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LOTR Package Update (Page 10)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
Originally posted by NeoVoyager:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Olorin:
[b]It sounds like the rarities disc could easily be 2 discs. But will it be included in the ROTK set, be a standalone release, or be included in Doug's book?<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Doug just said that the RotK set is going to be ONLY RotK music.[/B]
...and for those lazy to read the previous threads: the rarities cd is intended to supplement the forthcoming _book_, not the CR.
posted 04-27-2007 10:53 PM PT (US) Gorbag
Non-Standard Userer
Well Doug has said the book will feature multimedia content, but did he say anything about rarities yet I? In all likelihood it probably will be, but you never know.
posted 04-28-2007 03:23 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
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To my knowledge, it's still undecided (or at least un-announced) whether the disc will be bundled with the book. The talk about "multimedia content" with lots of interesting ideas suggests to me that the rarities disc will either be independent from the book, or part of the multimedia package.
posted 04-28-2007 06:23 AM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Olorin:
It sounds like the rarities disc could easily be 2 discs. But will it be included in the ROTK set, be a standalone release, or be included in Doug's book?Currently, it looks like it will come with the book, but nothing's set in stone yet.
I was wondering the other day, why not put the rarities music online on Shore's website?
posted 04-28-2007 04:26 PM PT (US) *Tom*
Non-Standard Userer
The record company wouldn't be too happy about that...
posted 04-28-2007 05:28 PM PT (US) Earl
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Originally posted by Kungfuyu:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Olorin:
[b]It sounds like the rarities disc could easily be 2 discs. But will it be included in the ROTK set, be a standalone release, or be included in Doug's book?<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Currently, it looks like it will come with the book, but nothing's set in stone yet.
I was wondering the other day, why not put the rarities music online on Shore's website?[/B]
Well, I think we'd all like to have even the rarities music in 5.1 (I know I would), so I don't think putting them up on the site is an option.
posted 04-28-2007 09:15 PM PT (US) brutus
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by brutus:
[b]Same here!<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Et tu, Brute?[/B]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
[Message edited by brutus on 04-30-2007]
posted 04-29-2007 03:04 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
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posted 04-29-2007 03:58 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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If this whole "Howard Shore and The Hobbit" doesn't work out, which I think is likely, then maybe he could write a standalone piece, like a Hobbit opera or concert suite or something like that.I'd love that.
posted 04-30-2007 09:12 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
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Doug: Does "The White Rider in Nature" theme occur anywhere in the score for The Return of the King? It would be awesome to hear some unused version!
posted 05-01-2007 10:12 AM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
Hmmmm...we needa liven things up here...What's everyone's favorite theme?
posted 05-04-2007 02:36 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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Hard to pick a favoirte of course, but the shire/hobbit theme is definetely up there for me, for its pure innocent and happy qualities.
posted 05-04-2007 03:27 PM PT (US) Incanus
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It is really difficult to name just one theme as a favourite but if I absolutely had to, it would be The History of the Ring theme. It is such an evocative embodiment of the central object of the whole story. When I first heard it I thought it could not be more perfect. It has the feeling of great antiquity, mystery, a hint of evil and also sorrow.
posted 05-05-2007 03:10 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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So in anticipation for ROTK, I've been really studying the score in its presentation with the film and just noticed something that I don't think has been discussed yet:At 51 mins and 47 seconds(in the EE) a motif appears breifly that I believe is used at the end of the score (twice in the movie in fact due to tracking issues). The grand statement of this theme is heard on the OST during "Return of the King" at 2:15.
I can definetely see a tie between these two scenes as they both have to do with Gondor's King. During the first scene at 51:47 Sam tells Frodo that the King has a crown again. Then the grand statement appears at the end of the film when the camera pans upon Minis Tirith
where the crowd is gathered for the ceremony, where Aragorn is crowned King. It is also played right after Frodo destroys the ring and you see
Merry and Pippin yelling "FRODO!!!!!!", which I thinks works great by the way. (This is tracked right Doug?)Since this motif appears in the track "Return of the King" on the OST I am assuming this is where Shore intented it to be, exclusively. If so, I assume that on the ROTK: CR we'll hear what Shore originally wrote for the "FRODO!!!" scene.
So Doug, is the melody heard at 51:47 in the film supposed to be tied to grand statement at 2:15 in the track "Return of the King" thus musically forshadowing what happens later in the film?
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 05-05-2007]
posted 05-05-2007 03:33 AM PT (US) Matthijs
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I always thought these lines were part of the Into The West theme, because they are the same when Gandalf tells Pippin what 'death' is and I thought people said that that theme was the Into the West theme. I could be wrong off course ...
posted 05-05-2007 04:07 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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My bet is that it's an intentional variation on the Minas Tirith theme (or "Anduril" if you want to call it that).
posted 05-05-2007 05:13 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Shire Bagginz:
So in anticipation for ROTK, I've been really studying the score in its presentation with the film and just noticed something that I don't think has been discussed yet:At 51 mins and 47 seconds(in the EE) a motif appears breifly that I believe is used at the end of the score (twice in the movie in fact due to tracking issues). The grand statement of this theme is heard on the OST during "Return of the King" at 2:15.
I can definetely see a tie between these two scenes as they both have to do with Gondor's King. During the first scene at 51:47 Sam tells Frodo that the King has a crown again. Then the grand statement appears at the end of the film when the camera pans upon Minis Tirith
where the crowd is gathered for the ceremony, where Aragorn is crowned King. It is also played right after Frodo destroys the ring and you see
Merry and Pippin yelling "FRODO!!!!!!", which I thinks works great by the way. (This is tracked right Doug?)Since this motif appears in the track "Return of the King" on the OST I am assuming this is where Shore intented it to be, exclusively. If so, I assume that on the ROTK: CR we'll hear what Shore originally wrote for the "FRODO!!!" scene.
So Doug, is the melody heard at 51:47 in the film supposed to be tied to grand statement at 2:15 in the track "Return of the King" thus musically forshadowing what happens later in the film?
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 05-05-2007]
I think it is the Fourth Age of Gondor theme which Doug mentioned some time ago.
posted 05-05-2007 05:32 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Incanus:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Shire Bagginz:
[b]So in anticipation for ROTK, I've been really studying the score in its presentation with the film and just noticed something that I don't think has been discussed yet:At 51 mins and 47 seconds(in the EE) a motif appears breifly that I believe is used at the end of the score (twice in the movie in fact due to tracking issues). The grand statement of this theme is heard on the OST during "Return of the King" at 2:15.
I can definetely see a tie between these two scenes as they both have to do with Gondor's King. During the first scene at 51:47 Sam tells Frodo that the King has a crown again. Then the grand statement appears at the end of the film when the camera pans upon Minis Tirith
where the crowd is gathered for the ceremony, where Aragorn is crowned King. It is also played right after Frodo destroys the ring and you see
Merry and Pippin yelling "FRODO!!!!!!", which I thinks works great by the way. (This is tracked right Doug?)Since this motif appears in the track "Return of the King" on the OST I am assuming this is where Shore intented it to be, exclusively. If so, I assume that on the ROTK: CR we'll hear what Shore originally wrote for the "FRODO!!!" scene.
So Doug, is the melody heard at 51:47 in the film supposed to be tied to grand statement at 2:15 in the track "Return of the King" thus musically forshadowing what happens later in the film?
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 05-05-2007]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
I think it is the Fourth Age of Gondor theme which Doug mentioned some time ago.[/B]
Oh, I see...makes sense.
posted 05-05-2007 01:58 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Hi,just for fun...where could this be from? (Yes, yes, I know...it's only four staves, but my program can't handle more of them!)
http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/4861/18secpj4.jpgGuess away!
posted 05-08-2007 08:43 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
But it's not from LotR, is it?SUN?
posted 05-08-2007 10:38 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
hmmm...sounds somewhat familiar..yes...give us a hint precioussss!
posted 05-08-2007 11:55 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
But it's not from LotR, is it?SUN?
Hint: I did put this in this thread for a reason...
posted 05-08-2007 04:02 PM PT (US) Wedge
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After a cursory glance, it seems to be the music from the end of the Gandalf/Balrog battle that opens TTT ("Foundations of Stone" on the OST, "Glamdring" on the CR).
posted 05-08-2007 11:43 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Wedge:
After a cursory glance, it seems to be the music from the end of the Gandalf/Balrog battle that opens TTT ("Foundations of Stone" on the OST, "Glamdring" on the CR).That sprung to mind... but the rhythms just don't appear to match up.
posted 05-08-2007 11:56 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Wedge:
After a cursory glance, it seems to be the music from the end of the Gandalf/Balrog battle that opens TTT ("Foundations of Stone" on the OST, "Glamdring" on the CR). <HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Yup, thats definetely it. The timeframe matches up. Just a bit hard to recoginze a massive choral line on the piano.
How about another one Christian?
[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 05-09-2007]
posted 05-09-2007 01:09 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Ah yes... I just listened to that snippet again, and while it appears that the first quarter note of the first three measures is slightly lengthened by the choir (thus throwing me off), it certainly is that most famousest of moments from The Two Towers.
posted 05-09-2007 07:59 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Another one...and the last one...it takes me the better part of an hour to get these things done. And since I am not John Morgan and only have four staves on which to do this...well, you get the gist!The following could be from FotR or from T2T:
http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/3264/60secvn7.jpgHave fun!
posted 05-10-2007 04:01 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
"Where's The Horse And The Rider?"
posted 05-10-2007 06:01 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Are you sure?
posted 05-10-2007 09:35 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
I also thought it was 'Where is the horse and the Rider'[Message edited by Matthijs on 05-10-2007]
posted 05-10-2007 10:32 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Are you sure?Quite
Although I remember hearing a quote of that melody someplace else in the score, but that one didn't have a Timpani.
posted 05-10-2007 10:59 AM PT (US) Sabsi
Standard Userer
Yep, it's definitely from "Where Is the Horse and the Rider?" (3:05 - 4:05).Love that part
Concerning the 18 seconds: I also think it's from "Glamdring" (or "Foundations of Stone") (3:32 - 3:50).
Oh, and the Sympnony in Lucerne was great. I've seen (or rather heard) the Symphony six times and this one was definitely the best (though Maestro Shore wasn't present this time - that would have made it perfect...)!
[Message edited by Sabsi on 05-11-2007]
posted 05-10-2007 04:50 PM PT (US) Ralo
Non-Standard Userer
Hi everyone! This is my first post here but I have followed this tread since like half a year before the release of the Complete Recordings of FotR.Maybe you have discussed this before but it doesn't seem very likely. Anyway, I listened to the soundtrack of The Lion King and came across a part in the track King of Pride Rock that to my ears has almost exactly the same notes as in one of the Mordor-themes. It begins at 2:21 and ends at 2:32 on the track. I am no musician so I may have very wrong so it would be fun if anyone could check that part out and at least tell that it was a close similary. =)
I'm sorry if my english is bad, I'm from Sweden. =P
posted 05-12-2007 10:15 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
It's indeed quite similar to the descending thirds theme, but I think it sounds better in LOTR
posted 05-12-2007 10:29 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
Both the mentioned motif from Lion King and the Descending Thirds motif do bear resemblance to a very old musical device the "Dies Irae" motif which originates from liturgical music and has descended to our times from Middle Ages and has been used by many composers throughout history. It has always signaled doom and something fateful.[Message edited by Incanus on 05-12-2007]
posted 05-12-2007 01:52 PM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
Speaking of similar themes...in Ocarina of Time, the theme for Kaepora Gaebora the Owl starts out very very similary like the Fellowship Theme (or more accurately Fellowship in Rohan, I think).Here's a link to it:
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Soundtracks-Ocarina%20of%20Time%20Original%20Soundtrack.phpLook at #20
posted 05-12-2007 01:59 PM PT (US) ruckus
Non-Standard Userer
Hello again,In case anyone's interested I just came across a video on YouTube of a tribute to Howard Shore from the National Association for Recording Artists (NARAS). It features some (short) footage with James Galway and Renée Fleming at the recording sessions.
I'm always looking out for footage of the recording sessions and a new video seems to pop up on YouTube every couple of weeks. Hopefully we'll get some more with the multimedia content in the book.
Question for Doug: You're probably not involved in this but have you heard any talk of the LotR symphony coming to Ireland? We certainly have enough fiddles and bodhráns to go round!
All the best,
ruckus[Message edited by ruckus on 05-15-2007]
posted 05-15-2007 05:33 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I just read that Spielberg and PJ are teaming up for making three "Tintin" movies in 3-D.Is there a chance that Howard Shore will be on this project?
posted 05-15-2007 08:10 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Quiz No. 3, for those who are interested.
http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/4786/quiz3xc8.jpgI should add that this piece was very difficult to do with the limitations of the program I use. Timings are largely as heard during the piece, but not completely so; and seeing as I don't have perfect pitch and knowledge of instruments, this is more of an approximation than anything else.
Howard Shore, please don't sue me over this!
posted 05-15-2007 04:47 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Night Camp.
posted 05-15-2007 07:44 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB