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LOTR Package Update (Page 15)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
*bumptiously bumping this thread to a bumped-up position*Why? Don't you think this thread has enough posts and viewers without artificially increasing its rank with off-topic posts?
posted 07-12-2007 07:29 AM PT (US) gkgyver
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Jesus, do you realise that this release (whichever one) is little more than three months away?It's time to build up a drum roll.
posted 07-12-2007 01:26 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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I am not building up anything yet, as long as Doug or someone else doesn't announce an estimated date of release.CK
posted 07-12-2007 06:50 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
You want up-to-date, I've got up-to-date.I'm about to click over to the ol' mailbox and send the liners off to HS' office. They're due in to Warners tomorrow.
9,683 words, give or take.
And here we go...
posted 07-12-2007 10:13 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Was there a 10,000 word limit?Well, I'll be busy with other things, so don't expect to pop in during the next three months or so...
But I just wanted to express my bafflement (word?) that dedicated fans got thanked on the Godzilla set, while we LotR-MMs are being left outside the complete box sets, where we LotR-MMs don't do very well...
Everyone, have a nice summer!
Christianposted 07-13-2007 02:43 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Christian,Didn't you also leave for 3 months last year around this time?? I think u did... n when u got back, u said something to the effect that "I didnt miss much"
Anyway, take care wherever u are, n get back quick.
And Doug, I have a burning question. I'd asked it sometime ago and it hit me again when I heard TTT yesterday, but I need to find time to go back n look up that post... (now that ur 9,683 liners are off, u'll have some free time to answer it, i hope
posted 07-13-2007 02:57 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
>>>Originally posted by Doug Adams:
I'm about to click over to the ol' mailbox and send the liners off to HS' office. They're due in to Warners tomorrow.9,683 words, give or take.<<<
Congrats! So that leaves the Annotatations to the Score and The Book to finish up? So that means DA has much yet to do....But it must mean the cd tracks are now completed or is this a first or intermediary draft of the Liner Notes with final tweaking possible based on minor changes to the music yet to come???
posted 07-13-2007 06:15 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Progress... lovely thing.
If anyone is in the Cleveland, Ohio area, Howard Shore is conducting the LOTR Symphony on July 21st.http://www.clevelandorchestra.com/html/performance/viewByMonth.asp?m=7&y=2007#7/21/2007
(hope that long link doesn't cause problems)
posted 07-13-2007 07:20 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Aha, found it in the Second Age postI'd asked...
>>>In FOTR:CR, track 8 (A Conspiracy Unmasked) from 4:49 - 5:00 (very strongly) and continuing uptil 5:30, which in the movie is Gandalf telling Frodo "You must leave. And leave quickly" there's this "theme" that plays along; which is repeated again in ROTK, when Gandalf tells Pippin "Peregrin Took, my lad, there is a task to be done. Another opportunity for one of the Shire-folk to prove their great worth!
Is there a connexion here? At both places Gandalf is playing his role of moving the Hobbits to do great deeds...in the movie at any rate.
Maybe it's just me, but that's what I'm thinking.">>>
... and Doug said...
"There’s something to this, but not quite what you have in mind. The ROTK notes will shed some light."
Okay, so as I said, I was listening to TTT:CR yesterday and I heard this same "theme" here as well. I was so excited I ran to the computer to update the entry for TTT (I've been working on a site for almost a year now, but don't ask!!).
Anyway, I didn't have the time to put in any details but my site should have it (when it's done). In the meantime, I went ahead and named this little thematic recurrence "The Power of Narya". I wasn't inclined to do so until yesterday, but then when I heard this reprisal in TTT, I had to put a name to it.
I called it The Power of Narya because it plays when Gandalf seems to sense urgency and moves Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas in this case, to "do something" (for a lack of other words).
9,683 Doug(hnuts) for the person who can find this reprisal in TTT:CR.
posted 07-13-2007 07:25 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
Is it played when Gandalf hurries them out of Fangorn forrest? Before he whistles and Shadowfax appears?posted 07-13-2007 11:08 AM PT (US) ruckus
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
You want up-to-date, I've got up-to-date.I'm about to click over to the ol' mailbox and send the liners off to HS' office. They're due in to Warners tomorrow.
9,683 words, give or take.
And here we go...
Great, one milestone down. Champagne all round. Now you can take it easy for a bit Doug???
posted 07-13-2007 12:52 PM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Matthijs:
Is it played when Gandalf hurries them out of Fangorn forrest? Before he whistles and Shadowfax appears?Absolutely Matthijs, the prize is yours... now I'm wondering how to award it to you :P I don't have the CD with me right now, but I'll post the timestamp as soon as I can, and if you don't get to it before me.
This little piece of music is pretty intriguing and I'm wondering what Doug has to say about it in his book or the ROTK:CR liners. (Doug, you can ignore these posts, since I already asked you about this before and I'm content to wait until you can talk about it).
posted 07-14-2007 01:32 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
Time stamps would be Disc 1, Track 13, 4:05 --> ... (There is a little bit of variation on it I think, so I dare to say it ends at 04:27, but I'm not entirely sure of that)posted 07-14-2007 04:18 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Correct, this is exactly the point at which I hear (or think I hear) the variation in question; and I was thinking it ends around 4:25.
posted 07-16-2007 05:31 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
And while I'm at it, here's something else that's been on my mind since I got TTT:CR.There's another motif that I'd termed "Hope Fails" - it plays in ROTK just after Denethor thinks Faramir is dead and runs to look out upon the Fields of the Pelennor, only to see the massive army before his City; and realizing that Rohan hasn't come to his aid, he despairs and orders Gondor's soldiers to flee. (Listen to ROTK:OST, Ash and Smoke, from 2:27 to 2:56).
I didn't think much of this little "motif" until this March. That's when I got TTT:CR and realized that this piece of music recurred twice. Interestingly, both instances seem to accompany a scene where hope seems to fail.
I'd put the timestamps in here, but I thought I'd have a little fun and see if anyone would want to try and find it out for themselves
However, no prizes this time.
posted 07-16-2007 05:49 AM PT (US) ilovehobbits
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Earl:
And while I'm at it, here's something else that's been on my mind since I got TTT:CR.There's another motif that I'd termed "Hope Fails" - it plays in ROTK just after Denethor thinks Faramir is dead and runs to look out upon the Fields of the Pelennor, only to see the massive army before his City; and realizing that Rohan hasn't come to his aid, he despairs and orders Gondor's soldiers to flee. (Listen to ROTK:OST, Ash and Smoke, from 2:27 to 2:56).
I didn't think much of this little "motif" until this March. That's when I got TTT:CR and realized that this piece of music recurred twice. Interestingly, both instances seem to accompany a scene where hope seems to fail.
I'd put the timestamps in here, but I thought I'd have a little fun and see if anyone would want to try and find it out for themselves
However, no prizes this time.
I noticed that too, because that same musical build happens when Merry and Pippen get swallowed up by the tree in Fangorn Forest. At first I thought it was just a similar style of writing, but now I'm not so sure...there could be a little theme connection there. I don't know where the other recurrence is though...
posted 07-16-2007 02:48 PM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
Well hello. I just found this place last night and I spent the whole evening reading Doug's posts in hopes of quenching my anticipation for the RotK CR. And the book. And the raritiesI had no idea there was a place where fans could talk to Doug, and it seems like he's genuinely trying to address what the fans want, which is a rarity in itself.
So here are a few of my opinions, as a listener. First of all, if there's a question of which version of something to include on the CR, my response would always be "use what's in the film." Because the film is what made us fall in love with the music, and therefore want the music for ourselves. So whatever best reflects the music in the film, that's what I prefer, even in terms of mixing. I was so happy when, at the beginning of "Edoras," the trumpet is slightly elevated over the fiddle, as it was in the film, but not in the OST. And when there's a divergence between the theatrical and the EE, I would say try to provide us with both versions, such as Aragorn fighting at the Pelennor Fields, and Aragorn riding out in his kingly garb, two examples which were already mentioned here. If I had to choose one, I would say theatrical, but I'm also a completist, so I guess I'm screwed either way.
And it may sound crazy, but I would actually like to have the version of the "fall of barad-dur" music that was used in the film, tracking and all. Because one of the main reasons I'm listening to the music is to relive the experience of the film. And I can't wait to hear Howard's original version because I'm sure it's amazing, but there's still going to be that little voice in the back of my head saying, "that's not exactly what was in the film!" I may just have to cut it together myself, which is fine, really. It reminds me of "The Wolves of Isengard," where it seems that Howard originally wrote a statement of the Isengard theme, but in the film there's also a little bit of "The Bridge of Khazad-Dum" tracked in there as well. That wasn't so important to me, though.
And about the fan club credits, I don't see what the big deal is. It's mostly just a montage of music that's represented elsewhere, and with the completeness of the CRs, I have no doubt that all of those pieces will be (or are) available. Enough on that.
I'm very much looking forward to hearing the "I can see the Shire" music, Doug... if they ever suggest pushing up any release dates, you say "yes," got it?
If you need extra help, I'm at your service, and you can pay me in cappuccinos.
[Message edited by Strider1002 on 07-19-2007]
posted 07-19-2007 10:10 AM PT (US) Ge0rge
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Strider1002:
And about the fan club credits, I don't see what the big deal is. It's mostly just a montage of music that's represented elsewhere, and with the completeness of the CRs, I have no doubt that all of those pieces will be (or are) available. Enough on that.[Message edited by Strider1002 on 07-19-2007]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Strider, these words deserve death!
ROTK credits contains pieces that were never used in the film.
A nightmarish idea came to me after Doug dicsovers the recordings library: what if this ends up releasing one rarities disk for each film every year again?!
[Message edited by Ge0rge on 07-19-2007]
[Message edited by Ge0rge on 07-19-2007]
posted 07-19-2007 11:28 PM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Non-Standard Userer
This has probably been mentioned before... maybe,50 minute video of the Symphony
Live performance intercut with Shore's comments:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3524703930917876850posted 07-20-2007 02:34 AM PT (US) Ge0rge
Standard Userer
Originally posted by CaptPorridge:
This has probably been mentioned before... maybe,50 minute video of the Symphony
Live performance intercut with Shore's comments:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3524703930917876850yea, this is just a rip from the ROTK SE giftset bonus DVD.
posted 07-20-2007 04:33 AM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Ge0rge:Strider, these words deserve death!
ROTK credits contains pieces that were never used in the film.
Hasn't Doug already indicated that those pieces will be released? I feel confident that they'll either be on the CR or the rarities disc. And if after all that, we still don't have them, there's this little site called Hirgon's Lord of the Rings music clips...
posted 07-20-2007 06:29 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
Yes... but they won't necessarily be in Advanced Resolution 5.1, which Doug has hinted the rarities disc may include as well...As I've mentioned, I also wouldn't mind a re-issue of the OSTs in that format as well...
posted 07-20-2007 07:51 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Originally posted by ilovehobbits:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Earl Ignatius Carvalho:
[b]And while I'm at it, here's something else that's been on my mind since I got TTT:CR.There's another motif that I'd termed "Hope Fails" - it plays in ROTK just after Denethor thinks Faramir is dead and runs to look out upon the Fields of the Pelennor, only to see the massive army before his City; and realizing that Rohan hasn't come to his aid, he despairs and orders Gondor's soldiers to flee. (Listen to ROTK:OST, Ash and Smoke, from 2:27 to 2:56).
I didn't think much of this little "motif" until this March. That's when I got TTT:CR and realized that this piece of music recurred twice. Interestingly, both instances seem to accompany a scene where hope seems to fail.
I'd put the timestamps in here, but I thought I'd have a little fun and see if anyone would want to try and find it out for themselves
However, no prizes this time.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
I noticed that too, because that same musical build happens when Merry and Pippen get swallowed up by the tree in Fangorn Forest. At first I thought it was just a similar style of writing, but now I'm not so sure...there could be a little theme connection there. I don't know where the other recurrence is though...[/B]
You're absolutely correct. You can hear it between 1:46 and 2:10 of TTT:CR Disc 1 Track 16 'Ent-Draught'.
I'm not giving details about the other occurrence yet, I'd still like to see if anyone else can hear it and it's not just me imagining motifs.
posted 07-20-2007 09:08 AM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
You know, we're incredibly lucky just to get the Complete Recordings, not to mention in 5.1. How many film scores would we like to see get that kind of treatment? I can think of many. But this time we're actually getting what we want.
And from how many film scores can you look forward to getting rarities? The word 'rarity' applies here twofold: rare tracks, yes, but also because fans get this much material rarely. And to get it all in 5.1 is, in my opinion, just too much to ask. Remember when we only had cassettes...?[Message edited by Strider1002 on 07-20-2007]
posted 07-20-2007 09:15 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
What Strider said.
posted 07-20-2007 12:07 PM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
I do like what Ge0rge said about a rarities disc for each movie, but that's way too much to even hope for...
posted 07-20-2007 12:12 PM PT (US) Ge0rge
Standard Userer
Oh gosh! What have I just said before?! Things could go even worse! Doug's publisher may read this thread too, and what a great marketing trick it could be - to split Doug's book into three books with a rarities bonuses, and to release it with a year pause. Guys, prove me this is not possible!!! %)
posted 07-20-2007 12:34 PM PT (US) Presently42
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by CaptPorridge:
50 minute video of the Symphony
Live performance[.]I was there when they recocded that.
And I was bloody cross when I learnt that The Maestro had been at a signing event two(?) days prior to the corcert -- And I didn't know about it.
*Goes back to lurking*
posted 07-20-2007 02:46 PM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Ge0rge:
Oh gosh! What have I just said before?! Things could go even worse! Doug's publisher may read this thread too, and what a great marketing trick it could be - to split Doug's book into three books with a rarities bonuses, and to release it with a year pause. Guys, prove me this is not possible!!! %)<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Oh no, that would be terrible, as I would be powerless to resist buying every one of them
WELL, come to think of it, they did do three different versions of "The Making of" books... hmmm...[Message edited by Strider1002 on 07-20-2007]
posted 07-20-2007 04:06 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,Very brief check-in here. If anyone among you is planning on attending the Cleveland LOTR performance tomorrow night -- and feel eagle-eyed enough to pick me out of the crowd -- please feel free to come and say hello.
No news, no announcements tonight. Just looks to be a lovely summer evening at an outdoor theater, and it'd be nice to say hello to a few friendly faces.
More actual news upon return.
-Doug Adams
posted 07-21-2007 01:45 AM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Non-Standard Userer
Doug... do you ever get sick of The Lord of the Rings?Just curious!
posted 07-21-2007 11:54 AM PT (US) Dinko
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
No news, no announcements tonight. Just looks to be a lovely summer evening at an outdoor theater[...]
Featuring one of the world's greatest treasures: The Cleveland Orchestra.posted 07-21-2007 02:44 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Doug Adams:
Hi everyone,No news, no announcements tonight. Just looks to be a lovely summer evening at an outdoor theater, and it'd be nice to say hello to a few friendly faces.
-Doug Adams
Well darn!
Naw, I'm just jokin'. Have a nice summer Doug!
I know I certainly am!
posted 07-21-2007 05:50 PM PT (US) scoreguy16
Standard Userer
Originally posted by CaptPorridge:
Doug... do you ever get sick of The Lord of the Rings?Just curious!
What an awesome question! Seriously, I do mixes of music and sometimes by the time I am done I just never want to hear the music ever again. Like LaLaLand Records with Godzilla, sitting for 7 hours of music and spending a year on a project must just be sickening. I can't imagine doing all the LOTR projects.
[Message edited by scoreguy16 on 07-21-2007]
posted 07-21-2007 08:03 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
An answer for the question above.!!!IT'S A LABOUR OF LOVE!!!
A question for Doug........as us Hobbits, Elves, Dwarfs, Men, and whoever else there is in the Lord Of The Rings Realm get excited as the day draws nearer and nearer, and closer and closer at each passing moment in time........to the release of Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The (Complete) King!!!
How far off is the Annotated Film Score Notes, or how are they coming along?????
Hope you enjoy the concert....
posted 07-23-2007 05:35 AM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
There's a review of the concert up on theonering.net, sounds like it was pretty good. I'm jealous, I've only had the experience of hearing live LotR music once, and then it wasn't a great orchestra
posted 07-27-2007 09:42 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Hope everyone's doing well! I could say a lot but I don't have the time. But, my RotK "thematic analysis" is almost done. When I finish it I'll post it on this thread and anyone interested can read it and follow it with the film...?...and ask questions about it too. Well, that's it fer the moment.
posted 07-27-2007 09:44 AM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
I'm looking forward to reading it!
posted 07-27-2007 08:03 PM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
I'm avoiding all ROTK music until I have the CR in my hands. Err, the case in my hands, the discs in my stereo
Kind of like starving yourself before going to a buffet...
posted 07-28-2007 08:07 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
So, Doug, what about that post-concert update?
posted 07-28-2007 05:17 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB