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LOTR Package Update (Page 13)
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Topic: LOTR Package Update
Standard Userer
Well, you have to consider that these things piled up since, say, 2004.
At the time, I didn't want to wait for some complete soundtracks to come out, so I did many of these transcriptions based on the audio track from the DVD.
That's why the occasional detail may be missing on some pieces because the SFX didn't allow a deeper listen.I had no idea we would very soon get the CRs, so I recorded some of my favourite pieces using orchestral sampling. That was around the time I was still learning how to orchestrate and, generally, write music.
I should do a website or somethingYou should hear my recreation of Anduril's reforging ... lol
That's almost entertainment[Message edited by gkgyver on 01-10-2008]
posted 01-10-2008 09:13 PM PT (US) PeterK
Anyone want to provide a simple answer to the question on this page?:
http://www.soundtrackinfo.com/title/lordoftherings3-complete.aspScroll down for it. I know this has been discussed here (at the moment I cannot recall and don't have the time to check), but it would be helpful to have an answer on that page as well.
Thank you....
posted 01-11-2008 09:57 AM PT (US) Blue Dude
Non-Standard Userer
Yes, definitely all region. None of the three DVD's are region coded.
posted 01-11-2008 04:11 PM PT (US) Anya_Angie
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I cannot WAIT for this! I don't even have the first two yet (in these versions anyway). I'm hoping to get them for my birthday!!! Course that's a few months away...
posted 01-11-2008 04:14 PM PT (US) gkgyver
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I forgot to add: if you want some, you can of course contact me.
posted 01-11-2008 06:24 PM PT (US) eggerty
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Well, Amazon UK have now said that they are unable to get hold of this set and have cancelled my order.The distribution of this set has been a bl***y disgrace.
posted 01-12-2008 04:59 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
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ROTK OST BreakdownEnjoy! I don't have the time to list every single edit or bar deletion, but this should give an idea of how the original album was assembled.
posted 01-16-2008 01:54 PM PT (US) PeterK
Blue Dude and Sabsi, thanks for helping out up there on the DVD encoding question!
posted 01-16-2008 03:07 PM PT (US) ruckus
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Thanks for the breakdown, Jim.
posted 01-18-2008 07:30 AM PT (US) Aman from Middle-Earth
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This might sound like a stupid question but...Although Amazon might say that there are ROTK CRs available, are they actually available?
I don't want to order one and then not get one. My parents previously ordered one from Circuit City (bad idea) and I kept checking the status online and at one point it showed that the order was processed but then I looked at the Order number and, in its place, it said "order cancelled."Actually, I think I might order from Barnes & Noble because they are the only ones who I've bought the CRs from.
[Message edited by Aman from Middle-Earth on 01-20-2008]
posted 01-20-2008 06:05 PM PT (US) Maestro Sartori
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blah[Message edited by Maestro Sartori on 02-11-2008]
posted 01-21-2008 12:42 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
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SO... to stray from the more heated matters regarding this wondrous music:Now that we've all had (*cough* sorry - most of us have had) a decent amount of time with the RotK set, which score is your favorite of the three now and why?
After long consideration, I think I've decided that in light of the CRs, my favorite of the three is...
The Fellowship of the Ring.
There, I said it.
See, without exception, I greatly prefer scores that do not sound like they are synced to images. Oftentimes in many of my favorite scores, I cannot detect any syncing to picture or scene breaks... they just sound like concert music. This is obviously a result of being first a classical fan and second a film music fan, but that's how it is.
That said, I think one can understand why I crowned the first of the three my favorite. The Two Towers began to be quite fragmented almost from the get-go, and by the third disc it's so extreme that I practically never listen to anything past "The Breach of the Deeping Wall."
The Return of the King? Whew! Here, unified and flowing pieces are definitely the exception rather than the norm. Of course I understand that the producers were trying to make it all chronological (and that most fans were clamoring for this as well), but chronological presentation at the expense of listenability is a very sad trade-off in my listening tastes. That's not to say I dislike the third score, but it's just not what the first was.
Anyone else care to share their picks and opinions?
[Message edited by NeoVoyager on 01-21-2008]
posted 01-21-2008 02:14 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
For those interested, the first half of "The Lighting Of The Beacons" transcription (until Aragorn sees the beacon) is DONE!My mail address should be visible in my profile.
About my favourite LotR score ... you know, that very tricky. And I hate to pick out a favourite. Like you said, when listening to Fellowship, every track seems like a coherent suite. But that is due to the film being a lot more linear than the other two.
That being said, the reason why it's not my favourite one is simple. Fellowship has all themes in their "raw", basic form, which is understandable, since they need to be introduced. But in Two Towers and Return Of The King, all these themes sound alot more interesting because you really see where they are heading and what they do in the big picture. Plus, they are just more interesting orchestrally.Now, remember, this sense of development and purpose wouldn't exist without Fellowship's excellent set-up, but would, for instance, Nature's Reclamation in FOTR have the same impact in all subsequent listens if you didn't exactly know how and when this theme climaxes in ROTK?
I think why many people hold FOTR up as the best one is mainly because it has the bonus of re-evoking the feelings you had when you first heard those themes.You are right, when I first heard TTT's score in the theatre (even on the EE), I thought it was a bit, what's the word, "incoherent". But I largely blame the incredible amount of editing that has evidently been done to the score. On the CR, TTT is as coherent as I could have ever wished for.
When evaluating each score, you also have to take into account what mood each one sets. If I was in the mood for grandeur and magic, I wouldn't exactly listen to TTT or large parts of ROTK.
Out of all three scores, TTT is, IMO, by far the most mature, "grown-up". The whole Forests Of Ithilien/Henneth Annun sequence is amazing in its subtlety (a most overlooked part!).
You have to be in the mood for TTT, no question. And yet, from all three films, I think it has the most astounding finale. It shifts tone and swerves around flawlessly, and the transition between film and credits gives one goosebumps.You wrote ROTK is not how we started. Well, I certainly hope so!
Honestly, I would have been pretty dissapointed had Shore not switched mood and, partially, style from time to time. You know ROTK isn't FOTR right after the first 50 seconds, no doubt. But does it need to be? *Should* it be, that's the question. Of course not!
That would contradict the whole concept. Has ROTK vastly different orchestrations compared to FOTR? No. It's just the way themes are combined and tweaked that makes it sound different.Once you come to realise that, ROTK is a marvellous score. I don't think any LOTR score is an immediate attention grabber when listened on their own for the first time.
At least that's my experience.
You listen to it, you turn it off, and somehow it sticks in your mind. After a couple of listens, you're hooked.
It's also not the kind of music that has the "humming" quality of other scores. It's music that was purely made for listening and feeling. You also don't have the real urge to hum along or anything. You just listen because it's fascinating and thrilling.That's largely true of all Shore scores, however
posted 01-21-2008 03:48 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
<<< But that is due to the film being a lot more linear than the other two. >>>Yes, of course. I just didn't mention this in my post merely because it seemed kinda obvious.
<<< I think why many people hold FOTR up as the best one is mainly because it has the bonus of re-evoking the feelings you had when you first heard those themes. >>>
A little bit of clarification is in order. I believe TTT is probably a better score than FotR, and RotK is better than both of them. All of my misgivings come from the way the music is presented on the CRs (which I am exclusively using to evaluate the scores).
<<< Out of all three scores, TTT is, IMO, by far the most mature, "grown-up". The whole Forests Of Ithilien/Henneth Annun sequence is amazing in its subtlety (a most overlooked part!). >>>
Not by me!
Whenever I think of my favorite parts of TTT, "Glamdring" and the Ithilien scenes ("The Forests of Ithilien," "Rock and Pool," and "Faramir's Good Council") spring immediately to mind. I'm always one for somber, understated music.
<<< You wrote ROTK is not how we started. Well, I certainly hope so!
Again, I was unclear in my meaning there. I meant that it just isn't the listenable and cohesive thing that FotR is, though the music is better than FotR. The evolution of the scores is undoubtedly one of their many virtues.
posted 01-21-2008 04:18 PM PT (US) Horner
Standard Userer
Whou! Where has this threat gone? I really had to look for it... after monthes of vivid discussions in this threat, it started to calm down a bit, he?Well, here is a small up-date depending the Fellowship-concert in Lucerne. The two concerts in February (23rd and 24th) are almost sold out! So we decided to do another concert on March 29th 2008. So everyone, who has not yet the chance to get a ticket, mark march 29th in your appointment calendar.
All best
posted 01-25-2008 07:25 AM PT (US) Magpie
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Just wanted to point people to Doug's blog where he's hinting heavily at Guillermo del Toro directing The Hobbit and, we can assume, with Shore composing (since his blog is primarily a Shore/soundtrack focused blog).[Message edited by Magpie on 01-29-2008]
posted 01-29-2008 05:41 AM PT (US) ThomasR
Non-Standard Userer
Sagaciously pointed out!
posted 01-30-2008 12:08 AM PT (US) alcaeru
Non-Standard Userer
Originally posted by gkgyver:
For those interested, the first half of "The Lighting Of The Beacons" transcription (until Aragorn sees the beacon) is DONE!My mail address should be visible in my profile.
gkgyver, I haven't been able to get your email but could you please email your transcriptions to <alcaeru@gmail.com>. I am currently working on some transcriptions for piano and it would be a great help if you could lend me your work.
If anyone wants what I have worked on then email me at the same address.
posted 01-30-2008 10:39 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
Morning/evening all,well, after having finally managed to get the money for the Lucerne trip together, I found out that it's sold out.
Heh! I know, I know, I could have arranged this sooner, but finishing a degree and acquitting myself to post-diploma stress syndrome took priority. However, I'm quite loth to pass up the opportunity of meeting with some LotR folk or to finally get Doug Adams a few of the pints I've been promising him since forever...
I'm currently trying to sort this out somehow (could I, like, be seated in the tenors' section of the choir?!), and I've got a few short questions: who of you is going to be there (apart from Sabine
!) and where are you staying? I tentatively plan on staying in Luzern's youth hostel, which, while a bit pricey, is still my best bet. Anybody willing to share a room with a Bavarian (which rules our local Franconian out, of course!
What else? I've finally got RotK:CR and eventually got around to listen to it and what can I say? Scoregasm!
I hope everybody is well and would be happy about some clues,
posted 02-05-2008 02:45 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
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So seriously, what's happening to the ROTK:CR? Apparently, stores all over Europe (and Intrada as well, it seems) are taking it out of their catalogue because they're classifying it as not only unavailable, but not going to be available again in the future.
posted 02-05-2008 11:00 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
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Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
who of you is going to be there (apart from Sabine!) and where are you staying?
I'll be there, now that I'm appropriately armed with plane, train and concert tickets. If I could find my hotel reservation e-mail I'd let you know where I'm supposed to be staying.
posted 02-05-2008 01:38 PM PT (US) Kungfuyu
Non-Standard Userer
How's the book coming along, Doug? It's been awfully quiet....
posted 02-11-2008 04:28 PM PT (US) gkgyver
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Not here: http://themusicofthelordoftheringsfilms.blogspot.com/
posted 02-12-2008 10:07 AM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
I like this:iF: Many of your fans would love to hear the music you scored for Peter Jackson's KING KONG. Is there a chance of a release?
SHORE: Yes, there is.posted 02-12-2008 12:49 PM PT (US) Horner
Standard Userer
Terrible news!Doug Adams is having bronchitis and now lays at the hospital emergency room. The doctors didn't give him the permission to fly. He will try to get to Lucerne until saturday evening but chances don't seem to be too good...
All best
[Message edited by Horner on 02-21-2008]
posted 02-21-2008 07:00 AM PT (US) brutus
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Horner:
Terrible news!Doug Adams is having bronchitis and now lays at the hospital emergency room. The doctors didn't give him the permission to fly. He will try to get to Lucerne until saturday evening but chances don't seem to be too good...
All best
[Message edited by Horner on 02-21-2008]Awww - I just read this morning for the first time that he's up for a talk with Howard Shore prior to the concert. That was so exciting news and now this - bummer.
Anyway, I hope he gets well in time to be able to come to Switzerland.
All the best from me tooposted 02-21-2008 12:14 PM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
Is there anyone else available to take on the pre-concert talk duties?
posted 02-21-2008 12:26 PM PT (US) Horner
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The pre-concert talk will take place! No doubt.
We're working on it.posted 02-21-2008 02:01 PM PT (US) Olorin
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Personally, I just hope Doug gets well and doesn't have relapses, considering what a friend he's been to this forum and to all lovers of Shore's incredible LOTR music. Bronchitis can be a nasty illness. My cousin had a recurring problem with bronchitis a number of years ago. He had it like 4 times, each time being about over it when it came roaring back.Doug has undoubtedly worked himself ragged with the LOTR CR project over the last few years, and certainly deserves a good long vacation on some tropical beach somewhere, where they serve drinks with those little paper umbrellas in them. So Doug, rest up, get better, and as soon as you can, schedule yourself some great R&R somewhere far from work and deadlines! :-)
posted 02-21-2008 05:41 PM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
Oh my, that's indeed shocking! I happen to labour over bronchitis for three months now, and it can really be a pain.
I have allergical asthma, so that's a very different story, but still ...You have to be careful that it doesn't end up in a pneumonia, so take care of yourself, Doug!
posted 02-22-2008 05:46 AM PT (US) Magpie
Standard Userer
gkgyver... I also flirt with asthma and I had a bout of pneumonia (after a few episodes of bronchitis) that sent the asthma spiraling out of control. I ended up at a specialist and on steroid inhalers and finally got it under control. All in all, between the pneumonia and the out of control asthma... I was out of sorts for almost 6 months. A latter bout of bronchitis put my voice out of whack and I was hoarse for a prolonged period... and couldn't 'sing' (I could, but only hoarsely) for almost a year and half.So I am now quite protective of my lungs and voice. I try to avoid irritants (cats, cigarette smoke, fireplace smoke, chemicals...) and sick people, and never shout. When I have to talk a lot, I keep hydrated. It makes one look like a hypochondriac, but one has to experience these issues to totally understand how much they impact one's general health.
posted 02-22-2008 06:13 AM PT (US) gkgyver
Standard Userer
I'm lucky in as far as I never had pneumonia. And I never really had that much problems with my asthma until last year (end of 2006).
Back then, I first got a light bronchitis that I didn't take care of, which then "evolved" in a full crisis of the upper breathing apparatus; laryngitis, thyroiditis, angina, bronchitis ... I had to take antibiotics and cortisol for several weeks.
I tried it without at first, but once you've a constant fear of suffocating, your priorities kind of change.
And the continuous inflammation of the thyroid caused a lump that had to be surgically removed (thank god it turned out to be benign) in December.
That calmed down in January 2007, but that year started hay fever extremely early and heavy, so that put a dent in me as well.I believe that I've never really fully recovered from that double-shot, so that's probably the reason the infections I get are always so stubborn since then.
Of course, in addition to that, I'm allergic to animal hairs and house dust.
Great fun, all around!posted 02-22-2008 07:43 AM PT (US) Jim Ware
Standard Userer
I didn't mean to sound like a heartless bastard in my earlier post; I hope Doug gets better soon!Anyway, I've just arrived in Lucerne (after nearly being fined 100CHF on the train due to my own incompetence).
posted 02-22-2008 02:51 PM PT (US) Christian Kühn
Standard Userer
First-minute report (0:55 am) from the live performance of FotR in Lucerne, Switzerland:YEEEHHAAAAAAAWWWW!!!!
What an awesome night! Full report coming soon!
Sabsi, Jim, Andy (aka Eorl), Basil (aka Horner) and ChristianPS: Georg, where the hell were you? You missed the group photo (with Howard Shore!)
posted 02-23-2008 04:55 PM PT (US) NeoVoyager
Standard Userer
See, Christian, this is why you had to wait sooooo long for the RotK box set... to even out your LotR 'karma', so to speak.If you got the box set earlier AND got to attend this FotR concert premiere AND snapped a group photo with Howard Shore, you just might not have survived to tell us all about it. You should be thankful it turned out the way it did, sonny!
posted 02-23-2008 05:38 PM PT (US) brutus
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Christian Kühn:
First-minute report (0:55 am) from the live performance of FotR in Lucerne, Switzerland:[b]YEEEHHAAAAAAAWWWW!!!!
What an awesome night! Full report coming soon!
Sabsi, Jim, Andy (aka Eorl), Basil (aka Horner) and ChristianPS: Georg, where the hell were you? You missed the group photo (with Howard Shore!)
Just came home from the concert. Tremendously exciting evening! I remember how amazingly close to the recorded score the 21th Century Orchestra under the baton of Ludwig Wicki was last year when they performed the symphony.
And the same was true for today.
Great, great concert.
And the handshake with Howard Shore was the icing on the cakeposted 02-23-2008 05:59 PM PT (US) Horner
Standard Userer
During the pre-concert talk, Howard Shore did mention, that they are currently working on "The Hobbit". So we get more hours of LotR-music...
posted 02-24-2008 03:34 AM PT (US) Magpie
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Horner: that comment is way too brief for those of us who couldn't be there.If you (or anyone else who attended) can work up more detail, that would be great. I think TheOneRing.net might also be interested in anything Shore had to say about The Hobbit... although I thought they might be interested in other things people have written up but TORn did not publish what I suggested they send them. So I'm reluctant to encourage anyone to do 'extra' work for them anymore. But I know the members of the forum at TORn would love to hear. They depend on Earl and I to report the latest news from this community.
posted 02-24-2008 07:31 AM PT (US) Timdalf
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Magpie:
>>>Horner: that comment is way too brief for those of us who couldn't be there.<<<Hear! Hear!!! Doug has also asked for any and all reactions, impressions, conclusions and whatever to Lucerne on his blog... (See Report from Hses of Healing) He says he's on the mend, by the way....
My questions: Did it work? How did it work? Did it enhance your experience of Film and/or music? If you were new (hard to imagine, right?!) to Film or music, would this be the best way to start? Let's have details on Maestro Shore's comments... Any particular moment visually or aurally stand out? How does this compare with the usual theatrical experience, the home experience of Film and CR's? Audience reactions during and after... Was it a special communal experience? Etc, etc, etc...
Timdalf who is all ears!
posted 02-24-2008 12:56 PM PT (US) brutus
Standard Userer
At first it was a somewhat "strange" experience - foremost a concert but "rivaled" to a certain degree by the movie. And a movie experience where the music really takes over the narrative part, especially when the orchestra gets louder and almost completely wipes away the dialogue and the sound effects.
Now that I type this I realize that I find it difficult to describe in an accurate way.
Maybe this would fit: a concert of the complete score, moderated by the movie.
Anyway, I'm sure others will find better ways to describe it but so much I can tell you - I'll go hear and see it once again next month and I can't wait for next year's Two Towers installment which should be on stage around March 2009
posted 02-24-2008 02:14 PM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB