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LOTR Package Update (Page 9)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
"For Frodo" is due in a couple of minutes (which I will not listen to...).So who of you GEEKS stayed up half the night to listen to this?
Oh yeah, I lost count...who needs Kleenex?
CKposted 10-14-2007 03:08 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
great "for frodo" !!!!be carefull for brain's harm !! so emotional
posted 10-14-2007 03:32 AM PT (US) Thorf
Standard Userer
Hey, I'll have you know it's 7 pm here and I've only been listening all afternoon. :-PI must confess though, great as the Complete Recordings are, it's all the other soundtracks that has kept me at that site all day. I mean, I'll be quite happy to wait and listen to Howard Shore's opus when it is released, but for now I'm enjoying all the great music of other composers too.
posted 10-14-2007 04:00 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
I still don't get it.How do you know when a track will play?Now,it's 1:35 EET and it says that the queue lenght for the next ROTK track(i presume) is about 1Hr 30 Mns.So,in 90 minutes i should log online and listen to the next ROTK:CR track(whichever it might be)?
I hit listen,choose the download option and a track from Eragon plays......2 minutes ago it was another OST
[Message edited by Beren on 10-14-2007]
[Message edited by Beren on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 04:36 AM PT (US) Ralo
Non-Standard Userer
You click on "Queue Length" and get a list of the tracks that are about to be played.
posted 10-14-2007 04:44 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Turn in now and Shieldmaiden of Rohan will be playing next!
posted 10-14-2007 04:50 AM PT (US) Thorf
Standard Userer
Beren, it's like the radio. Songs play by request, and there can only be one song for each artist/album on the playlist at one time. So the Return of the King tunes come at least an hour, usually more like 90 minutes apart.
posted 10-14-2007 05:16 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Aha,thanks for the advice...heeey,but that's like spoiling
posted 10-14-2007 05:21 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Could somebody please request "Harry in Winter" for me? I really need to hear this...
posted 10-14-2007 05:57 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
I don't how it happened that we can hear the ROTK-cr on Radio on the Web but I really thank you the personne involved in this !!Doug, It's you ???
posted 10-14-2007 06:07 AM PT (US) orbital
Standard Userer
As requested by ThorfThe Fellowship Reunited (Featuring Sir James Galway & Viggo Mortensen)
is coming up in about 10 minutes...
posted 10-14-2007 06:07 AM PT (US) Aman from Middle-Earth
Non-Standard Userer
Very soon "The Fellowship Reunited" will be played
posted 10-14-2007 06:08 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
"The Lonely Shepherd"...romanian music...(off the topic, i know
[Message edited by Beren on 10-14-2007]
[Message edited by Beren on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 06:13 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Spoling time in 30 seconds...
posted 10-14-2007 06:15 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
It's...it's..it's sooo beautifuuuul and cheerfuuuuul
posted 10-14-2007 06:18 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
The whole time I'm waiting for The Crack Of Doom, with the unused finale music.
Which lunatics request the end credits music that they can hear any given hour of the day by popping in the DVD?Last Debate is up next. I'm curious how Sissel is involved in this.
[Message edited by gkgyver on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 06:21 AM PT (US) Beren
Standard Userer
Thorf...?He cut my line too
.Hey i just heard an unused part towards the beggining of the last 3 minutes...or at least i think so...it was smth "shiresih"...cool
...again,the last 40 seconds; don't remember this in the movie or maybe i'm wrong
[Message edited by Beren on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 06:28 AM PT (US) Matthijs
Standard Userer
If I heard correctly, there was a little bit of music almost entirely the same as when Frodo is standing on the beach at the end of The Fellowship with the ring in his hands, right before he hears Gandalf's voice.posted 10-14-2007 06:30 AM PT (US) Thorf
Standard Userer
gkgyver, instead of waiting for a certain track to play why don't you speak up? Then we can all go for the same track.I do not appreciate being referred to as a lunatic.
Edit: And now it's queued.
[Message edited by Thorf on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 06:46 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
I have the feeling this is slowly getting a bit out of control. No matter how magnificent the music is or how enthusiastic you are about it: It. Is. Just. Music. Scoregasms are nice, without a doubt, but some people come over as a bit unhinged right now.So, everybody, please get a grip!
Christianposted 10-14-2007 07:31 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
... says the man who made a list of his five favourite scores of each year since the 30sAnyway, Thorf, that was meant to be funny, I didn't mean it in a hurtful way, sorry.
But I really don't get the request system; I visit the ROTK page, and all tracks are already requested, and yet, when someone asks for a certain track in the chat, it's isntantly queued; I find that a little bizarre.Thank you for processing my request, though!
posted 10-14-2007 07:38 AM PT (US) Thorf
Standard Userer
It's very simple: you can't queue a track from the album until there are no other tracks already in the queue. Which means you have to make your request at some point after the track has left the queue, i.e. when it has started playing.To make things a little more complicated, you can't do it immediately when the Return of the King track has started playing, probably because the queue takes a moment to update. But within about 30 seconds you can usually queue up a song.
I hope that helps you. The key time to be at the computer is just before the Return of the King track starts playing. Obviously if you want to make a request you have to sacrifice some of your attention to the music.
In short: when the track starts to play, make a request, and keep retrying until it goes through. Then sit back and listen. When the current track is finished, the track you requested should play within an hour and a half or so.
posted 10-14-2007 07:50 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
*shakes fists at all u guys listening to the random snippets*I can't believe that after waiting so long for ROTK:CR, you guys would do this. Maybe it's just me, but I feel its disrespectful to Shore and Doug that ROTK:CR be received this way. It's a work of art that should be appreciated in its entirety and the way it is intended for the audience by the artists.
Doug (and maybe Shore as well) take a lot of pain to release bits and pieces of interesting (and sometimes unused) music on the podcasts, Doug aligns his voice perfectly with those bits of music and enjoys teasing us fans like that. The FOTR and TTT podcasts were meant to be "teasers" while answering questions about these releases. I believe the same about ROTK's podcasts. They're meant to tide us over till the release, at least I thought so.
I guess this post would make me pretty unpopular here, but in my opinion, I don't think anyone intended for ROTK:CR to be released like this. Some might find justification in the fact that indulging in just a little bit of ROTK's music (as compared to a whopping 3 hrs. 50 mins) is not wrong, but then all are entitled to their own beliefs.
I think we're taking for granted the fact that Doug has been very approachable these past years and his giving us inside information on the process pre-release is way different to what's happening now.
posted 10-14-2007 08:31 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
all is programmed you can only don't ask other tracks to shortened the wait between rotk-cr track .it can be shorter than about one hour
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 08:32 AM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Earl:
I guess this post would make me pretty unpopular here, but in my opinion, I don't think anyone intended for ROTK:CR to be released like this. Some might find justification in the fact that indulging in just a little bit of ROTK's music (as compared to a whopping 3 hrs. 50 mins) is not wrong, but then all are entitled to their own beliefs.I hear ya! The first time I will listen to this music will be when I have the set. Which will be on Christmas Day. With hot tea, a good book and my mother's cookies.
I respect this music too much to listen to it in inferior quality and out-of-sequence.
I caught about 90 seconds on SST.com, simply because I didn't tune out quickly enough.
CK, proud to be 99%-pure on this!
posted 10-14-2007 09:04 AM PT (US) BattleToTheEnd
Standard Userer
Did you recover from your all nighter Georg? And you too Rom, you were there all night and morning too.
posted 10-14-2007 09:06 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
How is that disrespectful? The set was sent to them by Reprise Records, so there's no funny business going on.
What about the AOL listening parties? They have scores as an audio stream before release as well. Is that disrespectful?I don't see how it could probably insult Howard Shore to listen to a legitimate copy of the set through a legitimate radio station, and having goosebumps every 30 seconds.
If it had leaked to a P2P network, different story, but this?
posted 10-14-2007 09:23 AM PT (US) Sabsi
Standard Userer
Earl, I agree with you. But I couldn't resist and listened to a few tracks yesterday. And I couldn't resist 'The Last Debate' (Sissel!) and 'Crack of Doom', the track I was most looking forward to. I even started to cry, because the untracked Version of the '4th Age of Gondor'-Theme is sooo beautiful(another emotional moment...). I deeply regret that I couldn't wait and that I won't have my first listen in proper quality, which - I'm sure - would have caused even more emotions...From now on, I'll refrain from listening to another track and look forward to the podcast!
posted 10-14-2007 09:23 AM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Standard Userer
For Frodo... doh, I missed the first few seconds. Was the big choral rendition of the Fellowship Theme at the very beginning of the track?posted 10-14-2007 09:31 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
gee... after all the browbeating I do about illegal activities, I find no problem with listening to - what appears to be - a completely legal broadcast of music. I spend large amounts of time pondering the right and wrong of life, the respectful - the disrespectful... and it never occurred to me I was being disrespectful to either Shore or Adams in regards to listening to a legal copy of music when and how I wish to.If I wait for the release to arrive at my doorstep do I have to listen to it a certain way to be respectful? Do I have to read the liner notes while I listen? Or the annotated score? Do I have to listen the tracks in order? Do I have to listen on a top notch sound system or can I listen from my walkman? You might decide that there are parameters on how you want to listen but when did that become a matter of respect to the composer?
If this were illegal, I'd have a completely different attitude. And even that is personal. I am uncomfortable with discussing illegal activities in public forums because it taints everyone in association with that forum. I can live with people making their choices but keeping illicit stuff private and personal.
But, if there's nothing illegal about broadcasting this music then I say that we all get our choice on what to do and we get to talk about it if we wish. (although, even though I enjoy this music and it makes me very happy... it is just music and there's a lot of drama floating around right now.)
Do what you want and judge all you want. My conscious is clear. I don't feel like I'm being disrespectful to anyone.
posted 10-14-2007 09:33 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
For Frodo... doh, I missed the first few seconds. Was the big choral rendition of the Fellowship Theme at the very beginning of the track?Yes. The choral overdub starts a bar earlier
than it does in the film.[Message edited by Jim Ware on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 09:35 AM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Magpie:
gee... after all the browbeating I do about illegal activities, I find no problem with listening to - what appears to be - a completely legal broadcast of music.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>
I can't comprehend the negativity either. No one's forcing anyone to listen to it, and if we can't discuss this music in the official thread for the score, where can we?If some people don't want to read about the music before they hear it, then don't read the thread.
Reprise records are thanked on the homepage for providing the CDs, so if the record company is happy for it to be streamed online, then I'm more than happy to listen to it.
I can't for the life of me see how Doug or Howard would be annoyed. Surely no one could be that annal?
[Message edited by CaptPorridge on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 09:41 AM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
There is nothing bad about listening to the RotK in advance if you have the chance. I say let everybody enjoy it from the bottom of their hearts if they choose to do so. It is legal after all.
But what I do not like is this huge list of posts after every track proclaiming these scoregasms. For those who choose to wait for the actual set it becomes very irritating very quickly.I do not want to sound like I am taking any moral high ground as there is none or sound somehow preachy. As fun as it is to share your joy of hearing this long awaited music there are other people here who have not.
And so I hope we could continue discussing something we all could take part in.posted 10-14-2007 09:55 AM PT (US) Earl
Standard Userer
Well, I wasn't stating that anything illegal was going on. As I said, it's very subjective. I'm not judging anyone, but I just felt that I needed to voice my opinion on this board, since as friends, we're welcome to share our thoughts here at whiles. No personal insult/insinuation was intended.That said, the reason I posted what I did was because I feel that at least as far as the LOTR:CR releases go, they aren't just about "the music". They're about Shore, Doug and all the guys behind the scenes working hard over this past year to come up with the beautifu artwork, the package, the liners and everything else that upholds the music.
This streaming music might be a totally legal thing happening, but it reminds me of someone standing outside a restaurant and serving free samples at the corner - like, here's a taste of what you'll get if you go in.
I'm not saying this streaming thing will affect sales, because it won't. I'm just saying that an artist should be respected by way of respecting his/her art the way the artist presents it. The CRs were presented as an accompaniment to the movies and maybe I'm just naive, but I thought that everyone was waiting to listen to the music recreate that storytelling magic. But does that include the way one listens to the music? I think not. For I myself have only a CD-discman that I can listen to, but I feel that as long as I have the original art of an artist, it's in my capacity to enjoy it with the means I have, however poor and inferior they may be to the art itself. (No one said a colourblind person would not appreciate the Mona Lisa.)
That brings me to wonder, if it's cool to hear random bits of music, why did anyone care how Gandalf's arrival would be presented? I mean, as long as you get the music right?
Edit: And just to reiterate, this is just a personal opinion and I'm not trying to look down at anyone or point fingers. Just as we each of us appreciate LOTR's music and share our experiences here, I thought I'd put in my bit. My pre-experience
so to speak.
[Message edited by Earl on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 10:08 AM PT (US) CaptPorridge
Standard Userer
I do in a small way admire the patience to resist and of course the decision to save the first listening expderience until possession of the set.But with regards to listening to the whole thing in order upon receiving it, I was never going to do that anyway. I always go straight to specific tracks I want to listen to first and then get to know the whole thing later. And personally, at the moment I couldn't find 4 quiet hours to relax and focus on the music, as much as I like the idea.
I don't see it being in any way disrespectful towards Doug or Howard to listen to a track on Disc 3 before listening to the first track of disc 1. I find the idea that that is in any way disrespectful absolutely absurd.
And I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so I for one will be all over that site for the next week or so.
Regarding people not listening getting annoyed at people discussing the music, while I think it ridiculous to complain about the ROTK score being discussed on the official ROTK thread, splitting this thread into two would solve that little problem.
A thread for those listening and those not. And then further divide the thread for those who receive the set the first day of release because those in other countries still awaiting the set may also get annoyed at people discussing the music before they can listen to it.
Argh I'm just being silly... prochrastinating because I have lots of other things I should be doing.
For those yet to hear some of the new set, rest assured you're in for some amazing stuff.
[Message edited by CaptPorridge on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 11:02 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by BattleToTheEnd:
Did you recover from your all nighter Georg? And you too Rom, you were there all night and morning too.<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>Sorry I have not the habit to be called "Rom" in france they say Romu (romü)but in english that is no sound maybe right...
I have only slept 6 hours (a little less) enough to miss "the pelenor field" !!
but I am right with the discovering of the ROTK CR ! again (as u know) !!!
And you (U) I don't think you have try to strike your best longer night . lol[Message edited by dambedir on 10-14-2007]
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 11:14 AM PT (US) Strider1002
Standard Userer
So, those of you who are pre-listening, what are some of the highlights that we may not have expected?
posted 10-14-2007 11:26 AM PT (US) dambedir
Standard Userer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:</font><HR size=1>Originally posted by Strider1002:
So, those of you who are pre-listening, what are some of the highlights that we may not have expected?<HR size=1></BLOCKQUOTE>IT seem to me that aragorn leaving gondor has a dream like in TTT and this is Sissel's song....
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-14-2007]
[Message edited by dambedir on 10-14-2007]
posted 10-14-2007 11:30 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
This streaming music might be a totally legal thing happening, but it reminds me of someone standing outside a restaurant and serving free samples at the corner - like, here's a taste of what you'll get if you go in.Of course it's that. What else? Do you think this radio stream may be a potential substitute for the real thing?
These previews happen all the time.quote:
That brings me to wonder, if it's cool to hear random bits of music, why did anyone care how Gandalf's arrival would be presented? I mean, as long as you get the music right?What has one thing to do with the other? And yes, I really don't care whether the alternate arrival of Gandalf moves one or two spots up or down the track list.
Maybe my thoughts are too simple here, maybe I don't "get it", but I don't see how it could stir bickering if we are all surprisingly allowed to listen to Return Of The King a month earlier perfectly legally.
I mean, come on, how picky can you get?If you don't want to, sure, why not? But assuming taking advantage of that would insult anyone is really absurd.
About highlights ... look no further than "Crack Of Doom" and "Osgiliath Invaded". There's also some nifty unused music for Pippin looking into the Palantir.
posted 10-14-2007 12:00 PM PT (US) Incanus
Standard Userer
From what you describe Georg there is considerable amount of unused material on the CRBut that is no wonder considering Shore was putting out 5 to 6 minutes of music daily during the RotK scoring sessions and they kept chaging the film every 5 minutes. But hey I am not complaining. All descriptions you have made promise one score to rule them all
It will be interesting to read Doug's Annotated score and all the explanations about that music. There is bound to be extensive commentary on the unused stuff.
posted 10-14-2007 12:11 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB