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LOTR Package Update (Page 16)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
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600 YAY
posted 07-28-2007 11:36 PM PT (US) Sabsi
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Originally posted by Strider1002:
There's a review of the concert up on theonering.net, sounds like it was pretty good. I'm jealous, I've only had the experience of hearing live LotR music once, and then it wasn't a great orchestraAaahhh!!! After reading that review I can't wait for the Symphony in Dortmund (Germany) in october - my 8th
Is anyone else coming??
Who will be the conductor?posted 07-29-2007 09:08 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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So FOTR in Dec 05, TT in Nov 06.....can we then expect ROTK another 11 months after TT...which would be in October? If so, then we have little over two months to go...
posted 07-31-2007 01:03 PM PT (US) BigT1981
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Chances are it will be released in either November or December in time for the Christmas holidays.
posted 07-31-2007 01:26 PM PT (US) Strider1002
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I had so much trouble waiting for TTT in November last year, I don't know how I made it till December the year before...
Now I don't know how I'll make it till... whenever this one is released.
posted 07-31-2007 02:11 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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Originally posted by BigT1981:
Chances are it will be released in either November or December in time for the Christmas holidays.Too true...just extreme wishful thinking on my part. Also ROTK as we all know is going to be a lot longer than the others, so it might take the longest to complete of the three.
Guess I can be content as long as I have the box set in my hands before '08 rolls by.
posted 07-31-2007 02:43 PM PT (US) Incanus
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We can always hope for an earlier release than for the other two sets but the chances are a bit slim in my estimate. The record companies usually aim for some suitable season to put their products on the market and it looks like the Christmas season is the most convenient one for CRs. Sadly it is not enough that we, the dedicated and fanatic fans, would buy it immediately no matter when it was released.And think positive people. At least now we have 2 CR sets to keep us company and we can sate our insatiable hunger on that music. I remember the time before FotR CR when I was literally going nuts before its release. Now there is over 6 hours of fantastic music to listen to while I wait for the grand finale of the musical journey.
[Message edited by Incanus on 07-31-2007]
posted 07-31-2007 10:33 PM PT (US) BigT1981
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Companies like this put something like the complete recordings for LOTR's films because they know they'll make a bit more money around that time of the year. It will be on people's wish lists.
posted 07-31-2007 10:38 PM PT (US) Ge0rge
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Originally posted by BigT1981:
Chances are it will be released in either November or December in time for the Christmas holidays.
Come on, guys, we all know this as we've lived it twice: press release in September, release in November [maybe then postponed to December]!posted 07-31-2007 10:48 PM PT (US) Strider1002
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Well of course, but we wants it... we needs it...
posted 08-01-2007 07:34 AM PT (US) Sabsi
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...can we then expect ROTK another 11 months after TT...which would be in October? If so, then we have little over two months to go...[/B]In the kingdom of hope there is no winter
I finally got the Last Mimzy-Soundtrack --> soooo brilliant! I love it.
Other opinions?posted 08-01-2007 11:09 AM PT (US) Strider1002
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How does it compare to his other works? I've neither seen nor heard it.Did anyone else here know about the copy of the TTT CR that popped up on the internet, for bit torrent download, on the evening of the day it was released? That's what held me over until my set arrived a couple days later
[Message edited by Strider1002 on 08-01-2007]
[Message edited by Strider1002 on 08-01-2007]
posted 08-01-2007 12:47 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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What held me over were the 30 second clips on the Barnes and Noble website. The clips were there about a week before the set came out. Of course it just made the wait harder. Gonna try and wait until the dvd-audio disc is spinning in my dvd player to hear it for the first time for ROTK.
posted 08-01-2007 04:27 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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I thought "The Last Mimzy" was surprisingly insipid for Maestro Shore, to be honest. It's one of my very few regretted purchases in the last few years.
posted 08-01-2007 05:39 PM PT (US) Strider1002
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Anyone have the History of Violence soundtrack, love it/hate it?
I liked the movie, and I remember that some of the music reminded me of LotR.
posted 08-01-2007 07:40 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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A History of Violence is a great score, IMO. Many highlights strewn throughout.It's a definite buy if you like Howard Shore.
posted 08-01-2007 08:25 PM PT (US) Incanus
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A History of Violence is maestro Shore still strongly in the "Middle-earth Mode". It is like some lost part of LotR music with Tom's theme sounding like some unreleased noble variation on the Shire theme. An enjoyable and a fine score but it just sounds Middle-earth to my ears. Although it could be said it sounds like Howard Shore and that his music has become the sound of Middle-earth to meBut it is something worth picking up for a fan of Shore's music.
[Message edited by Incanus on 08-01-2007]
posted 08-01-2007 10:10 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Morning/evening all,anybody up for a challenge?
Please post a video of you air-conducting your favorite piece/part of LotR so far. I'll go first and make a complete fool outta myself. I look as if I'm under a lot of pain, I know...and I have no idea where that click-track sound is coming from!
http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=14782653I daresay I'll remain the only nut to post a video of myself. Therefore, I'm the winner of this contest by default.
Enjoy nonetheless!
posted 08-02-2007 02:56 PM PT (US) Sabsi
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Originally posted by NeoVoyager:
I thought "The Last Mimzy" was surprisingly insipid for Maestro Shore, to be honest. It's one of my very few regretted purchases in the last few years.Really??
I like it!
Not as much as LotR, but still...
Christian, nice air-conducting-video. I already saved it to my favourites
So the Prophecy is your favourite piece of LotR? Mine too (along with several others)! A shame it wasn't used in the movies...
posted 08-02-2007 03:37 PM PT (US) Magpie
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Christian,That was just delightful. It made me laugh and smile in all the best ways. I have followed conductors but know nothing about the art of conducting. Would all conductors sing along? I liked how you looked around at your imaginary orchestra sections. And then I liked that final smile at the camera.
So I will quickly declare you the winner.
posted 08-02-2007 04:09 PM PT (US) Incanus
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Christian!That was awesome air conducting and the piece one of my favourites! You really put yourself into it
Needless to say it was great to watch a fellow LotR fan to express his enthusiasm for this music in such a way. I think you are the sure fire winner as I do not have means to top that performance. I wish I had a camera so I could try
posted 08-02-2007 10:32 PM PT (US) vdemona
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That was fun to watch! I hope others will do the same. Then I can maybe download them, put them all together and tell myself that it's lost footage from the extended dvd sets!I'm sure this will tide me over until until the release!
I don't have a camera so I can't participate!
posted 08-03-2007 12:34 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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You're so sweet, guys! Thanks a lot!
posted 08-03-2007 12:46 AM PT (US) Horner
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Here would be my Review of the "Last Mimzy"-Score (in German. Sorry, guys! But I know, that here are some, who can understand it):
http://outnow.ch/Media/Scores/2007/Mimzy/I have to be honest and say, that the last mimzy didn't really impress me. First of all I think the album is a bit too long. Normally I don't complain about album lenght at all, but here it just starts to be too repetitive. Then I also found that there is too much similarity with Shores History of Violence and especially the calmer passages of The Aviator. Both, The Avaitor and A History of Violence, are far supiriore scores, in my opinion. Get them, if you haven't already!
About the air-conducting-video. Amazing how much time some people seems to have... ;-) No, sorry. Just kidding! Actually it would be a dream of mine to be able to stand in front of an orchestra and conducting it. The sheer power would blow me away... tja,... who knows! ;-)
Some thoughts so far.
CheersPs.: I can't beleve, that it really looks like 2007 will go down without any realise of James Horner-Music. Pity!
posted 08-03-2007 02:34 AM PT (US) Horner
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Horner:
Ps.: I can't beleve, that it really looks like 2007 will go down without any realise of James Horner-Music. Pity! <HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Ha, can't beleve it. How is it called... speaking of the devil or something... today the news is spreading that James Horner will score "In Bloom". Fantastic!
Good Luck, James.Sorry for the off-topic post. Shall not happen again...
[Message edited by Horner on 08-04-2007]
posted 08-04-2007 02:24 AM PT (US) ruckus
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Enjoyed that video CK! Well done.I think you should do Glamdring next - it'll really test your ability to keep all those players and singers under control
[Message edited by ruckus on 08-05-2007]
posted 08-05-2007 12:20 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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God, that's actually embarrassing to watch...[Message edited by Christian Kühn on 08-06-2007]
posted 08-05-2007 04:54 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Originally posted by Horner:
I have to be honest and say, that the last mimzy didn't really impress me.I wrote a negative review of LAST MIMZY for soundtrack.net, and received an email that revoked my right to review music from someone at Shore's alma mater, the Berklee College of Music. Despite the fact that the review was not terribly well-written, I hold to the view that Shore managed to write a score that was both boring and vaguely annoying for this film.
posted 08-05-2007 07:16 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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Originally posted by franz_conrad:
I wrote a negative review of LAST MIMZY for soundtrack.net, and received an email that revoked my right to review music from someone at Shore's alma mater, the Berklee College of Music. Despite the fact that the review was not terribly well-written, I hold to the view that Shore managed to write a score that was both boring and vaguely annoying for this film.
[/B]WHAT?! Did they give any explanation of why they "revoked" your right to review music? Was it because your review was not up to their definition of 'professional standards' or what not, or simply because - heaven forbid - it was negative? This smells quite fishy to me.
posted 08-05-2007 08:31 PM PT (US) Magpie
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Well, I wonder how one can enforce this ban. I suspect Franz's dry humor is showing through here as he describes one person's reaction.I have to admit I went to the official website and listened to samples and it did nothing for me. I never investigated further than that.
posted 08-05-2007 09:00 PM PT (US) Ge0rge
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Magpie:
Well, I wonder how one can enforce this ban. I suspect Franz's dry humor is showing through here as he describes one person's reaction.I have to admit I went to the official website and listened to samples and it did nothing for me. I never investigated further than that.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yes, it's true, the mimzy score is so-so, but the movie itself is not that inspiring, I can't blame Shore for not forging an epic score for every lame story.
P.S. I believe though that the unreleased King Kong score is much more exciting![Message edited by Ge0rge on 08-06-2007]
posted 08-05-2007 11:19 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Marilyn is most correct - Hi Marilyn! - when she says my dry humor is in effect. Basically the person from Berklee nitpicked my soundtrack review to the nth-degree to prove I didn't know much about music. It quite rankled me when it happened, though I did write that review in quite a hurry, so I kind of had to wear it.I agree btw with whomever feels LAST MIMZY was not promising material for a good score. True as that may be, the best film composers can usually strike something more worthwhile out of the exercise. After something strong like THE DEPARTED and HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, MIMZY's score just didn't try to tell that story in an interesting way.
[Message edited by franz_conrad on 08-06-2007]
posted 08-06-2007 12:56 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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Out of worried curiosity...is the NZSO version of 'The Breaking of the Fellowship' going to be on the rarities or not?I'd be very disappointed if it got binned...
posted 08-06-2007 06:09 AM PT (US) vdemona
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Originally posted by Ge0rge:
P.S. I believe though that the unreleased King Kong score is much more exciting![Message edited by Ge0rge on 08-06-2007]
It's a torment to hear about unreleased scores from composers I love. There's always the niggling thought in the back of my mind that tells me I'm truly missing out on a quality musical experience.
posted 08-06-2007 01:01 PM PT (US) weyhoops
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Originally posted by vdemona:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>[b]Originally posted by Ge0rge:
P.S. I believe though that the unreleased King Kong score is much more exciting![Message edited by Ge0rge on 08-06-2007]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
It's a torment to hear about unreleased scores from composers I love. There's always the niggling thought in the back of my mind that tells me I'm truly missing out on a quality musical experience.
Well I believe Doug dropped hints a while back that King Kong may surface at some point...does anyone else remember exactly what he said/hinted at?posted 08-06-2007 01:46 PM PT (US) Sabsi
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Well I believe Doug dropped hints a while back that King Kong may surface at some point...does anyone else remember exactly what he said/hinted at?All I remember is, that Maestro Shore said during the Q&A in Lucerne in March that he'd 'like to release it at some point'
And Doug said 'So HS is talking about Kong, eh? There’s some staggeringly beautiful and heartfelt writing in there.'
Christian, your second try is even better than the first one! But why is 'Glamdring' followed by 'Evenstar'? 'Evenstar' is part of the OST-CD, not the CR, so I think you were conducting 'Foundations of Stone' and not 'Glamdring'...Sabsi (who still likes the Last Mimzy score!!)
posted 08-06-2007 04:31 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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I had the CD on random...sharp ears and mind you have!
posted 08-06-2007 05:55 PM PT (US) BigT1981
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So where is Doug lately? Been kinda quiet...hope he's okay.
posted 08-06-2007 06:51 PM PT (US) Olorin
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I'm sure he's just really busy. But it sure would be nice to get a nice, juicy update, maybe even with track titles....
posted 08-07-2007 09:11 PM PT (US) Strider1002
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"The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waaaiiiting is the hardest part..."
posted 08-08-2007 10:39 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB