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LOTR Package Update (Page 9)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Earl:
And as for me, I've stopped caring about The Hobbit too.Sam Raimi, Peter Jackson, Bob Shaye... they can make it and watch it themselves for all I care right now.
Gosh, that's a bit harsh, huh? While I'm not holding my breath for a Hobbit any time soon and am not losing any sleep over it, I do hope it gets made eventually, with PJ directing and Bob Shaye nowhere to be found.
posted 04-18-2007 06:35 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
I apologize, did that come across as harsh? I didn't mean it to... what I meant was, I really don't care about all the corporate crap because Tolkien's works are not supposed to be about stuff like that.
posted 04-18-2007 06:57 AM PT (US) ArchCarrier
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
Is anyone actively working on the LOTR Score Analysis Project?http://www.kilohertz.nl/lotr-sap/index.php
For my own site, I'm compiling lists of CR occurrences of certain themes with timestamps. This information could be added to Score Project but I don't have time to do it. I'd be willing to email the info to anyone who has the time and inclination to enter the information in.
It's been a while since I updated the site (or since I visited this message board, for that matter - I've been a little busy with other things...), but just send me the information so that I can add it to the database. You can find my email address on the homepage.
posted 04-18-2007 05:17 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Re: Hurin. Christopher Tolkien won't live forever, and eventually the estate will sell.I just regret that Tolkien's become such a hot property that there's very little chance I'll get to direct the story with the most filmic potential - CHILDREN OF HURIN. I've seen key scenes from that film in my head for years, well before the renewed interest in Tolkien prompted by Jackson's films.
posted 04-18-2007 07:47 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
At last, I have resurfaced on the board......it's been a long time, and I've been reading all the posts every week.....interesting stuff.Recently, a few weeks ago, I bought the single disc soundtracks, and listened to them straight away. Whilst I really loved some of the alternate takes of FOTR, I was frustrated with TTT being here and there, and it just didn't feel.......together - Where was Merry & Pippin in that - no where to be heard......
I then finally came to ROTK, now the night before I bought the soundtracks - $10AUS a piece, over a very long time, I slowly watched the film for its music, and the soundtrack ---- the worst soundtrack experience, it was like a was watching a really long trailer - the best bits were missing, such as when the beacon (light) is lit (excuse me for my terminology, I don't know all that much about it, but I love the music). An interesting and yet horrifying experience!!!! (did that (all three) even go for the length that the CR:FOTR went for???...)>>>>>DA: ------ Very well, thanks! I'm in the cusp of the next draft of the liners. Disc one track titles are now under consideration as well. We're marching forwards!<<<<<
AT LAST - !!!INFORMATION!!! - THHHAAAANNNK YOUUUU DOUG (I write this with great joy, whilst I listen to Jerry Goldsmith's RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II Soundtrack – I can see some light, we must be getting closer to the end of the tunnel.
A question that came to my head whilst listening to the music in EE:ROTK - What is going to be the length of the longest running track in ROTK:CR??? - I could almost picture a track running at least 30 minutes in length.....how about it Doug???
Also, from previous posts, finding out that it will probably be around 4 hours and 30 minutes in length, -
++++++>>>>>> - >>>OK, question #1 on everyone's mind: How loooong is the first edit? As in "the longer the better"!!>>>
DA: As promised, four very full discs.<<<<<<
- I'm getting very excited of what was missed out in the film, and considering, that EE:ROTK didn't even go for 4 hours and 30 minutes.I hope what I am about to say is not the case, and is proved wrong, but I have a feeling that the last disc is going to contain all the music from the Fan Credits of all three films................please, don't let this be the case, I want to hear 4 hours and 30 minutes of Return Of The King music......
My Precious....I await feedback.
posted 04-20-2007 07:22 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by THX 1138 4eb:
the best bits were missing, such as when the beacon (light) is litThe Lighting of the Beacons is all there... in The White Tree (just as in the Symphony).
posted 04-20-2007 08:26 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
Although it is a different take with slightly different timings and orchestrations. The last few bars before the Gondor theme appears are the most obvious difference.[Message edited by Jim Ware on 04-20-2007]
posted 04-20-2007 09:40 AM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
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I've always wondered why there is a difference between the OST's version of the "lighting of the beacons" scene(The White Tree) and the soundtrack from the actual film. Maybe Shore prefers it one way in the movie and another way on CD?If you could elaborate on this subject Doug, it would be much appreciated.
It seems on the OST there is resolution within the harmonic progression before the grand statement of the Gondor theme (in other words we arrive at what seems like tonic). The film's version leaves us hanging, waiting for a resolution, which leads into the Gondor theme. I guess the grand statement of the Gondor theme acts as the resolution for the previous bars (baaaaaahhhh, badadum, badadum, baaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!)
I remember sitting in the theater being a little shocked at hearing this unresolved version (only because I had listened to the OST many, many times before seeing the film). Now that I am used to both versions I can't really decide which I like better. They both work in different ways.
Let me ask this to those of you who have seen or heard the LOTR symphony. Which version is used in the symphony? Or which does the Symphony version most closely resemble?
posted 04-20-2007 04:03 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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N/A[Message edited by Christian Kühn on 04-20-2007]
posted 04-20-2007 06:06 PM PT (US) *Tom*
Non-Standard Userer
I like the film version of "the White Tree." It's unusual and isn't what you'd expect like with the resolved version on the OST. The melody finishes on a G in the film rather than an A on the OST.I hope they include the film version in the CR so that we can have both versions on CD in one form or another.
I've been annoyed with the ROTK OST for a while now... this CR is long overdue!
posted 04-20-2007 06:44 PM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
>>I then finally came to ROTK,.... I slowly watched the film for its music, and the soundtrack ---- the worst soundtrack experience, it was like a was watching a really long trailer - the best bits were missing....<<Yes, I must agree with you here. The ROTK OST was disappointing to me mainly because it is missing several cues that I really love - such as the music you hear when Rohan finally arrives at Pelennor Fields and Theoden gives his rousing speech. The Horn of Rohan cue is missing, the Mumakil horn blowing signaling their attack is also missing.
I wonder if those horn blowing (cues?) will be added to the ROTK CR?
posted 04-20-2007 07:33 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Jim Ware:
Although it is a different take with slightly different timings and orchestrations. The last few bars before the Gondor theme appears are the most obvious difference.Yes, it's either a vastly different mix, or a differently written and orchestrated version. Those brass counterpoints don't sound very similar in the two versions. I suppose we'll get the film version in the CR, as the other version is already on the OST release. I clearly prefer the OST version, so I'd rather have it the other way round...
The symphony uses the OST version.
posted 04-20-2007 07:40 PM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by vdemona:
I wonder if those horn blowing (cues?) will be added to the ROTK CR?<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Sorry to be the one to break the bad news, but those rousing horn calls will most likely NOT be there on the CRs. If I remember correctly, Doug mentioned sometime ago that this was due to the fact that the horns weren't really a part of the "score" per se.
This is also the reason why the Orc horn calls at the Black Gate in TTT aren't there on the CR - they were sounds made by musical instruments, yes, but they weren't part of the score as composed by Shore.
So my guess is these horns won't be featured either.
[Message edited by Earl Ignatius Carvalho on 04-20-2007]
posted 04-20-2007 08:08 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
I wonder if those horn blowing (cues?) will be added to the ROTK CR?I wonder how many times this question has been asked now?
I'm sorry. No, no, and no.
posted 04-20-2007 09:07 PM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
>>>>>>Marian Schedenig:
((((((THX 1138 4eb: the best bits were missing, such as when the beacon (light) is lit))))))
The Lighting of the Beacons is all there... in The White Tree (just as in the Symphony).<<<<<<Sorry about that Marian Schedenig, but I have only listened to the OST a couple of times, although, that small piece of music, when Aragorn sees that the Beacons are lit, and runs and tells Theoden, even though it is a short cue, it is missing from the OST, and maybe that's were I went wrong in my thinking. I personally feel as though that short piece completes the scene.....
Doug, are those two sections of music going to be pieced together, or is the later going to be a short track following the Beacon track?????
[Message edited by THX 1138 4eb on 04-21-2007]
posted 04-21-2007 01:47 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by THX 1138 4eb:
I have only listened to the OST a couple of times, although, that small piece of music, when Aragorn sees that the Beacons are lit, and runs and tells Theoden, even though it is a short cue, it is missing from the OST, and maybe that's were I went wrong in my thinking. I personally feel as though that short piece completes the scene.....Isn't that a separate cue in the movie? As far as I remember, there's silence between the two cues.
posted 04-21-2007 10:26 AM PT (US) Ge0rge
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>
Isn't that a separate cue in the movie? As far as I remember, there's silence between the two cues.[/B]<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Actually we do see Aragorn while the whole beacon sequence is still finishing, and the short cue being played for his run is a good opening for the forthcoming Rohan gathering theme.
P.S.: I love the OST Lightning of the Beacons version, but the film version is much more complete and interesting to me, and that strings work in there is just fantastic! Does anybody hear inconsistencies between the EE DVD chapter menu music and the film (for instance, The Siege of Gondor)? I guess there were plenty of performances recorded so no surprises that OST sounds very different.
[Message edited by Ge0rge on 04-21-2007]
posted 04-21-2007 11:34 AM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
The Fellowship CD was the only one of the original albums that I bought after having seen the film. I was already quite intimate with the music from the other two soundtrack albums by the times I had seen Two Towers and Return of the King. As result, I wasn't disappointed with what wasn't included on those albums. Then again, Shore had been discussing the CR project since the release of Fellowship, so I felt that any omissions would be taken care of in that arena (so far, so good!).Here's a question for Doug, maybe you've answered it before. Will the chronology of the ROTK CR follow the original cut that Shore scored (i.e. Gandalf arriving at Minas Tirith during the retreat from Osgiliath), will it follow that of the theatrical/extended editions, or will it be sort of a combination of the two?
posted 04-23-2007 09:16 AM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,Only a few questions, so only a few answers!
>>>Doug, are those two sections of music going to be pieced together, or is the later going to be a short track following the Beacon track?????>>>
The track breaks are currently being discussed, as are track titles, so comments are a bit premature. The two sections were recorded separately, however, just fyi. Also remember, a track break does not necessarily indicate any specific length of silence between the compositions -- that’s adjustable. I can at least tell you that the two compositions will not be crossafaded. There will be a pause, or a break between the two… just as you’re used to hearing from the film.
>>>Here's a question for Doug, maybe you've answered it before. Will the chronology of the ROTK CR follow the original cut that Shore scored (i.e. Gandalf arriving at Minas Tirith during the retreat from Osgiliath), will it follow that of the theatrical/extended editions, or will it be sort of a combination of the two?>>>
That’s an excellent question… so here’s an awful answer!
I don’t know. No one knows. The decision has not yet been made. Currently, both versions of this music are being restored / remixed. Howard will make the final call as to which will be used… or both… or neither. Well ok, there obviously won’t be a situation where neither is used. There, at least I was able to include a little concrete information.
There is some music that is unique to the version of the chronology that has Gandalf arrive during the battle outside Osgiliath… if this music does not make the CR, you can count on hearing it eventually, I’m quite certain.
I’m still working through the next draft of the notes right now. Specifically, the included music examples have been in the spotlight lately. Track breakdowns and titles for the second and third discs have also been on the table. Marching forwards…
posted 04-23-2007 09:39 AM PT (US) BigT1981
Standard Userer
So do you think this thing will be out by Novemberish of this year?
posted 04-23-2007 10:24 AM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
Wouldn't it just be grand to have the Fan Club Credits tracks on the Rarities disc?
posted 04-23-2007 03:41 PM PT (US) Swashbuckler
Standard Userer
I think that the idea there is that any material in the Fan Club credits that is not doubled elsewhere in the CRs will be preserved on the rarities disc. I don't expect the full Fan Club credits to be presented, however (think about how much disc space that represents).Of course, with the CRs, you could re-create them for yourself.
posted 04-24-2007 07:25 AM PT (US) THX 1138 4eb
Standard Userer
Only a few questions, so only a few answers!>>>Doug, are those two sections of music going to be pieced together, or is the later going to be a short track following the Beacon track?????>>>
The track breaks are currently being discussed, as are track titles, so comments are a bit premature. The two sections were recorded separately, however, just fyi. Also remember, a track break does not necessarily indicate any specific length of silence between the compositions -- that’s adjustable. I can at least tell you that the two compositions will not be crossafaded. There will be a pause, or a break between the two… just as you’re used to hearing from the film.
I’m still working through the next draft of the notes right now. Specifically, the included music examples have been in the spotlight lately. Track breakdowns and titles for the second and third discs have also been on the table. Marching forwards…
But there was a comment that was meant to be a question,
I hope what I am about to say is not the case, and is proved wrong, but I have a feeling that the last disc is going to contain all the music from the Fan Credits of all three films................please, don't let this be the case, I want to hear 4 hours and 30 minutes of Return Of The King music......<<<<<Question----------Doug, are all 4 discs going to be just of Return Of The King music, or........well.....you've read above comment....???????
Another Question--------do you know if any tracks are going to exceed 20 minutes or 30 minutes??????...THANKS AGAIN...
posted 04-25-2007 12:01 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I hope what I am about to say is not the case, and is proved wrong, but I have a feeling that the last disc is going to contain all the music from the Fan Credits of all three films................please, don't let this be the case, I want to hear 4 hours and 30 minutes of Return Of The King music......<<<<<Now why would they do that? That makes absolutely no sense.
I guess the anticipation makes us somewhat hysterical.posted 04-25-2007 05:15 AM PT (US) Elendil
Non-Standard Userer
Sorry for asking, but I don't understand. There will be a ROTK CR of course...but will this "rarities" disc even come out, or is it just a wistful desire, and what else would be on this disc aside from the fan credits?
posted 04-25-2007 11:53 AM PT (US) mathew
Non-Standard Userer
I can't understand why those fan credits are so important to some people here. You can always put the DVD's in your player and listen to them in 5.1 surround or dts. So why should they be on the CR's again. That feels a little bit redundant to me.I think on the rarities disc should be alternate tracks like the film version of "Flight to the Ford" etc.
[Message edited by mathew on 04-25-2007]
posted 04-25-2007 03:02 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
I suppose most of the fan credit music is redundant, but not Sissel's song nor Bilbo's Song. Those deserve a CD release somehow, somewhere. I think Use Well the Days deserves it, as well.
posted 04-25-2007 03:56 PM PT (US) AustinHusker
Standard Userer
Heck, if anyone wants the fan club credits I have them on mp3s, it's about 70 minutes or so and is a good listen. I don't want to hear it on the ROTK:CR though.-Chad
posted 04-25-2007 10:11 PM PT (US) Ge0rge
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
I suppose most of the fan credit music is redundant, but not Sissel's song nor Bilbo's Song. Those deserve a CD release somehow, somewhere. I think Use Well the Days deserves it, as well.+1
posted 04-25-2007 10:31 PM PT (US) Wedge
Standard Userer
*cough*As you were.
Project-specific comments on that other thread, please. This is just a heads-up.
posted 04-25-2007 11:09 PM PT (US) Doug Adams
Standard Userer
Hi everyone,Digging in again, see below, if you’d be so kind.
>>>So do you think this thing will be out by Novemberish of this year?>>>
Honestly, don’t know. As before, the release date is entirely in the hands of the label, so this is their call. I suppose I could guess and say, yes, it seems we’re progressing according to a timeline that would tend to suggest fourth quarter… but as soon as I say that, I’m sure they’ll say they want it on shelves next week.
And if so, I’d advise you all to go out and buy Starbucks stock, because there won’t be a lot of sleeping going on!
>>>Wouldn't it just be grand to have the Fan Club Credits tracks on the Rarities disc?>>>
The rarities disc is looking quite, quite full right now… There’s just a mountain of material we proposing for this. As is pointed out below, the fan credits are already out there in the world… in good sound to boot. It’s probably unlikely that we’ll be able to / inclined to dedicate disc space to something that’s essentially a redundant presentation. However, pieces such as Sissel’s song, Bilbo’s Song, which only appear in the fan scroll music will certainly need to be presented. (As will Use Well The Days, as Magpie adroitly notes.)
Remember, you are well within your legal rights to rip the fan scroll music to CD for your personal use, if you are so inclined.
>>>Doug, are those two sections of music going to be pieced together, or is the later going to be a short track following the Beacon track?????>>>
They say repetition is the soul of wit… wait, no they don’t. Anyway, see below, if I may resort to quoting myself:
>>>The track breaks are currently being discussed, as are track titles, so comments are a bit premature.>>>
So in short. I dunno!
>>>Question----------Doug, are all 4 discs going to be just of Return Of The King music, or........well.....you've read above comment....???????>>>
All ROTK, all the time! There is no plan to plan to represent anything other than the complete, glorious score to ROTK on these four discs. It’s an exhausting, incredibly rewarding listening experience. It’s funny how it can make you feel that you’ve accomplished something even if you’ve simply been sittingstill for the duration. It’s just such a complete, involving piece. I know I sound like a shill again, but man…
>>>Another Question--------do you know if any tracks are going to exceed 20 minutes or 30 minutes??????>>>
Currently, no. This could change, but I suspect it’s highly unlikely.
>>>Sorry for asking, but I don't understand. There will be a ROTK CR of course...but will this "rarities" disc even come out, or is it just a wistful desire, and what else would be on this disc aside from the fan credits?>>>
The Rarities disc will showcase unused drafts, early ideas, alternates, etc. It’s on the docket, currently, not simply a pipedream. Still early on of course, but full steam ahead.
>>>I think on the rarities disc should be alternate tracks like the film version of "Flight to the Ford" etc.>>>
Oh, but there’s another version yet!
>>>Heck, if anyone wants the fan club credits I have them on mp3s, it's about 70 minutes or so and is a good listen. I don't want to hear it on the ROTK:CR though.>>>
Again, just to play rumor-killer, you won’t, don’t worry.
There you are, all.
More when news warrants!
posted 04-26-2007 08:21 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
First of all, it's cool to see you around again, Doug!Secondly, Use Well The Days ... what a beautiful song, and, at this point the face turns towards Doug, could it be that there are two versions of this song as well?
Because the sheet music that is available doesn't exactly match the version available on the ROTK Bonus DVD.
Especially the second refrain seems a lot more grandioso in the sheet music, with those triplets.And about those four "very full" discs: Howard Shore, as well as yourself, pointed out a long time ago that the ROTK CR will be four and a half hours long. Considering that even the extended cut of the film doesn't exceed four hours, there's a good 30 minutes of undefined music left.
That's great, not to say positively shocking, but don't I remember you saying on the TTT Q & A Podcast (on FSM) that ROTK doesn't feature quite as much unused material as TTT. You said something about huge chunks of music being moved around during the editing process.
Now, my question: if ROTK has fewer unused score than TTT, how come it's 30 minutes longer than the film itself?posted 04-26-2007 09:56 AM PT (US) Gorbag
Non-Standard Userer
Hopefully we'll see more than one disc of rarities then if there's a lot of stuff!
posted 04-26-2007 04:32 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
Standard Userer
I wouldn't be dismayed if 'Use well the days' never saw the light of CD. I think it truly pales next to some of the other songs for each film like 'In Dreams', 'Gollum's Song', 'May it Be' and 'Into the West'. The lyrics of these songs are never the appealing factor for me - and 'Use well the days' relies more on its lyrical content to sustain the listener than any of the others.In fact, I've often wondered what fully composed end credit tracks for the theatrical versions of the films would have sounded like in place of the songs for the end. I appreciate the notion that the audience would be quite tired of more underscore by the end (the same reason Celine Dion was enlisted for TITANIC), but I'd love to have heard an uninhibited orchestral journey through the worlds of each film.
Take ROTK - imagine if that Das Rheingold inspired-Coda from Shore developed over nine minutes, with hints of melodic ideas from the films flitting over the surging textures... it would just reclaim the whole musiscal enterprise for the composer Shore is.
(Some may think the end credits already do that, but I've never really gone for these suites of underscore cues edited together as end credits. Consider the end credits of LITTLE CHILDREN or ENDURING LOVE, where those composers explore with much greater compositional freedom the heart of those films.)
posted 04-26-2007 09:16 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
I agree with Michael on this...Use Well the Days is the only piece of the entire trilogy that I can do without. Haphazardly chosen lyrics, and the music doesn't really have a good flow. But that's just me.And for that rarity disc, which Doug confirmed above: on the supplementary of Fellowship (Disc 3), for a documentary of an early draft of the prologue, there's a [u]GREAT[/u] piece of Nazgûl music with unknown choral text. I remember seeing this and going through the ceiling with unpassed glee.
So, dearest Doug, if you don't want me to...do...something...rash...make sure that unused piece is on that rarity disc!!! More pints for you if it's there!
posted 04-27-2007 01:06 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
My personal wish for the rarities disc: The original Journey to Rivendell (without Aragorn's theme, if I recall correctly).
posted 04-27-2007 06:47 AM PT (US) Olorin
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It sounds like the rarities disc could easily be 2 discs. But will it be included in the ROTK set, be a standalone release, or be included in Doug's book?
posted 04-27-2007 04:51 PM PT (US) brutus
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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Marian Schedenig:
My personal wish for the rarities disc: The original Journey to Rivendell (without Aragorn's theme, if I recall correctly).<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Same here!
[Message edited by brutus on 04-27-2007]
posted 04-27-2007 05:21 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Olorin:
It sounds like the rarities disc could easily be 2 discs. But will it be included in the ROTK set, be a standalone release, or be included in Doug's book?Doug just said that the RotK set is going to be ONLY RotK music.
posted 04-27-2007 05:34 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by brutus:
Same here!Et tu, Brute?
posted 04-27-2007 08:24 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB