sized step beyond the EE.
You'll see / hear. The full piece offers a *much more extensive* view of the Ringwraith and Mordor musics.
You know, you've got a knack for noticing *where great music has been cut out* of the film--despite the fact that you haven't heard it before. Most impressive! The complete Entering Fangorn sequence features some of my favorite *unused music* in the entire film.
There will be music on TTT:CR that is in no version of the film… heck there’s music on the OST that’s in no version of the film.
*TTT—in its entirety—fits on three discs. No worries.*
----- I love hearing mention of all these unused pieces of music Doug!!!!! -----
-----Would you recommend me to buy the first single disc releases, for sake of different music?-----
What you’re getting in the boxed sets is a complete set of the final version of all the compositions Shore wrote for The Lord of the Rings. You will eventually get non-final versions, but that’s later. Right now, it’s story time! Peeking behind the scenes comes later.
----- Doug, you mention here that we will eventually get non-final versions of the music, do you mean in the supplementary/rarities disc(possibilities)/s?-----
-----Doug, another thing, I know we are all very excited about the up and coming release, and we know (or at least I do) that you can't give out too much information, but would you be able to (well this might sound a bit ridiculous, and unjustifiable), lets just say, if you know the exact time, and can't give it out, by all means don't ruin your career, but as you say it is longer than TFOTR:CR, each time that you post some information would it be possible to tease and excite the readers by uping the time, by saying that it is longer than a specific time????? (lets say Post 1 - more than 180:30, Post 2 - more than 181:30 etc etc), and yet still leaving a huge gap between the time you post, to the time that it actually is.-----
All I can do in the meantime is hope for a possibility for some response, or keep singing the tune......DDDDDooooug......DD...DD..DDDDooouggg..
DDD....DDD....DDDoooouuugg..DDDD....DDDD.....Doooouggg...Doooouggg...D.......None of the information I have written is to offend, - be happy, and thank Doug for using his time best.
Thankyou Doug.
[Message edited by THX 1138 4eb on 09-28-2006]
posted 09-28-2006 12:30 AM PT (US) Voyager-89
Personally, I don't CARE what the price on the set is! Look at it this way... if there were only a single recording of Beethoven's most famous symphonies on the planet, conducted by Beethoven himself, would anyone not be willing to pay at least $100 for it? Methinks not.Being a lifelong classically trained listener and musician, I put LotR at the same level as Beethoven or Mozart. If there is any justice in the world, Howard Shore's name will be emblazoned in the musical history books of the future alongside such greats as Wagner, Beethoven, Mozart, Williams, etc.
posted 09-28-2006 08:13 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
The doubtful decision isn't the actual price, I think. It's the rather big difference compared to FOTR, considering that the box is pretty much the same.
posted 09-28-2006 08:43 AM PT (US) AustinHusker
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Well, Barnes & Noble's site pretty much sums all of the pricing talk up. Their price is about the same as last year's set IIRC. I don't recall what the price was initially last year when it was released, but as of now FOTR:CR price is $48.58 for members and TTT:CR is $54.70. Also they gave 10% discount off of list for FOTR and they are giving 20% discount off of list for TTT so it's almost a wash.-Chad
[Message edited by AustinHusker on 09-28-2006]
posted 09-28-2006 10:11 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
..DDDD....DDDD.....Doooouggg...DoooougggWell, DOUG, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, but I think you'll become a superhero by the time ROTK is out.
You should get an own TV show where you read from your book. Maybe you'll even beat the daily newsI really can't believe it. Initially I regarded TTT somewhat as a necessary roadblock to the release of ROTK, but all this talk about unused and edited pieces got me really excited.
posted 09-28-2006 04:16 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Question for Doug - though I may have asked this a long time ago and had you answer it. Do you know if Howard Shore wrote music for the 'Second Council of Galadriel' scene when it was still in the film? 'The Leavetaking' is the cue that most clearly corresponds to what material from that sequence ended up in the final film... but did he score the sequence in its earliest version - when Arwen and Elrond go to Lothlorien? I ask this because I've heard references to music that was originally written for a scene where Arwen looks into the 'Mirror of Galadriel'.
posted 09-28-2006 06:17 PM PT (US) weyhoops
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With 45 track titles, I think it'd be pretty tough to come up with good names for all of them (although I'm sure some of you could rise to the occasion). Also, they probably cannot use the same titles as are used in the EE DVDs. This is complete guessing on my part as I have not actually checked. Finally, I think that only a few cause even slight wincing, and most are serviceable and as good as possible considering the OSTs have exhausted most chapter titles.
posted 09-28-2006 06:53 PM PT (US) ChrisAfonso
Non-Standard Userer
At least "Sons of the Steward" is an EE chapter title as well, as far as I recall (haven't checked either)
posted 09-28-2006 07:07 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
Looks like THX beat me to the punch!>>What you’re getting in the boxed sets is a complete set of the final version of all the compositions Shore wrote for The Lord of the Rings. You will eventually get non-final versions, but that’s later.<<
A-ha! I almost forgot about this! Rarities disc and all, I guess.
posted 09-28-2006 08:03 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
Say.........I was wondering, if these are the track titles that we are going to get, where the titles are posted, you will notice that on two of the tracks, there is a .: on track 26 and 36, does this mean a possible sign for the next disc starting? I haven't seen the film for ages, I might wacth it this weekend, but is this too many tracks for the first disc??????25. Refuge At Helms Deep
26.: The Voice Of Saruman
27. Arwens Fate
35. The Host Of The Eldar
36.: The Battle Of The Hornburg
37. The Breach Of The Deeping Wall[Message edited by THX 1138 4eb on 09-30-2006]
posted 09-28-2006 08:17 PM PT (US) TheTennisBallKid
Standard Userer
Nah, I just gave those numbers to the tracks because the numbers from the site I got them (which won't allow a direct link) from were confusing because they listed all the various mixes for the DVD, and then the CD mix...
The ":"s are a typo.[Message edited by TheTennisBallKid on 09-28-2006]
posted 09-28-2006 09:32 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
39 Days to Go...If those 45 tracks are correct, then I would guess that disc 1 will have 15 tracks, disc 2-17 tracks, and disc 3-13 tracks. We'll find out soon. It's good to know that Shore's website is finally "up and running". Yay!
I'm still working on trying to figure out Eowyn's themes/Rohan material. I thought there were only 3 or 4 themes for Rohan, but I think there are about 6 or 7...?
posted 09-29-2006 07:30 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
DOUG...I'm scared about something..."they're coming...no...No!...NOOOOO!!!"........uh, just kidding
(about that ^ ). Seriously though, I love the "nice ending" to the OST track 16 - Forth Eorlingas. I hate the film version where (because of the editing, of course) the "ending" of tr16 goes immediately to the "Flooding" music without finishing. Now, I'm BASING this on the 45-long track list, ASSUMING it's the right one. Track 43 to 44, by name, sounds like there's no "Flooding" music, but it's obviously there, AND, it "has" to be at the end of 43, not the beginning of 44. Please reassure me that on the CR, the music going from the Helm's Deep battle to the "Flooding" will NOT sound like the film version. I'm...scared...*sniff*...help me Doug Adams, you're my only hope...
I'm hoping there's some more "transitional" music or something there that sounds good. I'm sure there is.
[Message edited by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs on 09-29-2006]
posted 09-29-2006 08:00 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Yes. These are exactly the kind of things I had hoped the CRs would "fix". Obviously, FOTR didn't have much of those since it's a linear movie, but TTT and ROTK have several storylines, and the edits that were made are hopefully not on the CRs.
posted 09-29-2006 08:12 AM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
But if the 45 list track is correct, where is Gollum’s Song?
Can it be the last track? And if yes, you will probably have a very long track + it would be awful to have music from the score combine with the song.
Or maybe all the music is in track 44 (oh my god that’s going to be long) and Gollum’s Song is the Last track. On the other hand the title of the song May it be, wasn’t changed in the first CC. We will have to wait to see
I cant Wait for the CC of the TTT (yeah I know, who isn’t!)
One of the first things that I am going to listen is the part were Eomer finds Theodred, and they headed to EdorasI wonder, in the ROTK there is an unused scene were Aragorn is wearing the Gondorian armor. Did Howard Shore score this scene? Because the Music in the TTT were Aragorn is wearing the Rohirrim armor in Helm’s Deep is Fantastic! Very dynamic and epic.
posted 09-29-2006 12:42 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Interesting.Hope we'll also get some samples soon.[Message edited by Beren on 09-29-2006]
posted 09-29-2006 01:31 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
About the edits on TTT: all along I thought we would get the full pieces that were recorded and how they were recorded, not necessarily how they were split up or edited together in the film. At least that's what Doug and the press release promised all along, "the full pieces how they were recorded". And that would also include Forth Eorlingas with the clean ending.
Of course when edits are properly done, only a very experienced ear could tell the ending's actually missing. But I hope they won't (respectively haven't) done that.Although I really suspect the edit is there, since essentially the whole 20 minute finale seems to be present in the last two tracks.
posted 09-29-2006 08:10 PM PT (US) Green Knight
Standard Userer
Yes, probably the movie editing is there. It was the same with FOTR CC
You’ve got huge pieces which are normally deferent tracks.
Classic example for this is the music from the Gift giving scene (one huge track from the Isengard scene to Lothlorien and the Gifts and then the Great River)
Oh well…
posted 09-30-2006 07:47 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Yes, in my book, listenability goes over synchronisation with the movie, at least on CD. And it wouldn't affect the idea of presenting the music in story order to include Forth Eorlingas with the proper ending, wouldn't it.But I remember Doug saying that "there are quite a few surprises" in this piece, so maybe the film version is actually truncated.
posted 09-30-2006 08:27 AM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
Hello Everyone, good to hear from you all.....Doug...where are you?????......I don't know what is going to happen, but I am really scared about your comments.....although I don't think they could edit them around too much.....I have just finished watching the film tonight, and I don't know how they could change it, as I am sure when PJ gave the script to HS to read, that it must have had most of those scenes written in that particular order, as it definatly was not like the book, being split up into the individual stories, where we all got sick at some stage of wanting to know what was going to happen to the other characters.
I am writing this message on Saturday/Sunday between 11PM to 12:45AM South Australian time.
Yesterday, Friday, I briefly flicked through the chapters of TTT DVD, and it just didn't do my mind justice, so I watched it all today, with a few difficulties in the duration.
The following are all my thoughts on the music, and where I couldn't describe the music with words, I wrote what the scene had to do with the story. (At this moment in time, I have just finished listening to FOTR CR D1, and I have put in D2...while I am writing..)
--- 3PM --- Disc 1 --- Majestic, (Title - Gollum), deep, emotional, caring, strong, powerful, in the deepest of darkness, powerful, tears pouring out during vocal just before Frodo wakes up, home-Shire, almost comic, the power of the Ring, hope, Gollum, creeping-up-theiving, comic, jumpy
Dark, evil, bad,...friends
Hope in darkness, Kings theme, good guys, victory, triumph, life, Rohan....journey on..
Sarumon, Mordor, industrial revolution, fire, metal, industry, new order, war,(English Orc), evil, anarchy, loss & hope, struggle, loss & freedom, grief, life, wormy.
Glorious victory against darkness (WarCraft - Cutting Trees), tree hope, fear and trembling, darkness against darkness, uncertainty, hope.
A walk, evil, hope (*****Now Doug....when Gandalf introduces himself, on Disc 1 51:10 to 51:36, is this missing music, as if you listen to Disc 2 during the end credits (not the fan credits) 1:47:49 to 1:48:46, you will notice that the end credits have a longer vocal version, or is this longer version just composed for the end credits?*****), onwards, riddle, Gandalf's whistle for Shadowfax (**Is this included in the score?**), glorious.
Orc horns at the Black gate (***Are these horns in the score?***), covered (****Now during the scene just before Frodo covers Sam and himself, if you know most of HS scores, this sounds like what he would develop into David Cronenberg's A History Of Violence, and I was wondering, do you know the distance between HS scoring this and AHOV?****), tree struggle.
Edoras, Rohan, Wormtongue/Snake (**I don't know about all you readers, but when I read the book the first time(and only so far), I imagined Wormtongue to look just as his name sounds, more of a fantasy character, how about you readers????**), brightness, exciting, extra powerful, theme of Rohan alive again, song at burial (****Doug, is this extended on the CR, as it seems cut as though it wasn't finished (or edited down) properly?****)
(Now just before the final chapter on the first Disk, my DVD player kept pausing, so I watched the rest on my computer with headphones, including all Disc 2, and a break between (an hour into Disc 2) 6-8:30 to organise and eat tea)--- Disc 2 --- ......87 years old, Arwens theme, evil, orcs, beasts, darkness, battle, industrialised beasts, Helm's Deep hope, drums/Rohan theme.
Darkness, to war, industrial, Arwen/Aragorn, Sauron eye, gathering on ring (beginning FOTR), Boromir - Gondor theme (****Doug.....is there any music missing During Boromir's speech****),uplifting, victorious music. Denethor theme (troubled - pessimistic), Aragorn theme, Gollum singing (****While Gollum is killing the fish, is his singing featured in CR?****), Gondor/Helm's Deep/Rohan/Aragorn.
Battle by nightfall, alone....are we in battle, the flying birds, Ents, love (is a precious thing), sadness & honour, to whatever end, sadness unknowingness, glorious endurance in preparation....Elfdom, PJ's kids.
Evil, war, explosive, unexpected, heroic (surfing Legolas), home (Shire), onward grief & loss, blood to blood, hand to hand, even more!!!!!!!
Ents march to war!!!YES!!!, Nazgul (******I don't know about all you readers, but I would quite admire the people at work if they included the screeches the Nazgul give, as I think it adds to the impact******), the sun rises (*****Doug, do we hear the horn Gimli blows into?*****), light, bright, conquoring, river flowing, end of industry.
Stories that matter, when the day comes....., good worth fighting for, hope, good will of all men, favourite stories, DOUG THE CORAGEOUS, evil Gollum, things to come, Gollum Song, End Credits.I just put in Disc 3, while I edit the words I put down from my pen to pad to screen.
As exciting as the first disc was when I received it on March 26, two days after my 22 Birthday, I listened to it 8 times in the first week, one each day, and twice on the Friday. I hope I have time to listen to the two scores back-to-back when I receive them, and I also hope TTT is justifiable by itself.
On one last note, I do not in anyway hope to offend HS, but one of the pieces of music I thought sounded similar to Jerry Goldsmith's 1985 The Explorers, and I can tell you it brings back memories....good ones...
Do any of the readers names of this Message Board feature in the fan credits of any of the films?????
[Message edited by THX 1138 4eb on 10-03-2006]
posted 09-30-2006 09:13 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Originally posted by THX 1138 4eb:
it definatly was not like the book where we all got sick at some stage of wanting to know what was going to happen to the other characters.If you got sick of the books,i don't think this is the place to make such a statement.If you want my opinion,then i suggest you cut the second books'pages of each LOTR part and stick them randomly among the ones from Book 1,3 and 5.Then you will know waht will happen to the characters from time to time.If you don't like this idea then read the movie script...
posted 09-30-2006 01:52 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
I have a hard time seeing how else the books could have been written and also maintain Tolkien's literary stamp. One has to have patience.The long, twisting narrative that he uses where you don't know much about what's going on in the other character's lives for long stretches of time helps build suspense in my opinion. But then, Tolkien lived and wrote during a time when people were more patient.
posted 09-30-2006 04:22 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I don't know how they could change it, as I am sure when PJ gave the script to HS to read, that it must have had most of those scenes written in that particular order,Double- lol
There never ever was *one* script for any LotR movie. I guess the closest thing to a finished script was the original draft they had written for Miramax.
Those films weren't shot in your conventional way, when you polish a script and then shoot it page by page.
This whole thing was constantly rewritten, every single week.
Just watch the documentaries on the FOTR EE, you'll see.
Fellowship was a very linear movie, there were not many options on how to put it all together, so Howard Shore, when he arrived in London to record it, had already written and orchestrated about 90 % of his score. Plus, he had already recorded the whole Moria sequence in New Zealand for the Cannes film festival. I think the only major thing that still wasn't locked was the prologue.But with TTT, it was a wholly different process, as you can see on the TTT documentary. According to Paul Brouceck, Howard went to London with only 20 minutes worth of locked, finished score. And those 20 minutes were apparently written for scenes that either didn't end up in the theatrical cut or were so drastically changed that they had to be rewritten.
So, essentially, Howard Shore had to write and record simultaneously to the editing process of the film.
Of course, as I understand it, he had already penned his major new themes earlier that year, but the vast majority of the score wasn't done yet.On ROTK it was pretty much the same, only that work got a lot more intense.
By the way, I watched disc 2 of the ROTK EE, and I noticed that the music that plays when Aragorn says "You bow to noone" (BEFORE the Shire theme starts) is exactly the same that plays in the Council Of Elrond over Frodo saying "I will take the ring". It's that noble horn melody.
posted 09-30-2006 04:38 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I'd like to point out that Barnes and Noble pulled TTT off their website. Huh?
posted 09-30-2006 04:47 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
38 Days to Go...I found TT: CR on B&N.
posted 09-30-2006 09:13 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
****Beren**** Sorry, I didn’t seem to be thinking right when I was writing, I was meant to say that at some stage we must have been “longing” to know what was happening to the other characters....sorry....
****gkgyver**** I seem to be misunderstood again, I was referring to a previous message where someone stated that HS would have scored for sections of each individual characters whole stories.....where in actual fact I was referring to the fact that HS must have known that the film would have been edited-around to different sections, so that maybe where the scenes are frequently cut from story to story, there might be some extended unused cues making it a more flowing score.......Doug will know!!!!
[Message edited by THX 1138 4eb on 10-01-2006]
posted 10-01-2006 05:40 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by THX 1138 4eb:
****Beren**** Sorry, I didn’t seem to be thinking right when I was writing, I was meant to say that at some stage we must have been “longing” to know what was happening to the other characters....sorry....
But wasn't that the point?
I *did* get somewhat bored the first few times I read the book (at 13 or something like that), but then I found the book as a whole a long and at times tedious read (I still loved it, and wouldn't have wanted to change that).
Anyway, as the movies show: Only the Tolkien way made the outstanding TTT cliffhanger possible - it just can't be done with chronologically accurate intercutting of the storylines (even though PJ's ROTK isn't chronologically correct...
[Message edited by Marian Schedenig on 10-01-2006]
posted 10-01-2006 06:40 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Apology accepted
posted 10-01-2006 06:49 AM PT (US) Beren
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posted 10-01-2006 01:12 PM PT (US) gkgyver
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posted 10-01-2006 01:14 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
37 Days to Go...Happy October, everyone!
I guess Doug's busy again...or else he's tired of "talking" to us
DOUG, it seems to me that the key of D (both major and minor) is the most important in all 3 scores. Is this true? I know it's used a lot for the Shire material and Ringwraith theme, but also for the Fellowship, Mordor material, Isengard material, and some One Ring material.
posted 10-01-2006 06:36 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
D? Interesting... the classic key of death.
posted 10-01-2006 06:52 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Ohhh, Marian, your genius mind might be on to something...
posted 10-01-2006 09:10 PM PT (US) mtrox
Non-Standard Userer
Just a note: pretty cheap at $56.37 on CDUniverse.com. I preordered my FOTR complete edition from them last year for an equally cheap price and have no complaints.
posted 10-01-2006 11:21 PM PT (US) Adam_lotrfan
Non-Standard Userer
Hey,After following this thread (and the previous one) for yonks (anyone tell I'm Australian?), I decided to sign-up to moviemusic.com so I could contribute! I might as well add to the Key of D discussion (being a musician myself) ... D is actually the traditional key of triumph. But then it depends what mode of D your talking about; D Major is the key of "triumph".
posted 10-01-2006 11:57 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs:
[B]37 Days to Go...Happy October, everyone!
I guess Doug's busy again...or else he's tired of "talking" to us
......tired of "talking" to us, I don't think so, all us readers and HS are what drives him to do what he is doing, I don't see how anyone could avoid talking to their customers who love what they are doing.........if ever I (sorry, when I)do something where people would like to know what is happening, I would be more than glad to talk back to them and find out who is interested in the thing I do.
I am sure Doug is just fine, tuning into our thoughts, having a chukkle, and thinking of who we might individually and collectively as a group might be!!!!!
posted 10-02-2006 02:09 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
DOUG, it seems to me that the key of D (both major and minor) is the most important in all 3 scores. Is this true? I know it's used a lot for the Shire material and Ringwraith theme, but also for the Fellowship, Mordor material, Isengard material, and some One Ring material.Don't forget the Gondor theme!
posted 10-02-2006 06:34 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by THX 1138 4eb:>>>Doug
......tired of "talking" to us, I don't think so, all us readers and HS are what drives him to do what he is doing, I don't see how anyone could avoid talking to their customers who love what they are doing.........
I am sure Doug is just fine, tuning into our thoughts, having a chuckle, and thinking of who we might individually and collectively as a group might be!!!!!
I second that!
Now, all you hasty hobbits out there,... let's let Doug get his job done and meet his impending deadline. If he is unusually silent right now, let's keep in mind that he probably has tons of work right now finishing up TTT so WE can have it on time...Let's just suffer, and suffer, and suffer quietly and desperately while we wait, day by day, hour by hour until all his liner notes and annotations finally are ready for us...
After all, if there is the slightest mistake or typo I am sure this list will pounce on it with 500+ questions!! ;-)
So, no, we are not "there yet"...!
Timdalfposted 10-02-2006 07:18 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB