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LOTR Package Update (Page 8)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
How are you guys all listening to this stuff?
posted 10-13-2007 11:02 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
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www.streamingsoundtracks.comThere's a "Listen" button in a column at the left side.
posted 10-13-2007 11:06 AM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Hey all. Been really busy but I created a group on Facebook called "Exploring the music of The Lord of the Rings (by H. Shore)". If any of you are interested in joining that would be awesome! I could use some help with discussing and "teaching my new padawans".Thanks guys and gals.
posted 10-13-2007 11:49 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Their playing "The Paths of the Dead" right now in the US. Seams like their might be some unused music in this one. But be sure to listen to it...SCOREGASIM OVER AND OVER AND OVER[Message edited by BattleToTheEnd on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 11:54 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Over here as well...Internet is global, you know!(I'm so deep into work that I didn't notice for a minute that it was playing...
posted 10-13-2007 11:57 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
What a phat brass chord!
posted 10-13-2007 12:00 PM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
What a [b]phat brass chord![/B]"PHAT" nice choice of words
posted 10-13-2007 12:03 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
Over here as well...Internet is global, you know!(I'm so deep into work that I didn't notice for a minute that it was playing...
I am sorry for you vilain germain !!Allegiance to denethor Soon !!!
it seem that someone have put his arms around my shoulder ! and he said you want to listen the dead singing guy !!
So listen them you're the King !!!I am dead again lol
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 12:05 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
It's Mr Vilain Germain...
posted 10-13-2007 12:15 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
It's [b]Mr Vilain Germain...[/B]good choice of smilie lol
vilain germainposted 10-13-2007 12:25 PM PT (US) Thorf
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Wow, I could have sworn that this was Gladiator... I love Hans Zimmer, but he can certainly get a bit repetitive after a while.(It's actually Dead Man's Chest.)
Unfortunately I have to go to sleep now, but thanks everyone for sharing that nice web radio link. It's rather fun. I'm not hugely enthusiastic about hearing snippets of Return of the King (I'd rather listen to the whole thing in sequence) but I'm a big soundtrack fan anyway.
posted 10-13-2007 12:55 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Missed Paths Of The Dead. Oh well, one down, 50 to goBtw, unused music in Allegiance To Denethor as well!
posted 10-13-2007 01:44 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
The foot of orthanc is coming !!nobody think to this sequence but it's great i think !!
OH20 in europe - 18H20 US PT
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-21-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 03:08 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Cues like "Foot Of Orthanc" have so many little subtleties that don't come out in the film; they're better on album.
posted 10-13-2007 03:43 PM PT (US) Jason
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by NeoVoyager:
Yes, I noticed. And Doug has already responded to this question over at the FSM boards. I quote:"The four-discs here are entirely dedicated to the ROTK score… four discs were necessary because of the length of tracks and the placement of “act” breaks. The parties making the four-disc decision and the parties making the cost decisions are, in fact, entirely separate entities."
I dunno, honestly, I think the 3 "acts" that would be created by the 3discs-of-76-minutes-each version are much more natural and have MUCH better "act breaks" than the 4 disc/act version they settled on. Their version has you changing discs in the middle of scenes. I like my version better.
Not to mention it would create a symmetry with all 3 releases being 3disc/1dvd sets... oh well.
[Message edited by Jason on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 03:48 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
There maybe 3 movies but one history (it's like in the book)there is 10 hours of music in 10 discs.
9 full hours plus 3/4 of an hour
(thank for the distraction 20' left]
posted 10-13-2007 04:01 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I like the idea of those act breaks. I think it's great because it presents the four natural parts of the film, and, for me at least, presents four entities with satisfying ends.
posted 10-13-2007 04:02 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
GRAN------------DI--------------SSI-------------ME !!!!really thank you Howard Shore !!!!!!!!!
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-13-2007]
"the foot of orthanc" is great.
1h45 in europe 19h45 US PT : Osgiliath invaded
let me go to sleep please !!! lol
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 04:32 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
NP: Osgiliath Invaded.I think I just had my first scoregasm ...
EDIT: My god, how the Minas Tirith theme, the Fellowship Theme and all the other themes are interwoven is pure excellence!
[Message edited by gkgyver on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 05:45 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
Osgiliath Invaded............ OMG!It will be much MUCH better with decent sound quality though.
posted 10-13-2007 05:50 PM PT (US) Wedge
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Good sound quality and Doug's commentary! Not to mention in the context of the complete score. I wouldn't read a long-awaited book for the first time via random chapters sent out over the internet in blurry type, and I'll be passing on these files. But hey, they're your ears...[Message edited by Wedge on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 05:57 PM PT (US) alan_manc
Non-Standard Userer
So, we finally know how Gandalf arriving at Minas Tirith during the invasion of Osgiliath would have sounded musically.Im so glad they decided to go with Shore's original intentions for the music rather than following the film.
Wow. That just made the next three weeks painful.
posted 10-13-2007 05:57 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
I want only know how is the scene in this case !are there some go and back between gandalf riding fast because he see (with pippin) what happened from afar and the war in the citadel ??
I think they must be a cue per cue in the annotaded score to understand what's happened really ! if it is not simple. to explain all the sequence of the music.
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-13-2007][Message edited by dambedir on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 06:00 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
This is nearly impossible to cut for an isolated score, but who the hell cares?
Now I know what Doug meant when he said we would get both versions of Gandalf's arrival.I can't get over how brilliant this piece is! The movie version is almost neutered!
If more pieces are improved like this, RotK will be elevated to a whole new level.PS: I know that Christian will bite himself in the a** when he reads this
posted 10-13-2007 06:00 PM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Standard Userer
Originally posted by NeoVoyager:
[B]Osgiliath Invaded............ OMG!
My thoughts exactly!
Anyone else recording it?
I have Sony Audio Forge on standy by!I don't see how I can possibly leave my apartment today...
posted 10-13-2007 06:09 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Of course I'm recording it, what do you think? Although I don't think that will keep me from leaving this house.
Eating, yes, drinking, perhaps, sleep definitely, but I need some fresh airI could ask you for a recording of the Paths Of The Dead, but that would be too disrespectful to the magical team behind this release ... I guess
[Message edited by gkgyver on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 06:16 PM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
A new evil of the ring in "the land of the Shadow" very heavy and powerfull !!!the next is "journey to the crossroad"
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-13-2007]
posted 10-13-2007 07:14 PM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Oooooooooooooooh!! The Land of Shadow was amazing. I think this soundtrack may bring a grown man to tears. J/K only 23 days.
posted 10-13-2007 07:14 PM PT (US) Sabsi
Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
Although I don't think that will keep me from leaving this house.
Eating, yes, drinking, perhaps, sleep definitely, but I need some fresh airHow about opening a window??
My computer shut down 2 seconds before 'Allegiance to Denethor' started, so I missed it
One track per hour, 53 tracks in total. Do you realise, we'll be sitting in front of our computer for the next 2 days??
Best track so far: Osgiliath Invaded. BRILLIANT!!!
posted 10-13-2007 08:23 PM PT (US) Cavalier_of_Palahndtüs
Standard Userer
Cheaters! May Doug and Howard frown upon you.Only 3 weeks away...sheesh. Even I can resist that!.......(maybe)
posted 10-13-2007 08:51 PM PT (US) Sabsi
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Oops, I missed 'The Chalice Passed', not 'Allegiance to Denethor'.
Must be the lack of sleep...The next track is 'The Days of the Ring/King'. I'll take that as a sign - the End Credits will be the last thing I hear 'til November.
I'll listen to the 'real' CR in superb quality in the right order (and not just 'random chapters') with Doug's comments.
Suddenly I think it's not right, I'm taking all the fun out of this: Counting days, guessing how Sissels Song fits in, eagerly awaiting Doug's podcast,...I pass the test. I will stop listening and go to bed. And remain Sabsi.
posted 10-13-2007 09:04 PM PT (US) Aman from Middle-Earth
Non-Standard Userer
Hi all...do you guys remember the "lala" guy?
posted 10-13-2007 09:10 PM PT (US) Strider1002
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Well, it's difficult to resist, but I'm gonna wait until I can hear that music on my suitcase-sized speakers.
It's kind of like fooling around before marriage... I choose to remain chaste (in this instance)
posted 10-13-2007 09:16 PM PT (US) Ralo
Non-Standard Userer
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields is coming VERY soon! I don't know if I dare to listen, this is one of my favorite pieces and it would be bad to listen to it too early. But I think I can't resist it.
posted 10-13-2007 11:47 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
HYPERBOLATION IS HAPPENING.'The Battle of Pelennor Fields' is playing. OMG. OMG. O! M! G!
Temperature approaching critical levels...
posted 10-14-2007 12:16 AM PT (US) Ralo
Non-Standard Userer
Now THAT was wonderful! *doing a little dance of joy*Next one is The Lighting of the Beacon!
[Message edited by Ralo on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 12:19 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
You guys are making my wait for the real deal SO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT!
posted 10-14-2007 12:39 AM PT (US) Thorf
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Incanus, I sympathise completely.But really listening on the radio is just like a little preview of the real thing, and due to the enforced variety on StreamingSoundtracks.com none of us are going to hear the whole album before it is released.
So I suggest that you listen to as much or as little as you like, and that those of us who do choose to listen respect those who don't (or simply can't due to time) and refrain from posting too much about it here.
It just seems too much of a tease at best, and at worst a slap in the face to post pages and pages about radio broadcasts not everyone can hear. Can't we try and keep discussion of the actual music until the release?
But that's just my take on things.
posted 10-14-2007 01:02 AM PT (US) ilovehobbits
Non-Standard Userer
Just hearing all this talk about the sound clips is enough excitement to keep me going until next month. It does make it more painful, but it's a good pain!
posted 10-14-2007 01:19 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
How finish days of the rings ?I slept while pelennor's field and day o the rings !! what a pity !!
morphee I hate you !! you've taken me by force !!
posted 10-14-2007 02:20 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB