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Sunshine (Score) By John Murphy Release (Page 1)
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Topic: Sunshine (Score) By John Murphy Release
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FOX is releasing the score to Sunshine on iTunes in 2 weeks
posted 07-20-2007 11:24 PM PT (US) sean
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The score was O.K. ... but nothing special. It hits some good emotional beats in the film, yet the film is a terrible mish-mash of Alien, Event Horizon, and 2001. In short, it's a bad movie. Danny Boyle hasn't made anything good since Shallow Grave and Trainspotting.
posted 07-21-2007 01:54 AM PT (US) Quill
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Bummer...I'm hoping to disagree with you. The extended trailer has my wife and incredibly excited.We'll see...
posted 07-22-2007 09:49 PM PT (US) HadrianD
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28 Days Later was a good movie. Very visceral and unrelenting.
posted 07-22-2007 10:46 PM PT (US) sean
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Quill, I think it all depends of what you want from a space movie. For my money, they've gotta' be high adventure and relentless: obviously, my two favourites are Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan and The Empire Strikes Back (very high standards). Sunshine doesn't even come close; the pacing is slow and it waxes on a bit too much about ... well ... nothing. The film is striving for "realism," but why should it bother and instead why not deliver a fast-paced sci-fi adventure? That'd be more like it! Sadly, the film does none of that.[Message edited by sean on 07-23-2007]
posted 07-23-2007 12:46 AM PT (US) franz_conrad
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So I guess what you're saying is if you don't mind 2001 and SOLARIS and the like... SUNSHINE could be quite a good film?Makes me wish I'd gone and seen it!
posted 07-23-2007 01:15 AM PT (US) Quill
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Honestly, a mish-mash of 2001, Solaris, Event Horizon and Aliens would work wonders for me.Just as long the Solaris influence is kept to a minimum.
posted 07-23-2007 11:41 AM PT (US) sean
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Well ... Michael and Quill: Yes, the headache inducing and boring thing called Solaris is a major factor in Sunshine. Honestly, Michael, you get bored by Michael Bay but are not bored by Solaris!? That surprises me. And Quill, it's Alien that influences it (Danny Boyle has never kept it a secret that Ridley Scott's Alien is his favourite film and you can tell here: the sort of truckers-in-space feel that he tries to recapture here), not Aliens ... Hell, I wish Aliens had been used as a point of origin for this movie, for pacing and action. Maybe I'm alone here on this one (but I suspect not): There's no point in making a space movie if you aren't going to deliver: literally, it's gotta be go BIG or go HOME for any filmmaker tackling this genre. It's been a good long while since there's been a great space flick released. On television, Battlestar Galactica more than makes up for this void and would dominate if it were put up on the big screen. Hopefully, Star Trek XI will deliver the goods next year.[Message edited by sean on 07-23-2007]
posted 07-23-2007 12:13 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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It gets worse Sean! I watched ALIEN and ALIENS again over the last few nights, and I VASTLY PREFER Ridley Scott's film.
posted 07-23-2007 03:05 PM PT (US) sean
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Originally posted by franz_conrad:
It gets worse Sean! I watched ALIEN and ALIENS again over the last few nights, and I VASTLY PREFER Ridley Scott's film.You'll get no argument from me there: I realized after I made my post above that it would seem I don't like Alien. That's not true at all, it's one of my favourite films. Aliens and Alien are tied for greatness in my books, I don't prefer one over the other.
posted 07-23-2007 04:23 PM PT (US) vdemona
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I don't mind a little Solaris. If Sunshine, in film and in score, is anything like Solaris (and a little Event Horizon thrown in too) I'll probably go see it.The first two Alien films just can't be beat though!
posted 07-24-2007 11:15 AM PT (US) Batman05
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it won't be released on CD ????
posted 07-24-2007 07:25 PM PT (US) Foobsie
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So the two weeks have come and gone... where is the score on iTunes?pulled?
posted 09-25-2007 01:04 PM PT (US) macuser8403
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John Murphy said this about someones question on if the Sunshine score is going to be released:"It definitely will. Legal issues (it coincided with an Underworld album release) have stopped it from being released when it should."
posted 09-25-2007 05:47 PM PT (US) Foobsie
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Still no word?
posted 11-16-2007 11:24 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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Still no word then, I suppose? Shame, shame.
posted 01-30-2008 10:54 PM PT (US) Demetris Christodoulides
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That's a shame 'cause the score worked brilliantly in the film and i'd really want to have it on CD. Murphy did his best into incorporating the best of Cliff Martinez (Solaris) and his own distinctive quirky style into a very captivating and dark score; he did - in fact, an awesome job!
posted 01-31-2008 02:11 AM PT (US) Steve Hughes
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It's definitely out there and it's cool...1. A Star Within A Star
2. Searle See The Sun
3. The Last Message
4. The Time / Commander of The Icarus 1
5. Mercury
6. Two Last Hopes Are Better Than One
7. The New Angle
8. Repairs
9. What Do You See?
10. The Icarus 1
11. From Inside / Minus 273 Degrees Celcius
12. We Love You
13. Trey
14. The Fifth Crew Member
15. An Angel / Cory's Dead
16. Pinbacker
17. Mace's Dead
18. Unlock The Airlock
19. The Surface of The Sun
20. All To Heaven / A Particularly Beautiful...Music by John Murphy
Running Time: 44:17posted 01-31-2008 07:40 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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Yes, I know. This is, needless to say, not a high-quality release. There are sound effects, channel switches, volume changes, etc.
posted 01-31-2008 08:33 AM PT (US) sean
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I've recently changed my opinion on this film altogether. I love this film, though it suffers somewhat at the end. The score is fantastic, too. The main, hopeful theme from the film by Underworld is available on their latest album, under the track titled "To Heal." It's theme used during Capa's message home, the montage over Icarus and the Earth Room: Very cool! I have a copy of the John Murphy stuff from when the film was released theatrically but can't find it anywhere... damn.
posted 01-31-2008 11:59 AM PT (US) Widescreen
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Okay, so where on iTunes is it exactly. All my searches bring up nothing.
posted 01-31-2008 05:40 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Originally posted by sean:
The score was O.K. ... but nothing special. It hits some good emotional beats in the film, yet the film is a terrible mish-mash of Alien, Event Horizon, and 2001. In short, it's a bad movie. Danny Boyle hasn't made anything good since Shallow Grave and Trainspotting.Stick with the original diagnosis, doctor. You were right the first time!
posted 01-31-2008 06:21 PM PT (US) sean
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Originally posted by franz_conrad:
Stick with the original diagnosis, doctor. You were right the first time!Michael: Your instincts serve you well, but they could be made to serve the Emperor.
WIDESCREEN: You want to find the Underworld album Oblivion With Bells and then the track is "To Heal."
posted 02-01-2008 10:11 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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I could be wrong, but I think Widescreen meant the Sunshine score, Sean.Anyway, that little item you won't find on iTunes, my friend. *cough*BitT-*cough* (Really though, the quality is egregiously bad.)
posted 02-01-2008 11:03 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Originally posted by sean:
Michael: Your instincts serve you well, but they could be made to serve the Emperor.Leia's my sister!?
posted 02-02-2008 12:04 AM PT (US) sean
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That's right, Michael HAHA!
posted 02-02-2008 10:08 AM PT (US) Demetris Christodoulides
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Anyway, that little item you won't find on iTunes, my friend. *cough*BitT-*cough* (Really though, the quality is egregiously bad.)[/B]Bless you! :P There's another version of that *couuuuuughh* itunes thingy that has better quality.
posted 02-02-2008 10:27 AM PT (US) richuk
Non-Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by sean:
The score was O.K. ... but nothing special. It hits some good emotional beats in the film, yet the film is a terrible mish-mash of Alien, Event Horizon, and 2001. In short, it's a bad movie. Danny Boyle hasn't made anything good since Shallow Grave and Trainspotting. <HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there - I loved the movie, and I like the score as well. In fact, given some reviews I'd seen and some of the general marketing for the movie, it exceeded my expectations.
[Message edited by richuk on 02-02-2008]
posted 02-02-2008 03:58 PM PT (US) sean
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richuk, sorry to be a jerk, but it helps to read the rest of the thread, where I, in what you quoted from July 2007, have reversed my opinion on that film in my January 2008 post (a few posts from yours; check it): I've recently changed my opinion on this film altogether. I love this film, though it suffers somewhat at the end. The score is fantastic, too. The main, hopeful theme from the film by Underworld is available on their latest album, under the track titled "To Heal." It's theme used during Capa's message home, the montage over Icarus and the Earth Room: Very cool! I have a copy of the John Murphy stuff from when the film was released theatrically but can't find it anywhere... damn.[Message edited by sean on 02-02-2008]
posted 02-02-2008 05:28 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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<<< Bless you! :P There's another version of that *couuuuuughh* itunes thingy that has better quality. >>>Indeeeeeeed there is. A little extra Googling goes a long way.
posted 02-02-2008 05:42 PM PT (US) richuk
Non-Standard Userer
Hey sorry about that Sean - I did notice that comment but was reading the thread quickly and didn't realise it was from you.Glad you liked the movie and score after all
posted 02-03-2008 02:58 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Richuk, if you want to meet someone who thinks SUNSHINE was good-looking rubbish, allow me to introduce myself.
posted 02-03-2008 03:28 PM PT (US) sean
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HAHA! richuk, don't listen to Michael, he's trapped on an island with the most dangerous animals known to man which is than surrounded by blood-thirsty and ravenous sharks: He'll say anything to exonerate himself.
posted 02-03-2008 08:17 PM PT (US) nuts_score
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Originally posted by sean:
HAHA! richuk, don't listen to Michael, he's trapped on an island with the most dangerous animals known to man which is than surrounded by blood-thirsty and ravenous sharks: He'll say anything to exonerate himself.And he's constantly on walkabouts with Nic Roeg and an underage Jenny Agutter.
posted 02-04-2008 11:14 AM PT (US) franz_conrad
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Jenny Agutter AND Nic Roeg? I guess everyone in that party there will make sure the other two are well-behaved.posted 02-04-2008 12:20 PM PT (US) nuts_score
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Oh yeah, and David Gulpilil. What's he been up to lately (other than The Proposition)?
posted 02-04-2008 01:55 PM PT (US) franz_conrad
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He and his son were involved in Rolf De Heer's TEN CANOES, I think. That film came out in Australia in 2006, but only went round the international festival circuit last year.
posted 02-04-2008 02:31 PM PT (US) sean
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Michael, I saw it in 2006 and it was boring, no good!
posted 02-05-2008 01:07 AM PT (US) franz_conrad
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I'll take my chances.
posted 02-05-2008 03:46 AM PT (US) nuts_score
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Originally posted by franz_conrad:
He and his son were involved in Rolf De Heer's TEN CANOES, I think. That film came out in Australia in 2006, but only went round the international festival circuit last year.I would think that David Gulpilil would be in EVERY movie set in Australia.
"Hey Chuck, our movie needs an Aboriginie. What about that fella' that was in Crocodile Dundee?"
"Oh, you mean Paul Hogan?!"
Yuk, yuk. I'm only kidding.
Although, doing what I should've in the first place, I see that Gulpilil will be in Baz Luhrmann's new picture, Australia. I've been looking forward to that one for a while.posted 02-05-2008 07:45 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB