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LOTR Package Update (Page 3)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
This is a summary about the price of the ROTK CR for somebody who doesn't live in U.S. (of course I don't make rivalry with Peter K)For those who lives in the country of the seller's markek they have the price without the sending.
for other like me, there is two (three) way:
the fastless and the faster (
there is a intermediary way in USA)So:
RELEASE : 11/06/2007
about $1,41321$ = 1€SEND WAY #1 TOTAL = 66,47 USD
- 47,03 € up to 5 WEEKS (Without the puchase will be warranted)
- PURCHASE 59,99 USD 42,45 €
- SENDING 6,48 USD 4,59 €SEND WAY #2 TOTAL 69,97 USD 49,51 € up to 3 WEEKS
- PURCHASE 59,99 USD 42,45 €
- SENDING 9,98 USD 7,06 €
SEND WAY #3 TOTAL 114,22 USD 80,82 € 2/4 JOURS
- PURCHASE 59,99 USD 42,45 €
- SENDING 32,98 USD 23,34 € 153
- IMPORT FEE 21,25 USD 15,04 €---------------------------------
RELEASE 11/06/2007 ??? Money :EUROWITHOUT V.A.T.; WITH V.A.T
SEND WAY #1 TOTAL = 57,25 €; 68,47 € 2/9 DAYS ???
- PURCHASE 51,25 €; 61,30 €
- SENDING 6,00 €; 7,18 €
SEND WAY #3 TOTAL = 71,25 €; 85,22 € 2/3 DAYS
- PURCHASE 51,25 €, 61,30 €
- SENDING 20,00 €; 23,92 €--------------------------------
RELEASE 11/06/2007 ???
Money : UK POUND
ABOUT 1,44593 € = 1£ (6/10/2007)
SEND WAY #1 TOTAL = £41,45; £49,57; 71,68 € 3/7 DAYS ???
- PURCHASE £39,57; £47,33; 68,43 €
- SENDING £1,88; £2,25; 3,25 €
SEND WAY #3 TOTAL = £52,05; £62,25; 90,01 €; 2/3 DAYS
- PURCHASE £39,57; £47,33; 68,43 €
- SENDING £12,48; £14,93; 21,58 €In fact what I see when I compare the price: is that the lower european price is not so far from the highter price I can have if I purchase the CR of the Return of the king in US.
I think that european seller by the CR in USA almost at the same price than me as if I do it in the faster way.
With that there are able to sold it between 2 and 9 days after the release (it's rather 9 days than 2 days I suppose)
But to win something about 10 days if I do not purchase it in the way 2 in USA ( as I have done it for the TTT CR) I lost 18€ (if I buy it in germany, not in the UK : the Pound is too strong comparing the euro).
And I remember that Amazon.uk has delayed of three week the release of the TTT CR.
I think the price of Amazon.de/uk is depending of the number of copy they espect to sold (they do economies on the number of copy they imports in a normal way ??) but if they don't have so much command they attends they can rescheduled the release.
And I remenber too that the TTT CR were out of stock in December, if the ROTK CR is a greater and faster succes than its predecessor I don't want to lost my place in the first batch of the so waited Complete Recordings of the Return of the King.So I think it's the better compromise to buy it in the US.
Anyway, 10 days or 20 days: it's to wait :cry:
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-06-2007][Message edited by dambedir on 10-06-2007]
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-23-2007]
posted 10-06-2007 12:13 AM PT (US) peschi
Non-Standard Userer
just a update on the phostphoned/cancelled concert in Paris. Just got message from the concerthall:"This is translated from altavista translate, so excuse the grammar, they sended it only in french:The concerts of the National Orchestra of France under the direction of Howard Shore (Symphony "the Lord of the Rings"), initially programmed November the 3 and 4, are deferred to a later date in June-July 2008, in adequacy with world creation in Châtelet of its opera "The Fly". Not being able to give you currently more precise details on this carryforward, we prefer to propose the refunding of your tickets to you (the amount of your reservation will be introduced in bank at your credit) and will not obviously fail to inform you of the date of carryforward as soon as it is stopped. Us you prions to be so kind as to excuse us for this hitch and to accept, dear Sir, dear Madam, the expression of our sincerity.
what it looks like the concerts of LOTR will be cancelled and The Fly symphony is now planned for June/July 2008 date.
posted 10-06-2007 05:22 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Peter I have just ordered my ROTK:CR through MovieMusic, very very good to do buisness with you. Now lets just stick to shipping prior release date (if possible).
posted 10-06-2007 09:20 AM PT (US) Strider1002
Standard Userer
Originally posted by BattleToTheEnd:
Peter I have just ordered my ROTK:CR through MovieMusic, very very good to do buisness with you. Now lets just stick to shipping prior release date (if possible).
Yeah, I saw that "we will ship on or prior to release date if possible," which makes MM the frontrunner for me. Maybe Doug can use some clout and get MM some copies before everyone else
posted 10-06-2007 10:05 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Bigger than 50 Cent? Ummm ... No.Nobody said Fleming or Lennox were as big a name as 50 Cent, just that they would be big enough to sell additional copies of the set.
Not that it matters, anyway.
But for the integrity of a film score release, it's better to have Renee Fleming attached to it than some rap dude.posted 10-06-2007 10:13 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by peschi:
just a update on the phostphoned/cancelled concert in Paris. Just got message from the concerthall:"This is translated from altavista translate, so excuse the grammar, they sended it only in french:The concerts of the National Orchestra of France under the direction of Howard Shore (Symphony "the Lord of the Rings"),....
<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
A website has published the letter of the Theatre of "Chatelet" send to those who have booked this happening. (I am Not still receive it at this time!)
In fact for the refunding of the money they have to fill in a form and send back it with the ticket to be pay back.
http://www.elbakin.net/tolkien/ link: "news quotidiennes" in the first orange scare
If someone is not able to read in french writing I can help for the filling of the form.
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-06-2007]
posted 10-06-2007 10:46 AM PT (US) vdemona
Standard Userer
I can't believe it's only four weeks away from the release date! This year the wait went rather quickly for me. I'm not sure why it feels quicker. Maybe it's because we already have the other two to listen to that made the wait this year easier.Oh yes, and thanks for the podcast update Doug!
posted 10-06-2007 10:51 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
for those who haven't ask the ticket will be send to their home they will be directly refunded to their bank account.it's what I have read in a e-mail I have just received !
posted 10-06-2007 11:35 AM PT (US) ruckus
Standard Userer
Originally posted by dambedir:
for those who haven't ask the ticket will be send to their home they will be directly refunded to their bank account.it's what I have read in a e-mail I have just received !
Thank you for the information dambedir.
P.S. Congratulations on winning against New Zealand in the rugby!
[Message edited by ruckus on 10-06-2007]
posted 10-06-2007 04:18 PM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Peter,I sent an email to MovieMusic in regards to my order of ROTK:CR to the fact of having the name changed on the package. If you have not recieved this email yet please when you do, omit it. The email will be from the address of andrewcroasmun@sbcglobal.net.
[Message edited by BattleToTheEnd on 10-06-2007]
posted 10-06-2007 05:43 PM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Standard Userer
Originally posted by peschi:what it looks like the concerts of LOTR will be cancelled and The Fly symphony is now planned for June/July 2008 date.
From the translation I gathered that the LOTR concert is postponed, not actually cancelled.posted 10-06-2007 06:00 PM PT (US) PeterK
Got it Andrew, thanks! All taken care of....
posted 10-06-2007 10:37 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by ruckus:
Thank you for the information dambedir.ruckus
P.S. Congratulations on winning against New Zealand in the rugby!
<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
Really I excuse for What the french team of Rugby have done to the "All black" !!!
And hope that if the ROTK-CR come from New Zealand like the TTT-CR last year it will be not comming more late in spite of the fact of this unfortunate defeat agaist the team of my country."YATA !!!"
Rather Them they done it, excuse me, excuse me.... (bowing) folk of new zealand.
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-07-2007]
posted 10-07-2007 12:33 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Originally posted by PeterK:
Got it Andrew, thanks! All taken care of....
Thank You Sir!!!!!!posted 10-07-2007 07:27 AM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Bigger than 50 Cent? Ummm ... No.
<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Nobody said Fleming or Lennox were as big a name as 50 Cent, just that they would be big enough to sell additional copies of the set.
Not that it matters, anyway.
But for the integrity of a film score release, it's better to have Renee Fleming attached to it than some rap dude.I'm sure Mr. Shore could have incorporated some Elvish rap somewhere in the films...sigh
posted 10-07-2007 10:25 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Merry and Pippin's drinking song was close enough
posted 10-07-2007 11:37 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
It feels so good to finally say that were less than a month away from release. And it will feel even better in 30 days.
[Message edited by BattleToTheEnd on 10-07-2007]
posted 10-07-2007 02:21 PM PT (US) Strider1002
Standard Userer
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it because I'll be driving down to Virginia on November 8th, and my car has great acoustics with the iPod
posted 10-07-2007 05:06 PM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
I know we've seen this topic a bit, but where are the track titles. Last year they came out September 26th (41 days to the release of Two Towers). We are sitting 30 about to be 29 away from ROTK. For some reason I really really want to know what they are and to know which of the seven that Doug said gkgyver guested properly a couple weeks ago.
posted 10-07-2007 06:52 PM PT (US) Shire Bagginz
Standard Userer
I am eagerly awaiting them as well!and I hope soundrack.net does a nice article on the ROTK CR like they did for TT seen here...
http://www.soundtrack.net/features/article/?id=209[Message edited by Shire Bagginz on 10-08-2007]
posted 10-07-2007 11:57 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Doug, is there a deadline for calling?
Because I still didn't make it, and a brutal cold doesn't make speaking English any easier.PS: 100th
[Message edited by gkgyver on 10-08-2007]
posted 10-08-2007 03:30 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by BattleToTheEnd: I know we've seen this topic a bit, but where are the track titles. Last year they came out September 26th (41 days to the release of Two Towers). We are sitting 30 about to be 29 away from ROTK.Oh. My. God.
Please tell me you don't have one of these backwards-counting clocks on the wall which you've set for RotK:CR's release...
Since I have a life these days for a change, I can now FINALLY tell people: GET A LIFE!
CK, squint-eyed from all the microscopy work (and freezing my butt off)
PS: Post 101...is this good or bad?
posted 10-08-2007 08:41 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Hey Peter, I tried preordering ROTK:CR from in here but I don't see India as one of the shipping destinations. Any suggestions?
posted 10-08-2007 08:55 AM PT (US) ruckus
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Christian K�hn:
... backwards-counting clocks on the wall which you've set for RotK:CR's release...ruckus
posted 10-08-2007 09:02 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
D'oh!# # #
Unrelated: since this set will be my Christmas present, I am in no hurry to receive it. I had planned to order it from Amazon.de, since the price with €48 was quite agreeable.
Seeing how good the exchange rate $/€ is these days, I might change my mind and do an order with Peter, IF we agree on the following:
(A) No invoice.
(B) A custom declaration marks the shipment as "gift", with a value of $20. All saving money would be shot to hell if my beloved German Custom Services would open it and decide I should pay them 19% custom tax and VAT.
(C) This comes as well wrapped as the FishChip's hamsters can make it. No loose CDs, although I absolutely realize you can't do anything about it, as the holding clips in these sets were always a bit dodgy.
(D) DHL shipping of $4.99 applies to this set.
(E) All of the above.
# # #
Peter, what say you?
[Message edited by Christian Kühn on 10-08-2007]
posted 10-08-2007 09:05 AM PT (US) PeterK
Earl, unfortunately India is not a destination offered to the public, as the percentage of mishaps in our test year was too high for India. However, we can arrange something on an individual basis....
Kühn, I'll be honest and say stick with Amazon.de, as your request list makes that order very difficult to process and will add delay to your order specifically. Lots of the business is streamlined and the things you ask for breaks this efficiency... and at $59.99 price, I will lose money. Maybe big stores can afford that, but I can't. But thanks for asking anyway!posted 10-08-2007 09:36 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
Originally posted by ruckus:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Christian K�hn:
[b]... backwards-counting clocks on the wall which you've set for RotK:CR's release...
<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>ruckus[/B]
Customized counter
Time until mardi 6 novembre 2007 (UTC time)
28 days
680 hours
40804 minutes
2448258 secondsAlternative version
It is 28 days, 8 hours, 4 minutes and 18 seconds until mardi 6 novembre 2007 (UTC time)Current time is
2007-10-08 15:55:42 UTCAt time of loading, accuracy was within 0.178 seconds
you're crazy !!!
and Mister Kühn who ask to Peter K if he will cheat the customs. Risking for himself to have a mail from his own customs demanding the import fees with more money for the cost of the administrative treatement. like it is arrive to me because a U.S. seller have send to me a purchase with D.H.L. as I haven't choosen this sending option.posted 10-08-2007 10:12 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Oh, OK. As I said, there would have been absolutely no hurry on my side of things, but if this messes up the process down your line, so to speak, then I'll better let it be. And speaking of exchange rates...I think they heard me and decided to go down once again.But worry not, Mr Kelly, I've got some stuff down my line that needs ordering soon. And maybe, one day, I won't be in Germany any more and so won't have to ask for "special deals", which I primarily ask for in order to avoid customs.
My apologies if I ruffled some feathers. That was not my intent.
posted 10-08-2007 10:18 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
I understand Peter. I felt the brunt of it last year when my bro ordered TTT:CR from Barnes & Noble. They never delivered, I hounded them forever and finally gave up. I ended up losing over $75 there, and then waited for price drop on Amazon (that never came) before ordering again. So TTT:CR cost me over $150 in the final tally. Anyway, I just needed to ventbut oh my, something's welling up within me and I need to stop...
So my point was, it's perfectly fine if you prefer not shipping to India.
On the other hand, if anyone is coming down to India, I'd rather hand-delivery... I'd be eternally grateful and pay you with a sightseeing trip round the country, Earl-style
[Message edited by Earl on 10-08-2007]
posted 10-08-2007 10:32 AM PT (US) Sabsi
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
Oh. My. God.Please tell me you don't have one of these backwards-counting clocks on the wall which you've set for RotK:CR's release...
Actually, I do. And I'm proud of it
Ruckus, I really like your counter. Thanks, I already told everybody near me that I just have to wait 2443895 seconds longer for the CR-release-date.
-Sabsi, who hopefully won't be send to an asylum by her family before she got her RotK-CR
posted 10-08-2007 11:09 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Totally off topic, but Doug if you're a Cubs fan... Im sorry! that wasn't exactly the best display of baseball by the Cubies (long live the Bartman curse).[Message edited by BattleToTheEnd on 10-08-2007]
posted 10-08-2007 02:51 PM PT (US) Strider1002
Standard Userer
Argh. I keep looking at that countdown, but you know, the more you check the time, the slower the time goes by. So I'm just gonna try to concentrate on all the other stuff I have to do, rather than wishing for ROTK music, and November 6th will be here in no time
posted 10-08-2007 04:15 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Strider1002:
Argh. I keep looking at that countdown, but you know, the more you check the time, the slower the time goes by. So I'm just gonna try to concentrate on all the other stuff I have to do, rather than wishing for ROTK music, and November 6th will be here in no time<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
They haven't the good reflexes of jogger who run on long distance and while long time.
they must to be careful to keep breathing until the end if they don't want to have nervous breakdown so near from the goal we want to reech and we're running for since nearly one year.keep breathing, keep breathing: dwarf with natural skill of sprinter....
there are still 28 days until the release of the ROTK-CR
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-09-2007]
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-09-2007]
posted 10-09-2007 02:38 AM PT (US) ruckus
Standard Userer
Hi - just wanted to add to what dambedir posted the other day for Irish and UK readers:46.69 GBP (= 67 EUR) (= 95 USD)
I don't know how Amazon can justify this price difference, even between .co.uk and .de.
[Message edited by ruckus on 10-09-2007]
posted 10-09-2007 05:11 AM PT (US) Thorf
Standard Userer
Still no sign of it on Amazon.co.jp. Here in Japan, I don't really have a lot of choice in where I buy it from, but I have had nothing but good experiences from Amazon.co.jp who have a very useful cash-on-delivery option.Regarding prices, though, as with the UK (where I'm originally from), we can expect the price to be higher than the US prices. I'm expecting Return of the King to be around 9000 yen; right now Fellowship is 7900 while Two Towers is 9000 on Amazon.co.jp.
I just hope they put it up on the site soon so I can pre-order it.
Incidentally, there is a nice big image of the Return of the King cover on Amazon.co.uk now.
http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/61YP9w6F8eL._SS500_.jpgIs that the best we have so far?
posted 10-09-2007 05:31 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
Originally posted by ruckus:
Hi - just wanted to add to what dambedir posted the other day for Irish and UK readers:46.69 GBP (= 67 EUR) (= 95 USD)
I don't know how Amazon can justify this price difference, even between .co.uk and .de.
[Message edited by ruckus on 10-09-2007]
The shipment from USA (ROTK CR is a import) have a cost about $114 if it is deiivered in the faster way (by DHL or other like DHL) That's become something like $80 if there is a great number of copy sended.there is that £0.5 = 1$
$114 = £57/82 € or $80 = 40£/57 €
The only expication is that amazon.de is less expensive than amazon.uk
because in germany it is sell 61€ (Comparing 57€ it's a good price)) and in UK it's £46 (comparing £40 it isn't a good price)Each Amazon of every country is maybe able to pratice the commercial's politic they want to do.
amazon.fr don't sell the ROTK CR at all!!! FOTR CR an TTT CR is only available with Market Place.
does MM is selling CD's with Market place on Amazon ?
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-09-2007]
posted 10-09-2007 05:58 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
I have received the letter from the theatre of "The Châtelet" about the cancellation of the LOTR's SYMPHONY in Paris. (In fact I had reserved for Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 3rd November was without ticket only an e-mail, he is already refunded on my account. And with a ticket for Sunday 4th November.The translation of the form they have to fill for those who had reserved for this happening:
Form (to fill: I add) you must to send back
Concert Howard Shore
2 rue Edouart Colonne 75001 PARIS"
75001 = ZIP CODE
: BLACKED MUST TO BE WRITTEN ON THE ENVELLOPE)(The following is for you write your address)
M./Mme/Melle... (Write your surname cross out all before excepted "M" if you're a man or "Mme" if you're a woman). Prénon= first name.
"Adresse" = address (name of your street and number of your home and other specify of your location if it is necessary. "Ville"=city and COUNTRY.
"Téléphone domicile" = home phone... "Télephone professionnel" = phone of where you work (it's optional to point it out)After it's for how you want to be refunded and for the specify of it.
(For an international booker only the third option is available)
-Par carte bancaire = cash card/credit card
(Indiquer votre numéro de carte et sa date d'expiration..........................................)
= (Number of your cash card/credit card and when it will be expired) **you can write what is your credit card: visa, MasterCard....
And another explanation for the bad commerce of amazon.uk: This invoice for the FOTR-CR!!I don't know how the change between the GBP AND USD was at this time if he was the same as now they have lost £5* on each copy they sold. Maybe they are trying to regain the the moneys lost. (They could only to try me think: D)
(*A fast send of much copy of complete recordings has a cost of £40 each)
1 item - delivery estimate: 19 Dec 2005 - 23 Dec 2005
Order Placed: 13 Dec 2005
Amazon.co.uk order number:
Order Total: £37.87Delivery #1: Dispatched on 14 Dec 2005
Delivery estimate: 19 Dec 2005 - 23 Dec 2005 (More about estimates)
1 package via International Mail
Delivery Address:Delivery Option:
Air Mail
Items Ordered Price[Message edited by dambedir on 10-11-2007]
posted 10-09-2007 11:15 AM PT (US) peschi
Non-Standard Userer
cd pacific will prob start taking preorders in the next couple of weeks. And judging by the releases of FOTR CR and TT CD they will be the cheapest.
posted 10-09-2007 12:21 PM PT (US) PeterK
I am sure many of you appreciate others finding the cheapest place to buy this set, but I'm just a little concerned with the relationship Doug has here with everyone in light of this. I would think for all the time he's spent here answering questions and interacting with you, and all the time Howard Shore's spent writing these scores, our discussion significantly turns to where we can get it for cheapest? I would think we'd be happy to pay even $100 for something like this, all things considered.Just a thought.
posted 10-09-2007 02:17 PM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
I think it also behooves us to consider that this site sells this set and to have prolonged discussions about where we can buy it 'elsewhere' is perhaps, well... a poor decision on our part. I know, for example, that Amazon would not allow discussion of prices at other sites or links to other retailers in its threads (either at amazon or imdb - a site it owns). When I participated in Barnes and Noble's LOTR discussion group, we were not allowed to link to any site that sold any product in competition with B&N.Moviemusic does not ban the discussion of competitor prices or links to their site. But we should not abuse that generosity of spirit.
posted 10-09-2007 03:55 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB