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LOTR Package Update (Page 24)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
I will bump this up just to get rid of this page!Oh, and to keep it on topic, any word yet Doug if we get a slip case to put all of the releases in ala the Extended Edition movies?
posted 09-16-2007 10:49 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
A blood red or a deep burgandy slip case with gold leaf lettering would be quite nice. Of course it would need to be big enough to fit the rarities discs as well. I wonder if the rarities discs will come in their own boxed set and what color that will be?Doug?
posted 09-16-2007 11:33 PM PT (US) Ge0rge
Standard Userer
Originally posted by vdemona:
I wonder if the rarities discs will come in their own boxed set and what color that will be?Doug?
I believe we can relax and save such questions for at least half of the year, as far as I understood, Doug just touched the records, no more. Hey, it's anniversary - 50 days before the release!
posted 09-17-2007 12:46 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Hello, Hello (ECHO) is there anybody here! Its been kinda quiet around here since we all went frantic when the PR came out.
posted 09-17-2007 07:49 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Well, it says nothing that we don't know for quite some time now, doesn't it?
Except for an exact release date, of course.One thing sticks out, though. Doug, as well as Howard Shore said that there were about 4 to 4 and a half hours of music for ROTK, but the press release says 3 hours 50 minutes.
So, where did the half hour go?posted 09-17-2007 08:36 PM PT (US) Olorin
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Well, it says nothing that we don't know for quite some time now, doesn't it?
Except for an exact release date, of course.One thing sticks out, though. Doug, as well as Howard Shore said that there were about 4 to 4 and a half hours of music for ROTK, but the press release says 3 hours 50 minutes.
So, where did the half hour go?Onto the rarities disc, probably....
And in answer to the question about whether the putative slipcover for the 3 sets would leave room for the rarities discs, we need to recall that the format for those rarities has not been determined to a certainty yet, but they will likely be included with Doug's book.
Doug's book...what a sweet thought! More LOTR goodness still to look forward to!
posted 09-17-2007 09:52 PM PT (US) PeterK
Earl, your name has been cut short, as requested. Enjoy the new slimmer you![Message edited by PeterK on 09-17-2007]
posted 09-17-2007 11:42 PM PT (US) PeterK
....and isn't it time for a new ROTK thread to begin? I notice this is getting a little sluggish, and every time we get close to 1000 posts in a thread this becomes inevitable.
posted 09-17-2007 11:53 PM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Woohoo... thanks Peter, I like the new me.
posted 09-18-2007 03:10 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
Yes, Peter. I agree. I've been hoping for a new one for awhile.
Originally posted by PeterK:
....and isn't it time for a new ROTK thread to begin? I notice this is getting a little sluggish, and every time we get close to 1000 posts in a thread this becomes inevitable.And while we're on the subject: is the number of posts displayed on a page a board function or a user preference. I check this thread rather frequently and I kind of dread those times when I must scroll down 30-40 posts to see if there's anything new.
But, even so, I'm grateful for your 'hosting' our perpetual party here. This is a pleasant corner of the internet to find like minds.
I sent someone at imdb this way who was looking to identify a piece of music (not LOTR) and he was delighted to find someone here who could help him.
posted 09-18-2007 08:24 AM PT (US) Thorf
Non-Standard Userer
Hello again everyone.I'm very excited to hear that the Return of the King complete recordings are less than two months away! In the meantime, I will be lurking here and listening in on the conversation while the momentum slowly builds towards the release.
I can't wait to read about all the new themes (and returning old friends) in the last part of this great work. In fact, come to think of it, I am just as excited to hear all the good news about Doug's upcoming book - it's going to be the real climax to the whole Lord of the Rings movie experience for me.
Anyway, back to lurking...
PS - Magpie, the "End" key comes in very handy for all that scrolling down on forums. (My apologies if you already know that.)
posted 09-18-2007 08:34 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
ha *wild cackle*
Originally posted by Thorf:
PS - Magpie, the "End" key comes in very handy for all that scrolling down on forums. (My apologies if you already know that.)
no, I didn't know that. Thanks. Although... part of the scrolling is perusing the posts determining 'familiar?/new?'. But when I know the page is long it's probably easier to hit 'end' and scroll up. Wonderful.posted 09-18-2007 09:44 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Hey, I'm just trying out this section of the keyboard that has always been a mystery to me ... cool!Even more useful are the two keys to the "End" button's right.
posted 09-18-2007 10:53 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Just to keep the fires stoked:Only 49 Days to Go!
or exactly 7 weeks!!
posted 09-18-2007 12:52 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I'm getting bored, so let me end my presence in part three of this amazing thread by posting track title "predictions":1. The Finding Of The One Ring
2. The Days Are Growing Darker
3. Flotsam And Jetsam
4. Return To Edoras
5. Gollum's Villainy
6. The Palantir
7. Hope And Memory (I realise it's unlikely, but it's a beautiful title for this music)
8. The White Tower
9. Denethor
10. The Glory Of Gondor
11. Journey To The Crossroads
12. The Dead City
13. Osgiliath Overrun
14. Amon Din
15. For Lord And Land
16. Denethor And Faramir
17. The Stairs Of Cirith Ungol
18. Gollum's Treachery
19. The Last Son
20. Dunharrow
21. The Flame Of The West
22. The Dawn Of Battle
23. The Dimholt
24. Ride For Gondor!
25. The Paths Of The Dead
26. Denethor's Madness
27. The Siege Of Gondor
28. The Corsairs Of Umbar
29. Shelob's Lair
30. The Choices Of Master Samwise
31. The Second Level Burns
32. The Horns Of Rohan
33. Denethor's Pyre
34. The Pelennor Fields
35. The Nazgul And His Prey
36. Requiem For Theoden
37. The Houses Of Healing
38. The Tower Of Cirith Ungol
39. The Last Debate
40. The Land Of Shadow
41. The Black Gate Opens
42. For Frodo
43. The Destruction Of The Ring
44. The Destruction Of Mordor
45. Many Partings
46. A Far Green Country
47. Epilogue
48. The End Of An Ageposted 09-18-2007 07:34 PM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
You do realize that there are 54 tracks right? (Doug did state that there was an average of 13.5 tracks per disc, times 4 discs)[Message edited by BattleToTheEnd on 09-18-2007]
posted 09-18-2007 08:25 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Oh well, give or take[Message edited by gkgyver on 09-18-2007]
posted 09-18-2007 08:45 PM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
With thirty minutes trimmed off ROTK:CR and (hopefully) transferred to the Rarities pile, I don't think the rarities disc(s) will be coming with the book anymore. We all know there are miles of sheet music unused, so...why not make a new lineup of soundtracks? The Lord of the Rings: Unused Recordings? Maybe it will just be one full set, but I guess I wouldn't argue with three full sets for each film.
posted 09-18-2007 09:16 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
I don't know about "Flotsam and Jetsam"...it's too "two towerish" for me.But i like "The second level burns"...haha,really funny.)
So,LOTR:UR?Cool.I guess this might be the next timeline:february-march 2008(FOTR:UR),february 2009(TTT:UR) and february 2010(ROTK:UR).
I just hope that by 2010 we will have already had The Hobbbit(+OST of course),its extended version and maybe by the end of that year, TH1(the first part of the Hobbit):CR...hence,in 2011 we might have TH2:CR with the Unused Recordings coming in the following years(2012,2013)...and i think this will be the end of the LOTR+Hobbit franchise...until the 2051 remake of The Lord of the Rings trilogy...and the road goes ever on and on...filled with "greens"
...not cool
posted 09-19-2007 01:53 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
OK, Beren's allowed to banter, so am I:It would be so absolutely positively (absotively?) amazing if someone somehow could get The Silmarillion done.
The opportunities for GREAT music in that story are endless. The Fall of Gondolin, the Ainulindalë, the Akallabêth....ohwohwoowowowoowowhwhwo! Ohwoho!! Oh!
In the past, I had championed Basil Poledouris or Shirley Walker for the job...
I'm anxious not to jinx any other composer, so I hope Gustavo Santaolalla gets the assignment.
OK, black humour out.
posted 09-19-2007 04:02 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I'm still on the ROTK diet, and my anxiety really grows.
Thank god I have TTT and FOTR to get me through.
posted 09-19-2007 09:18 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Kungfuyu:
With thirty minutes trimmed off ROTK:CR and (hopefully) transferred to the Rarities pile, I don't think the rarities disc(s) will be coming with the book anymore. We all know there are miles of sheet music unused, so...why not make a new lineup of soundtracks? The Lord of the Rings: Unused Recordings? Maybe it will just be one full set, but I guess I wouldn't argue with three full sets for each film.Ever since the word "rarities" was floated, I had a boxset in mind, and a little while ago, I came up with this, just for thrills.
http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/7791/lotrincreceb4.jpgI really hope it gets the same elegant treatment as the CRs.
posted 09-19-2007 09:39 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Timdalf:
Just to keep the fires stoked:Only 49 Days to Go!
or exactly 7 weeks!!
Im throwing more wood on the fire!!!
48 days!
posted 09-19-2007 09:43 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Isn't the title "The Incomplete Recordings" a bit misleading?
Granted, "The Even More Complete Recordings" would be off, too, but how about "The Unused Recordings"?
posted 09-19-2007 09:51 AM PT (US) Sabsi
Standard Userer
Got my ticket for the symphony in Paris - 4th row
I can't think of a better way to kill time until november 6th
Originally posted by gkgyver:
I'm getting bored, so let me end my presence in part three of this amazing thread by posting track title "predictions":
29. Shelob's Lair
41. The Black Gate Opens
[...]Since these are the OST-Track-Titles, I don't think they'll be used.
I hope 'Shelob's Lair' becomes 'Torech Ungol'. They did the same thing with 'Treebeard' (OST) and 'Fangorn' (CR) - that was brilliant. And Georg did it too (with 'Andúril' and 'The Flame of the West').
'The Pelennor Fields' and the OST-Title ('The Fields of the Pelennor') could be confused too easily.
But I really like 'For Lord And Land' and 'The End of An Age'
posted 09-19-2007 01:12 PM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
OK, Beren's allowed to banter, so am I:It would be so absolutely positively (absotively?) amazing if someone somehow could get The Silmarillion done.
The opportunities for GREAT music in that story are endless. The Fall of Gondolin, the Ainulindalë, the Akallabêth....ohwohwoowowowoowowhwhwo! Ohwoho!! Oh!
In the past, I had championed Basil Poledouris or Shirley Walker for the job...
I'm anxious not to jinx any other composer, so I hope Gustavo Santaolalla gets the assignment.
OK, black humour out.
The Silmarillion, of all books, should be more driven by music than film. I do not think a live action film would be the appropriate medium in tackling Tolkien's jewel on the silver screen. I feel that a Fantasia-like medium of epic music coupled with silent film would be the best option.
More on the LOTR:UR, if it is just one whole set, it should be the same style as the CR right? What color should it be though?
posted 09-19-2007 04:17 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Isn't that all a little presumptuous? To think there will be three other CRs?I think there will be the book with multimedia content, and the rarities set. That's all, and isn't that enough?
I mean, we're extremely lucky already that we're in the hands of people who actually care about the quality of a product.
posted 09-19-2007 06:50 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Well said, gkgyver.I think I will eventually compose a massively huge work for The Silmarillion. Epic in every way but also very beautiful and mature....the problem is writing down what's in my head, hehe. Full orchestra and choir. Appropriate languages, exotic instruments, Shore-esque but still unique to my style. Etc, etc, etc......
What'd ya think?
Oh, and the RotK analysis is very close to being finished. Perhaps this weekend I'll finish and post it. And also ask my questions for Doug. Later....
posted 09-19-2007 08:07 PM PT (US) ilovehobbits
Non-Standard Userer
Can anyone tell me how soon they released the track titles and annotated score for the previous releases? This wait is going to be unbearable!
posted 09-19-2007 09:50 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
I think the Annotated Score came out after the release of the CDs? Am I remembering correctly? I thought it was within a week or two, but I remember waiting anxiously and I wouldn't have been 'anxious' before the CDs came out.But then, about half of what I remember these days is off the mark.
I pay almost no attention to track titles. Even now, after doing some extensive work on CR-TTT, I'd be hard pressed to name 20% of the track titles.
posted 09-19-2007 10:27 PM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Isn't that all a little presumptuous? To think there will be three other CRs?I think there will be the book with multimedia content, and the rarities set. That's all, and isn't that enough?
I mean, we're extremely lucky already that we're in the hands of people who actually care about the quality of a product.
Firstly, yes, "Incomplete Recordings" is misleading, but I had to come up with something.
And noone's denying the fact that with the CRs we fans have been pampered. I atleast am not hoping for 3 whole "rarities" releases, but rather an "elegant" one, whether nor not it contains 1 disc or many.
posted 09-20-2007 12:57 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
I sincerely hope that there never will be an opportunity for more than three of us to meet each other at the same time. I think in such a case the time/space continuum would be ruptured.We are all like little LotR black holes, pulling everything related to it in.
posted 09-20-2007 04:07 AM PT (US) sjd
Non-Standard Userer
Was watching Extended ROTK last night, in anticipation - not abstaining like some- noted that there was a first hint of the Grey Havens/Into the West theme, embryonic perhaps, at the moment where Sam and Frodo see the beheaded statue of the king crowned with flowers.
On another topic, I was lucky enough to be in LA last year when TTT:CR was released (not in Australia where Amazon is our only source). I tried to reserve a copy at Barnes and Noble and the sales assistant thought I was mad, I kept saying soundtrack to him, but it did not help. He kept bringing me copies of the EE DVD! I got it though, on the first day at an appalling price. Worth every USD penny.
[Message edited by sjd on 09-20-2007]
[Message edited by sjd on 09-20-2007]
posted 09-20-2007 07:10 PM PT (US) Maestro Sartori
Standard Userer
The following was written in the style of the guy's user name, and once again it pushed my screen far right and made the column of actual, legitimate text shrunk to a coulmn barely bigger than a homeless guy's obituary.Peter, can't something be done about this? It happens quite frequently!
Well said, gkgyver.
I think I will eventually compose a massively huge work for The Silmarillion. Epic in every way but also very beautiful and mature....the problem is writing down what's in my head, hehe. Full orchestra and choir. Appropriate languages, exotic instruments, Shore-esque but still unique to my style. Etc, etc, etc......What'd ya think?
Oh, and the RotK analysis is very close to being finished. Perhaps this weekend I'll finish and post it. And also ask my questions for Doug. Later....
posted 09-20-2007 08:30 PM PT (US) PeterK
Sartori, yes something can be done, and it's up to you because the problem is with your browser settings. I took some time just a few months ago to answer the same questions you had then. Didn't it work?Check encoding settings under your broswer pull-down menu labeled "view" and read this at the same time:
It looks like your browser may be hanging up on the last letter of the member's name. It's a weird character, and unless your browser is set up right, lots of weirdness can happen. My browser's character encoding is set to "Western ISO 8859 1" in Firefox and "Western European (Windows)" in Explorer.
Does that fix it? You didn't reply last time, so I assumed it did. I hope it does because no one else is having this problem.posted 09-20-2007 11:42 PM PT (US) Sid2000
Non-Standard Userer
what's that?
http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000V6BE6M/ref=ord_cart_shr/302-1534456-4358404?%it says 5 Discs ... but whats that price?
posted 09-21-2007 08:19 AM PT (US) Sylvos
Non-Standard Userer
Don't take it seriously. It sure is a mistake. Come on, 12.99, for an [Import] version of *this* set?[Message edited by Sylvos on 09-21-2007]
posted 09-21-2007 02:10 PM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Sylvos:
Don't take it seriously. It sure is a mistake. Come on, 12.99, for an [Import] version of *this* set?[Message edited by Sylvos on 09-21-2007]
Man, wouldn't be great if actually cost that much. Well, November 26th was the date that BarnesandNoble got the info for The Two Towers; maybe they will have some good info for us soon since Dougs been so busy with the Annotated Scoreposted 09-21-2007 05:47 PM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Originally posted by sjd:
Was watching Extended ROTK last night, in anticipation - not abstaining like some- noted that there was a first hint of the Grey Havens/Into the West theme, embryonic perhaps, at the moment where Sam and Frodo see the beheaded statue of the king crowned with flowers.
On another topic, I was lucky enough to be in LA last year when TTT:CR was released (not in Australia where Amazon is our only source). I tried to reserve a copy at Barnes and Noble and the sales assistant thought I was mad, I kept saying soundtrack to him, but it did not help. He kept bringing me copies of the EE DVD! I got it though, on the first day at an appalling price. Worth every USD penny.
[Message edited by sjd on 09-20-2007]
[Message edited by sjd on 09-20-2007]
And I think you mean that theres a first hint of The Fourth Age of Gondor theme introduced there. I don't ever remember hearing about Grey Havens/Into The West theme in this scene.posted 09-21-2007 05:59 PM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
I think what you're all talking about is the "Realm of Gondor"/"White Tree" theme that plays when Sam says "the king's got a crown again."
posted 09-21-2007 06:25 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB