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LOTR Package Update (Page 27)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Blue Dude
Non-Standard Userer
As long as we still get a DVD-Audio of the rarities disc(s), I'm a happy guy. The CR's are the only DVD-A's I own and I thought they were important enough to buy a DVD-Audio capable player (only $180 shipped!). Oh, the sound is glorious. I'm hooked.
posted 09-27-2007 06:27 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
The 27th page on the 27th of Septemember, 2007. I spent $27 in the grocery store. In 27 days I hope to have completed my "Halloween" organ composition. And, it's the birthday of Cartellieri. I love 27...
posted 09-27-2007 08:52 PM PT (US) Ge0rge
Standard Userer
What can be better than to start the day with a fresh news from Doug!? I guess the plans to release the book soon after the CR were slightly changed when the rarities content came to the scene, and it's worth waiting for!
Doug, maybe we can make a thank you payments like they set it up with the fun club credits on the SEE DVDs? Let's say, MM.com fun club credits for the book/media %). Hmmmm, actually, and how many of us on board?
For sure the rarities contents is in the right hands, as for me, it's a well-known wish of mine to hear the Minas Tirith theme from the ROTK trailer :^)
posted 09-27-2007 11:07 PM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Sorry to offend your sensitivity Sabsi,i didn't intent to.I also aprreciate HS's and DA' work and i'm always looking forward gladly to their updates;i just said(expressing a personal opinion) that i'm puzzled by the so-late release of the book/rarities sutff because i was under the impression(based on previous posts/"semi-posts") that it should have an early 2008 release.I'm not making claims, just expressing personal opinions;this is a forum after all that allows each and every member to speak freely,under a certain set of rules.But, as far as i'm concerned i didn't break any rules yet.So...what's up?Anyway, lookin fwd to Doug's updates too.
posted 09-28-2007 05:40 AM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
Make sure to use a lot of big words in that Annotated Score, Doug. I feel like learning some new big words...Boy, all of my neighbors are going to be hearing Pelennor Fields music on November 6th. If I'm ever going to blow out my speakers, I want to do it with ROTK.
posted 09-28-2007 07:18 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
>>>Originally posted by Doug Adams:There are literally people all over the US working on this project right now. And often in the UK. And often in NZ.
So when I say it’s big — it’s a lot of work… believe me, I mean that on a global scale! I hope when all is said and done, people feel like it’s been worth it.<<<
We are all so grateful for all this effort, it has succeeded so magnificently.
So I hope at the end of some DVD (perhaps the multimedia rarities disc that apparently will accompany the book) there will be a FULL list of credits... And what a great chance to hear another compilation of the score -- and let's not hear any complaints about it being "tracked"!!
>>>There has been motion on this project and Howard is now working with a publisher to bring more of his (written) music to the public. This is a separate endeavor however; complete LOTR conductor's scores are not to be a part of the book. The thing would be thousands and thousands of pages long!<<<
Since I own the complete orchestral scores of Wagner's Ring (and all his "music dramas") from Dover and since the Shore score often has even more orchestral voices, this comment needs no elaboration... But again, a very efficient mode of transmitting this to the limited public who could benefit from it would be to issue it in a computer readable format or perhaps on his website by subscription... A hard (or soft)-cover book version would be wonderful but would cost a fortune to publish.
posted 09-28-2007 07:37 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Before this thread gets closed, and before I forget, this was wandering through my musical thoughts for quite some time:often when I listen to ROTK in the film (it's not so apparent on the OST), I get the impression that Use Well The Days, albeit being replaced by Into The West, influenced quite a few compositions.
Now, Doug, could it be that this song survived long enough to be a not so insignificant part of the actual score?posted 09-28-2007 06:04 PM PT (US) ilovehobbits
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
often when I listen to ROTK in the film (it's not so apparent on the OST), I get the impression that Use Well The Days, albeit being replaced by Into The West, influenced quite a few compositions.
Now, Doug, could it be that this song survived long enough to be a not so insignificant part of the actual score?If I'm not mistaken, I hear a few similarities between Use Well The Days and the flute solo in The Black Gate Opens. Does anyone else hear those as well?
posted 09-28-2007 10:12 PM PT (US) mendoncasnowy
Non-Standard Userer
Let's keep this discussion going!
So far, I've enjoyed listening to this topic and I wanted to give a tip off to you guys.Amazon.com has an item listed called Soundtrack by Lord of the Rings : Return of the King for $71.49.
It has the same number of discs (5) and the same release date (November 6th).
I believe it is the ROTK CR.
Sorry, didn't mean to double post but here is the link.
http://www.amazon.com/Soundtrack-Lord-Rings-Return-King/dp/B000V6BE6M/ref=sr_1_1/102-7302025-4244130?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1191045114&sr=1-1[Message edited by mendoncasnowy on 09-28-2007]
posted 09-28-2007 11:53 PM PT (US) mendoncasnowy
Non-Standard Userer
[Message edited by mendoncasnowy on 09-28-2007]
posted 09-28-2007 11:57 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
November 6th? Huh. I don't remember being able to purchase the last two at such an early date. Why do I get the feeling that this date will be pushed back?BTW,
>>You know, that’s not a terrible idea. I may actually be able to set up a voicemail specifically for Podcast questions. Would that be something that would interest you guys?—Being able to call in and prerecord questions?<<Yes, Doug I think this is a great idea!
[Message edited by vdemona on 09-29-2007]
posted 09-29-2007 12:09 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
>>>Originally posted by vdemona:
November 6th? Huh. I don't remember being able to purchase the last two at such an early date. Why do I get the feeling that this date will be pushed back?<<<I am sure none those concerned wish it would ever happen... buuut, that is not for them to decide. All we have to do is decide where we are going to buy when the time is given...
The HS website notes that TTT CR was released last year on Nov. 7. So that is an encouraging thought!
Since Nov. 6 is the US (off-year) election day... let's hear it for Howard Shore for Maestro of the year and Doug Adams as his running mate!
"Happy days are here again, the skies above are clear again..."
And indeed, that HS and his team win multiple Grammys for the "LotR Complete Recordings".
posted 09-29-2007 08:14 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,Ok, who want to be a Beta Tester?
I’ve set up a temporary ROTK Podcast Question Line—I’d like to publish a little Preview Podcast (as before) to announce an ROTK Podcast and to distribute the Question Line Phone Number. But first, I want to make sure it works.
So, who wants to give me a call?
If anyone is sitting around bored this weekend, or just feels like burning through some free weekend minutes on your mobile phone, give me a call and leave a short (30 sec) message. If you’re outside the US, you can find the country code here:
http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/…though you’ll probably want to wait a week or so until we’re actually collecting questions. Still, if anyone’s got a good international package with their phone company, go for it! It’d be nice to make sure this work internationally as well.
I’ll post back in a few days and let you know if all systems are go.
So in the meantime…
FSM ROTK Podcast Question Line: 773.840.7470
Back later… and thanks!!
PS: If you're of the shy persuasion, don't worry... this is an automated service. I'm not going to pick up the phone and grill you.
[Message edited by Doug Adams on 09-29-2007]
posted 09-29-2007 09:18 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Hey Doug,I just called in from India and left a question. I hope I didn't speak too fast :P but I was pretty nervous (I wonder why??) but that was quite an experience. A fun experience. I'd call in again but now I need to recharge my cell
I got charged double since the line got cut the first time around after the first ring. But that was time and money well spent
LOoking forward to the podcast and the CR. Thanks for doing a great job and keeping up the enthusiasm.
- Earl.
Edit: I know I probably don't need to say this, but if anyone has second thoughts about calling in, think no more. Just go ahead and do it, its inexplicably exhilirating.
[Message edited by Earl on 09-29-2007]
posted 09-29-2007 10:40 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
I think its a good idea that your not the one answering the calls Doug, because if you did, we would probably always call it even without questions for the podcasts.
posted 09-29-2007 01:16 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
You've got a trial message from Bavaria...I hope it's intelligible.Best,
CKposted 09-29-2007 03:55 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Doug, I assume you'll get two questions from Bavaria
And I too hope it will be intelligible.Soooo, pre-order-wise, Peter, how does it look? Little more than a month to go!
And make sure things go ... well. Because, you knowposted 09-29-2007 09:28 PM PT (US) Sabsi
Standard Userer
Happy birthday, Marilynn!Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya!
posted 09-30-2007 03:37 AM PT (US) Strider1002
Non-Standard Userer
I would leave a message on the ROTK hotlinebut I'm slowly developing a cold and my voice doesn't seem very intelligible right now. My question is: the ROTK trailer music, will it be released? Whether in the CR or the rarities matters not, as long as we can get our hands on that wonderful piece...
Sneezing in anticipation,
posted 09-30-2007 07:16 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
*she sputters* How did you know? Just for that, I'm going to share my birthday mathom with all of you.
Originally posted by Sabsi:
Happy birthday, Marilynn!Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya!
For a friend, who needed some diversion from a difficult time she was experiencing, I created a set of Tolkien quote cards. These were touching, amusing, or stirring quotes... ones I love... paired with images. I printed these up and boxed them all lovely for her. I can't do that for you. But I did prepare two formats I can share. One is a series of web quality images of the cards. The other is a series of pdfs of print quality images. Go to the first page:
and right click and save images and/or download the pdf. The pdf link is at the bottom of the page as is the arrow for the next page. The last page has a final magpie shiny on it.Hope you enjoy.
m[Message edited by Magpie on 09-30-2007]
posted 09-30-2007 08:29 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
Goodness gracious! I am away from here for 3 short weeks and everything seems to be happening! 2 or 3 pages of new stuff to read through. You can always spot Doug's updates from thatThanks to Doug for those tantalizing updates!
Now I have a hard time of containing myself as we know the release date for the CR. I am really glad I have FotR and TTT CRs to keep me company (and keeping me sane) while I wait for the Rotk CR. I have not listened to a single note from that score in months and it is getting pretty hard to resist the temptation. I hope I get through this little over a month preceding the releaseNow if I just could make time go faster!
And it seems Doug has been writing very studiously for a long time for those long and eloquent liner notes, not that it is any wonder that they are so long as there must be so much to discuss about the music. To think that this score release odyssey is nearing the end is almost sad. That there is no new CR waiting next year is something I need get used to. But then again I think Doug's book and those Rarities discs (I am endlessly intrigued by the alternate Prologue material and other possible hidden treasures still in the vaults *drool* ) will be worth the wait and we can continue this exciting waiting for a little while longer.
Thanks for Magpie for sharing her birthday mathoms. Nothings cheers me up like a quote from my favourite author. And coupled with pictures it is even better.
Oh and Happy Birthday Marilyn!
[Message edited by Incanus on 09-30-2007]
posted 09-30-2007 10:49 AM PT (US) PeterK
I'll try my best as always, gkgyver! For pre-ordering LOTR ROTK complete, I would suggest not ordering it with anything else... just in case last minute changes happen.This thread jumped past 1000 posts very quickly, so let's close this thread and start fresh again... in anticipation for the final release of this series!
http://www.moviemusic.com/mb/Forum1/HTML/015975.htmlposted 09-30-2007 08:58 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB