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LOTR Package Update (Page 11)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
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posted 05-15-2007 08:34 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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^^^^^ Shameless anniversary poster!
posted 05-15-2007 10:22 PM PT (US) gkgyver
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300No, the movie you mean is called "300"!
And yes, that piece has to be Night Camp.
posted 05-16-2007 06:27 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Originally posted by gkgyver:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>300<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>No, the movie you mean is called "300"!
And yes, that piece has to be Night Camp.
Your guess is based on what, exactly?!
posted 05-16-2007 08:49 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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Well, I'm basing this on my approximately 6344 listens to the Complete Recordings.Oh, and the reclamation of nature theme, of course.
posted 05-16-2007 11:03 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Originally posted by gkgyver:
Well, I'm basing this on my approximately 6344 listens to the Complete Recordings.Oh, and the reclamation of nature theme, of course.
Approximately 6600 here...
But of course you're right.
posted 05-16-2007 11:11 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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Originally posted by Christian Kühn:Approximately 6600 here...
But of course you're right.
Arrrr! But I guessed it a full 11 hours *before* G.K.!
These are quite fun, Christian. It's a lot of work to transcribe orchestral music like that. Thanks!
posted 05-16-2007 12:21 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
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Anybody interested in a RotK thematic analysis? I've about finished mine.
posted 05-18-2007 05:23 AM PT (US) John C Winfrey
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This is one long post, aint it?J.
posted 05-20-2007 06:27 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
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Originally posted by John C Winfrey:
This is one long post, aint it?J.
You should have been here for the first and second go 'rounds!
This one is minute compared to the others. The length of these threads is about 90-95% on-topic so that should tell you how much these scores are enjoyed by those here. Welcome!
posted 05-20-2007 10:02 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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69 pages strong!!!!
posted 05-20-2007 10:45 PM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
Hey, Doug. I'm sure this has been asked already, but if the ROTK set has more discs and more music, does that mean it's going to be more expensive?Btw, I don't think the post count and anniversary posts count as on-topic.
[Message edited by Kungfuyu on 05-21-2007]
posted 05-21-2007 02:23 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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I just *bump*ed into this thread...
posted 05-25-2007 05:10 PM PT (US) MJC
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Good lord it's taking a long time for the third set to come out. It's almost June and we don't have a release date yet. My frustration is growing.Martin
posted 05-26-2007 06:57 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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Ah, Herr Kühn! Herrentag gut überstanden?Just to post something that might be of interest: I don't know if any of you know that show, but recently I flipped through several channels, and suddenly, Io! and behold, there was maestro Shore, talking about film music.
It was a show on "arte", called "Tracks". It was mainly about David Lynch, but they also had a section about film music, and introduced some composers like Howard Shore, Ennio Morricone, and a Japanese guy whose name I can't spell (not Ifukube).It was quite interesting to see a show that didn't focus on the bold Hollywood music, but rather the smaller projects, like Shore's Crash and Naked Lunch.
posted 05-26-2007 07:01 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
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Hmmm... Crash... That score is a gem that I keep rediscovering every few years or so. I love the completely manipulated sounds of such an unusual ensemble. Might be time to pull that one off the shelf again...
posted 05-27-2007 01:57 AM PT (US) Green Knight
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Well Hello to every one!
I haven’t written from the time of the TTT release.Actually my thought was that the topic would eventually fade off until the ROTK but you prove me wrong. All of these months I was following this topic and found that you heaved talk about nice things
Well off the topic, I want to say a big thanks to Magpie for her awesome site, because I made a FOTR CC compilation (from the 3 disks into 1) for my girlfriend and she was interesting about the lyrics and Magpies site was excellent for guidance!
I am also happy to see here and there info by Doug about ROTK, and here’s a question for you Doug:
Can you reveal anything about the Aragorn’s Dressing into the King’s armor scene (not in the film or the EE) and the music? Is there any music? It’s going to be in the ROTK CR or in the Rarities set? Or it’s not going to be at all?I hope that the release date for the ROTK it’s going to be sooner…
(Sorry for any mistake or typos)
posted 05-27-2007 08:55 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Originally posted by MJC:
Good lord it's taking a long time for the third set to come out. It's almost June and we don't have a release date yet. My frustration is growing.Martin
Let it grow a little bit more, yes?!
HELLO?!?! Release info on FotR was made available in September of 2005, with the set coming out about three months later. T2T came out in early November, so you will have to wait almost half a year before you will be able to hold this baby in your hands.
What the shibber-ti-shabby made you think anything would be known just yet?
Obviously, Doug hasn't got anything to report, otherwise he'd've said something, wouldn't he?
Sweet Betsy...
posted 05-27-2007 10:01 AM PT (US) vdemona
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My, my. No need to get grumpy over it.
posted 05-28-2007 12:03 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Stoopid, fat film score fans. Mussst ussse long-term memory. Curse them! We talks about thisss for the past two yearsss, and all they remembers is Orc talk.They musstn't go that way...
posted 05-28-2007 01:32 PM PT (US) Timdalf
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Well, it's obvious we are indeed drawing closer and closer to Orodruin, all of us... we are crossing the Gorgoroth; we are in the Land of Shadow, in the lead are our Frodo and Sam, our Howard and Doug...:"Mordor was a dying land, but it was not dead. And here things still grew, harsh, twisted, bitter, struggling for life... ...There was a bitter tang in the air of Mordor that dried the mouth. When Sam thought of water even his hopeful spirit quailed. Beyond the Morgai there was the dreadful plain of Gorgoroth to cross....
"...Frodo sighed and was asleep almost before the words were spoken. Sam struggled with his own weariness, and he took Frodos' hand, and there he sat silen till deep night feel.... ...Far above the Ephel Duath in the West the night sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountain, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach........"
Endure, we must all endure the time of waiting, the hardest part of the test is just before the end: the eucatastrophe! Let not our hearts be troubled,... We know what wonders await in just a few months of weeks.....
It WILL come and then what joy will there be!
[Message edited by Timdalf on 05-29-2007]
posted 05-28-2007 06:05 PM PT (US) BigT1981
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I have no clue why some people are getting upset about not getting a release date. As Christian said that the info release for FOTR and TTT's was made available in about September/Octoberish. I'm sure the same will happen with ROTK.People seriously need to just be more patient with this. Plus Doug has a busy day, it's not like he can just drop whatever and post on here when someone throws a temper tantrum and demands a new update or when the release date will be. Give the guy a break all ready, holy cow.
As I suggested people need to seriously be more patient.
posted 05-29-2007 03:19 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
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Hi everyone,Update later today, watch this space.
No need for alarm, I've just been rather busy for the past month.
Back soon,
posted 05-29-2007 05:38 AM PT (US) Earl
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Oh yay... Doug's back and he's his usual self... how about that? A hint concerning an upcoming post that will contain more hints :P
posted 05-29-2007 06:34 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
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Hi everyone,Nice to see you all again. Sorry for the absence, it’s not for lack of interest or lack of news… more lack of time! Sometimes doing work takes up so much time you’re left with precious little time to talk about work.
But since I’ve got a few moments not bogged down in multitasking, I though I’d drop by with some answers and updates.
Read on! (Sorry for the jumbled question order .)
>>>Doug: Does "The White Rider in Nature" theme occur anywhere in the score for The Return of the King? It would be awesome to hear some unused version!>>>
It would be awesome indeed, but ‘tis not to be. The White Rider in Nature is a TTT only theme. The White Rider in the Fellowship, however…
>>>Hey, Doug. I'm sure this has been asked already, but if the ROTK set has more discs and more music, does that mean it's going to be more expensive?>>>
This is really the decision of the record company. I know there’s an overriding sentiment of “can we please NOT raise the price!” we’ll just have to see how the suits feel. Their perspective, of course, is not insignificant.
>>>I am also happy to see here and there info by Doug about ROTK, and here’s a question for you Doug:
Can you reveal anything about the Aragorn’s Dressing into the King’s armor scene (not in the film or the EE) and the music? Is there any music? It’s going to be in the ROTK CR or in the Rarities set? Or it’s not going to be at all?>>>This scene was never scored in a final version, so there’s nothing for the CD set in this instance. Don’t fret though, there are plenty of unused goodies coming your way.
>>>At 51 mins and 47 seconds(in the EE) a motif appears breifly that I believe is used at the end of the score (twice in the movie in fact due to tracking issues). The grand statement of this theme is heard on the OST during "Return of the King" at 2:15.
I can definetely see a tie between these two scenes as they both have to do with Gondor's King. During the first scene at 51:47 Sam tells Frodo that the King has a crown again. Then the grand statement appears at the end of the film when the camera pans upon Minis Tirith
where the crowd is gathered for the ceremony, where Aragorn is crowned King. It is also played right after Frodo destroys the ring and you see
Merry and Pippin yelling "FRODO!!!!!!", which I thinks works great by the way. (This is tracked right Doug?)Since this motif appears in the track "Return of the King" on the OST I am assuming this is where Shore intented it to be, exclusively. If so, I assume that on the ROTK: CR we'll hear what Shore originally wrote for the "FRODO!!!" scene.
So Doug, is the melody heard at 51:47 in the film supposed to be tied to grand statement at 2:15 in the track "Return of the King" thus musically forshadowing what happens later in the film?>>>
>>>I think it is the Fourth Age of Gondor theme which Doug mentioned some time ago.>>>
This is indeed the Fourth Age of Gondor theme, one of several Fourth Age themes that pepper the ROTK score. And as for the question of tracking during the tower’s fall… a qualified no. There are music edits in this scene, but this theme is meant to be here. No tracking occurs. You will hear the un-truncated version of this piece on the CR set, and boy oh boy… The music reaches a sonic and emotional peak here like you’ve never heard before.
>>>Question for Doug: You're probably not involved in this but have you heard any talk of the LotR symphony coming to Ireland? We certainly have enough fiddles and bodhráns to go round!>>>
Haven’t heard specific talk of an Irish performance, but it’s certainly not impossible. The Symphony is still actively touring around the world with new performances added all the time. If you watch Howard’s official site (www.howardshore.com) you’ll see updates added to the calendar regularly.
And not to drop too many slippery hints, but there may be an entirely new touring entity in the near future. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!
>>>I hope what I am about to say is not the case, and is proved wrong, but I have a feeling that the last disc is going to contain all the music from the Fan Credits of all three films................please, don't let this be the case, I want to hear 4 hours and 30 minutes of Return Of The King music......
My Precious....I await feedback.>>>
What you said is not the case, so fret not.
>>>I've always wondered why there is a difference between the OST's version of the "lighting of the beacons" scene(The White Tree) and the soundtrack from the actual film. Maybe Shore prefers it one way in the movie and another way on CD?
If you could elaborate on this subject Doug, it would be much appreciated.>>>
What you heard on the OST CD was Shore’s original take on the scene. In fact, I *believe* this was the first piece of music recorded for Return of the King… The film version is slightly revised (mainly harmonically) at Peter Jackson’s request.
So which “The Lighting of the Beacons” will you hear on the CR set? Hmmm, though I can tell you that this decision has already been made, you’ll have to wait until later for the verdict.
>>>Secondly, Use Well The Days ... what a beautiful song, and, at this point the face turns towards Doug, could it be that there are two versions of this song as well?
Because the sheet music that is available doesn't exactly match the version available on the ROTK Bonus DVD.>>>To the best of my knowledge, there is just one recorded version of Use Well the Days. Warners’ published arrangements are always reworked by staff arrangers to accommodate young performers, specific ensembles, etc. Though Shore always edits and approves the arrangements personally, these aren’t his personal adaptations in most cases. So what you’re likely seeing here is the work of one of these arrangers.
As for updates…
The next draft of the liners is imminent. I’m adding a few paragraphs here and there, and still adapting some of the language from the full book so that it reads smoothly as a stand-alone booklet. The next edit of the discs is also cooking… right now track combinations are being sorted (so you don’t have 400 0:30 tracks per disc!), unused music is being located (included piece’s you’ve never heard and a handful of choral overlays that didn’t make the film’s final edit), versions of compositions are being compared for their merits.
In a few short weeks we will begin the process of digging through music for the bonus material disc (not part of the CR). There are hours and hours and hours of music to be sifted, so it’ll be a big task no doubt. But we’ll start flagging those unused bits, first drafts, mock-ups, etc. that will be of interest to the behind-the-scenes bloodhounds (e.g., you guys!)
Ok, that’s the news that’s fit to print. Let me know if I missed any of the backlogged questions. I’ll try to be a bit more present for the next few weeks.
Take care!
posted 05-29-2007 09:11 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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(included piece’s you’ve never heard and a handful of choral overlays that didn’t make the film’s final edit),I really loved the additional choir in TTT's "Ugluks Warriors", so I suppose this time we'll get even more of it. Fantastic news!
In a few short weeks we will begin the process of digging through music for the bonus material disc (not part of the CR).Ah-ha, so the bonus disc will be published separately. Together with your book, or will this be a release for its own?
[Message edited by gkgyver on 05-29-2007]
posted 05-29-2007 09:34 AM PT (US) Magpie
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Thanks, Doug. You must be a superb manager of time to be able to update us like this. I know LOTR isn't the only item on your plate. :-)[Message edited by Magpie on 05-29-2007]
posted 05-29-2007 10:23 AM PT (US) Green Knight
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Doug...our Hero!
Thanks for the info...Oh I can't Wait!!!
posted 05-29-2007 10:36 AM PT (US) Wedge
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Originally posted by Doug Adams:
And as for the question of tracking during the tower’s fall… a qualified no. There are music edits in this scene, but this theme is meant to be here. No tracking occurs. You will hear the un-truncated version of this piece on the CR set, and boy oh boy… The music reaches a sonic and emotional peak here like you’ve never heard before.Very exciting!!! But just for the sake of clarity ... when you say, "No tracking occurs," you mean in the upcoming C.R. set, correct? Because I'm certain tracking does occur here in the finished film -- with the Fourth Age of Gondor theme being tracked in from the coronation scene. Needless to say, I'm sure the version of the FAoG theme Shore intended for this scene will be revelatory!
posted 05-29-2007 04:33 PM PT (US) gkgyver
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I think the statement "no tracking here" is quite clearSo, what Doug was trying to say is that the Fourth Age of Gondor theme was written, orchestrated and recorded for this scene, but it was shortened for the film, and possibly moved around.
And maybe it even had one of those choral overlays Doug mentioned
posted 05-29-2007 05:31 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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One word: booyah!That'd be all.
posted 05-30-2007 02:04 AM PT (US) Incanus
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Nice to hear from you Doug! Great news and just thinking about that complete Mt. Doom finale makes me giddyRotK CR is another day closer!
[Message edited by Incanus on 05-30-2007]
posted 05-30-2007 04:23 AM PT (US) Timdalf
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Doug's update is truly a bright star over the Gorgoroth!! Hope returns!!!!And that whopper of a teaser:
>>>...but there may be an entirely new touring entity in the near future. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!<<<
So,... not only the glories of the CR of RotK, and then a rarities disc are coming to a cd player near us, but now a whole new arrangement LIVE (evidently) to look forward to and wonder about (impatiently)!!
Who said Bag End (or is it Score's Coda?)wasn't full of tunnels stuffed with treasure!
Thanks indeed for the wonderful update, Doug.
posted 05-30-2007 06:08 AM PT (US) Horner
Non-Standard Userer
Hey ya mates,when Howard Shore was in Switzerland, Lucerne, for the "Music of Howard Shore" Concert, there were discussions going on about several ideas about another concert tour. One of 'em was about the first installement of The Lord of the Rings-Trilogy. He once conducted the full Score of "The Fellowship of the Ring" together with the movie (inclusive sound and speech). Kind of a live soundtrack, though. He liked it very much and said, that he would like to do it, or something comparable, again. So, who knows!
Something else was about his score for "Looking for Richard". But no further details yet.
Stay tuned (as I do ;-)).Cheers
[Message edited by Horner on 05-30-2007]
posted 05-30-2007 09:39 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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N/A[Message edited by Christian Kühn on 05-30-2007]
posted 05-30-2007 09:59 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Oy, someone get Timdalf a chill pill before he combusts!quote:
Originally posted by Timdalf:
Doug's update is truly a bright star over the Gorgoroth!! Hope returns!!!!It must fail before it returns. And it's just "Gorgoroth"...no "the". However, you might say The Plains of Gorgoroth.
And that whopper of a teaser:>>>...but there may be an entirely new touring entity in the near future. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!<<<
So,... not only the glories of the CR of RotK, and then a rarities disc are coming to a cd player near us, but now a whole new arrangement LIVE (evidently)
Supposedly, not evidently.
to look forward to and wonder about (impatiently)!!True that.
Who said Bag End (or is it Score's Coda?)wasn't full of tunnels stuffed with treasure!What?
And I thought I was a LotR nut.
posted 05-30-2007 10:02 AM PT (US) Earl
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Green Knight:
I am also happy to see here and there info by Doug about ROTK, and here’s a question for you Doug:Can you reveal anything about the Aragorn’s Dressing into the King’s armor scene (not in the film or the EE) and the music? Is there any music? It’s going to be in the ROTK CR or in the Rarities set? Or it’s not going to be at all?
<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
On the topic of unused scenes... what about Eowyn's and faramir's Wedding scene that was supposedly filmed? Was there any music written for that?
[Message edited by Earl Ignatius Carvalho on 05-31-2007]
posted 05-31-2007 06:58 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Two things today:#1) My favorite piece of music from the trilogy is, hehe, an as-of-yet unreleased one:
The Breaking of the Fellowship, the alternate early version as heard during the FotR EE fan club credits
#2) Speaking of the fan club...it irks me to this day that I wasn't quick enough back then to sign up for the official LotR club. So, I had to stay on *this* side of the fence so to speak; I didn't have my own private piece of LotR for all eternity.
This is *the* pet peeve of my life, and seeing as it's the one that bugs me most, I guess I can consider myself a lucky person...apparently, I have no other problems.
With this in mind, I shall herewith put forth the motion that Doug include all of us from these LotR mega threads in a small corner of his book. How about that?
That's it, folks. Carry on!
ChristianPS: Who's who?
http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/7519/peoplelh3.jpg[Message edited by Christian Kühn on 05-31-2007]
posted 05-31-2007 02:03 PM PT (US) gkgyver
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And I thought Howard Shore was happily married ...
posted 05-31-2007 02:58 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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I listened to the RETURN OF THE KING album today for the first time in nearly two years. What a great album that was. It's been too long. I'm now 'over' my dismay with the recording - something I felt very keenly after seeing the LOTR symphony live in 2004. Now I'm just enjoying the music again. Every track on the album has something special... 'Minas Tirith' is one track in particular that makes a lot more sense as a piece of music in this form than it does in its very fragmented film appearance.Nonetheless, some quibbles. (It's the reviewer in me!) The strange way Aragorn comes in singing at the end reminds me of what an awkward moment that was in the film. And with time I've come to wish that original compositions took the place of the end credit songs, lovely though the 'Into the West' melody is. And I'm not talking about a reprisal of themes as such - I think of that brief homage to Das Rheingold, and wonder what an eight minute version of that piece with flitting references to film themes would sound like.
posted 05-31-2007 06:27 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB